Kookcinich, UFO Contactee, Seeks NH Dem Vote Recount


Patriot Games


Kucinich Seeks NH Dem Vote Recount

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Democrat Dennis Kucinich, who won less than 2 percent of the vote in the New
Hampshire primary, said Thursday he wants a recount to ensure that all
ballots in his party's contest were counted. The Ohio congressman cited
"serious and credible reports, allegations and rumors" about the integrity
of Tuesday results.

Deputy Secretary of State David Scanlan said Kucinich is entitled to a
statewide recount. But, under New Hampshire law, Kucinich will have to pay
for it. Scanlan said he had "every confidence" the results are accurate.

In a letter dated Thursday, Kucinich said he does not expect significant
changes in his vote total, but wants assurance that "100 percent of the
voters had 100 percent of their votes counted."

Kucinich alluded to online reports alleging disparities around the state
between hand-counted ballots, which tended to favor Sen. Barack Obama, and
machine-counted ones that tended to favor Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. He
also noted the difference between pre-election polls, which indicated Obama
would win, and Clinton's triumph by a 39 percent to 37 percent margin.

Candidates who lose by 3 percentage or less are entitled to a recount for a
$2,000 fee. Candidates who lose by more must pay for the full cost.
Kucinich's campaign said it was sending the $2,000 fee to start the recount.

Scanlon said his office had received several phone calls since Tuesday,
mostly from outside the state, questioning the results. New Hampshire's
voting machines are not linked in any way, which Scanlon says reduce the
likelihood of tampering with results on a statewide level. Also, the results
can be checked against paper ballots.

"I think people from out of state don't completely understand how our
process works and they compare it to the system that might exist in Florida
or Ohio, where they have had serious problems," he said. "Perhaps the best
thing that could happen for us is to have a recount to show the people that
.... the votes that were cast on election day were accurately reflected in
the results. And I have every confidence that will be the case."
"presidentbyamendment" <rick_hohensee@email.com> wrote in message
On Jan 11, 6:55 am, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/kucinich_nh_recount/2008/01/10/634...
>> Kucinich Seeks NH Dem Vote Recount
>> Thursday, January 10, 2008

>Robert Novak's column yesterday started with a sentence saying Hillary
>beat EXIT polls in NH. That only occurs as a result of fraud.

You've voted before! You walk out and some idiot can't wait to ask you a
bunch of questions and YOU KNOW they don't get to everybody and YOU KNOW
some people lie to Pollsters.

>This disparity between hand counts and machine counts only occurs when
>comparing Clinton and Obama.

Ok, NOW (maybe) you have fraud.

>When the **** has gotten too deep for Robert Novak, it's deep.
>The bottom line is on my sign....

We'll see. They're going to do the recount.

If Buckwheat did win NH then this thing is already OVER.