Komrade Vostok Hazard

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2005
and now...if I ruled the world

1. Ann Coultier would be forced to eat a bucket full of pig **** and would then be thrown off a bridge into shark infested water

2. Defacing a Soviet flag, A Che Guevara poster or badmouthing communism would be a class A felony. Punishable by torture and eventually death.

3. Religion would still be legal - just not in public. Especially the unwilling public

4. The rich people would get the living **** taxed out of them

5. the middle class won't

6. Anyone who starts or participates in Subculture arguements or USA vs Canada Arguements will be forced to wear a sign that says "I'm a ****ing dipshit" for the rest of their lives

7. No one will be able to make millions by singing, playing lets pretend or playing dress-up or by chasing a ball around. Hell, these ****-eaters will only be allowed to make whatever they get tipped from their audiences

8. Two Words: Mandatory Marijuana

9. Lesbien activity in beverage rooms will NOT be tolerated. Unless they are actual lesbos. And they're in a place that's intended for lesbos

10. Any (even remotely) "macho shithead tough guy real men" will be rounded up and forced to tough out being fed into a plastic shredder feet-first, and their corpses (or whatever is left of them) will be pissed on, and buried upside down

11. War against Pedophila: Shut down ALL teen chatrooms, do not allow any teens or kids on the net FOR ANY REASON, since they really have no business being there, don't allow anyone to show any skin besides their head or arms (and their shoulders and a bit of their backs if its a really hot day), and then...shut down MTV and then put the pop-bimbos and himbos in the electric chair.

12. Anyone found operating a sweat shop, or operating a business that doesn't allow unionization and/or does not pay it's employees a high wage well above the poverty level will be forced to work 24-7 for one year (with two five minute breaks to eat and one hour break to sleep each day). At the end of the year the offenders will be chased onto the street and shot.

13. Chucking things at strippers will not only be legal, but highly encouraged

14. Rednecks will be classified as non-humans.

15. anyone who attempts to insult or belittle someone by calling them "Fag", "bitch", "*****", "queer" or "gay" will not only be forced to forfeit their freedom of speech rights, but will no longer be allowed to open their pie-holes for any reason whatsoever. If they open their mouths other than to breathe after violating, The offender will be shot in the face with a .50 caliber.

16. I will add more as I feel fit
You are oviously one very sick person. I am glad that there not too many people around with your attitude willing to vote. Why dont you think yourself lucky to live where you live,and how you live.
He's not a facist, just a nut-job. Mandatory Toking? I suppose after the decades of brain rot ppl might stop caring about the rest of the dum **** in there. (Not ALL bad, but too much to be taken seriously) And keeping teens of the net won't prevent pedophiles from roping in young dim-witted bubblegummers, but hey, if they're dum enough to get roped in by the sick-o i say kill them both. Quick and painless. And you must be some kinda ***** if the macho idiots get on your nerves that much, stupid folk are only a problem if you let them be one. If they really start hassling ya then humble them with a good old knee-crunch!

Welcome to the free lands buddy, you're never gonna hold power with extremist views like these deficates on Che Guevara poster
"you must be some kinda ***** if the macho idiots get on your nerves that much, stupid folk are only a problem if you let them be one. If they really start hassling ya then humble them with a good old knee-crunch"
Humble them with a good knee crunch? Naw, they deserve a bullet (or better yet a plastic shredder) And yes, macho idiots get on my nerves that much. Anyone who is macho is either a cave man or plain ****ing uncivilized.

"And keeping teens of the net won't prevent pedophiles from roping in young dim-witted bubblegummers, but hey, if they're dum enough to get roped in by the sick-o i say kill them both"
Funny that before the net became big, kid****ery cases were almost far and in between, and now it's a common everyday occurence. Yea sure kid****ery will never be completely eliminated, but keeping kids off the net where they will want to meet so-called 14 year old Jenny in person (who's actually a 41 year old pervert named Vladimir) will lessen the cases. I don't care what anyone says.

"Mandatory Toking? I suppose after the decades of brain rot ppl might stop caring about the rest of the dum **** in there."
Yea sure fine I agree that mandatory toking may almost be a little much. Almost.

"Welcome to the free lands buddy, you're never gonna hold power with extremist views like these"
They're no less extremist than those of almost all the world leaders currently in power

communism sux ****.

god forbid anyone succeed in life. i guess bill gates doesn't deserve what he has.

lets say we make the minimum wage 20.00 an hour so everyone will be rich. i guess your too stupid to realize EVERYTHING will go up along with it. hell a big mac meal would be 18.00. a coke would be 7.00 etc. etc.

your a fag.
"communism sux ****"

Well I think money grabbing- survival of the richest **** everyone else -corporate pigs ruling our lives - enslaving kids in sweatshops- hiring mercenaries to slaughter workers who want better conditions bullshit sucks ****

"god forbid anyone succeed in life"

God forbid people stop being greedy assholes, and realize that YOU DON'T NEED TO **** PEOPLE OVER TO SURVIVE

"i guess bill gates doesn't deserve what he has."

The guy's a ****ing thief

"lets say we make the minimum wage 20.00 an hour so everyone will be rich. i guess your too stupid to realize EVERYTHING will go up along with it."

not that high, just stop having it so that people who work their asses off aren't in the ****ing poor house all the damn time. They're people too, and they need to keep a roof over their head and know where the next meal comes from too. Not everyone can be a doctor or a lawyer.

"your a fag"

Awe...You going to call me a poo-poo head as well? Or maybe a fart face?
Well I think your platform sounds good, Komrade. I don't totally agree with everything, but most of it sounds great. And for all you guys throwing insults, I don't see you coming up with anything better. Everyone has their own vision for utopia and so on and so forth.