Laptop with 2 HDs, 1 User Only, and Security Configuration



Hello Windows Forum,
I shall build a custom setup on an ASUS Laptop with 2 hard discs, and specifically for one, and only one user. This is the user's (owner's) request. Usually on a 2 HD set up the configuration is as follows;
1) Typical Setup
C:\ Windows and Programs
D:\ Pagefile
D:\Users\TheUser\Contacts, Desktop, Downloads, Favorites, Links, My Documents, My Music, My Pictures, My Videos, Saved Games, Searches
I may direct the User's Temp folder and Temporary Internet Folders to the D:\ disc as well.

The user has requested that he does not want the Users nor the TheUser folder on the D:\ disc. He wants the set up as follows;
2) Requested Setup
C:\ Windows and Programs
D:\Contacts, Desktop, Downloads, Favorites, Links, My Documents, My Music, My Pictures, My Videos, Saved Games, Searches
And in a hidden folder, his User Temp and Internet Temp Folders.

This is easy enough to implement, my concern with this is the security attributes for this Configuration on the D:\ disc. Security attributes as follows;
1) Typical Setup Security
"D:\" - Authenticated Users, SYSTEM, Administrators (MachineName\Administrators), Users (MachineName\Users)
"D:\Users" - Everyone, SYSTEM, Administrators (MachineName\Administrators), Users (MachineName\Users)
"D:\Users\TheUser" - SYSTEM, TheUser (MachineName\TheUser), Administrators (MachineName\Administrators)
Despite whether security attributes involve Speciaql Permissions or not can be catered for.
I would like to ask how to apply security and permissions for the D:\ disc and the specific user's folders when there is no 'Users' nor 'Users\TheUser' folder.
My idea is to merge the attributes by including some and excluding other attributes. Here is what I am planning (I've never done this before);
2) Requested Setup Security
"D:\" - SYSTEM, TheUser (MachineName\TheUser), Administrators (MachineName\Administrators)
Then direct the user's folders, "Contacts, Desktop, Downloads, Favorites, Links, My Documents, My Music, My Pictures, My Videos, Saved Games, Searches", to the D:\ disc. As well as the Pagefile and a few user temp folders as mentioned above.

I hope I have explained myself clearly, any thoughts, advise, do's and don'ts is very much appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


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