Lay Off The First Daughter; Since When.?


Lee K

Lay Off The First Daughter; Since When.?

Friday February 08th 2008, 10:23 pm
Filed under: Bob Parks, Politics, Vox Populi

Hillary, her Media Matters pugs, and most of liberal America is ready to
string up MSNBC's David Shuster for saying that the Clinton campaign is
"pimping" out Chelsea. Shuster has been suspended, has apologized, yet
Hillary now wants to avoid any kind of debate on the Peacock network,
because they haven't been very nice to the campaign.

Remember during the Clinton years, when we were all told to back up off
little homely Chelsea? (BTW- Most middle schoolers are homely.)

Now, 27-year-old Chelsea can go out, campaign as a stealth partisan
operative, as since she was a First Daughter, everyone has to be nice
and not comment about her at all. I ask, why should this rule apply

I have three words for those hyper-sensitive Chelsea protectors: The
Bush Twins.

The left has been merciless ridiculing Jenna and Barbara Bush, in fact,
there are websites dedicated to the full-time trashing of the twins,
while the ever-concerned Media Matters and the National Organization for
Women has remained silent.

Did Hillary and/or Media Matters complain when those in the
entertainment industry routinely attacked the Twins, in a manner far
worse then anything ever dared be said about little Chelsea?

"The president's twin daughters are celebrating their 25th birthday
with a trip to Argentina. Apparently their trip has caused what's known
as chaos, to the point where, according to, the American
embassy and many Argentinian officials have strongly suggested the twins
return to America. Just to repeat, Argentina, former safe-haven for Nazi
war criminals, is drawing the line at the Bush twins."
- Jon Stewart

"Security's so bad for the Bush twins, the U.S. Embassy has asked
them to leave Argentina and they said no. Like father, like daughter,
they have no exit strategy."
- Jay Leno

bush_twins_final1.jpg"Now, I know you're thinking, but, Bill, I
already do my part with the 'Support Our Troops' magnet I have on my
Chevy Tahoe. How much more can one man give? Well, here's an intriguing
economic indicator. It's been over a year since they graduated, but
neither of the Bush twins has been able to find work. Why don't they
sign up? Do they hate America or just freedom in general?"
- Bill Maher, calling for advocates of the Iraq war to enlist in the

"It was a long, dull speech. Halfway through, Ted Kennedy sent
drinks over to the Bush twins."
- David Letterman, on Bush's State of the Union Address

"First Lady Laura Bush said that Jenna Bush's new boyfriend is not a
serious boyfriend. Yeah, Laura Bush described him as more of a drinking
- Conan O'Brien

jennabush.jpg"President Bush is being criticized because his
inaugural celebration cost $40 million. When asked about it, the
president said, 'Sorry, but my daughters insisted on an open bar.'"
- Conan O'Brien

"A huge family night for the Bush family. This morning the Bush
twins woke up in Lincoln's lap."
- David Letterman

"President Bush's daughter Jenna has a new boyfriend and everybody
in Washington is asking who's the lucky designated driver?"
- Craig Ferguson

"The big inaugural was yesterday and yesterday President Bush's
mother - Barbara Bush - brought a camera and was taking pictures the
whole time. When asked why she said 'because my grand daughters won't
remember any of this tomorrow.'"
- Conan O'Brien

"Security is a big issue this year. So the Secret Service announced
that people attending President Bush's inaugural ceremony will not be
allowed to bring coolers or alcoholic beverages. In other words, the
Bush twins will not be going."
- Conan O'Brien

"They say that the security arrangements for the up coming
presidential inauguration will be the most extensive in history. And
that's just to keep the Bush twins away from the champagne."
- Craig Ferguson

"According to rumors down there in Washington, President Clinton and
George W. Bush are buddies. They're pals. They're getting together.
They're hanging around. They're becoming friends. A lot of people think
it may just be Clinton's way of making a move on the Bush twins."
- David Letterman

"Preparations are in high gear for the Bush inauguration and it's
really beginning to look bad now for John Kerry. But everybody at the
White House is very excited about the inauguration. Early today the Bush
twins picked the designated driver."
- David Letterman

"You probably know it's been crazy here in New York City with the
convention. We have had naked people in the streets. We have had
all-night parties, arrests. And that's just the Bush twins."
- David Letterman

"Now trailing in the polls, President Bush unveiled some new weapons
today: his daughters Barbara and Jenna, who have hit the campaign trail
with their dad for the first time. In a recent interview, Jenna Bush
says she's 'not political' and the electoral process doesn't interest
her. Oh, she's daddy's little girl."
- Craig Kilborn

"Pollsters say the strategy is very effective: One daughter distracts
us from the economy while the other distracts us from the war in Iraq.
Barbara just graduated from Yale, and plans to work in the pediatric
AIDS program at Baylor University . until her dad cuts off the funding."
- Craig Kilborn

"President Bush has two daughters, two beautiful daughters, and they
may work on their father's presidential campaign after they get out of
college and I thought, well, that's a pretty good move because in this
economy, they won't be able to find real jobs."
- David Letterman

"Barbara and Jenna Bush celebrated their 21st birthday last week
with a party at the Cheers Shot bar in Austin. Following Bush tradition,
the drinking started at 5 p.m. and will end in 19 years."
- Jimmy Fallon

"President Bush's twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna, turned 21 on
Monday. After receiving their birthday cake, Barbara and Jenna made a
wish and then blew a .25 on the breathalyzer. . The White House would
not release a statement on how the twins celebrated the milestone, but
they did say Dick Cheney's undisclosed location was totally trashed."
- Craig Kilborn

"Hustler magazine is offering $1 million to anyone who produces a
video of the president's daughter nude and drunk at a frat party.
Finally, someone in the Bush family is doing something to boost the
- Craig Kilborn

problem_girls_gop.jpg"Bush is now in Genoa, Italy. When he arrived
today he was met by protesters throwing bottles and cans. In fact, he
was surrounded by so many empties, he got homesick for the girls."
- Jay Leno

"Yesterday President Bush came out against human cloning. If anyone
knows how much trouble twins can get into, it's President Bush."
- Jay Leno

"Jenna 'Anheuser' Bush is trying to get her lawyers to strike a plea
bargain agreement over her latest drinking charge. If they can't find an
agreement, they said she may lose her driver's license. Which will be no
problem. She's got plenty of those."
- Jay Leno

"The Bush girls have been in so much trouble that today they
announced that they were switching their party affiliation to the
Kennedy family."
- David Letterman

"Hide this quick! I'm the president's daughter."
- David Letterman's "Top Ten Things You Don't Want to Hear from Your
New College Roommate

"You know the global warming that we've all been talking about? Well,
it is getting worse. By the year 2010, this is what the global warming
experts say, that global warming will be so bad that there will not be
enough party ice for the Bush twins."
- David Letterman

"Finally, some good news on the Bush girls. It seems that Jenna Bush
is taking up a new musical instrument. She's learning how to play the
- Jay Leno

"Yesterday down in Washington, D.C., they had their second Tee-ball
game on the White House lawn. . Things were going great until the
seventh inning when they had to cut off beer sales to the Bush twins."
- David Letterman

"President Bush spent the weekend with his daughters, Jenna and
Barbara. Or as they're better known, J & B."
- David Letterman

"This weekend, the entire Bush family got together and went to see
'Pearl Harbor.' That's a switch. The Bushes watching someone else get
bombed for a change."
- Jay Leno

"Do you know the Secret Service code name for Jenna Bush? 'Roger
- Jay Leno

"Jenna Bush was caught trying to buy a drink in Austin with a fake
ID. It's her second alcohol incident in a month. She must be extra
careful from now on, because under federal law, it's Three Strikes and
You're President."
- Comedian Argus Hamilton

"President Bush's daughter Jenna bailed a boyfriend out of jail
Sunday after he was arrested at a TCU fraternity party for public
drunkenness. Her parents wept when they heard. It reminded them so much
of their first date."
- Comedian Argus Hamilton

"Everywhere you went, because of Cinco De Mayo, people were drinking
these huge margaritas. Ever wonder who this girl Margarita was? I mean,
she gets a drink named after her. Isn't that every father's worst
nightmare, knowing your daughter is so wild they have a drink named
after her? In fact, last night, I had a couple of 'Jenna Bushes.'"
- Jay Leno

"Over the weekend, first daughter Jenna 'Anheuser' Bush was cited
for alcohol possession by a minor. Well, kids are always trying to outdo
the old man. Now the Bushes aren't only raising the bar, they're closing
- Jay Leno

"President Bush's daughter was cited for underage drinking. That's
too bad, when you see something like that happen. She was apparently
slurring words, couldn't remember the alphabet. Oh, wait a minute.
That's her father."
- David Letterman

So, if we're going to start throwing around apologies when anyone says
something nasty about a First Daughter, there's going to be a long line
when it comes to apologizing to the Bush Twins.

Don't hold your breath.
The whole world's against you.

Haven't you figured that out yet?

"Lee K" <> wrote in message
> Lay Off The First Daughter; Since When.?
> Friday February 08th 2008, 10:23 pm
> Filed under: Bob Parks, Politics, Vox Populi
> Hillary, her Media Matters pugs, and most of liberal America is ready to
> string up MSNBC's David Shuster for saying that the Clinton campaign is
> "pimping" out Chelsea. Shuster has been suspended, has apologized, yet
> Hillary now wants to avoid any kind of debate on the Peacock network,
> because they haven't been very nice to the campaign.
> Remember during the Clinton years, when we were all told to back up off
> little homely Chelsea? (BTW- Most middle schoolers are homely.)
> Now, 27-year-old Chelsea can go out, campaign as a stealth partisan
> operative, as since she was a First Daughter, everyone has to be nice
> and not comment about her at all. I ask, why should this rule apply
> today?
> I have three words for those hyper-sensitive Chelsea protectors: The
> Bush Twins.
> The left has been merciless ridiculing Jenna and Barbara Bush, in fact,
> there are websites dedicated to the full-time trashing of the twins,
> while the ever-concerned Media Matters and the National Organization for
> Women has remained silent.
> Did Hillary and/or Media Matters complain when those in the
> entertainment industry routinely attacked the Twins, in a manner far
> worse then anything ever dared be said about little Chelsea?
> "The president's twin daughters are celebrating their 25th birthday
> with a trip to Argentina. Apparently their trip has caused what's known
> as chaos, to the point where, according to, the American
> embassy and many Argentinian officials have strongly suggested the twins
> return to America. Just to repeat, Argentina, former safe-haven for Nazi
> war criminals, is drawing the line at the Bush twins."
> - Jon Stewart
> "Security's so bad for the Bush twins, the U.S. Embassy has asked
> them to leave Argentina and they said no. Like father, like daughter,
> they have no exit strategy."
> - Jay Leno
> bush_twins_final1.jpg"Now, I know you're thinking, but, Bill, I
> already do my part with the 'Support Our Troops' magnet I have on my
> Chevy Tahoe. How much more can one man give? Well, here's an intriguing
> economic indicator. It's been over a year since they graduated, but
> neither of the Bush twins has been able to find work. Why don't they
> sign up? Do they hate America or just freedom in general?"
> - Bill Maher, calling for advocates of the Iraq war to enlist in the
> Army
> "It was a long, dull speech. Halfway through, Ted Kennedy sent
> drinks over to the Bush twins."
> - David Letterman, on Bush's State of the Union Address
> "First Lady Laura Bush said that Jenna Bush's new boyfriend is not a
> serious boyfriend. Yeah, Laura Bush described him as more of a drinking
> buddy."
> - Conan O'Brien
> jennabush.jpg"President Bush is being criticized because his
> inaugural celebration cost $40 million. When asked about it, the
> president said, 'Sorry, but my daughters insisted on an open bar.'"
> - Conan O'Brien
> "A huge family night for the Bush family. This morning the Bush
> twins woke up in Lincoln's lap."
> - David Letterman
> "President Bush's daughter Jenna has a new boyfriend and everybody
> in Washington is asking who's the lucky designated driver?"
> - Craig Ferguson
> "The big inaugural was yesterday and yesterday President Bush's
> mother - Barbara Bush - brought a camera and was taking pictures the
> whole time. When asked why she said 'because my grand daughters won't
> remember any of this tomorrow.'"
> - Conan O'Brien
> "Security is a big issue this year. So the Secret Service announced
> that people attending President Bush's inaugural ceremony will not be
> allowed to bring coolers or alcoholic beverages. In other words, the
> Bush twins will not be going."
> - Conan O'Brien
> "They say that the security arrangements for the up coming
> presidential inauguration will be the most extensive in history. And
> that's just to keep the Bush twins away from the champagne."
> - Craig Ferguson
> "According to rumors down there in Washington, President Clinton and
> George W. Bush are buddies. They're pals. They're getting together.
> They're hanging around. They're becoming friends. A lot of people think
> it may just be Clinton's way of making a move on the Bush twins."
> - David Letterman
> "Preparations are in high gear for the Bush inauguration and it's
> really beginning to look bad now for John Kerry. But everybody at the
> White House is very excited about the inauguration. Early today the Bush
> twins picked the designated driver."
> - David Letterman
> "You probably know it's been crazy here in New York City with the
> convention. We have had naked people in the streets. We have had
> all-night parties, arrests. And that's just the Bush twins."
> - David Letterman
> "Now trailing in the polls, President Bush unveiled some new weapons
> today: his daughters Barbara and Jenna, who have hit the campaign trail
> with their dad for the first time. In a recent interview, Jenna Bush
> says she's 'not political' and the electoral process doesn't interest
> her. Oh, she's daddy's little girl."
> - Craig Kilborn
> "Pollsters say the strategy is very effective: One daughter distracts
> us from the economy while the other distracts us from the war in Iraq.
> Barbara just graduated from Yale, and plans to work in the pediatric
> AIDS program at Baylor University . until her dad cuts off the funding."
> - Craig Kilborn
> "President Bush has two daughters, two beautiful daughters, and they
> may work on their father's presidential campaign after they get out of
> college and I thought, well, that's a pretty good move because in this
> economy, they won't be able to find real jobs."
> - David Letterman
> "Barbara and Jenna Bush celebrated their 21st birthday last week
> with a party at the Cheers Shot bar in Austin. Following Bush tradition,
> the drinking started at 5 p.m. and will end in 19 years."
> - Jimmy Fallon
> "President Bush's twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna, turned 21 on
> Monday. After receiving their birthday cake, Barbara and Jenna made a
> wish and then blew a .25 on the breathalyzer. . The White House would
> not release a statement on how the twins celebrated the milestone, but
> they did say Dick Cheney's undisclosed location was totally trashed."
> - Craig Kilborn
> "Hustler magazine is offering $1 million to anyone who produces a
> video of the president's daughter nude and drunk at a frat party.
> Finally, someone in the Bush family is doing something to boost the
> economy."
> - Craig Kilborn
> problem_girls_gop.jpg"Bush is now in Genoa, Italy. When he arrived
> today he was met by protesters throwing bottles and cans. In fact, he
> was surrounded by so many empties, he got homesick for the girls."
> - Jay Leno
> "Yesterday President Bush came out against human cloning. If anyone
> knows how much trouble twins can get into, it's President Bush."
> - Jay Leno
> "Jenna 'Anheuser' Bush is trying to get her lawyers to strike a plea
> bargain agreement over her latest drinking charge. If they can't find an
> agreement, they said she may lose her driver's license. Which will be no
> problem. She's got plenty of those."
> - Jay Leno
> "The Bush girls have been in so much trouble that today they
> announced that they were switching their party affiliation to the
> Kennedy family."
> - David Letterman
> "Hide this quick! I'm the president's daughter."
> - David Letterman's "Top Ten Things You Don't Want to Hear from Your
> New College Roommate
> "You know the global warming that we've all been talking about? Well,
> it is getting worse. By the year 2010, this is what the global warming
> experts say, that global warming will be so bad that there will not be
> enough party ice for the Bush twins."
> - David Letterman
> "Finally, some good news on the Bush girls. It seems that Jenna Bush
> is taking up a new musical instrument. She's learning how to play the
> Breathalyzer."
> - Jay Leno
> "Yesterday down in Washington, D.C., they had their second Tee-ball
> game on the White House lawn. . Things were going great until the
> seventh inning when they had to cut off beer sales to the Bush twins."
> - David Letterman
> "President Bush spent the weekend with his daughters, Jenna and
> Barbara. Or as they're better known, J & B."
> - David Letterman
> "This weekend, the entire Bush family got together and went to see
> 'Pearl Harbor.' That's a switch. The Bushes watching someone else get
> bombed for a change."
> - Jay Leno
> "Do you know the Secret Service code name for Jenna Bush? 'Roger
> Clinton.'"
> - Jay Leno
> "Jenna Bush was caught trying to buy a drink in Austin with a fake
> ID. It's her second alcohol incident in a month. She must be extra
> careful from now on, because under federal law, it's Three Strikes and
> You're President."
> - Comedian Argus Hamilton
> "President Bush's daughter Jenna bailed a boyfriend out of jail
> Sunday after he was arrested at a TCU fraternity party for public
> drunkenness. Her parents wept when they heard. It reminded them so much
> of their first date."
> - Comedian Argus Hamilton
> "Everywhere you went, because of Cinco De Mayo, people were drinking
> these huge margaritas. Ever wonder who this girl Margarita was? I mean,
> she gets a drink named after her. Isn't that every father's worst
> nightmare, knowing your daughter is so wild they have a drink named
> after her? In fact, last night, I had a couple of 'Jenna Bushes.'"
> - Jay Leno
> "Over the weekend, first daughter Jenna 'Anheuser' Bush was cited
> for alcohol possession by a minor. Well, kids are always trying to outdo
> the old man. Now the Bushes aren't only raising the bar, they're closing
> it."
> - Jay Leno
> "President Bush's daughter was cited for underage drinking. That's
> too bad, when you see something like that happen. She was apparently
> slurring words, couldn't remember the alphabet. Oh, wait a minute.
> That's her father."
> - David Letterman
> So, if we're going to start throwing around apologies when anyone says
> something nasty about a First Daughter, there's going to be a long line
> when it comes to apologizing to the Bush Twins.
> Don't hold your breath.