Larry the Cable Guy is a ******* Multimillionaire


New member
That's right, that steaming sack of excrement, that brags about being an inbred redneck, is a multimillionaire. He is rich, rich, rich. Which means he has sold millions of CDs and sold out thousands of concert halls. SO, the next time you are trying to fathom how a dipshit like George Dumbya Bush could be President. Or how an evil decrepit sack of waste like **** Cheney could be Vice President. Keep in mind the choir they are preaching to and just how large it is.

Here are some completely ignorant new quotes from his new best-selling book!

"Let me ask some of these commie rag head carpet flying wicker basket on the head balancing scumbags something!"

"What the **** is this the cartoon network? The Republicans had a muslim give the opening prayer at there (sic) convention! What the ****'s going on around here! Is Muslim now the official religion of the United States!... First these peckerheads ( Ironically, "peckerhead" was a derogatory word slaves and their offspring used to describe white people) fly planes into towers and now theys (sic) prayin' before conventions! People say not all of em did that and I say who gives a rats fat ***! That's a fricken slap in the face to New York city by having some muslim sum-***** give the invocation at the republican convention! This country pretty much bans the Christian religion (the religion of George Washington and John Wayne) virtually from anything public and then they got us watchin' this muslim BS!! Ya wanna pray to allah then drag yer flea infested *** over to where they pray to allah at!"

"They're dead, get over it! Poor little sandy *****! I'm sure all them dead folks'd they'd killed give 40 shekels or whatever kinda money these inbred sumbitches use, but I'd give 40 of 'em whatever it is to be humiliated instead of dead!"

"Madder than a queer with lock jaw on Valentines Day."

Don't get me wrong here, It's a funny delivery, unless you grew up in the South and have been around these types your whole life. When you have, you know that most of the time you listen to their funny delivery, every other word is "******" and "meskin." Then, it's not so funny. Larry does not say those things, in public. I'm originally from New York but iv'e lived in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Southern Illinois (where I am right now) and to me this **** is just plain stupid even have li0ved in the south for a good while.



New member
When I hear of **** like this I get the impluse to smash the idiots skull in with a cinderblock on the end of a rope, the that gives way to the urge to do the same to the idiots who accually buy into it and support this ****. Wither of not the delivery is funny, he's got a bullshit ignorent message that is easy for numbskulls to feed off of and give them justification for the ever reinforced convictions!

NOW....where IS that cinder black?



New member
well then i guess your gonna need a cinder block for every other comedian out there. if you dont like what they have to say then just dont listen to it.


New member
When I hear of **** like this I get the impluse to smash the idiots skull in with a cinderblock on the end of a rope, the that gives way to the urge to do the same to the idiots who accually buy into it and support this ****. Wither of not the delivery is funny, he's got a bullshit ignorent message that is easy for numbskulls to feed off of and give them justification for the ever reinforced convictions!
NOW....where IS that cinder black?
Don't ya know that's called snafu!



New member
well then i guess your gonna need a cinder block for every other comedian out there. if you dont like what they have to say then just dont listen to it.

Your standred comedian is not utter offensive, has little or no following, and their usually just saying **** just for ***** and giggles. Then there are those like this fool who create a cult following and when their cult is taking the whole thing seriously (As he himself does) then you have to start koncking some sense into them. Its especially dangerous when your main audience is the most pathetic of the uneducated masses who take satire as reality. Comedy of this sort is too often the idiots only form of education. Just as, although funny and informative, programs like The Daily Show can cause ignorent people to start belieing they know something. Larry's message however is much more hate/racism filled.



New member
who gives a ****. cults, groups, etc form all the time. according to you we shouldnt have any humor that has room for misinterpertation by idiots. let them do what they want, it doesnt really matter

Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Almost all of the so called "comedians" today are nothing more than annoying to me. None of them are really funny at all.

Personally, I don't find a never ending filthy mouth or racial and class seperation jokes to be that funny. What ever happen to the art of being a comic? Sure, profanity can be funny at the right moment, it's an art form, like George Carlin, but you have to have more than that to get my attention and make me laugh.

"Larry the Cable Guy" to me is just stupid and annoying. The most amazing thing though is the people who love him so much, are the ignorant dumb ***** he's making fun of by pretending to be one. Talk about not getting the fact that you are the brunt of the joke!

Last week though, I did see Russell Peters. He's the Canadian born of Indian parents (as in India); the "Somebody's gonna get a hurt real bad" guy. He doesn't have any Indian accent at all except when he impersonates his father or the sterotypical Indian person. He makes fun of the human situation, various racial customs and social interactions, and make me laugh at our diversity.

If you haven't seen him, I think he's hysterical. I haven't laughed that hard in quite some time.

Here, enjoy! :D



New member
according to you we shouldnt have any humor that has room for misinterpertation by idiots. let them do what they want, it doesnt really matter
I suppose thats precisly my point, you really know exactly what i'm getting at.... I don't give real replys to petty ignorence, try again. :rolleyes:



New member
I thought all of the Blue Collar Comedy Crew was funny as ****. I laughed my *** off. But It became the same old stuff. I realize they need a gimmick to grab onto. Something people can relate to when they hear your name. Like “Getter done”.

He made his money. More power to him. I’m just amazed on how long he’s been able to pull off the same stunt. Jeff Foxworthy is the same way. You know **** well he gets tired of “ here’s your sign” jokes but if that’s what’s gonna sell you gotta go with it. I'll bet old Jeff is pretty darn rich too.



New member
I thought all of the Blue Collar Comedy Crew was funny as ****. I laughed my *** off. But It became the same old stuff. I realize they need a gimmick to grab onto. Something people can relate to when they hear your name. Like


New member
When I hear of **** like this I get the impluse to smash the idiots skull in with a cinderblock on the end of a rope, the that gives way to the urge to do the same to the idiots who accually buy into it and support this ****. Wither of not the delivery is funny, he's got a bullshit ignorent message that is easy for numbskulls to feed off of and give them justification for the ever reinforced convictions!
NOW....where IS that cinder black?
There comedians they tell jokes. Take it for what it's worth and don't get your panties in a bunch. Most of the real funny stuff good comedians tell isn't to far from the truth. They just make you look at it a differant way.



New member
I thought all of the Blue Collar Comedy Crew was funny as ****. I laughed my *** off. But It became the same old stuff. I realize they need a gimmick to grab onto. Something people can relate to when they hear your name. Like “Getter done”.
He made his money. More power to him. I’m just amazed on how long he’s been able to pull off the same stunt. Jeff Foxworthy is the same way. You know **** well he gets tired of “ here’s your sign” jokes but if that’s what’s gonna sell you gotta go with it. I'll bet old Jeff is pretty darn rich too.
Ron White is my favorite-have you heard the 'Sears' bit? ******* hysterical!


Hugh G. Rekshun

New member
What do you call and impotent comedian?..................................................................................................... A boneless ham! :p


New member
Ron White is my favorite-have you heard the 'Sears' bit? ******* hysterical!

No I haven't. He just came up here on tour but I didn't hear about it until that night. Missed it.

The Cable Guy came up just before him but I didn't feel like going.

What do you call and impotent comedian?......................................... .................................................. .......... A boneless ham!
OK I laughed. :D

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