Knock Knock


Active Members
Knock knock, who's there? Nobody!

I hope everyone is doing well. I am subscribed to this thread, so if you want to catch up, just reply and I will get it.

Miss you all!


(The Original LPF'er)



New member
hello been some time since i've been here. Would love to have the old LPF back and running but that seems like mission impossible


Active Members
Curiosity always gets the best of me every year or so, and I checked in. Miss you guys. Hope everything is going well.


I also subscribed in case for some crazy unexplainable reason this gets attention, I too will know.



Active Members
I have a new site I have started. If you are the US, check it out. It is a social network.

I have been building it for the past 8 months and it is finally up and running.



New member
Wasn't I like... the 3rd person to ever join this site or something? Man.... I don't think i've posted in at least 2 years.
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