Latest Poll: Obama Now Tied With Clinton In PA - Clinton Blows 20+ Point Lead

  • Thread starter Peter Principle
  • Start date

Peter Principle

The latest poll from American Research Group shows Hillary Clinton has
squandered a double digit lead in the PA primary. At one point she led Obama
by more than 20 points. Just one week ago she led by 51%-39%, a12 point

As of today, it's a dead heat: 45%-45%


Likely Democratic Primary Voters Apr 5-6

Clinton 45%
Obama 45%
Someone else 4%
Undecided 6%

Clinton's top advisors, when they're not dropping like flies, have
acknowledged that she needs to win big in PA to keep her slim and ever
dwindling hopes alive. Obviously that's not going to happen. She's losing
ground at a stunning rate.

If Hillary Clinton doesn't drop out the race immediately after PA - sooner
would be better - we need to get up a posse and drag her out.

She's not fighting for any agenda or position. She's not trying to bring
important issues to light. There are no policy differences of note. She's in
it strictly for herself.

It's time for Hillary's supporters to acknowledge the reality of the
situation and tell Camp Clinton that enough is enough.

Clinton put up a strong fight. But it's over. She has no chance of winning.
She can't catch up in votes, states won, delegates or fundrasing. She can't
catch up, period. She can only damage the party by continuing.

Now is the time for all Democrats to come together. Winning in November is
much more important than Hillary's political ambition.

For the good of the party and the good of the country, it's time for her to
bow out and fall in behind the next president of the United States, Barack

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?