Cogito Ergo Sum
New member
From the AP.
...Lay, 64, died Wednesday in Aspen, where he and his wife, Linda, were vacationing. An autopsy found that severe coronary artery disease caused his death.
Under the rules of his $5 million bond, Lay was allowed to stay in south Texas or Colorado until his October sentencing. He faced decades in prison after he was convicted of fraud and conspiracy charges earlier this year by a federal jury in Houston but had planned to appeal the conviction.
The Lays had long ago sold their two homes in Aspen, one for $10 million in 2002 and one for $5.2 million three years ago. They were staying at a home owned by a member of the Pabst brewing family.
Bonnie Behrend, a former anchor on CNBC who lives in Aspen, arrived at the church to pay her respects but was turned away by security guards.
"I know a lot of people say he's one of the worst criminals on the planet, but he's still a father. He's still a grandfather," she said. "Regardless of what happened, what he did or didn't do, he's still a human being and a Christian."
I want to throw up. Yes, barf. Right now.
What ever happened to SHAME? It was a great concept which seems to have been tossed aside from life on this planet anymore.
In case you've been living on another planet, Ken Lay was once the CEO of Enron, the single largest financial fraud ever created in the form of an Energy company. He lied, cheated, hid, stole, manipulated and just about every other aspect of evil one could do, and caused the financial collapse of a company, and took down with it the stockholders, the employees, the pension fund, everything. Gone.
Lay and his cohort Skilling, financially raped everybody they came in contact with. Repeatedly, until there was nothing left.
Besides the fact that this piece of **** by dying of a heart attack, escaped punishment in jail for the rest of his life, t think that this ******* even had a funeral yet alone that it would actually be attended by 300+ closely invited people, is mind boggling!
This man was a CROOK, a CHARLATAN, a SWINDLER. He ruined countless peoples lives and destroyed thousands of people's finances in the process.
Where is the shame on the part of his family and the people who knew this man? I don't care if he was my beloved grandfather...knowing what he did to so many simply for material gain, I would hide my head in shame and certainly not go to a funeral for him!!!
He should have been quietly buried in a unknown location with nothing said about it whatsoever. Instead, the family of a criminal and more specifically his wife who benefited from his ill gotten gains, decided that ARROGANCE was more appropriate. I want to BARF!
Corporate CEO's and CFO's as well as politicians, lie, steal, cheat, commit perjury, fraud, mass disinformation and all manner of crimes and they are allowed to continue on in office for what seems an eternity. Why? Even after they are caught, they retain a semblance of arrogant dignity. WTF?
No Shame.
I for one, am making sure that my children understand the concept that one should be ashamed for gross violations of common decency and outright greed.
Oh and one last thing, my heart bleeds that the Lays had to sell their 15.2 million dollar homes (plural), paid for with the money they STOLE from other people.
...Lay, 64, died Wednesday in Aspen, where he and his wife, Linda, were vacationing. An autopsy found that severe coronary artery disease caused his death.
Under the rules of his $5 million bond, Lay was allowed to stay in south Texas or Colorado until his October sentencing. He faced decades in prison after he was convicted of fraud and conspiracy charges earlier this year by a federal jury in Houston but had planned to appeal the conviction.
The Lays had long ago sold their two homes in Aspen, one for $10 million in 2002 and one for $5.2 million three years ago. They were staying at a home owned by a member of the Pabst brewing family.
Bonnie Behrend, a former anchor on CNBC who lives in Aspen, arrived at the church to pay her respects but was turned away by security guards.
"I know a lot of people say he's one of the worst criminals on the planet, but he's still a father. He's still a grandfather," she said. "Regardless of what happened, what he did or didn't do, he's still a human being and a Christian."
I want to throw up. Yes, barf. Right now.
What ever happened to SHAME? It was a great concept which seems to have been tossed aside from life on this planet anymore.
In case you've been living on another planet, Ken Lay was once the CEO of Enron, the single largest financial fraud ever created in the form of an Energy company. He lied, cheated, hid, stole, manipulated and just about every other aspect of evil one could do, and caused the financial collapse of a company, and took down with it the stockholders, the employees, the pension fund, everything. Gone.
Lay and his cohort Skilling, financially raped everybody they came in contact with. Repeatedly, until there was nothing left.
Besides the fact that this piece of **** by dying of a heart attack, escaped punishment in jail for the rest of his life, t think that this ******* even had a funeral yet alone that it would actually be attended by 300+ closely invited people, is mind boggling!
This man was a CROOK, a CHARLATAN, a SWINDLER. He ruined countless peoples lives and destroyed thousands of people's finances in the process.
Where is the shame on the part of his family and the people who knew this man? I don't care if he was my beloved grandfather...knowing what he did to so many simply for material gain, I would hide my head in shame and certainly not go to a funeral for him!!!
He should have been quietly buried in a unknown location with nothing said about it whatsoever. Instead, the family of a criminal and more specifically his wife who benefited from his ill gotten gains, decided that ARROGANCE was more appropriate. I want to BARF!
Corporate CEO's and CFO's as well as politicians, lie, steal, cheat, commit perjury, fraud, mass disinformation and all manner of crimes and they are allowed to continue on in office for what seems an eternity. Why? Even after they are caught, they retain a semblance of arrogant dignity. WTF?
No Shame.
I for one, am making sure that my children understand the concept that one should be ashamed for gross violations of common decency and outright greed.
Oh and one last thing, my heart bleeds that the Lays had to sell their 15.2 million dollar homes (plural), paid for with the money they STOLE from other people.