Lawyer in NFL concussion deal says an appeal would be 'selfish'


Sports News

By Steve Ginsburg WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A major architect of the landmark concussion settlement reached with the National Football League on behalf of retired players said on Thursday it would be "selfish" for anyone to appeal the deal. Christopher Seeger, co-lead counsel for the retired NFL players, said if even one of the 5,000 players involved in the settlement filed an appeal, benefits would probably be held up a year. U.S. District Judge Anita Brody on Wednesday approved the settlement of a lawsuit brought by the former players who accused the NFL of keeping secret the dangers of concussions. "Appeals, in my view, are just wasting the time of people who are very sick, like Kevin Turner," Seeger said of the former NFL fullback who suffers from ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease.

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