

John Winston

Subject: Who's On First. What's On Second -----
Feb. 19, 2008.

Here is some information that is pretty hard to
follow but we will give it a try.


Dear John, Yes. This is one of my favorite areas
of interest as it represents 80%+ of all expenditures
as well as massive pollution problems. I've sent
this on to a couple of bleeding-edge scientist
friends for their review.
I'm including, below, some good news we got early
this AM which confirmed that a rescue mission to
extract "Joe" from the decaying orbit spy satellite
is underway. Good things are happening!
Monday near midnight, Feb. 18


It is my pleasure to bring you promising
news about that astronaut "Joe" stranded on the
spy satellite about to fall out of orbit.
Around Noon today I emailed P-esident B-sh
about "Joe", the hybrid astronaut stranded
aboard the dying space satellite. (See my
Letter below. )
Two hours later I heard from a Star Being,
who provided me the following update
information, which I am sharing with you.
The Star Being, whom I will call "Oscar",
is in a position to be aware of developments
within the W-ite House, within N-SA, and of
C-bal communications, via intercepts. Here
is what I learned from him.
Oscar says that my Letter to the Wh-te
House "got attention" from the Good Guys/Gals
working there. No doubt the other emails
people have sent today helped, too.
He said,"The good guys did not know they
had an astronaut up there, and within the
hour calls were made. The switchboard lit up."
One official in the White House was heard
yelling into his phone to NA-A,"What in the
h-ll are you boys doing up there!" WH
officials said threateningly to NAS-,"If we
find out you got Bio [a living person] on
board, you can kiss your Spring Break
Currently the Ca-al are rushing to get
their "Johnson" up there before the Whi-e
House gets their astronaut to the failing s-y
satellite. ("Johnson" is -ASA's term for
their special astronauts who operate out of
the clandestine S-ace City facility, Johnson
Space C-nter-West, within Wh-te Sands Missile
Range near Las Cruces, New Mexico. The C-bal
have a lot of their people at Sp-ce City, and
have a Headquarters there.)
The Whit- House has ordered a quiet,
urgent special rescue flight by a Good Guy
space-rescue astronaut aboard an undeclared
spacecraft out of Spa-e City, NM, to retrieve
the stranded hybrid astronaut Joe, and
bring him back safely to Earth.
It is a de-facto r-ce between the Good
Guys' rescue astronaut and the Ca-al's
"Johnson" to see who can reach Joe first. But
the Cab-l don't want to bring Joe back alive.
Oscar says, "The Caba- will k-ll Joe if they
get him first."
Oscar says that Good Guys officials in
the W-ite House have given the -abal "direct
orders not to go anywhere near that 'f ing
time b-mb' [the failing satellite loaded
with explosive fuel]." Oscar reported that
"the Wh-te House has ordered Cab-l to back
off, and let the officially-authorized -ASA
rescue team retrieve Joe from the dying
Because of the human outpouring of
concern for stranded Joe, Star Nations
feels it is permitted to join with the
Human rescue effort to help assure success,
and has pledged today to do so.
Perhaps not coincidentally, the N-vy
has hurried up its timetable to shoot the
satellite down, and plans to launch a
destructive missile at it Thursday.
I am sending Pr-sident Bu-h a follow-up
email demanding that he tell the (Cab-l
elements within the) Na-y to stand down
from any missile launch until Joe has been
rescued. I also told Oscar to relay to
Star Nations that "the Councillor of
Earth authorizes extreme force to repel
any Caba- craft trying to harm Joe, or
to interfere with the Good Guys' craft
getting to Joe first."
Hold good intention, send positive
energy or a p-ayer that the rescue
mission is successful.

in the light,

Richard B-ylan, Ph.D.


Pre-ident George Bu-h
The Wh-te House

Dear Presi-ent Bus-:

I am contacting you, Pr-sident B-sh
at the W-ite House and demanding that the
Space Shuttle be ordered to go and pick up
the astronaut from the spy satellite that
is falling from orbit.
In the event that your aides did not
inform you of this situation, the details
are below.
Thank you.


Richard Bo-lan, Ph.D.

(JW Well we shall see what we shall see.)

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com

Subject: The Good Guys To The Rescue.
Feb. 18, 2008.

There appears to be good news about the stranded
hybrid astronaut.


Subject: [DrRichBoylanReports] Breaking News:
stranded astronaut "Joe" has been rescued!


I bring you great joyful news, just received.

Stranded astronaut "Joe" has been rescued
by the s-cret N-SA rescue team dispatched from
J-hnson Space Center, W-ite Sands by the Good
Guys/Gals in the A-ministration.

At 3:23 pm, PST, the Wh-te Hats within
the g-vernment sent a message, (intercepted
by my Star Being informant, "Oscar".) The
Whit- Hats message read: "Precious Cargo has
been retrieved."

This means Joe has been successfully
retrieved from the stricken satellite and
placed board the NA-A Retrieval Vehicle
for transport back to the ground. There
he will associate with the Friendlies
within gov-rnment, safe from C-bal clutches.

Informant Oscar also said (at 3:40 pm,
PST) that the Ca-al sent a message: "Our
Bobbies have some serious explaining to do."
Oscar said he believes this is a reference
to the inability of the Cab-l European forces
to stop the Whi-e Hats from getting to Joe.

Score: Human-Star Nations joint effort: 1

Cabal: 0

Time to break out the sparkling bubbly
beverage! Well done, all the way around!

in the light,

Richard B-ylan, Ph.D.

Richard Bo-lan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor
of/for Earth

P-esident, Star Kids Project, Ltd

Email: drboylan@sbcglobal.net

Website: www.drboylan.com

Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA

To subscribe to my free email newsletter:
send one email to:

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Star Seeds and lightworkers, send a
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John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com

Subject: Standby For News. Feb. 20, 2008.

And in the case I don't mean Paul Harvey.
This is supposed to be from "You Know Who".
It's c-anneled material so be carefully.


a message from G-d ch-nneled by Gloria W-ndroff
Monday, 18 February, 2008

My beloveds, you are like a rainbow in the sky
for Me. You are like a beautiful promise that
presents itself to Me. You are My present I gave
to Myself. If time were, you are My past,
present, and future. You are My world, and you
are all My faith in it. You are the blessing I
sent to Myself.
If it were possible for me to be lonely, I
would be lonely without you. Of course, you
are integrally a part of My completeness so
all I know is Wholeness. You are the one who
doesn't know it. Since I do, it is all right.
Meanwhile, you start to catch on to what you
and I are about.
You make great discoveries. If there are
a hundred steps, you are almost to the top.
This is not a hard climb. This is an easy
road, for We are on it together. We surface,
and We dive deep. We leap high, and we float.
It is all good. It is all Our life together,
never apart.
In one sense, it doesn't matter what
transpires. In one sense, it doesn't matter
who you seem to be, or even who you think
you are. It matters that We be. We are
indeed the continuation of the rainbow high
in the sky. We are many streams of layered
light. We are a curved ray. We curve in a
circle so that all can be contained within
Us, and, really, nothing outside Us. There
is no outer rim, though, from time to time,
you think so.
I know the circling presence of love is
complete. Encircled, it is non-ending. Love
is unending. That means you are. There is,
in actuality, no needle to thread. There is
just Oneness in leaps and bounds as if it
were sewing itself.
No one is outside this vast circle of
Oneness. No one. That is how there is no
least. That is how there is no other.
Light is light wherever it shines. Light
is light by whatever name it goes under.
Light cannot be deceived.
Radiant rays come from one Sun. Rays
may seem to depart, but yet they can never
depart. Light does not separate itself.
It joins and enjoins. Oneness dances a
many-rayed dance of love.
Love may disguise itself, yet I am never
fooled. You don't need to be either.
It is not simply wordage to say that
everywhere you go, even everywhere you go
in your thoughts, no matter to what distant
land, no matter to what realm, no matter
to what star, what sun, what moon, what
twig, what s-int, what marauder, it is
yourself you are meeting. You are always
looking into a mirror of your self. It is
you who perceives what you see.
One sees an a-gel. One sees a stranger.
One sees a sa-nt. One sees misery.
In every case, the one who looks is the
seer, and he sees himself in one illusive
form or another. He dances in front of
himself. He plays the hollow flute. He
blows on the reed of life and makes his
own music.
You can make new music if you like. You
can start a new dance. You can dance in a
crowd, or you can dance with one partner,
or you can dance solo. In every case, you
are dancing with yourself, and you are
also dancing with Me. There is no aloneness
in a world of Oneness. There are no
strangers. There is no separation. There
is not even a flicker of separation. All
there is is love dancing. Round and round
goes the dance, and I hold everyone in My
arms as We go round and round, Our feet
not even touching the floor.

(JW At least this entity seems to like

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com