lead injection for beginners


the land surfer

lead injection for beginners

pull th trigger dickhead


"think he comes from ****sticks are us"


couldnt find th car
so i havent been to th pub

"too stoned"


tomorrow's friday today


i saw a line on th newsreaders face


chuck a half a brick at her paulo


get th ****in hag off my screen


music on:

violent femmes
'blister in th sun'

set th pointer to random


dont want no ****in slapper
readin th news to me


cut to th newsreader on sbs tonight

bit um
in th middle of th piece hey mary

nice pout

shakespears sister
'i dont care'


sorry diary
i ****ed off and was out

at th pub

nice little can of bourbon

like th pretty lady said

hold my breath and swallow


made it in th door and

sixpack safely in th room

barely two minutes before little brother got home




has it REALLY been
two months since i

drank nine bourbons and
did slides on my unicycle past th nightclub doors

in the fortitude valley

harvey danger
'flagpole sitta'

if only they would change th place's name


the valley of guts however
is infested with yuppies

and th clubs close their front doors at

three AM

if ya aint in by then

ya cant stay till five liek th rest


pls change th place's name


for ****s sake

th local council even

fined ME

for ridin a safety bicycle thru

the fortitude valley mall

it was a unicycle ****

a man;s bike

****in pussies


any ****in idiot
can get a fine for ridin a bicycle

butthole surfers

where's my other wheel ?

up th arse of th last ****wit who asked
such a stupid ****in question

who's th ****in wizard here ?


i dunnno
ya surf on a unicycle and

th dumb ****
is so scared of it
he stands there grinning inanely


too pussie to actually ride it


i'll think of ya
next time i drop into a skatebowl on it
ya ****in podknocker
girls biek rider you


dont think


the wizard of the fortitude valley

is appearing tonight



more drugs over here

oh hang on

i havent run out yet


paulie is
sittin at home and gettin smashed

th wizard hat

with th
black pointer shark fin is

sittin in th car


i wont be out at midnight

to greet


"spring jennifer"




six months is too good for ya

ppl smile wherever th wheel goes


finally got th little ****s in th skatebowl
to keep their ****in mouths shut

make it look too easy they

can ya do a backflip man

can i have a trick mister pls ?


go and get ****ed

this not hard enough for you ****


i cop to it

i do listen to this

jumpin into skatebowls

on a 26 inch unicycle and

th mp3 player turned up



let no ****head's




no respect


but last week

i was so drunk

evil eye glarin

when i hit th bowl

cop this withering stare ya ****s

not one
****in stupid comment

got past th headphones


liek i told tripper

first **** to do so is

gettin a can of bourbon chucked at em

be quiet ****s

man's bike droppin into th bowl

shut yr ****in hole


if ya arrive too friendly

th poor dumb ****ers

are askin questions as

ya goin over th edge

kid you not

**** ppl are dumb


worse than ridin a unicycle in th surf

i learned

dont smile at anyone

drop in and

this is my ****in bowl


attitude is everything


goin down is scarier than goin up

i dont muff th downs

huge impact when ya do

cat empire

meet th ground





gotta catch that downhill slide


goin over th top

six times in a row

i ****ed it up

stepped off th wheel

onto th top

little ****s squeeled when i finally

crested th wall


****in girls bike riders and
wood pushers

and a couple of chicks of course


as usual

you guessed it

a carload goin by

gave me a better

comment on what i was doin

than th folks in th bowl

went right off


th audience
always wants more


wot else ya got

do ME a trick

"why th **** would i wanna do that ?"

kevin bloody wilson
'sunday morning'

i do find though
that little boys

always respect a unicycle
goin sideways

i leave a foot long black slide on th bottom of th bowl and
well that one wont be ****in talkin for a while

jaw hangin





my last post

contained a factual error

was 125 thousand

in one blow

jimmy barnes
'i;d die to be with you tonight'

hey i gave warnings


heard this
aussie guy today sayin he

gunna recant on his deathbed
and convert to muslim

so one of us wouldnt be dead ya dig


ah dude
i dint have th heart to tell ya

most of my

quarter million

confirmed kadaitcha man kills are


cause i dont think of it that way


they were strikes in retaliation for

terrorist bombings

we think we're special

in oz

pulp fiction urge overkill
'girl you'll be a woman soon'

i'm not fussy
you kill australians

i kill you


i still
stand by my apology
i only gave

one nights notice

last time i killed more than fifty thousand ppl

i showed prejudice

****in rude of me

'look what you've done'


all i did was
publicly point th bone of death

after th last kuta beach attacks
and was a bit general

this chick got right into me

in real life

said i whacked 85 odd thousand ppl

think it's more than that

her thought was
maybe it wouldnt have happened

it i wasnt throwin clues to it

cant change it dear


lucky i didnt tell her

i asked for th big wave


like a year and a half before th

terrorist atttack
that made me ask for it

and all

online and


'angel of harlem'

she woulda had a spack


it was only 125 000 ppl man
get over it


we didnt know babe

th religion of kuta was

the church of the cult of the dot

back then

just surfin synchronicity


th tv journos still

drive over my kutaman tag
with a date on th road beside it

two weeks before the
first kuta beach attacks

and see nothing local


me and th girls still call it our religion


neither me

or th kuta ladies

had ever heard of kuta beach

'adagio for strings'

wot puppet master got me ?



to ride over th whole ****in mountain of kuta

on a 27 inch unicycle
without brakes and

no drugs

no painkilling drugs for my
savages testicles
ache every day ****s

i'll NEVER
apologise for askin for that wave


i rang a bunch of
gummint departments

in th last two months

lookin for sum ****


but no
not one
psychic researcher amongst em

dont th *****s watch tv

dire straights
'romeo and juliet'

wish i didnt watch penn and teller th other night

bullshit special


can i whack th **** paulie ?

"can ya be that specific still ?"

i got dr death
dr azahari

twelve days before he got his

"yeah but"

"we specialize in mass death"

ah **** off

we only got six hundred th other week


"did that one in th mobile phone network"

well thc unt ont h telly made a wish

a six foot wave to

clean all them fishin boats outta here

"was it seven days later dear ?"

close enough

but um
i did leave a message on womble's phone

a week before it


look man
i can move tectonic plates


he read it as planets

"wot a dork"

tv rock
'flaunt it'

600 up

doesnt change my
quarter of a million paulie


"u should work harder"


why did ya write in our
solipsist bible that

i can grant wishes ya ****




he got his six foot wave


and within a week


dont mean ****
the oracle of kuta
was ravin about tectonic plates durin that week hey paulie


"not a bit of it babe"

least it wasnt online

and tracable

the black eyed peas
'let's get retarded'

work yr way back and
find me

i used to knock on doors
that had shotguns attached to em

collectin money

minder in a showground

seventeen yrs as a carnie


how many ways can ya get rid of a body ?


paulo ?


my twin brother

th man whose head i share

wont talk


jane's still got th wizard's shovel


we're identical twins
he's more identical than i am

'hooker with a penis'



oh i said jane

this song is

strawberry's song

nother mad redhead

****ed that one up didnt we


why u smiling **** ?


"here smoke this"



"they know yr dr death"

"strawberry and pistol"

"she put a charmed symbol on her butt babe"

yeah pistol did

and barbie girl

and kaz but

wot about strawberry

"dont sweat it"


"she never been taken to a party like u did it babe"


so pretty redhead


she wants to run int h
right hand lane

in oz

it's th smother

th trucks **** th left lane

"sore ****"

<<<smile >>>

so when we go ton th

two way road

and hit th black spot


my brother

hunters and collectors
'the slab'

hits th indicator and

drops into th right side of th road


b double

seventy odd feet of truck

comin straight at us and

black aint even noticed it

pistol screamin and

th truck driver automatics cut back ina nd

we hit left blinker and

come back to our side of th road

strawberry got mouthy

dont you know my old man is

she cried

"dont you know who i am she cried"

half hour later at th fire

i tell her

i've met her old man before

drank bourbons with him

and smoked hooch with him
watchin tranny movies

out th back of his

big tough motorcycle shop

first boy in a while

u havent been able to cow

not even a little bit


yeah ok paulo

i dig it man

kevin bloody wilson
'stack the fridge'

****in pretty though


was dead funny
was crackin jokes with senior

who;d be dumb enough

to fall backwards into

th 44 gallon drum fire

and get burned to death

****in near had to save strawberry

she tripped

went arse backwards in th dark and

****in near went in it

same fire


dr death

with th two stacked redheads
and a fellow toecutter

we're all sittin at th fire at three am

and this song

had somethin abou tth devil


this guy asked me a question and i said

yothu yindi
'romance at garma'

yeah man i am the devil
but dont tell anyone ok

and he did a double take and
asked again


yeah man i am the devil
but dont tell anyone ok

and he backed away from me at th fire


then strawberry called me over


she waved at me

hello there

and her and i and

th big fella

had this huge convo


underworld convo

th three of us
kinda grew up in it

found we all had mutual friends

which is good right


we arrived at th party

just before three Am

didnt leave brisbane
till after twelve

the offspring
'pay the man'


found me drivin th three of em home

thru th mist and

coldest morning of th winter

up gympie way

and me singin

misty morning

from bob marleys back catalogue

to myself cause

th car radio was keepin th girls awake


he'd had some toes amputated

it's a sign my kiwi dark brother

means yr a toecutter

like her dad

or me

hot redhead in th back

has too


two weeks later

i was at a table where

five of us

all put our feet up for inspection

mangled feet for th most part

wish they'd put my toe back on straight

is offset


tryin to figure out

at what point in my life

did my online psychic blog


was just before th weekend where dr death took over again


**** man


i'm ****in still
dr death

i'm still

vice president

of that bundaberg motorcycle club

i dunno man
i got all these


multi faceted

th club never let me resign

ah **** little brother

i'm in trouble


i pointed th bone of death at

dr death and

said straigth afterwards in this here psychic blog

but there are two dr deaths

and i got th wrong one

was supposed to be

dr death from bundaberg

th bungling doctor

killed so many of my bundaberg brothers and sisters


stead of sevend ays it took

12 days and

dr azahari

bomb maker for kuta beach mark 1

got bumped by indo pigs

so bringin true

dr death hitman hit from religion of kuta


ah little brother you got no idea

you never been in a bike club


****s'll pay out on me


i said maureen was biggest mouth in club

you watch and

and th other


u hit me up to

check my blog for last contact from me first ex wife cause

u talkin to a

maureen from


a different one but

this woman chased me before to help her in fight against

daughter in law

my ex

chill wnt up my spine

but not cause of my ex

gay lady nightclub bouncer though she was

th club

my old bike club

i owe ****in dues man


never let ya go

worse than a union


double jeapordy

i cant point at him again

if th club still exists

how th **** do i front em

ah look guys

i developed this gift

like i was supposed to and

was sittin here and

did my duty and

pointed th bone of death at dr death and

th **** got off


and it got
th doctor
my religion would most liek to see killed

jeez it's ****ed

'chemical dreams'

i asked for an interesting life

or like i said to my psychologist

i asked for an interesting life
i musta killed a chinese

or maybe a million of em
and it just hasnt happened yet

<<<smiel >>>


it was funnier in th flesh

he laughed


next time we find
a 1000 chinese spies amongst us

we drop em out of a plane ok
they got plenty more


always check under th ute
before we discuss our

underthrow of th world

bob marley
'no woman no cry'

now i dont wanna be a **** about this

but we were here first so

we're writin


upside down

across th great australian desert

in two hundred mile high letters

and a huge arrow

pointing to th south pole

we are not


down under

egotistical ****s


have to turn yr atlas

upside down

or top wont read write


looking good matters


i gotta admit

when she thought i;d whacked

a coupel hundred thousand ppl

th look in her eyes was


city high
'city high anthem'

oh and she let down


not much of a psychic if ya cant feel yr woman let down


i like that

a week before

the last kuta beach bombing

i was squeelin
in my psychic blog

is it gunna kill me this time

when they do it again

like th last tiem they bombed th joint

and it dragged me over th mountain


but penn and teller are right

it's all bullshit right

i mean

just cause i

told my little brother i wanna divorce and i'm movin out

december 23


he put 20 punches in my head

and then

two weeks later

th guy next door

leaves his wife

divorces her

on th 23 rd

leavin her with a premmie baby

still in hospital

i dunno man


i still got testicles

might call myself jennie sometimes but

i still got balls and i

not in th habit of tellin my younger brother i wanna divorce

city high
'three way'

<<<smiel >>>


th witchdoctor is



contact information is nill

no correspondence will be entered into

all decisions are



findin zen
is not about

squeelin in yr blog

pls give me worth give me


machine gun fellatio
'the girl of my dreams is giving me nigthmares'

why a blog in th underground

in th newsgroups

cause it's not wot th other ****heads do


my savages testicles are squeeling

more drugs over here


****in little terrorists


"last time ya got mouthy"
"85000 ppl died th next day"



so who would you kill man
if you had my ability


i find

when they believe in th flesh

they always give ya a list


wot makes ya think that **** runs things

i can see u dont watch th news

the black eyed peas

how's removing him gunna do anything ?


that's just a figurehead man

easily replaceable




paulo's gone back to

apologisin to his biek club

he even washed his club t shirt


i saw my brother


alive again

bout six weeks ago

beatin **** out of th pub door

for daring to be shut after opening time

**** he was mouthy

on purpose tourettes syndrome


if an aussie says he had an purpose

means he had an accident



sometimes they're on purpose


i knew this bus driver
in brizzie

who used t have

on purposes

kristin hersh and michael stipe
'your ghost'

my apologies michael

last time i wrote this track listing down

i gave u her last name


the stoners bible is flawed

the stoners bible




thought u were dead ya ****

never quite goes away


like my twin brother


my male personality


is so funny

pll dont quite get

ya meet jenny and

do **** to er and

next time round

black shits on ya


i had two girlfriends

th sex went under one day in two

my twin brother sacked both of em

in one week

phill collins
'in the air tonight'

if th sex slips under fifty percent

th boy in me

turns into a ****

i got sore nuts
wot can i say

"**** off"


"next birthday"
"i aint havin three ex girlfriends ringin me ok"

we'll see
<<<smile >>>


havin a bit of a break
i chew threw em

girls are weak as piss

you know


"dont marry one for sex anyway"


i'm off


the falling man


Knock Knock

"yeah man"

"yeah i'll turn my telly on"

"watchinth first plane goint o th twoe rand"

"look down and i'm readin"
"tom wolfe"

"the right stuff"
"page three"

"about wot it's liek to be burned alive in avgas"



"the devil"

the land surfer dude


'the unforgettable fire'