Keeping my eye on the troll "andy t"


Stan Starinski

Actually I prefer iTunes runnign in background in Radio-mode.

I never pay for music since Recession started, and iTunes radio is free - I

wonder if anyone realizes. it's FREE, NO commercials, and 1000+ channles of

intelligent music.

I listen to categories like Eclectic & Classical.

here's my favorite:

WKSU3 "Classic" Classical, not modernist junk

I also listen to Reggae or Electronica when not working with brains, but

driving or doing some dumb physical work.

I come from Metal/Death/Doom/Gloom/Speedmetal, Heavy Punk & Industrial.

But that was years ago, now I just realized it defeats brains when you need

to use them - e.g. for Design Work, and people around you don't want to hear

heavy stuff.

SO how is it related to Microsoft support forum?

Well it runs in my Windows7 in background so neatly that I wonder how many

people are aware it's available & free.

I am surprised Apple Inc is offering it, but hope not to spoil by posting


My computer therefore also acts as a "noise blanket'.

Along with "Hearos" 34-dB NRR (Noise Reduction Ratio) earplugs, Mark, I

can't hear your dictating.

I can't hear even if a canon ball explodes nearby. Sudden & sharp spikes

still get thru though (like neighbor dropping his numerous boxes on my

ceiling, that he enjoys afte rmidnight!).