Ken Burns' War?



A few things Ken forgot?

12/09/1939 Beginning of 8th worst stock market crash in 20th century
Starting DJIA: 155.92
Ending DJIA: 92.92 Total Loss: 40.4% Total days: 959

1940 Attlee joins the coalition government headed by Winston
Attlee gives the Rolls-Royce jet-fighter engine to the next enemies
(Russia and the communist block countries)
"Everyone was at war.. Rolls-Royce was making money

1940 Machinists rates average 80 cents and hour.

1940 Ford Motor Workers's strike

1940 (WSJ113) (ENT) (GOV) (HIS) Investment Company Act passed.
Intended to avoid corporate abuses of the ["roaring"] 1920s.

1940 2,508 labor strikes

1940 "Grapes of Wrath" movie produced

16/09/1940 Selective Training and Service Act of 1940
Note: First adopted peacetime conscription.

05/11/1940 Roosevelt Elected President for a third term.

1941 Allis Chalmers strike

1941 International Harvester strike

1941 There are 4,288 labor strikes in this year
Note: Almost double the year before.

1941 Captive coal mines strike

1941 New York City bus strike

1941 North American Avaition workers' strike

03/04/1941 First hotel casino resort on highway 91(becomes Las Vegas
Strip) El Rancho Vegas opens
Note: Not the first casino. The first "hotel" casino
Everyone was at war?

1942 Arthur Anderson starts auditing (cooking the) books of SunTrust

1942 National War Labor Board established by Roosevelt to determine
labor dispute settlements in time of war. Board requires employers
enter into union security clauses. War Labor Board establishes
procedures for determining wage adjustments in war time.
Now you know the reason for war

1942 There are 2,968 Labor strikes this year

15/04/1942 Kenneth Lay, the son of a Baptist minister is born in
Tyrone, Missouri

09/1942 Stabilization Act passed giving presidential authority to
stabilize wages at September 1942 levels.

09/1942 Eduard Wirth comes to Auschwitz. Becomes highest ranking SS
His medical interest is to reconginze uterine cancer at an early
phase. His medical experiments end lethally very often but he
never appears in these testings.

09/1942 16 year-old Kathleen "Kit" Daugherty marries 19 year-old
Newton C. McPherson, Jr, a mechanic.

1943 There are 3,752 Labor strikes this year

1943 War Labor Act allows seizure of plants if needed to stop
interference in the war effort

1943 Government takes over coalmines to end UMWA stike. This paves
the way for portal-to-portal pay, and other benefits.
Bituminous coal strike, UMWA strike which triggered a U.S. government
takeover of the mines ends.

1944 The Bretton Woods agreement sets an international gold exchange
standard and creates two new international organizations, the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

1944 Philadelphia Transit strike

1944 There are 4,957 Labor strikes this year
Note: This is more than double the 1940 number and 1,200 more than

02/1944 Captain Laurance Safford blows the whistle to Admiral Kimmel
about America's success decrypting Japanese codes prior to the Pearl
Harbor attack

02/1944 Captain Laurance Safford blows the whistle to Admiral Kimmel
about America's success decrypting Japanese codes prior to the Pearl
Harbor attack

01/07/1944 The Public Health Service Act: Congress makes the NCI
(National Cancer Institute) an operating division of the (NIH)
National Institutes of Health.
Did Hitler smoke?

27/10/1944 First running of the Rolls-Royce Nene jet engine ("It had
been built in an astonishingly short 5-month period .. and the design
sees little use in English designs")
Note: It is almost as if they are building this for use in Russian
Note: Oh my God - Russian-made rifles!

18/11/1944 Laryngeal polyp found on the anterior third of Hitler's
left vocal chord
Note: Cancer

22/11/1944 Eichen operates on Hitler

28/12/1944 President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders the Army to seize
the executive offices of Montgomery Ward and Company after the
corporation fails to comply with a National War Labor Board directive
regarding union-shops.

1945 Attlee leads the Labour Party to its largest victory at the

1945 Kelsey-Hayes strike

1945 New York City Longshoreman's strike

1945 Philly Transit workers strike

1945 Montgomery Ward strike

1945 Oil workers' strike

1945 There are 4,750 labor strikes this year

late(but before November)/1945 Bugsy Siegel and his New York
"partners" purchase the El Cortiz hotel & Casino in downtown Las
Jewish gangsters don't get as much airplay as italian gangsters

1946 Huge post-war strike wave sweeps across the nation

1946 Anderson starts as auditor of Halliburton.

1946 Workers in packinghouses nationwide go on strike leading the
largest strike wave in history as pent-up labor troubles are
by the end of war-time controls.

1946-1990 Global Coldwar

1946 Electrical Manufacturing strikes

1946 General Motors strike
This is what management means by "cold-war"

1946 Pittsburgh power strike

1946 Railroad strike

1946 Steel workers launch 30 state strike against U.S. Steel

09/02/1946 Stalin hostile speech (Communism and Capitalism are

22/02/1946 Kennan's Long Telegram - 8000 words from Moskow embassy of

05/03/1946 Political platform: Milestone: Winston Churchill delivers
"Iron Curtain" speech

01/04/1946 A strike by 400,000 mine workers in the U.S. begins

07/1946 The U.S. lends Britain $3.75 billion
The U.S. is lending socialist run Britain money while Britain is
gifting the world's most advanced jet engines to the Iron Curtain
(Soviet Russia)?

04/10/1946 The U.S. Navy seizes oil refineries in order to break a
state post-war strike

26/12/1946 Grand opening of the Flamingo Hotel
Everyone was at war?

1947 The word "Cancer" is permitted to be spoken on the radio for the
first time?
The words "Hitler's cancer" are never permitted

1947 The Laskers start a war on cancer the same year the word
is permitted to be spoken on the radio legally

1947 Friedrich von Hayek founds Mout Pelerin Society to combat the
seemingly inexorable rise of socialism along with its more virulent
cousins, fascism and communism.

1947 House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) begins holding
hearings about supposed Communist infiltration throughout the
entertainment industry.

05/01/1947 Great Britain nationalizes its coal mines
But they can afford to give away free jet engines to Russia

02/07/1947 First flight of the British Rolls-Royce Nene jet engine
Beyond Huge: It just happens to be installed in a Russian fighter jet
often referred to as the MiG-15

03/07/1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico
Look at the timing here GI Joe

03/07/1947 Soviet Union doesn't partake in the Marshall Plan
Look at the timing here

1948 Marshall Plan. U.S. pours billions of dollars into the
of European nations to combat the spread of (wage increases in the
U.S.) Communism.

05/1948 Sporadic fighting breaks out along the 38th parallel of

08/11/1950 First jet vs. jet battle (A Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star
which results in the loss of a MiG
Note: Nene engine

1953 Aero (Prague) starts MiG jet fighter production under Soviet

21/09/1953 North Korean Pilot Kum Suk Ago defects with his aircraft
and the U.S. finally has its hands on a MiG 15. The aircraft is
transported stateside for evaluation and is flown by many pilots

1954 First flight of the MiG-15 built at Aero; altogether 3405 air
craft are delivered between 1954-1962

1954 Eisenhower cites "Domino Theory" regarding southeast Asia

1958 Deputy Director of Rolls-Royce visits Peking, China and is
"horrified" to discover that the Russian MiG planes had conterfeit
versions of the Rolls-Royce Derwent and NENE engines

Here is a list of the people who didn't(?) know Russia's fighter jets
were powered by free British jet engined:

The Deputy Director of Rolls-Royce
Americans who panicked over Sputnick
Dr. Strangelove
Osama bin Laden's dad
Rosa Parks
West Germany
William F. Buckley
Martin Luther King
Newt Gingrich
General Electric
George Herbert Walker Bush
Queen Elizabeth II
George Meany
Walter Reuther
James Bond
Mother Theresa
Dr. Seuss
Joseph McCarthy
Aspen Institute
Belgium, Canada, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom
Whittaker Chambers
Roswell, New Mexico Sherriffs department
George Keennan
Afghanistan, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, North Korea, China, Vietnam
The House un-American Affairs committee
The Screen Actors Guild
Friedrich von Hayek
Arthur Anderson
Henry Wallace
Winston Churchill
Ho Chi Minh
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Bank of England
Normandy's D-Day invaders
reinhardt <> wrote in

> A few things Ken forgot?
> 12/09/1939 Beginning of 8th worst stock market crash in 20th century
> Starting DJIA: 155.92
> Ending DJIA: 92.92 Total Loss: 40.4% Total days: 959
> 1940 Attlee joins the coalition government headed by Winston
> Churchill
> Attlee gives the Rolls-Royce jet-fighter engine to the next enemies
> (Russia and the communist block countries)
> "Everyone was at war.. Rolls-Royce was making money
> 1940 Machinists rates average 80 cents and hour.
> 1940 Ford Motor Workers's strike
> 1940 (WSJ113) (ENT) (GOV) (HIS) Investment Company Act passed.
> Intended to avoid corporate abuses of the ["roaring"] 1920s.
> 1940 2,508 labor strikes
> 1940 "Grapes of Wrath" movie produced
> 16/09/1940 Selective Training and Service Act of 1940
> Note: First adopted peacetime conscription.
> Peacetime?
> 05/11/1940 Roosevelt Elected President for a third term.
> Peacetime?
> 1941 Allis Chalmers strike
> 1941 International Harvester strike
> 1941 There are 4,288 labor strikes in this year
> Note: Almost double the year before.
> 1941 Captive coal mines strike
> 1941 New York City bus strike
> 1941 North American Avaition workers' strike
> 03/04/1941 First hotel casino resort on highway 91(becomes Las Vegas
> Strip) El Rancho Vegas opens
> Note: Not the first casino. The first "hotel" casino
> Everyone was at war?
> 1942 Arthur Anderson starts auditing (cooking the) books of SunTrust
> Banks.
> 1942 National War Labor Board established by Roosevelt to determine
> labor dispute settlements in time of war. Board requires employers
> to
> enter into union security clauses. War Labor Board establishes
> procedures for determining wage adjustments in war time.
> Now you know the reason for war
> 1942 There are 2,968 Labor strikes this year
> 15/04/1942 Kenneth Lay, the son of a Baptist minister is born in
> Tyrone, Missouri
> 09/1942 Stabilization Act passed giving presidential authority to
> stabilize wages at September 1942 levels.
> 09/1942 Eduard Wirth comes to Auschwitz. Becomes highest ranking SS
> doctor.
> His medical interest is to reconginze uterine cancer at an early
> phase. His medical experiments end lethally very often but he
> himself
> never appears in these testings.
> 09/1942 16 year-old Kathleen "Kit" Daugherty marries 19 year-old
> Newton C. McPherson, Jr, a mechanic.
> 1943 There are 3,752 Labor strikes this year
> 1943 War Labor Act allows seizure of plants if needed to stop
> interference in the war effort
> 1943 Government takes over coalmines to end UMWA stike. This paves
> the way for portal-to-portal pay, and other benefits.
> Bituminous coal strike, UMWA strike which triggered a U.S. government
> takeover of the mines ends.
> 1944 The Bretton Woods agreement sets an international gold exchange
> standard and creates two new international organizations, the
> International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
> 1944 Philadelphia Transit strike
> 1944 There are 4,957 Labor strikes this year
> Note: This is more than double the 1940 number and 1,200 more than
> 1943.
> 02/1944 Captain Laurance Safford blows the whistle to Admiral Kimmel
> about America's success decrypting Japanese codes prior to the Pearl
> Harbor attack
> 02/1944 Captain Laurance Safford blows the whistle to Admiral Kimmel
> about America's success decrypting Japanese codes prior to the Pearl
> Harbor attack
> 01/07/1944 The Public Health Service Act: Congress makes the NCI
> (National Cancer Institute) an operating division of the (NIH)
> National Institutes of Health.
> Did Hitler smoke?
> 27/10/1944 First running of the Rolls-Royce Nene jet engine ("It had
> been built in an astonishingly short 5-month period .. and the design
> sees little use in English designs")
> Note: It is almost as if they are building this for use in Russian
> designs
> Note: Oh my God - Russian-made rifles!
> 18/11/1944 Laryngeal polyp found on the anterior third of Hitler's
> left vocal chord
> Note: Cancer
> 22/11/1944 Eichen operates on Hitler
> 28/12/1944 President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders the Army to seize
> the executive offices of Montgomery Ward and Company after the
> corporation fails to comply with a National War Labor Board directive
> regarding union-shops.
> 1945 Attlee leads the Labour Party to its largest victory at the
> polls
> 1945 Kelsey-Hayes strike
> 1945 New York City Longshoreman's strike
> 1945 Philly Transit workers strike
> 1945 Montgomery Ward strike
> 1945 Oil workers' strike
> 1945 There are 4,750 labor strikes this year
> late(but before November)/1945 Bugsy Siegel and his New York
> "partners" purchase the El Cortiz hotel & Casino in downtown Las
> Vegas
> Jewish gangsters don't get as much airplay as italian gangsters
> 1946 Huge post-war strike wave sweeps across the nation
> 1946 Anderson starts as auditor of Halliburton.
> 1946 Workers in packinghouses nationwide go on strike leading the
> largest strike wave in history as pent-up labor troubles are
> unleashed
> by the end of war-time controls.
> 1946-1990 Global Coldwar
> 1946 Electrical Manufacturing strikes
> 1946 General Motors strike
> This is what management means by "cold-war"
> 1946 Pittsburgh power strike
> 1946 Railroad strike
> 1946 Steel workers launch 30 state strike against U.S. Steel
> 09/02/1946 Stalin hostile speech (Communism and Capitalism are
> incompatible)
> 22/02/1946 Kennan's Long Telegram - 8000 words from Moskow embassy of
> U.S.
> 05/03/1946 Political platform: Milestone: Winston Churchill delivers
> "Iron Curtain" speech
> 01/04/1946 A strike by 400,000 mine workers in the U.S. begins
> 07/1946 The U.S. lends Britain $3.75 billion
> The U.S. is lending socialist run Britain money while Britain is
> gifting the world's most advanced jet engines to the Iron Curtain
> (Soviet Russia)?
> 04/10/1946 The U.S. Navy seizes oil refineries in order to break a
> 20-
> state post-war strike
> 26/12/1946 Grand opening of the Flamingo Hotel
> Everyone was at war?
> 1947 The word "Cancer" is permitted to be spoken on the radio for the
> first time?
> The words "Hitler's cancer" are never permitted
> 1947 The Laskers start a war on cancer the same year the word
> "cancer"
> is permitted to be spoken on the radio legally
> 1947 Friedrich von Hayek founds Mout Pelerin Society to combat the
> seemingly inexorable rise of socialism along with its more virulent
> cousins, fascism and communism.
> 1947 House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) begins holding
> hearings about supposed Communist infiltration throughout the
> entertainment industry.
> 05/01/1947 Great Britain nationalizes its coal mines
> But they can afford to give away free jet engines to Russia
> 02/07/1947 First flight of the British Rolls-Royce Nene jet engine
> Beyond Huge: It just happens to be installed in a Russian fighter jet
> often referred to as the MiG-15
> 03/07/1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico
> Look at the timing here GI Joe
> 03/07/1947 Soviet Union doesn't partake in the Marshall Plan
> Look at the timing here
> 1948 Marshall Plan. U.S. pours billions of dollars into the
> economies
> of European nations to combat the spread of (wage increases in the
> U.S.) Communism.
> 05/1948 Sporadic fighting breaks out along the 38th parallel of
> Korea.
> 08/11/1950 First jet vs. jet battle (A Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star
> which results in the loss of a MiG
> Note: Nene engine
> 1953 Aero (Prague) starts MiG jet fighter production under Soviet
> License
> 21/09/1953 North Korean Pilot Kum Suk Ago defects with his aircraft
> and the U.S. finally has its hands on a MiG 15. The aircraft is
> transported stateside for evaluation and is flown by many pilots
> including
> 1954 First flight of the MiG-15 built at Aero; altogether 3405 air
> craft are delivered between 1954-1962
> 1954 Eisenhower cites "Domino Theory" regarding southeast Asia
> 1958 Deputy Director of Rolls-Royce visits Peking, China and is
> "horrified" to discover that the Russian MiG planes had conterfeit
> versions of the Rolls-Royce Derwent and NENE engines
> Here is a list of the people who didn't(?) know Russia's fighter jets
> were powered by free British jet engined:
> The Deputy Director of Rolls-Royce
> Americans who panicked over Sputnick
> Dr. Strangelove
> Osama bin Laden's dad
> Rosa Parks
> West Germany
> William F. Buckley
> Martin Luther King
> Newt Gingrich
> Eisenhower
> General Electric
> Reagan
> George Herbert Walker Bush
> Johnson
> Czechleslovakia
> Truman
> Queen Elizabeth II
> Greece
> Turkey
> George Meany
> Walter Reuther
> James Bond
> Mother Theresa
> Dr. Seuss
> Joseph McCarthy
> Aspen Institute
> Forrestal
> Belgium, Canada, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands,
> Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom
> Orwell
> Whittaker Chambers
> Dewey
> Roswell, New Mexico Sherriffs department
> George Keennan
> Afghanistan, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, North Korea, China, Vietnam
> The CIA
> The House un-American Affairs committee
> The Screen Actors Guild
> Friedrich von Hayek
> Arthur Anderson
> Henry Wallace
> Winston Churchill
> Stalin
> Ho Chi Minh
> Franklin D. Roosevelt
> Hitler
> The Bank of England
> Normandy's D-Day invaders

Your point? He missed my birthday in there in 1943 too.
In our last episode, <>,
the lovely and talented reinhardt broadcast on alt.politics:

> A few things Ken forgot?

October, 1942: Dubya's grandfather Prescott Bush finally surrenders
Hitler's assets in America under threat of the Trading with the Enemy Act.

Lars Eighner <> <>
Countdown: 468 days to go.
What do you do when you're debranded?