Kerrang track by track MTM interview


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2005
Mike: This is an intro track that starts the album - you can hear a needle going down on a record and i think it sets the tone for what's to come.

Brad: We had a really bad song called 'fire in the city' - the chorus actually had the words 'fire in the city' on it! Mike was the only person who liked it. rather than just scrap the song, we mined it for any good parts.
Mike: It felt like brad stole my car and ripped out the stereo.
Brad: I took the bassline and the drums and built weird sounds around it, which eventually became this song. Chester's screaming: 'What the **** is wrong with me? Put me out of my ****ing misery!' so, without explaining exactly what the song's about, it's pretty clear he's not happy.

Chester: We knew this was going to be a single from the very beginning, so we worked really hard on making sure it had great lyrics. I'm singing 'Pretending someone else can save me from myself' during it because it's supposed to feel like an apology letter, as though i'm moving on but i want people to remember the good things and not the bad things. A lot of the song is about humility.

Mike: I wrote the lyrics to this about 100 times. it's always frustrating as a lyricist to come in with a new version that you spent hours on and have the band tell you that it's not there yet. in one case, they listened to my lyrics for 30 seconds and told me to start over again. that was pretty hard. it felt like i was bringing in the lyrics, getting punched in the face and then going back to the drawing board. When it finally came together i said to the band 'I don't think anyone but us could have made a song like this'. It's a ****ing bizarre death-party-rap-hoedown!

Brad: This was probably the most difficult arrangement to nail. It sounded very derivative at first but then we kept replacing different elements on it. We put an acoustic guitar on it, then an electric banjo and then a marimba. It’s definitely one of the best songs we’ve written.

Mike: on the other albums, brad and I started every song together. But this was the only song we wrote together and the last one we finished. We wanted a song that encapsulated the feel of the whole record and I think this is that song. You’re going to get something different out of this every time you listen to it.

Mike: Rick said to us that, if something sounded like it needed rapping, then we should try singing and vice versa. That’s why this song has rapping on it.
Brad: a lot of the greatest accidents occurred when we combined elements that shouldn’t have worked together.

Rob: this is probably the heaviest song on the album. It was initially called ‘EBow idea’ Rick told brad that he should use an EBow [guitar effect] on a different song. When he went in to work on that, he got frustrated and came up with the opening to this.
Chester: I think this is a record you should listen to on headphones because you’ll hear different things, this is a song that shows there is depth to this record.

Chester: It’s definitely one of the poppier songs on the album. We have to be very carefyl sometimes that we don’t lose the integrity of what we’re doing – we’re a very dark band and we like it like that. We talk about uncomfortable things and try to make you comfortable with that. We tried to do that here in a more poppy song and I really like that aspect of the album.

Chester: I knew that Mike should really sing this song. I tried it once, I did a good job, but it just didn't have the power of Mike's performance because he really believed what he was singing. Whatever it is the mother****er is apologising for on this track, he's ****ing serious! It comes from the most sincere and heartfelt place.

Chester: I got divorced recently and that was very difficult. I also got remarried so there was a big contrast in my life. For a while I couldn’t be completely happy with the new life I was starting and I couldn’t end the last one. This is a song about that. The music has a kind of reggae vibe to it, almost. It’s really cool watching how the song goes from that, through pop and emerges as a full-on rock song at the end.

Brad: this is our favourite song on the record. It's the biggest statement that we've ever made. Nothing could go after it as everything would get eclipsed by it. The thing that really makes it is the guitar solo.
Mike: Brad has always avoided solos because he doesn't like to show off. But when he played that solo, though, it was one of the most emotional moments we've recorded. It says what the lyrics are saying without words.
The album is going to leak any day now. I am being totally serious. Since it's now just sitting in there studio, and one amazing person can walk in and pluck it out of there hands. I love the whole album.
The album is going to leak any day now. I am being totally serious. Since it's now just sitting in there studio, and one amazing person can walk in and pluck it out of there hands. I love the whole album.

No it won't. You obviously have no idea about LP's album security.
No it won't. You obviously have no idea about LP's album security.
hell yea i mean i never thought they would be able to keep the single from us that long so they (warner MOFO'S) will most likely do that same with the album.. so if dont expect the album any time soon kids. MABY an angel from heaven leaks it JUST MABY :>
Doesn't matter if it leaks anyway. I mean if it does, I'll be happy to have a first listen, but I'm still planning on purchasing the special edition (I'ma sucka for them bonus tracks) and probably get my free t-shirt, mofo's!
nice info

so...if I get this right according to this interview and somewhere where it said about In between being about cheating...Mike cheated?

darkness I can get you a track where they use an E-bow on a bass
Great! I'm excited!
But I don't really want to see the album to leak...LP doesn't deserve that kinda ****, if we waited for this ****ed up album for so long, then we shall wait one more's not that bad...;)