Keeping Iraq's Oil In the Ground



Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
oil stayed in the ground?

"Keeping Iraq's Oil In the Ground
By Greg Palast, AlterNet
Posted on June 14, 2006, Printed on April 15, 2008

World oil production today stands at more than twice the
15-billion a-year maximum projected by Shell Oil in 1956 --
and reserves are climbing at a faster clip yet. That leaves
the question, Why this war?

Did Dick Cheney send us in to seize the last dwindling
supplies? Unlikely. Our world's petroleum reserves have
doubled in just twenty-five years -- and it is in Shell's
and the rest of the industry's interest that this doubling
doesn't happen again. The neo-cons were hell-bent on raising
Iraq's oil production. Big Oil's interest was in suppressing
production, that is, keeping Iraq to its OPEC quota or less.
This raises the question, did the petroleum industry, which
had a direct, if hidden, hand, in promoting invasion,
cheerlead for a takeover of Iraq to prevent overproduction?

It wouldn't be the first time. If oil is what we're looking
for, there are, indeed, extra helpings in Iraq. On paper,
Iraq, at 112 billion proven barrels, has the second largest
reserves in OPEC after Saudi Arabia. That does not make
Saudi Arabia happy. Even more important is that Iraq has
fewer than three thousand operating wells... compared to one
million in Texas.

That makes the Saudis even unhappier. It would take a decade
or more, but start drilling in Iraq and its reserves will
about double, bringing it within gallons of Saudi Arabia's
own gargantuan pool. Should Iraq drill on that scale, the
total, when combined with the Saudis', will drown the oil
market. That wouldn't make the Texans too happy either. So
Fadhil Chalabi's plan for Iraq to pump 12 million barrels a
day, a million more than Saudi Arabia, is not, to use Bob
Ebel's (Center fro Strategic and International Studies)
terminology, "ridiculous" from a raw resource view, it is
ridiculous politically. It would never be permitted. An
international industry policy of suppressing Iraqi oil
production has been in place since 1927. We need again to
visit that imp called "history."

It began with a character known as "Mr. 5%"-- Calouste
Gulbenkian -- who, in 1925, slicked King Faisal, neophyte
ruler of the country recently created by Churchill, into
giving Gulbenkian's "Iraq Petroleum Company" (IPC) exclusive
rights to all of Iraq's oil. Gulbenkian flipped 95% of his
concession to a combine of western oil giants:
Anglo-Persian, Royal Dutch Shell, CFP of France, and the
Standard Oil trust companies (now ExxonMobil and its
"sisters.") The remaining slice Calouste kept for himself --
hence, "Mr. 5%."

The oil majors had a better use for Iraq's oil than drilling
it -- not drilling it. The oil bigs had bought Iraq's
concession to seal it up and keep it off the market. To
please his buyers' wishes, Mr. 5% spread out a big map of
the Middle East on the floor of a hotel room in Belgium and
drew a thick red line around the gulf oil fields, centered
on Iraq. All the oil company executives, gathered in the
hotel room, signed their name on the red line -- vowing not
to drill, except as a group, within the red-lined zone. No
one, therefore, had an incentive to cheat and take red-lined
oil. All of Iraq's oil, sequestered by all, was locked in,
and all signers would enjoy a lift in worldwide prices.
Anglo-Persian Company, now British Petroleum (BP), would
pump almost all its oil, reasonably, from Persia (Iran).
Later, the Standard Oil combine, renamed the
Arabian-American Oil Company (Aramco), would limit almost
all its drilling to Saudi Arabia. Anglo-Persian (BP) had
begun pulling oil from Kirkuk, Iraq, in 1927 and, in
accordance with the Red-Line Agreement, shared its Kirkuk
and Basra fields with its IPC group -- and drilled no more.

The following was written three decades ago:

Although its original concession of March 14, 1925,
cove- red all of Iraq, the Iraq Petroleum Co., under the
owner- ship of BP (23.75%), Shell (23.75%), CFP [of France]
(23.75%), Exxon (11.85%), Mobil (11.85%), and [Calouste]
Gulbenkian (5.0%), limited its production to fields
constituting only one-half of 1 percent of the country's
total area. During the Great Depression, the world was awash
with oil and greater output from Iraq would simply have
driven the price down to even lower levels.

In article <fu3g05$2p9$>, "mg" <>

> Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
> could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
> huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
> their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
> oil stayed in the ground?

Trick question.

The US gets most of her imported oil from Canada and Mexico. Of course.
Of the top ten oil companies, only one, Exxon, is American based.

Domestic production has long been forbidden here in the US. Nuclear
Power is a pariah and very few plants get constructed here.

Wind and solar power are worse than no solution at all. As are "bio

If "big oil" had power in this country, ANWR would have been exploited
10 years ago.

As it is, the Dems are set to nationalize Exxon after January of 09.

In article <>, says...
> In article <fu3g05$2p9$>, "mg" <>
> wrote:
> > Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
> > could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
> > huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
> > their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
> > oil stayed in the ground?

> Trick question.
> The US gets most of her imported oil from Canada and Mexico. Of course.
> Of the top ten oil companies, only one, Exxon, is American based.

The world oil price is set globally
> Domestic production has long been forbidden here in the US. Nuclear
> Power is a pariah and very few plants get constructed here.
> Wind and solar power are worse than no solution at all. As are "bio
> fuels."
> If "big oil" had power in this country, ANWR would have been exploited
> 10 years ago.

No, why would they spend money to increase the supply and ruin their profits?
> As it is, the Dems are set to nationalize Exxon after January of 09.

yeah sure, what a fruit cake.
In article <>,
Hothead McCain <> wrote:

> In article <>,
> says...
> > In article <fu3g05$2p9$>, "mg" <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
> > > could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
> > > huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
> > > their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
> > > oil stayed in the ground?

> >
> > Trick question.
> >
> > The US gets most of her imported oil from Canada and Mexico. Of course.
> > Of the top ten oil companies, only one, Exxon, is American based.

> The world oil price is set globally

Exxon isn't even the biggest of the ten. Not even in the top three.
> >
> > Domestic production has long been forbidden here in the US. Nuclear
> > Power is a pariah and very few plants get constructed here.
> >
> > Wind and solar power are worse than no solution at all. As are "bio
> > fuels."
> >
> > If "big oil" had power in this country, ANWR would have been exploited
> > 10 years ago.

> No, why would they spend money to increase the supply and ruin their profits?

You don't know anything more about generating profits than you know
about the clitoris.
> >
> > As it is, the Dems are set to nationalize Exxon after January of 09.

> yeah sure, what a fruit cake.

They are fruitcakes, but they're demanding the right to set profits and
salaries. The only way you can do that is if you've nationalized
(stolen) the company.

In article <>, says...
> In article <>,
> Hothead McCain <> wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> > > In article <fu3g05$2p9$>, "mg" <>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
> > > > could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
> > > > huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
> > > > their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
> > > > oil stayed in the ground?
> > >
> > > Trick question.
> > >
> > > The US gets most of her imported oil from Canada and Mexico. Of course.
> > > Of the top ten oil companies, only one, Exxon, is American based.

> > The world oil price is set globally

> Exxon isn't even the biggest of the ten. Not even in the top three.

The world oil price is still set globally

> > >
> > > Domestic production has long been forbidden here in the US. Nuclear
> > > Power is a pariah and very few plants get constructed here.
> > >
> > > Wind and solar power are worse than no solution at all. As are "bio
> > > fuels."
> > >
> > > If "big oil" had power in this country, ANWR would have been exploited
> > > 10 years ago.

> > No, why would they spend money to increase the supply and ruin their profits?

> You don't know anything more about generating profits than you know
> about the clitoris.

You had a chance to educate me, but instead you dodged the question
> > >
> > > As it is, the Dems are set to nationalize Exxon after January of 09.

> > yeah sure, what a fruit cake.

> They are fruitcakes, but they're demanding the right to set profits and
> salaries. The only way you can do that is if you've nationalized
> (stolen) the company.

Why don't you give us a URL for that, Ace, or are you just pulling facts
out of your ass again?
Iraq is pumping more oil now that Saddam was at his peak. Doah!!!
Conspiracy debunked.

>> > Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
>> > could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
>> > huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
>> > their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
>> > oil stayed in the ground?

Wrong on both counts. Bush invaded Iraq to secure its oil and
resurrect the
long inactive pipeline from Iraq to Haifa, Israel. The chief
purpose of the
Zionist-inspired war was to relieve Israel of its crippling
on imported oil which is so severe that Israel is secretly
importing oil
from its sworn enemy, Iran. The whole sordid story of trading
blood and money for Israel's supply of oil can be read here:

Oil and Israel
Anemic Intestinal - the right-wing pud reflexively knee-jerked:
> "mg" <> quoted:
> >
> > Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
> > could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
> > huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
> > their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
> > oil stayed in the ground?
> >
> > "Keeping Iraq's Oil In the Ground
> > By Greg Palast, AlterNet
> > Posted on June 14, 2006, Printed on April 15, 2008
> >
> >
> > World oil production today stands at more than twice the
> > 15-billion a-year maximum projected by Shell Oil in 1956 --
> > and reserves are climbing at a faster clip yet. That leaves
> > the question, Why this war?
> >
> > Did Dick Cheney send us in to seize the last dwindling
> > supplies? Unlikely. Our world's petroleum reserves have
> > doubled in just twenty-five years -- and it is in Shell's
> > and the rest of the industry's interest that this doubling
> > doesn't happen again. The neo-cons were hell-bent on raising
> > Iraq's oil production. Big Oil's interest was in suppressing
> > production, that is, keeping Iraq to its OPEC quota or less.
> > This raises the question, did the petroleum industry, which
> > had a direct, if hidden, hand, in promoting invasion,
> > cheerlead for a takeover of Iraq to prevent overproduction?

>Iraq is pumping more oil now that Saddam was at his peak [...]

Still having trouble with numbers and words, hunh?

"Al-Shahristani said Iraq's current oil production is about
2.5 million barrels per day and current export level is about
2 million barrels per day. He said monthly revenue from oil
sales is about $5 billion."

--See subject header for details..
John B. wrote:
> On Apr 16, 10:42 am, "Figaro" <> wrote:
> > >> > Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
> > >> > could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
> > >> > huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
> > >> > their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
> > >> > oil stayed in the ground?

> >
> > Wrong on both counts. Bush invaded Iraq to secure its oil and
> > resurrect the
> > long inactive pipeline from Iraq to Haifa, Israel. The chief
> > purpose of the
> > Zionist-inspired war was to relieve Israel of its crippling
> > dependence
> > on imported oil which is so severe that Israel is secretly
> > importing oil
> > from its sworn enemy, Iran. The whole sordid story of trading
> > American
> > blood and money for Israel's supply of oil can be read here:
> >
> > Oil and Israel

> This is an appallingly stupid idea. Piping oil from Iraq to Israel
> would inflame the Muslim world like nothing you've ever seen before.
> It would cement the view that the U.S. invaded Iraq for its oil and
> that the U.S. is an occupier, diverting resources from Arab lands to
> the hated Israelis over the objections of virtually all Arabs. How
> could anyone propose something so dumb?

How can you even ask that question of the Bush administration?
"John B." <> wrote in message
On Apr 16, 10:42 am, "Figaro" <> wrote:
> >> > Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
> >> > could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
> >> > huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
> >> > their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
> >> > oil stayed in the ground?

> Wrong on both counts. Bush invaded Iraq to secure its oil and
> resurrect the
> long inactive pipeline from Iraq to Haifa, Israel. The chief
> purpose of the
> Zionist-inspired war was to relieve Israel of its crippling
> dependence
> on imported oil which is so severe that Israel is secretly
> importing oil
> from its sworn enemy, Iran. The whole sordid story of trading
> American
> blood and money for Israel's supply of oil can be read here:
> Oil and Israel

This is an appallingly stupid idea. Piping oil from Iraq to
would inflame the Muslim world like nothing you've ever seen
It would cement the view that the U.S. invaded Iraq for its oil
that the U.S. is an occupier, diverting resources from Arab lands
the hated Israelis over the objections of virtually all Arabs.
could anyone propose something so dumb?

Oh, I see. Then our invading Iraq has NOT inflamed the Muslim

Wait a're being sarcastic, aren't you. I should have
"John B." <> wrote in message
On Apr 16, 10:42 am, "Figaro" <> wrote:
> >> > Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
> >> > could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
> >> > huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
> >> > their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
> >> > oil stayed in the ground?

> Wrong on both counts. Bush invaded Iraq to secure its oil and
> resurrect the
> long inactive pipeline from Iraq to Haifa, Israel. The chief
> purpose of the
> Zionist-inspired war was to relieve Israel of its crippling
> dependence
> on imported oil which is so severe that Israel is secretly
> importing oil
> from its sworn enemy, Iran. The whole sordid story of trading
> American
> blood and money for Israel's supply of oil can be read here:
> Oil and Israel

This is an appallingly stupid idea. Piping oil from Iraq to
would inflame the Muslim world like nothing you've ever seen
It would cement the view that the U.S. invaded Iraq for its oil
that the U.S. is an occupier, diverting resources from Arab lands
the hated Israelis over the objections of virtually all Arabs.
could anyone propose something so dumb?

Oh, I see. Then our invading Iraq has NOT inflamed the Muslim

Wait a're being sarcastic, aren't you. I should have
"John B." <> wrote in message
On Apr 16, 10:42 am, "Figaro" <> wrote:
> >> > Did Bush and his oil-company friends invade Iraq so they
> >> > could develop Iraq's massive oil reserves, produce oil in
> >> > huge quantities and cripple their companies and destroy
> >> > their profits? Or, did they invade Iraq to make sure their
> >> > oil stayed in the ground?

> Wrong on both counts. Bush invaded Iraq to secure its oil and
> resurrect the
> long inactive pipeline from Iraq to Haifa, Israel. The chief
> purpose of the
> Zionist-inspired war was to relieve Israel of its crippling
> dependence
> on imported oil which is so severe that Israel is secretly
> importing oil
> from its sworn enemy, Iran. The whole sordid story of trading
> American
> blood and money for Israel's supply of oil can be read here:
> Oil and Israel

This is an appallingly stupid idea. Piping oil from Iraq to
would inflame the Muslim world like nothing you've ever seen
It would cement the view that the U.S. invaded Iraq for its oil
that the U.S. is an occupier, diverting resources from Arab lands
the hated Israelis over the objections of virtually all Arabs.
could anyone propose something so dumb?

Oh, I see. Then our invading Iraq has NOT inflamed the Muslim

Wait a're being sarcastic, aren't you. I should have
"Neolibertarian" <> wrote in message news:cognac756-

> As it is, the Dems are set to nationalize Exxon after January of 09.

Got a cite for that or do you just make up rhetoric as you go?
In article <>,
Hothead McCain <> wrote:

> >
> > They are fruitcakes, but they're demanding the right to set profits and
> > salaries. The only way you can do that is if you've nationalized
> > (stolen) the company.
> >

> Why don't you give us a URL for that, Ace, or are you just pulling facts
> out of your ass again?

"But in Washington, the earnings were seen as outsized. Sen. Charles E.
Schumer (D-N.Y.), chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, issued a
statement saying, "Congratulations to ExxonMobil and Chevron -- for
reminding Americans why they cringe every time they pull into a gas
station and for reminding Washington why it needs to act swiftly to
break our dependence on foreign oil and roll back unnecessary tax
incentives for oil companies."

"Multimillion-dollar pay practices at the highest levels of corporate
America have been an easy target for politicians as Americans reel from
the mortgage and credit crises that have the U.S. economy teetering on
the brink of an election-year recession.

"Clinton and Republican presidential candidate John McCain also have
criticized big payouts for chief executive officers who benefit hugely
even when their companies are struggling.

"We've seen what happens when CEOs are paid for doing a job no matter
how bad a job they're doing," Obama said. "We can't afford to postpone
reform any longer."

==begin quote==

Gas Prices Hit Record High

Posted by Stephanie Taylor on May 8, 2007 at 10:21 AM
Email this Print this Blog this Digg this
The average price of gas hit $3.07 per gallon, a new record in a year of
sky-high gas prices. The previous record was an average of $3.03 per

Most Americans dont see relief coming anytime soon, either. A CNN poll
found that 79 percent of people surveyed think they are either "very
likely" or "somewhat likely" to pay over $4 a gallon for gasoline this
year. The same poll found that 81 percent think gasoline costs are

The AFL-CIO reports that if the driver is a minimum wage worker earning
$5.15 an hour--a wage Republicans in Congress have refused to raise
since 1997--filling up the tank costs more than 11.5 hours of work, or
about a day-and-a-half in wages.

Meanwhile, ExxonMobil reported this year the largest annual profit of
any U.S. company ever: $39.5 billion. Thats $75,000 a minute in profit.

It's worth noting that the oil and gas industries donated $2,596,725 to
the Bush Presidential Campaign in 2004, according to OpenSecrets.
Recently, Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani has fielded
questions about his close ties to the same Houston oil and gas companies
that funded the Bush political career.

Democrats will meet today to address the soaring price of gasoline.
Afterwards, at 2:30pm, the Energy and Water Development Subcommittee
will hold a hearing on ways to reduce U.S. oil dependence.

==end quote==

What do you wanna bet the way the committee decided to "reduce US oil
dependence" was to take control of as much of the industry as they
could. That way, we'd only be dependent on the federal government,
instead of the nasty, greedy, uncooperative oil robber barons?
