Lady in the Water.


Live. Love. Laugh.
Jan 8, 2004
Under Your Bed (or Orlando, FL)
It was once again a long night for movie previews. I ended up watching 2 again so here are your reviews.

Monster House (in 3D Digital Projection)
Kids movie with trespassing, stealing, drugs, arson, vandalism!
This movie was very entertaining. Considering I saw it in 3D made it worthwhile. The story is very simple and short. However, what really entertains you is the fact that this movie is such a bad example for kids. They have so many sexual innuendos such as the boy's father being a peeping tom. There is all offenses listed above and more! Other than that, it was a pretty average movie.

the Final Score:: 6.7

Lady in the Water
Proves that girls really are confusing.
First thought is "what is going to be the disappointing twist?" Well, the ending is not as disappointing as expected. M. Night has a somewhat significant and larger role than his previous movies. The movie gets pretty confusing and pretty frustrating. Lots of dialouge. They try to use as much comedy as possible to keep the audience entertained and it's a decent attempt. It's one of those movies where you just want to go in there and be like "idiot, this is what is going on" Good movie, but nothing mindblowing.

the Final Score:: 7.7

Wondering what my tastes are? Compare you scores with mine.
Movies i've seen this year (so far)...

Little Man:: 3.4 / 10
You, Me, & Dupree:: 5.8 / 10
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest:: 8.5 / 10
The Devil Wears Prada:: 6.9 / 10
Superman Returns :: 8.3
Click:: 7.1 / 10
The Lake House:: 8.6 / 10
The Break Up:: 5.5 / 10
Over the Hedge:: 7.9 / 10
X3: The Last Stand:: 9.7 / 10
Da Vinci Code:: 8.3 / 10
Just My Luck:: 5.5 / 10
United 93:: Unscorable.
Take the Lead:: 6.4 / 10
Silent Hill:: 8.1 / 10
Thank You For Smoking:: 7.5 / 10
Scary Movie 4:: 7.2 / 10

Lucky Number S7EVIN:: 9.3 /10
The Hills Have Eyes:: 7.0 / 10
Slither:: 7.7 / 10
Ice Age 2:: 6.4 / 10
Stay Alive:: 5.6 / 10
She's the Man:: 8.1 / 10
V for Vendetta:: 8.0 / 10

Failure to Launch:: 7.3 / 10
Date Movie :: 6.2 / 10
Final Destination 3:: 6.0 / 10
Prime:: 6.4 / 10
Nanny McFee :: 6.9 / 10
When a Stranger Calls :: 7.5 / 10
Brokeback Mountain :: 9.6 / 10
Tristan and Isolde :: 7.1 / 10
Hostel :: 6.9 / 10
Grandma's Boy :: 6.8 / 10
Well, considering I saw another movie 2 nights ago, i figure instead of making a new topic, i would bump this one to add it on.

My Super Ex-Girlfriend
Super Extra Cheesy
I felt bad for skipping the preview the night before so I ended up watching this one. I was going into this movie assuming that it was going to be cheesy. The movie was pretty funny, it dragged on a little bit, and was pretty cheesy. But it was cheesy enough to make me crack a smile at the least. Overall, it actually ended in a cute sorta way.

The Final Vertict: 7.0 / 10

Oh, and this movie preview caught my attention:
Click Here
Super Ex-Girlfriend has Uma Thurman in it, doesn't it? Looks pretty good...

I saw a trailer for Monster House... it looked like a kiddies film but from what you've said it isn't really. May check that one out ^_^
I saw Lady in the water the other day and I found it boring =/
I didn´t like it that all

Edit:Also I saw both Garfield 2 and Fast and Furious:Tokyo Drift and they were awesome!Loved them both :D !

Do u guys think there will be a 4th Fast and Furious movie?Cuz I´d like to see another one :p
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