Left Wing Liberal Media Smearing of The Truth



Watch the usual liberal goon squads stamp their feet, cuss & insult the
messenger, but NEVER actually address the FACTS of this issue. Your see,
these liberal medias CANNOT dispute the slanted smearing they are both
promoting and cheering because their reports speak for themselves.


1. CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of Bill O'Reilly
The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a potential
"Imus moment" pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill O'Reilly over a
supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday advanced the liberal
group's cause with multi-part segments on the topic. But while NBC's Today
at least provided some balance and proper labeling, CBS's Early Show, with
"In Hot Water" and "O'Race Factor" on screen, aired a story which failed to
identify the ideology of Media Matters and followed with Julie Chen pressing
the only guest to agree O'Reilly's comment was racist and that he must issue
an apology. Amazingly, neither show bothered to mention that Juan Williams,
the black journalist who was on O'Reilly's radio show when the FNC host made
the remarks in question, defended O'Reilly: "It had nothing to do with
racist ranting by anybody except these idiots at CNN." Harry Smith teased
Wednesday's Early Show: "Bill O'Reilly in hot water over race remarks..."
Chen hyped a "firestorm" over O'Reilly before reporter Bianca Solorzano
innocuously described Media Matters as a "watchdog group." Solorzano asked
an employee at the Harlem restaurant O'Reilly talked about: "Do you feel
Bill O'Reilly's comments about his meal here are racist?" The woman
affirmed: "Definitely."

2. MSNBC Graphic Defames O'Reilly: 'Anchor's Racist Comments'
On Wednesday, an MSNBC graphic flat-out accused Bill O'Reilly of being
a racist. It read: "Anchor's Racist Comments." Within the graphic, there was
no accompanying question mark to at least add the benefit of the doubt.
During the 11am EDT hour of MSNBC News Live, anchor Contessa Brewer
discussed a liberal group's attack over O'Reilly's comments about eating at
a black restaurant. A second graphic, below the host, did offer some slight
uncertainty. It asked: "Anchor's Racist Comments? Bill O'Reilly Comes Under
Fire for Description of Black Restaurant." Brewer discussed the issue with
Paul Waldman of Media Matters and Republican strategist Joe Watkins. At one
point, Watkins noted that both he and the host had previously been attacked
by the liberal organization. Brewer defensively replied, "And, by the way,
I'm not a conservative." The host appeared to be sympathetic to the idea
O'Reilly's comments, which originated on the September 19 edition of his
radio show, had some sort of negative intention. She opened the segment by
asserting the Fox News host is "now at the center of a heated debate about
racist language."

3. On CNN, O'Reilly is 'Ahmadinejad,' Juan Williams a 'Happy Negro'
Even after the Juan Williams' "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN still
pressed on about Bill O'Reilly's race remarks, and a guest on Wednesday's
Newsroom took the language being used against O'Reilly and Williams to new
lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce Watkins appeared on
the CNN program, and compared O'Reilly to a murderous movie villain and to
Iranian President Ahmadinejad: "If the villain in a movie comes up and says,
'I love you very much,' that usually means he wants to kill you. The fact is
that Bill O'Reilly is a guy who has made a career demeaning, degrading, and
devaluing every black institution he can get his hands on....You know, he's
about like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, when it comes to making ridiculous
assertions and waiting for people to respond." After his villain/Ahmadinejad
comparison, Watkins blasted NPR host and Fox News contributor Juan Williams
for coming to O'Reilly's defense. O'Reilly's race comments had come from an
hour of his radio program that involved a segment with Williams. "Juan
Williams sitting there, is sort of the 'Happy Negro' agreeing with Bill
O'Reilly, doesn't impress me at all. A man cannot walk into your home and
congratulate your mother for not being a prostitute and not expect you to be

4. NPR Snubs Interview With the President, So It Airs on Fox News
Does National Public Radio have a nose for news? Or a nose that's
offended by the scent of President Bush? NPR news boss Ellen Weiss snubbed
an exclusive interview opportunity with President Bush. Washington Post
media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Wednesday that the White House offered
NPR's Juan Williams an interview on race relations, but NPR didn't want it
on its airwaves. So on Monday it aired instead on the Fox News Channel.
Williams told Kurtz he was "stunned" by NPR's decision: "It makes no sense
to me. President Bush has never given an interview in which he focused on
race....I was stunned by the decision to turn their backs on him and to turn
their backs on me." Fox was even sharper. "NPR's lack of news judgment is
astonishing, and their treatment of a respected journalist like Juan
Williams is appalling," said Fox spokeswoman Irena Briganti.

5. Matthews 'Warming Up To' Hillary, Chris Wallace an 'Ignoramus'
On Wednesday's Countdown, just minutes before the beginning of the
night's Democratic debate coverage on MSNBC, Chris Matthews remarked that he
was "warming up to Hillary these days," while host Keith Olbermann responded
that "I don't have anything to warm up from." Matthews also attacked Fox's
"partisanship" and suggested that its anchor of Fox News Sunday, Chris
Wallace, is an "ignoramus." He charged: "When [Wallace is] the one that took
down her husband a few months ago and he's talking about excessive
partisanship....He's there representing Fox Television putting down
partisanship. What? Of course she had to laugh. What else could she say,
'You're an ignoramus'?"
MioMyo wrote:
> Watch the usual liberal goon squads stamp their feet, cuss & insult the
> messenger, but NEVER actually address the FACTS of this issue. Your see,
> these liberal medias CANNOT dispute the slanted smearing they are both
> promoting and cheering because their reports speak for themselves.

This is so typical of that lying left-wing media. Here is the respected
Mr. O'Reilly being nice about Negroes, telling us they are really not as
bad as we all believe, and look at what people are doing to him.

I say we should all support Mr. O'Reilly. We can only hope that other
Negroes can learn from what he observed and reported, and the
compliments he made regarding well-behaved Negroes who used proper
manners and language.

Let's hope that Mr. O'Reilly visits establishments owned by members of
other ethnic groups so they too can learn from him what it takes to be
good Americans.

Like Mr. O'Reilly, I love all people, no matter how inferior they may be.

> http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/2007/cyb20070927.asp
> 1. CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of Bill O'Reilly
> The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a potential
> "Imus moment" pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill O'Reilly over a
> supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday advanced the liberal
> group's cause with multi-part segments on the topic. But while NBC's Today
> at least provided some balance and proper labeling, CBS's Early Show, with
> "In Hot Water" and "O'Race Factor" on screen, aired a story which failed to
> identify the ideology of Media Matters and followed with Julie Chen pressing
> the only guest to agree O'Reilly's comment was racist and that he must issue
> an apology. Amazingly, neither show bothered to mention that Juan Williams,
> the black journalist who was on O'Reilly's radio show when the FNC host made
> the remarks in question, defended O'Reilly: "It had nothing to do with
> racist ranting by anybody except these idiots at CNN." Harry Smith teased
> Wednesday's Early Show: "Bill O'Reilly in hot water over race remarks..."
> Chen hyped a "firestorm" over O'Reilly before reporter Bianca Solorzano
> innocuously described Media Matters as a "watchdog group." Solorzano asked
> an employee at the Harlem restaurant O'Reilly talked about: "Do you feel
> Bill O'Reilly's comments about his meal here are racist?" The woman
> affirmed: "Definitely."
> 2. MSNBC Graphic Defames O'Reilly: 'Anchor's Racist Comments'
> On Wednesday, an MSNBC graphic flat-out accused Bill O'Reilly of being
> a racist. It read: "Anchor's Racist Comments." Within the graphic, there was
> no accompanying question mark to at least add the benefit of the doubt.
> During the 11am EDT hour of MSNBC News Live, anchor Contessa Brewer
> discussed a liberal group's attack over O'Reilly's comments about eating at
> a black restaurant. A second graphic, below the host, did offer some slight
> uncertainty. It asked: "Anchor's Racist Comments? Bill O'Reilly Comes Under
> Fire for Description of Black Restaurant." Brewer discussed the issue with
> Paul Waldman of Media Matters and Republican strategist Joe Watkins. At one
> point, Watkins noted that both he and the host had previously been attacked
> by the liberal organization. Brewer defensively replied, "And, by the way,
> I'm not a conservative." The host appeared to be sympathetic to the idea
> O'Reilly's comments, which originated on the September 19 edition of his
> radio show, had some sort of negative intention. She opened the segment by
> asserting the Fox News host is "now at the center of a heated debate about
> racist language."
> 3. On CNN, O'Reilly is 'Ahmadinejad,' Juan Williams a 'Happy Negro'
> Even after the Juan Williams' "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN still
> pressed on about Bill O'Reilly's race remarks, and a guest on Wednesday's
> Newsroom took the language being used against O'Reilly and Williams to new
> lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce Watkins appeared on
> the CNN program, and compared O'Reilly to a murderous movie villain and to
> Iranian President Ahmadinejad: "If the villain in a movie comes up and says,
> 'I love you very much,' that usually means he wants to kill you. The fact is
> that Bill O'Reilly is a guy who has made a career demeaning, degrading, and
> devaluing every black institution he can get his hands on....You know, he's
> about like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, when it comes to making ridiculous
> assertions and waiting for people to respond." After his villain/Ahmadinejad
> comparison, Watkins blasted NPR host and Fox News contributor Juan Williams
> for coming to O'Reilly's defense. O'Reilly's race comments had come from an
> hour of his radio program that involved a segment with Williams. "Juan
> Williams sitting there, is sort of the 'Happy Negro' agreeing with Bill
> O'Reilly, doesn't impress me at all. A man cannot walk into your home and
> congratulate your mother for not being a prostitute and not expect you to be
> offended."
> 4. NPR Snubs Interview With the President, So It Airs on Fox News
> Does National Public Radio have a nose for news? Or a nose that's
> offended by the scent of President Bush? NPR news boss Ellen Weiss snubbed
> an exclusive interview opportunity with President Bush. Washington Post
> media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Wednesday that the White House offered
> NPR's Juan Williams an interview on race relations, but NPR didn't want it
> on its airwaves. So on Monday it aired instead on the Fox News Channel.
> Williams told Kurtz he was "stunned" by NPR's decision: "It makes no sense
> to me. President Bush has never given an interview in which he focused on
> race....I was stunned by the decision to turn their backs on him and to turn
> their backs on me." Fox was even sharper. "NPR's lack of news judgment is
> astonishing, and their treatment of a respected journalist like Juan
> Williams is appalling," said Fox spokeswoman Irena Briganti.
> 5. Matthews 'Warming Up To' Hillary, Chris Wallace an 'Ignoramus'
> On Wednesday's Countdown, just minutes before the beginning of the
> night's Democratic debate coverage on MSNBC, Chris Matthews remarked that he
> was "warming up to Hillary these days," while host Keith Olbermann responded
> that "I don't have anything to warm up from." Matthews also attacked Fox's
> "partisanship" and suggested that its anchor of Fox News Sunday, Chris
> Wallace, is an "ignoramus." He charged: "When [Wallace is] the one that took
> down her husband a few months ago and he's talking about excessive
> partisanship....He's there representing Fox Television putting down
> partisanship. What? Of course she had to laugh. What else could she say,
> 'You're an ignoramus'?"
"MioMyo" <USA_Patriot@Somewhere.com> wrote in message

O'Reilly's own words are doing the smear, YoYo. O'Reilly has finally gone
over the edge -- he is now threatening people. It is a thing of beauty to
watch as is the desperate attempt by you and your ilk to shift the attention
away from his lifelong blatant racism.
"Lamont Cranston" <Lamont.Cranston@CloudYourMind.com> wrote in message
> "MioMyo" <USA_Patriot@Somewhere.com> wrote in message
> news:SC6Li.11962$924.5777@newssvr23.news.prodigy.net...
> O'Reilly's own words are doing the smear, YoYo. O'Reilly has finally gone
> over the edge -- he is now threatening people. It is a thing of beauty to
> watch as is the desperate attempt by you and your ilk to shift the
> attention away from his lifelong blatant racism.

: )
Glad to see it is as obvious to thinking Americans as it is to everyone
outside of your once great country.
On Sep 28, 11:35 am, "Adam Whyte-Settlar" <none@none> wrote:
> "Lamont Cranston" <Lamont.Crans...@CloudYourMind.com> wrote in message
> news:fdj5fr$6sk$1@news.albasani.net...
> > "MioMyo" <USA_Patr...@Somewhere.com> wrote in message
> >news:SC6Li.11962$924.5777@newssvr23.news.prodigy.net...

> > O'Reilly's own words are doing the smear, YoYo. O'Reilly has finally gone
> > over the edge -- he is now threatening people. It is a thing of beauty to
> > watch as is the desperate attempt by you and your ilk to shift the
> > attention away from his lifelong blatant racism.

> : )
> Glad to see it is as obvious to thinking Americans as it is to everyone
> outside of your once great country.

Mr. Whyte-Settlar,

We agree on most things here but please do not take our current
situation for long-term weakness. We're stil great and will regain
our stature before the next Presidential administration is done.

I guarantee it.
"MioMyo" <USA_Patriot@Somewhere.com> wrote in message
> Watch the usual liberal goon squads stamp their feet, cuss & insult the
> messenger, but NEVER actually address the FACTS of this issue. Your see,
> these liberal medias CANNOT dispute the slanted smearing they are both
> promoting and cheering because their reports speak for themselves.

you know what's funny, the moveon.org democratic party thinks of the media
research council as a evil outfit, while it's moveon.org democratic party's
own media matters that is evil.

> http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/2007/cyb20070927.asp
> 1. CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of Bill O'Reilly
> The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a potential
> "Imus moment" pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill O'Reilly over a
> supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday advanced the liberal
> group's cause with multi-part segments on the topic. But while NBC's Today
> at least provided some balance and proper labeling, CBS's Early Show, with
> "In Hot Water" and "O'Race Factor" on screen, aired a story which failed
> to identify the ideology of Media Matters and followed with Julie Chen
> pressing the only guest to agree O'Reilly's comment was racist and that he
> must issue an apology. Amazingly, neither show bothered to mention that
> Juan Williams, the black journalist who was on O'Reilly's radio show when
> the FNC host made the remarks in question, defended O'Reilly: "It had
> nothing to do with racist ranting by anybody except these idiots at CNN."
> Harry Smith teased Wednesday's Early Show: "Bill O'Reilly in hot water
> over race remarks..." Chen hyped a "firestorm" over O'Reilly before
> reporter Bianca Solorzano innocuously described Media Matters as a
> "watchdog group." Solorzano asked an employee at the Harlem restaurant
> O'Reilly talked about: "Do you feel Bill O'Reilly's comments about his
> meal here are racist?" The woman affirmed: "Definitely."
> 2. MSNBC Graphic Defames O'Reilly: 'Anchor's Racist Comments'
> On Wednesday, an MSNBC graphic flat-out accused Bill O'Reilly of
> being a racist. It read: "Anchor's Racist Comments." Within the graphic,
> there was no accompanying question mark to at least add the benefit of the
> doubt. During the 11am EDT hour of MSNBC News Live, anchor Contessa Brewer
> discussed a liberal group's attack over O'Reilly's comments about eating
> at a black restaurant. A second graphic, below the host, did offer some
> slight uncertainty. It asked: "Anchor's Racist Comments? Bill O'Reilly
> Comes Under Fire for Description of Black Restaurant." Brewer discussed
> the issue with Paul Waldman of Media Matters and Republican strategist Joe
> Watkins. At one point, Watkins noted that both he and the host had
> previously been attacked by the liberal organization. Brewer defensively
> replied, "And, by the way, I'm not a conservative." The host appeared to
> be sympathetic to the idea O'Reilly's comments, which originated on the
> September 19 edition of his radio show, had some sort of negative
> intention. She opened the segment by asserting the Fox News host is "now
> at the center of a heated debate about racist language."
> 3. On CNN, O'Reilly is 'Ahmadinejad,' Juan Williams a 'Happy Negro'
> Even after the Juan Williams' "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN still
> pressed on about Bill O'Reilly's race remarks, and a guest on Wednesday's
> Newsroom took the language being used against O'Reilly and Williams to new
> lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce Watkins appeared on
> the CNN program, and compared O'Reilly to a murderous movie villain and to
> Iranian President Ahmadinejad: "If the villain in a movie comes up and
> says, 'I love you very much,' that usually means he wants to kill you. The
> fact is that Bill O'Reilly is a guy who has made a career demeaning,
> degrading, and devaluing every black institution he can get his hands
> on....You know, he's about like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, when it comes to
> making ridiculous assertions and waiting for people to respond." After his
> villain/Ahmadinejad comparison, Watkins blasted NPR host and Fox News
> contributor Juan Williams for coming to O'Reilly's defense. O'Reilly's
> race comments had come from an hour of his radio program that involved a
> segment with Williams. "Juan Williams sitting there, is sort of the 'Happy
> Negro' agreeing with Bill O'Reilly, doesn't impress me at all. A man
> cannot walk into your home and congratulate your mother for not being a
> prostitute and not expect you to be offended."
> 4. NPR Snubs Interview With the President, So It Airs on Fox News
> Does National Public Radio have a nose for news? Or a nose that's
> offended by the scent of President Bush? NPR news boss Ellen Weiss snubbed
> an exclusive interview opportunity with President Bush. Washington Post
> media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Wednesday that the White House
> offered NPR's Juan Williams an interview on race relations, but NPR didn't
> want it on its airwaves. So on Monday it aired instead on the Fox News
> Channel. Williams told Kurtz he was "stunned" by NPR's decision: "It makes
> no sense to me. President Bush has never given an interview in which he
> focused on race....I was stunned by the decision to turn their backs on
> him and to turn their backs on me." Fox was even sharper. "NPR's lack of
> news judgment is astonishing, and their treatment of a respected
> journalist like Juan Williams is appalling," said Fox spokeswoman Irena
> Briganti.
> 5. Matthews 'Warming Up To' Hillary, Chris Wallace an 'Ignoramus'
> On Wednesday's Countdown, just minutes before the beginning of the
> night's Democratic debate coverage on MSNBC, Chris Matthews remarked that
> he was "warming up to Hillary these days," while host Keith Olbermann
> responded that "I don't have anything to warm up from." Matthews also
> attacked Fox's "partisanship" and suggested that its anchor of Fox News
> Sunday, Chris Wallace, is an "ignoramus." He charged: "When [Wallace is]
> the one that took down her husband a few months ago and he's talking about
> excessive partisanship....He's there representing Fox Television putting
> down partisanship. What? Of course she had to laugh. What else could she
> say, 'You're an ignoramus'?"
"SyVyN11" <robhorine711@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "MioMyo" <USA_Patriot@Somewhere.com> wrote in message
> news:SC6Li.11962$924.5777@newssvr23.news.prodigy.net...
>> Watch the usual liberal goon squads stamp their feet, cuss & insult the
>> messenger, but NEVER actually address the FACTS of this issue. Your see,
>> these liberal medias CANNOT dispute the slanted smearing they are both
>> promoting and cheering because their reports speak for themselves.

> you know what's funny, the moveon.org democratic party thinks of the media
> research council as a evil outfit, while it's moveon.org democratic
> party's own media matters that is evil.

The liberal media's problem is people like O'Reilly exposes their
duplicitous hypocrisy while MRC archives and publishes liberals' very
comments which drives these Usenet libs totally insane. I've notive how
these sycophant will never respond to inconvenient facts such as the ones in
the links below. Liberals always revert to more of what they know best-
slime, smear & insult anyone who confronts them with facts & truth.

>> http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/2007/cyb20070927.asp
>> 1. CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of Bill O'Reilly
>> The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a potential
>> "Imus moment" pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill O'Reilly over a
>> supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday advanced the liberal
>> group's cause with multi-part segments on the topic. But while NBC's
>> Today at least provided some balance and proper labeling, CBS's Early
>> Show, with "In Hot Water" and "O'Race Factor" on screen, aired a story
>> which failed to identify the ideology of Media Matters and followed with
>> Julie Chen pressing the only guest to agree O'Reilly's comment was racist
>> and that he must issue an apology. Amazingly, neither show bothered to
>> mention that Juan Williams, the black journalist who was on O'Reilly's
>> radio show when the FNC host made the remarks in question, defended
>> O'Reilly: "It had nothing to do with racist ranting by anybody except
>> these idiots at CNN." Harry Smith teased Wednesday's Early Show: "Bill
>> O'Reilly in hot water over race remarks..." Chen hyped a "firestorm" over
>> O'Reilly before reporter Bianca Solorzano innocuously described Media
>> Matters as a "watchdog group." Solorzano asked an employee at the Harlem
>> restaurant O'Reilly talked about: "Do you feel Bill O'Reilly's comments
>> about his meal here are racist?" The woman affirmed: "Definitely."
>> 2. MSNBC Graphic Defames O'Reilly: 'Anchor's Racist Comments'
>> On Wednesday, an MSNBC graphic flat-out accused Bill O'Reilly of
>> being a racist. It read: "Anchor's Racist Comments." Within the graphic,
>> there was no accompanying question mark to at least add the benefit of
>> the doubt. During the 11am EDT hour of MSNBC News Live, anchor Contessa
>> Brewer discussed a liberal group's attack over O'Reilly's comments about
>> eating at a black restaurant. A second graphic, below the host, did offer
>> some slight uncertainty. It asked: "Anchor's Racist Comments? Bill
>> O'Reilly Comes Under Fire for Description of Black Restaurant." Brewer
>> discussed the issue with Paul Waldman of Media Matters and Republican
>> strategist Joe Watkins. At one point, Watkins noted that both he and the
>> host had previously been attacked by the liberal organization. Brewer
>> defensively replied, "And, by the way, I'm not a conservative." The host
>> appeared to be sympathetic to the idea O'Reilly's comments, which
>> originated on the September 19 edition of his radio show, had some sort
>> of negative intention. She opened the segment by asserting the Fox News
>> host is "now at the center of a heated debate about racist language."
>> 3. On CNN, O'Reilly is 'Ahmadinejad,' Juan Williams a 'Happy Negro'
>> Even after the Juan Williams' "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN still
>> pressed on about Bill O'Reilly's race remarks, and a guest on Wednesday's
>> Newsroom took the language being used against O'Reilly and Williams to
>> new lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce Watkins
>> appeared on the CNN program, and compared O'Reilly to a murderous movie
>> villain and to Iranian President Ahmadinejad: "If the villain in a movie
>> comes up and says, 'I love you very much,' that usually means he wants to
>> kill you. The fact is that Bill O'Reilly is a guy who has made a career
>> demeaning, degrading, and devaluing every black institution he can get
>> his hands on....You know, he's about like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, when it
>> comes to making ridiculous assertions and waiting for people to respond."
>> After his villain/Ahmadinejad comparison, Watkins blasted NPR host and
>> Fox News contributor Juan Williams for coming to O'Reilly's defense.
>> O'Reilly's race comments had come from an hour of his radio program that
>> involved a segment with Williams. "Juan Williams sitting there, is sort
>> of the 'Happy Negro' agreeing with Bill O'Reilly, doesn't impress me at
>> all. A man cannot walk into your home and congratulate your mother for
>> not being a prostitute and not expect you to be offended."
>> 4. NPR Snubs Interview With the President, So It Airs on Fox News
>> Does National Public Radio have a nose for news? Or a nose that's
>> offended by the scent of President Bush? NPR news boss Ellen Weiss
>> snubbed an exclusive interview opportunity with President Bush.
>> Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Wednesday that the
>> White House offered NPR's Juan Williams an interview on race relations,
>> but NPR didn't want it on its airwaves. So on Monday it aired instead on
>> the Fox News Channel. Williams told Kurtz he was "stunned" by NPR's
>> decision: "It makes no sense to me. President Bush has never given an
>> interview in which he focused on race....I was stunned by the decision to
>> turn their backs on him and to turn their backs on me." Fox was even
>> sharper. "NPR's lack of news judgment is astonishing, and their treatment
>> of a respected journalist like Juan Williams is appalling," said Fox
>> spokeswoman Irena Briganti.
>> 5. Matthews 'Warming Up To' Hillary, Chris Wallace an 'Ignoramus'
>> On Wednesday's Countdown, just minutes before the beginning of the
>> night's Democratic debate coverage on MSNBC, Chris Matthews remarked that
>> he was "warming up to Hillary these days," while host Keith Olbermann
>> responded that "I don't have anything to warm up from." Matthews also
>> attacked Fox's "partisanship" and suggested that its anchor of Fox News
>> Sunday, Chris Wallace, is an "ignoramus." He charged: "When [Wallace is]
>> the one that took down her husband a few months ago and he's talking
>> about excessive partisanship....He's there representing Fox Television
>> putting down partisanship. What? Of course she had to laugh. What else
>> could she say, 'You're an ignoramus'?"

Check the facts sgt Stupid. The truth is O'Reilly merely reported
unchallenged language that allowed on CNN smearing Juan Williams because he
has the audacity to engage O'Reilly in dialog and not just lies.

Go to the source you ignoramus follower. Not doing so means you are being
lead around by your nose ring.

"SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
> MioMyo wrote:
>> Watch the usual liberal goon squads stamp their feet, cuss & insult the
>> messenger, but NEVER actually address the FACTS of this issue. Your see,
>> these liberal medias CANNOT dispute the slanted smearing they are both
>> promoting and cheering because their reports speak for themselves.

> This is so typical of that lying left-wing media. Here is the respected
> Mr. O'Reilly being nice about Negroes, telling us they are really not as
> bad as we all believe, and look at what people are doing to him.
> I say we should all support Mr. O'Reilly. We can only hope that other
> Negroes can learn from what he observed and reported, and the compliments
> he made regarding well-behaved Negroes who used proper manners and
> language.
> Let's hope that Mr. O'Reilly visits establishments owned by members of
> other ethnic groups so they too can learn from him what it takes to be
> good Americans.
> Like Mr. O'Reilly, I love all people, no matter how inferior they may be.
>> http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/2007/cyb20070927.asp
>> 1. CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of Bill O'Reilly
>> The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a potential
>> "Imus moment" pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill O'Reilly over a
>> supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday advanced the liberal
>> group's cause with multi-part segments on the topic. But while NBC's
>> Today at least provided some balance and proper labeling, CBS's Early
>> Show, with "In Hot Water" and "O'Race Factor" on screen, aired a story
>> which failed to identify the ideology of Media Matters and followed with
>> Julie Chen pressing the only guest to agree O'Reilly's comment was racist
>> and that he must issue an apology. Amazingly, neither show bothered to
>> mention that Juan Williams, the black journalist who was on O'Reilly's
>> radio show when the FNC host made the remarks in question, defended
>> O'Reilly: "It had nothing to do with racist ranting by anybody except
>> these idiots at CNN." Harry Smith teased Wednesday's Early Show: "Bill
>> O'Reilly in hot water over race remarks..." Chen hyped a "firestorm" over
>> O'Reilly before reporter Bianca Solorzano innocuously described Media
>> Matters as a "watchdog group." Solorzano asked an employee at the Harlem
>> restaurant O'Reilly talked about: "Do you feel Bill O'Reilly's comments
>> about his meal here are racist?" The woman affirmed: "Definitely."
>> 2. MSNBC Graphic Defames O'Reilly: 'Anchor's Racist Comments'
>> On Wednesday, an MSNBC graphic flat-out accused Bill O'Reilly of
>> being a racist. It read: "Anchor's Racist Comments." Within the graphic,
>> there was no accompanying question mark to at least add the benefit of
>> the doubt. During the 11am EDT hour of MSNBC News Live, anchor Contessa
>> Brewer discussed a liberal group's attack over O'Reilly's comments about
>> eating at a black restaurant. A second graphic, below the host, did offer
>> some slight uncertainty. It asked: "Anchor's Racist Comments? Bill
>> O'Reilly Comes Under Fire for Description of Black Restaurant." Brewer
>> discussed the issue with Paul Waldman of Media Matters and Republican
>> strategist Joe Watkins. At one point, Watkins noted that both he and the
>> host had previously been attacked by the liberal organization. Brewer
>> defensively replied, "And, by the way, I'm not a conservative." The host
>> appeared to be sympathetic to the idea O'Reilly's comments, which
>> originated on the September 19 edition of his radio show, had some sort
>> of negative intention. She opened the segment by asserting the Fox News
>> host is "now at the center of a heated debate about racist language."
>> 3. On CNN, O'Reilly is 'Ahmadinejad,' Juan Williams a 'Happy Negro'
>> Even after the Juan Williams' "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN still
>> pressed on about Bill O'Reilly's race remarks, and a guest on Wednesday's
>> Newsroom took the language being used against O'Reilly and Williams to
>> new lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce Watkins
>> appeared on the CNN program, and compared O'Reilly to a murderous movie
>> villain and to Iranian President Ahmadinejad: "If the villain in a movie
>> comes up and says, 'I love you very much,' that usually means he wants to
>> kill you. The fact is that Bill O'Reilly is a guy who has made a career
>> demeaning, degrading, and devaluing every black institution he can get
>> his hands on....You know, he's about like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, when it
>> comes to making ridiculous assertions and waiting for people to respond."
>> After his villain/Ahmadinejad comparison, Watkins blasted NPR host and
>> Fox News contributor Juan Williams for coming to O'Reilly's defense.
>> O'Reilly's race comments had come from an hour of his radio program that
>> involved a segment with Williams. "Juan Williams sitting there, is sort
>> of the 'Happy Negro' agreeing with Bill O'Reilly, doesn't impress me at
>> all. A man cannot walk into your home and congratulate your mother for
>> not being a prostitute and not expect you to be offended."
>> 4. NPR Snubs Interview With the President, So It Airs on Fox News
>> Does National Public Radio have a nose for news? Or a nose that's
>> offended by the scent of President Bush? NPR news boss Ellen Weiss
>> snubbed an exclusive interview opportunity with President Bush.
>> Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Wednesday that the
>> White House offered NPR's Juan Williams an interview on race relations,
>> but NPR didn't want it on its airwaves. So on Monday it aired instead on
>> the Fox News Channel. Williams told Kurtz he was "stunned" by NPR's
>> decision: "It makes no sense to me. President Bush has never given an
>> interview in which he focused on race....I was stunned by the decision to
>> turn their backs on him and to turn their backs on me." Fox was even
>> sharper. "NPR's lack of news judgment is astonishing, and their treatment
>> of a respected journalist like Juan Williams is appalling," said Fox
>> spokeswoman Irena Briganti.
>> 5. Matthews 'Warming Up To' Hillary, Chris Wallace an 'Ignoramus'
>> On Wednesday's Countdown, just minutes before the beginning of the
>> night's Democratic debate coverage on MSNBC, Chris Matthews remarked that
>> he was "warming up to Hillary these days," while host Keith Olbermann
>> responded that "I don't have anything to warm up from." Matthews also
>> attacked Fox's "partisanship" and suggested that its anchor of Fox News
>> Sunday, Chris Wallace, is an "ignoramus." He charged: "When [Wallace is]
>> the one that took down her husband a few months ago and he's talking
>> about excessive partisanship....He's there representing Fox Television
>> putting down partisanship. What? Of course she had to laugh. What else
>> could she say, 'You're an ignoramus'?"
MioMyo wrote:
> Check the facts sgt Stupid. The truth is O'Reilly merely reported
> unchallenged language that allowed on CNN smearing Juan Williams because he
> has the audacity to engage O'Reilly in dialog and not just lies.
> Go to the source you ignoramus follower.

**** OFF, MeowMeow.

You Rightarded dumb****s are the ones being lead around by a leash, you
pathetic loser. We heard the audio, we read the transcripts....

Don't bother providing Rightwing spin of the facts, you ****ing
****roach. You support racist ****-stains like O'Really? -with his
shower loOf-Ah and his breathing hard in phone messages to women who
wish he would leave them alone. Sex offenders, Pedophiles, Predators,
closeted Queens, cross-dressers, Bathroom-stall Romeos, Junkies that
call veterans "phonies". THAT'S THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, BITCH. ...and that
ain't even HALF the crimes...

You support THEM. ...and they can count on you to BS for 'em...

Good ol' SuCkA Meow-Meow.

> Not doing so means you are being
> lead around by your nose ring.

Look what's talking.

> "SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
> news:k4KdnQNnN8ZAl2DbnZ2dnUVZ_sejnZ2d@comcast.com...
>> MioMyo wrote:
>>> Watch the usual liberal goon squads stamp their feet, cuss & insult the
>>> messenger, but NEVER actually address the FACTS of this issue. Your see,
>>> these liberal medias CANNOT dispute the slanted smearing they are both
>>> promoting and cheering because their reports speak for themselves.

>> This is so typical of that lying left-wing media. Here is the respected
>> Mr. O'Reilly being nice about Negroes, telling us they are really not as
>> bad as we all believe, and look at what people are doing to him.
>> I say we should all support Mr. O'Reilly. We can only hope that other
>> Negroes can learn from what he observed and reported, and the compliments
>> he made regarding well-behaved Negroes who used proper manners and
>> language.
>> Let's hope that Mr. O'Reilly visits establishments owned by members of
>> other ethnic groups so they too can learn from him what it takes to be
>> good Americans.
>> Like Mr. O'Reilly, I love all people, no matter how inferior they may be.
>>> http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/2007/cyb20070927.asp
>>> 1. CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of Bill O'Reilly
>>> The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a potential
>>> "Imus moment" pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill O'Reilly over a
>>> supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday advanced the liberal
>>> group's cause with multi-part segments on the topic. But while NBC's
>>> Today at least provided some balance and proper labeling, CBS's Early
>>> Show, with "In Hot Water" and "O'Race Factor" on screen, aired a story
>>> which failed to identify the ideology of Media Matters and followed with
>>> Julie Chen pressing the only guest to agree O'Reilly's comment was racist
>>> and that he must issue an apology. Amazingly, neither show bothered to
>>> mention that Juan Williams, the black journalist who was on O'Reilly's
>>> radio show when the FNC host made the remarks in question, defended
>>> O'Reilly: "It had nothing to do with racist ranting by anybody except
>>> these idiots at CNN." Harry Smith teased Wednesday's Early Show: "Bill
>>> O'Reilly in hot water over race remarks..." Chen hyped a "firestorm" over
>>> O'Reilly before reporter Bianca Solorzano innocuously described Media
>>> Matters as a "watchdog group." Solorzano asked an employee at the Harlem
>>> restaurant O'Reilly talked about: "Do you feel Bill O'Reilly's comments
>>> about his meal here are racist?" The woman affirmed: "Definitely."
>>> 2. MSNBC Graphic Defames O'Reilly: 'Anchor's Racist Comments'
>>> On Wednesday, an MSNBC graphic flat-out accused Bill O'Reilly of
>>> being a racist. It read: "Anchor's Racist Comments." Within the graphic,
>>> there was no accompanying question mark to at least add the benefit of
>>> the doubt. During the 11am EDT hour of MSNBC News Live, anchor Contessa
>>> Brewer discussed a liberal group's attack over O'Reilly's comments about
>>> eating at a black restaurant. A second graphic, below the host, did offer
>>> some slight uncertainty. It asked: "Anchor's Racist Comments? Bill
>>> O'Reilly Comes Under Fire for Description of Black Restaurant." Brewer
>>> discussed the issue with Paul Waldman of Media Matters and Republican
>>> strategist Joe Watkins. At one point, Watkins noted that both he and the
>>> host had previously been attacked by the liberal organization. Brewer
>>> defensively replied, "And, by the way, I'm not a conservative." The host
>>> appeared to be sympathetic to the idea O'Reilly's comments, which
>>> originated on the September 19 edition of his radio show, had some sort
>>> of negative intention. She opened the segment by asserting the Fox News
>>> host is "now at the center of a heated debate about racist language."
>>> 3. On CNN, O'Reilly is 'Ahmadinejad,' Juan Williams a 'Happy Negro'
>>> Even after the Juan Williams' "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN still
>>> pressed on about Bill O'Reilly's race remarks, and a guest on Wednesday's
>>> Newsroom took the language being used against O'Reilly and Williams to
>>> new lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce Watkins
>>> appeared on the CNN program, and compared O'Reilly to a murderous movie
>>> villain and to Iranian President Ahmadinejad: "If the villain in a movie
>>> comes up and says, 'I love you very much,' that usually means he wants to
>>> kill you. The fact is that Bill O'Reilly is a guy who has made a career
>>> demeaning, degrading, and devaluing every black institution he can get
>>> his hands on....You know, he's about like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, when it
>>> comes to making ridiculous assertions and waiting for people to respond."
>>> After his villain/Ahmadinejad comparison, Watkins blasted NPR host and
>>> Fox News contributor Juan Williams for coming to O'Reilly's defense.
>>> O'Reilly's race comments had come from an hour of his radio program that
>>> involved a segment with Williams. "Juan Williams sitting there, is sort
>>> of the 'Happy Negro' agreeing with Bill O'Reilly, doesn't impress me at
>>> all. A man cannot walk into your home and congratulate your mother for
>>> not being a prostitute and not expect you to be offended."
>>> 4. NPR Snubs Interview With the President, So It Airs on Fox News
>>> Does National Public Radio have a nose for news? Or a nose that's
>>> offended by the scent of President Bush? NPR news boss Ellen Weiss
>>> snubbed an exclusive interview opportunity with President Bush.
>>> Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Wednesday that the
>>> White House offered NPR's Juan Williams an interview on race relations,
>>> but NPR didn't want it on its airwaves. So on Monday it aired instead on
>>> the Fox News Channel. Williams told Kurtz he was "stunned" by NPR's
>>> decision: "It makes no sense to me. President Bush has never given an
>>> interview in which he focused on race....I was stunned by the decision to
>>> turn their backs on him and to turn their backs on me." Fox was even
>>> sharper. "NPR's lack of news judgment is astonishing, and their treatment
>>> of a respected journalist like Juan Williams is appalling," said Fox
>>> spokeswoman Irena Briganti.
>>> 5. Matthews 'Warming Up To' Hillary, Chris Wallace an 'Ignoramus'
>>> On Wednesday's Countdown, just minutes before the beginning of the
>>> night's Democratic debate coverage on MSNBC, Chris Matthews remarked that
>>> he was "warming up to Hillary these days," while host Keith Olbermann
>>> responded that "I don't have anything to warm up from." Matthews also
>>> attacked Fox's "partisanship" and suggested that its anchor of Fox News
>>> Sunday, Chris Wallace, is an "ignoramus." He charged: "When [Wallace is]
>>> the one that took down her husband a few months ago and he's talking
>>> about excessive partisanship....He's there representing Fox Television
>>> putting down partisanship. What? Of course she had to laugh. What else
>>> could she say, 'You're an ignoramus'?"

Known Forger MioMyo wrote:
> "SyVyN11" <robhorine711@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> >
> > "MioMyo" <USA_Patriot@Somewhere.com> wrote in message
> >> Watch the usual liberal goon squads stamp their feet, cuss & insult the
> >> messenger, but NEVER actually address the FACTS of this issue. Your see,
> >> these liberal medias CANNOT dispute the slanted smearing they are both
> >> promoting and cheering because their reports speak for themselves.

> >
> > you know what's funny, the moveon.org democratic party thinks of the media
> > research council as a evil outfit, while it's moveon.org democratic
> > party's own media matters that is evil.

> The liberal media's problem is people like O'Reilly exposes their
> duplicitous hypocrisy while MRC archives and publishes liberals' very
> comments which drives these Usenet libs totally insane. I've notive how
> these sycophant will never respond to inconvenient facts such as the ones in
> the links below. Liberals always revert to more of what they know best-
> slime, smear & insult anyone who confronts them with facts & truth.

Friday June 1, 2007
On Wednesday, Senator John McCain appeared on The O'Reilly Factor and was asked
by Fox News host Bill O'Reilly whether immigration could "change -- pardon the pun
-- the whole complexion of America." McCain responded, "You're right."

O'Reilly then asked McCain, "Do you understand what the New York Times wants, and
the far left want? They want to break down the white Christian male power structure
of which you are part, and so am I."

Be sure to watch the video of him saying that...

> >> http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/2007/cyb20070927.asp
> >>
> >>
> >> 1. CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of Bill O'Reilly
> >> The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a potential
> >> "Imus moment" pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill O'Reilly over a
> >> supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday advanced the liberal
> >> group's cause with multi-part segments on the topic. But while NBC's
> >> Today at least provided some balance and proper labeling, CBS's Early
> >> Show, with "In Hot Water" and "O'Race Factor" on screen, aired a story
> >> which failed to identify the ideology of Media Matters and followed with
> >> Julie Chen pressing the only guest to agree O'Reilly's comment was racist
> >> and that he must issue an apology. Amazingly, neither show bothered to
> >> mention that Juan Williams, the black journalist who was on O'Reilly's
> >> radio show when the FNC host made the remarks in question, defended
> >> O'Reilly: "It had nothing to do with racist ranting by anybody except
> >> these idiots at CNN." Harry Smith teased Wednesday's Early Show: "Bill
> >> O'Reilly in hot water over race remarks..." Chen hyped a "firestorm" over
> >> O'Reilly before reporter Bianca Solorzano innocuously described Media
> >> Matters as a "watchdog group." Solorzano asked an employee at the Harlem
> >> restaurant O'Reilly talked about: "Do you feel Bill O'Reilly's comments
> >> about his meal here are racist?" The woman affirmed: "Definitely."
> >>
> >> 2. MSNBC Graphic Defames O'Reilly: 'Anchor's Racist Comments'
> >> On Wednesday, an MSNBC graphic flat-out accused Bill O'Reilly of
> >> being a racist. It read: "Anchor's Racist Comments." Within the graphic,
> >> there was no accompanying question mark to at least add the benefit of
> >> the doubt. During the 11am EDT hour of MSNBC News Live, anchor Contessa
> >> Brewer discussed a liberal group's attack over O'Reilly's comments about
> >> eating at a black restaurant. A second graphic, below the host, did offer
> >> some slight uncertainty. It asked: "Anchor's Racist Comments? Bill
> >> O'Reilly Comes Under Fire for Description of Black Restaurant." Brewer
> >> discussed the issue with Paul Waldman of Media Matters and Republican
> >> strategist Joe Watkins. At one point, Watkins noted that both he and the
> >> host had previously been attacked by the liberal organization. Brewer
> >> defensively replied, "And, by the way, I'm not a conservative." The host
> >> appeared to be sympathetic to the idea O'Reilly's comments, which
> >> originated on the September 19 edition of his radio show, had some sort
> >> of negative intention. She opened the segment by asserting the Fox News
> >> host is "now at the center of a heated debate about racist language."
> >>
> >> 3. On CNN, O'Reilly is 'Ahmadinejad,' Juan Williams a 'Happy Negro'
> >> Even after the Juan Williams' "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN still
> >> pressed on about Bill O'Reilly's race remarks, and a guest on Wednesday's
> >> Newsroom took the language being used against O'Reilly and Williams to
> >> new lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce Watkins
> >> appeared on the CNN program, and compared O'Reilly to a murderous movie
> >> villain and to Iranian President Ahmadinejad: "If the villain in a movie
> >> comes up and says, 'I love you very much,' that usually means he wants to
> >> kill you. The fact is that Bill O'Reilly is a guy who has made a career
> >> demeaning, degrading, and devaluing every black institution he can get
> >> his hands on....You know, he's about like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, when it
> >> comes to making ridiculous assertions and waiting for people to respond."
> >> After his villain/Ahmadinejad comparison, Watkins blasted NPR host and
> >> Fox News contributor Juan Williams for coming to O'Reilly's defense.
> >> O'Reilly's race comments had come from an hour of his radio program that
> >> involved a segment with Williams. "Juan Williams sitting there, is sort
> >> of the 'Happy Negro' agreeing with Bill O'Reilly, doesn't impress me at
> >> all. A man cannot walk into your home and congratulate your mother for
> >> not being a prostitute and not expect you to be offended."
> >>
> >> 4. NPR Snubs Interview With the President, So It Airs on Fox News
> >> Does National Public Radio have a nose for news? Or a nose that's
> >> offended by the scent of President Bush? NPR news boss Ellen Weiss
> >> snubbed an exclusive interview opportunity with President Bush.
> >> Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Wednesday that the
> >> White House offered NPR's Juan Williams an interview on race relations,
> >> but NPR didn't want it on its airwaves. So on Monday it aired instead on
> >> the Fox News Channel. Williams told Kurtz he was "stunned" by NPR's
> >> decision: "It makes no sense to me. President Bush has never given an
> >> interview in which he focused on race....I was stunned by the decision to
> >> turn their backs on him and to turn their backs on me." Fox was even
> >> sharper. "NPR's lack of news judgment is astonishing, and their treatment
> >> of a respected journalist like Juan Williams is appalling," said Fox
> >> spokeswoman Irena Briganti.
> >>
> >> 5. Matthews 'Warming Up To' Hillary, Chris Wallace an 'Ignoramus'
> >> On Wednesday's Countdown, just minutes before the beginning of the
> >> night's Democratic debate coverage on MSNBC, Chris Matthews remarked that
> >> he was "warming up to Hillary these days," while host Keith Olbermann
> >> responded that "I don't have anything to warm up from." Matthews also
> >> attacked Fox's "partisanship" and suggested that its anchor of Fox News
> >> Sunday, Chris Wallace, is an "ignoramus." He charged: "When [Wallace is]
> >> the one that took down her husband a few months ago and he's talking
> >> about excessive partisanship....He's there representing Fox Television
> >> putting down partisanship. What? Of course she had to laugh. What else
> >> could she say, 'You're an ignoramus'?"
> >>
> >>
> >>

> >
"The Pretzel" <pretzel@chokeonit.org> wrote in message
> MioMyo wrote:
>> Check the facts sgt Stupid. The truth is O'Reilly merely reported
>> unchallenged language that allowed on CNN smearing Juan Williams because
>> he has the audacity to engage O'Reilly in dialog and not just lies.
>> Go to the source you ignoramus follower.

> **** OFF, MeowMeow.

F ck You Lib.

> You Rightarded dumb****s are the ones being lead around by a leash, you
> pathetic loser. We heard the audio, we read the transcripts....

Got it. And now since you know the truth, you prefer smearing those who
expose your odious ideology with meaningless smears like rascist and other
code words.

In the end, you are now admitting you won't argue the facts, but you'll
revise the definitions of the English language because of all that fomenting
you have bottle up inside yourself.

> Don't bother providing Rightwing spin of the facts, you ****ing

It matters not since you just admitted ignoring the facts lib!

> ****roach. You support racist ****-stains like O'Really? -with his shower
> loOf-Ah and his breathing hard in phone messages to women who wish he
> would leave them alone. Sex offenders, Pedophiles, Predators, closeted
> Queens, cross-dressers, Bathroom-stall Romeos, Junkies that call veterans
> "phonies". THAT'S THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, BITCH. ...and that ain't even HALF
> the crimes...
> You support THEM. ...and they can count on you to BS for 'em...
> Good ol' SuCkA Meow-Meow.
>> Not doing so means you are being lead around by your nose ring.

> Look what's talking.
>> "SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
>> news:k4KdnQNnN8ZAl2DbnZ2dnUVZ_sejnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>> MioMyo wrote:
>>>> Watch the usual liberal goon squads stamp their feet, cuss & insult the
>>>> messenger, but NEVER actually address the FACTS of this issue. Your
>>>> see, these liberal medias CANNOT dispute the slanted smearing they are
>>>> both promoting and cheering because their reports speak for themselves.
>>> This is so typical of that lying left-wing media. Here is the respected
>>> Mr. O'Reilly being nice about Negroes, telling us they are really not as
>>> bad as we all believe, and look at what people are doing to him.
>>> I say we should all support Mr. O'Reilly. We can only hope that other
>>> Negroes can learn from what he observed and reported, and the
>>> compliments he made regarding well-behaved Negroes who used proper
>>> manners and language.
>>> Let's hope that Mr. O'Reilly visits establishments owned by members of
>>> other ethnic groups so they too can learn from him what it takes to be
>>> good Americans.
>>> Like Mr. O'Reilly, I love all people, no matter how inferior they may
>>> be.
>>>> http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/2007/cyb20070927.asp
>>>> 1. CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of Bill
>>>> O'Reilly
>>>> The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a potential
>>>> "Imus moment" pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill O'Reilly over
>>>> a supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday advanced the
>>>> liberal group's cause with multi-part segments on the topic. But while
>>>> NBC's Today at least provided some balance and proper labeling, CBS's
>>>> Early Show, with "In Hot Water" and "O'Race Factor" on screen, aired a
>>>> story which failed to identify the ideology of Media Matters and
>>>> followed with Julie Chen pressing the only guest to agree O'Reilly's
>>>> comment was racist and that he must issue an apology. Amazingly,
>>>> neither show bothered to mention that Juan Williams, the black
>>>> journalist who was on O'Reilly's radio show when the FNC host made the
>>>> remarks in question, defended O'Reilly: "It had nothing to do with
>>>> racist ranting by anybody except these idiots at CNN." Harry Smith
>>>> teased Wednesday's Early Show: "Bill O'Reilly in hot water over race
>>>> remarks..." Chen hyped a "firestorm" over O'Reilly before reporter
>>>> Bianca Solorzano innocuously described Media Matters as a "watchdog
>>>> group." Solorzano asked an employee at the Harlem restaurant O'Reilly
>>>> talked about: "Do you feel Bill O'Reilly's comments about his meal here
>>>> are racist?" The woman affirmed: "Definitely."
>>>> 2. MSNBC Graphic Defames O'Reilly: 'Anchor's Racist Comments'
>>>> On Wednesday, an MSNBC graphic flat-out accused Bill O'Reilly of
>>>> being a racist. It read: "Anchor's Racist Comments." Within the
>>>> graphic, there was no accompanying question mark to at least add the
>>>> benefit of the doubt. During the 11am EDT hour of MSNBC News Live,
>>>> anchor Contessa Brewer discussed a liberal group's attack over
>>>> O'Reilly's comments about eating at a black restaurant. A second
>>>> graphic, below the host, did offer some slight uncertainty. It asked:
>>>> "Anchor's Racist Comments? Bill O'Reilly Comes Under Fire for
>>>> Description of Black Restaurant." Brewer discussed the issue with Paul
>>>> Waldman of Media Matters and Republican strategist Joe Watkins. At one
>>>> point, Watkins noted that both he and the host had previously been
>>>> attacked by the liberal organization. Brewer defensively replied, "And,
>>>> by the way, I'm not a conservative." The host appeared to be
>>>> sympathetic to the idea O'Reilly's comments, which originated on the
>>>> September 19 edition of his radio show, had some sort of negative
>>>> intention. She opened the segment by asserting the Fox News host is
>>>> "now at the center of a heated debate about racist language."
>>>> 3. On CNN, O'Reilly is 'Ahmadinejad,' Juan Williams a 'Happy
>>>> Negro'
>>>> Even after the Juan Williams' "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN still
>>>> pressed on about Bill O'Reilly's race remarks, and a guest on
>>>> Wednesday's Newsroom took the language being used against O'Reilly and
>>>> Williams to new lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce
>>>> Watkins appeared on the CNN program, and compared O'Reilly to a
>>>> murderous movie villain and to Iranian President Ahmadinejad: "If the
>>>> villain in a movie comes up and says, 'I love you very much,' that
>>>> usually means he wants to kill you. The fact is that Bill O'Reilly is a
>>>> guy who has made a career demeaning, degrading, and devaluing every
>>>> black institution he can get his hands on....You know, he's about like
>>>> Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, when it comes to making ridiculous assertions and
>>>> waiting for people to respond." After his villain/Ahmadinejad
>>>> comparison, Watkins blasted NPR host and Fox News contributor Juan
>>>> Williams for coming to O'Reilly's defense. O'Reilly's race comments had
>>>> come from an hour of his radio program that involved a segment with
>>>> Williams. "Juan Williams sitting there, is sort of the 'Happy Negro'
>>>> agreeing with Bill O'Reilly, doesn't impress me at all. A man cannot
>>>> walk into your home and congratulate your mother for not being a
>>>> prostitute and not expect you to be offended."
>>>> 4. NPR Snubs Interview With the President, So It Airs on Fox News
>>>> Does National Public Radio have a nose for news? Or a nose that's
>>>> offended by the scent of President Bush? NPR news boss Ellen Weiss
>>>> snubbed an exclusive interview opportunity with President Bush.
>>>> Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Wednesday that the
>>>> White House offered NPR's Juan Williams an interview on race relations,
>>>> but NPR didn't want it on its airwaves. So on Monday it aired instead
>>>> on the Fox News Channel. Williams told Kurtz he was "stunned" by NPR's
>>>> decision: "It makes no sense to me. President Bush has never given an
>>>> interview in which he focused on race....I was stunned by the decision
>>>> to turn their backs on him and to turn their backs on me." Fox was even
>>>> sharper. "NPR's lack of news judgment is astonishing, and their
>>>> treatment of a respected journalist like Juan Williams is appalling,"
>>>> said Fox spokeswoman Irena Briganti.
>>>> 5. Matthews 'Warming Up To' Hillary, Chris Wallace an 'Ignoramus'
>>>> On Wednesday's Countdown, just minutes before the beginning of
>>>> the night's Democratic debate coverage on MSNBC, Chris Matthews
>>>> remarked that he was "warming up to Hillary these days," while host
>>>> Keith Olbermann responded that "I don't have anything to warm up from."
>>>> Matthews also attacked Fox's "partisanship" and suggested that its
>>>> anchor of Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace, is an "ignoramus." He
>>>> charged: "When [Wallace is] the one that took down her husband a few
>>>> months ago and he's talking about excessive partisanship....He's there
>>>> representing Fox Television putting down partisanship. What? Of course
>>>> she had to laugh. What else could she say, 'You're an ignoramus'?"

The Pretzel wrote:
> MioMyo wrote:
>> Check the facts sgt Stupid. The truth is O'Reilly merely reported
>> unchallenged language that allowed on CNN smearing Juan Williams
>> because he has the audacity to engage O'Reilly in dialog and not just
>> lies.
>> Go to the source you ignoramus follower.

> **** OFF, MeowMeow.
> You Rightarded dumb****s are the ones being lead around by a leash, you
> pathetic loser. We heard the audio, we read the transcripts....
> Don't bother providing Rightwing spin of the facts, you ****ing
> ****roach. You support racist ****-stains like O'Really? -with his
> shower loOf-Ah and his breathing hard in phone messages to women who
> wish he would leave them alone. Sex offenders, Pedophiles, Predators,
> closeted Queens, cross-dressers, Bathroom-stall Romeos, Junkies that
> call veterans "phonies". THAT'S THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, BITCH. ...and that
> ain't even HALF the crimes...
> You support THEM. ...and they can count on you to BS for 'em...
> Good ol' SuCkA Meow-Meow.

sorry to have to add this list of recent republisickos doing what they
do best pedophilia and your general sex crimes.

Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano pleaded guilty to
fondling a 14-year-old girl.

Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins
pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls.

Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted
child molester.

Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence
in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.

Republican Mayor Tom Adams was arrested for distributing child
pornography over the internet.

Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of
soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.

Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to
molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years
in prison.

Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10
years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

Republican Committeeman John R. Curtin was convicted of
molesting an underage teenage boy and sentenced to serve six to 18
months in prison.

Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a
convicted child rapist in Florida.

Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader and Lutheran
church president Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual
act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.

Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded
guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a
bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.

Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to
three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old

Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom
Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.

Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended
during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after
admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.

Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having
an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer was sentenced
to six years in prison for molesting two 8-year old girls, one of whom
appeared in an anti-Gore television commercial.

Republican fundraiser Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex
parties at the White House during the 1980s.

Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties
at the White House during the 1980s.

Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of
having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.

Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of
child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual

Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of
sex crimes involving children.

Republican campaign chairman Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty
to attempted sexual assault on a child and was arrested again five
years later on the same charge.

Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor
working as a congressional page.

Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly
Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.

Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline pleaded guilty to possession of
child pornography on his home computer.

Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was
charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay

Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for
distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.

Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"),
was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful
sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the
drug LSD.

Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with
molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.

Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having
sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after
the allegations were reported in the media.

Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to
traditional values, was sentenced prison after offering $20 to a
14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to
exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.

Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was
sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after
he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts
of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to
two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a
14-year old girl.

Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of
first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

Republican legislator Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven
felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age
of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).

Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was found
guilty of molesting a 15-year old girl.

Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to
molesting a male child.

Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual
assault on a teenage girl.

Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his
two daughters.

Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was
convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.

Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded
guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.

Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no
contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession
of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30
months in federal prison and fined $18,000.

Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state
representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography
was found in his possession.

Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate
Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of
soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.

Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a
"good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly
having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in

Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for
Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in
the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.

Republican campaign worker, police officer and self-proclaimed
reverend Steve Aiken was convicted of having sex with two underage

Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation"
Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced
to six years in prison.

Republican president of the New York City Housing Development
Corp. Russell Harding pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography
on his computer.

Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard
A. Dasen Sr., was found guilty of raping a 15-year old girl. Dasen,
62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has
allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1
million to have sex with a large number of young women.

Republican Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld authorized the rape
of children in Iraqi prisons in order to humiliate their parents into
providing information about the anti-American insurgency.

>> Not doing so means you are being lead around by your nose ring.

> Look what's talking.
>> "SgtMinor" <Sarge@the.old.folks.home.invalid> wrote in message
>> news:k4KdnQNnN8ZAl2DbnZ2dnUVZ_sejnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>> MioMyo wrote:
>>>> Watch the usual liberal goon squads stamp their feet, cuss & insult
>>>> the messenger, but NEVER actually address the FACTS of this issue.
>>>> Your see, these liberal medias CANNOT dispute the slanted smearing
>>>> they are both promoting and cheering because their reports speak for
>>>> themselves.
>>> This is so typical of that lying left-wing media. Here is the
>>> respected Mr. O'Reilly being nice about Negroes, telling us they are
>>> really not as bad as we all believe, and look at what people are
>>> doing to him.
>>> I say we should all support Mr. O'Reilly. We can only hope that
>>> other Negroes can learn from what he observed and reported, and the
>>> compliments he made regarding well-behaved Negroes who used proper
>>> manners and language.
>>> Let's hope that Mr. O'Reilly visits establishments owned by members
>>> of other ethnic groups so they too can learn from him what it takes
>>> to be good Americans.
>>> Like Mr. O'Reilly, I love all people, no matter how inferior they may
>>> be.
>>>> http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/2007/cyb20070927.asp
>>>> 1. CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of Bill
>>>> O'Reilly
>>>> The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a
>>>> potential "Imus moment" pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill
>>>> O'Reilly over a supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday
>>>> advanced the liberal group's cause with multi-part segments on the
>>>> topic. But while NBC's Today at least provided some balance and
>>>> proper labeling, CBS's Early Show, with "In Hot Water" and "O'Race
>>>> Factor" on screen, aired a story which failed to identify the
>>>> ideology of Media Matters and followed with Julie Chen pressing the
>>>> only guest to agree O'Reilly's comment was racist and that he must
>>>> issue an apology. Amazingly, neither show bothered to mention that
>>>> Juan Williams, the black journalist who was on O'Reilly's radio show
>>>> when the FNC host made the remarks in question, defended O'Reilly:
>>>> "It had nothing to do with racist ranting by anybody except these
>>>> idiots at CNN." Harry Smith teased Wednesday's Early Show: "Bill
>>>> O'Reilly in hot water over race remarks..." Chen hyped a "firestorm"
>>>> over O'Reilly before reporter Bianca Solorzano innocuously described
>>>> Media Matters as a "watchdog group." Solorzano asked an employee at
>>>> the Harlem restaurant O'Reilly talked about: "Do you feel Bill
>>>> O'Reilly's comments about his meal here are racist?" The woman
>>>> affirmed: "Definitely."
>>>> 2. MSNBC Graphic Defames O'Reilly: 'Anchor's Racist Comments'
>>>> On Wednesday, an MSNBC graphic flat-out accused Bill O'Reilly
>>>> of being a racist. It read: "Anchor's Racist Comments." Within the
>>>> graphic, there was no accompanying question mark to at least add the
>>>> benefit of the doubt. During the 11am EDT hour of MSNBC News Live,
>>>> anchor Contessa Brewer discussed a liberal group's attack over
>>>> O'Reilly's comments about eating at a black restaurant. A second
>>>> graphic, below the host, did offer some slight uncertainty. It
>>>> asked: "Anchor's Racist Comments? Bill O'Reilly Comes Under Fire for
>>>> Description of Black Restaurant." Brewer discussed the issue with
>>>> Paul Waldman of Media Matters and Republican strategist Joe Watkins.
>>>> At one point, Watkins noted that both he and the host had previously
>>>> been attacked by the liberal organization. Brewer defensively
>>>> replied, "And, by the way, I'm not a conservative." The host
>>>> appeared to be sympathetic to the idea O'Reilly's comments, which
>>>> originated on the September 19 edition of his radio show, had some
>>>> sort of negative intention. She opened the segment by asserting the
>>>> Fox News host is "now at the center of a heated debate about racist
>>>> language."
>>>> 3. On CNN, O'Reilly is 'Ahmadinejad,' Juan Williams a 'Happy
>>>> Negro'
>>>> Even after the Juan Williams' "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN
>>>> still pressed on about Bill O'Reilly's race remarks, and a guest on
>>>> Wednesday's Newsroom took the language being used against O'Reilly
>>>> and Williams to new lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger
>>>> Boyce Watkins appeared on the CNN program, and compared O'Reilly to
>>>> a murderous movie villain and to Iranian President Ahmadinejad: "If
>>>> the villain in a movie comes up and says, 'I love you very much,'
>>>> that usually means he wants to kill you. The fact is that Bill
>>>> O'Reilly is a guy who has made a career demeaning, degrading, and
>>>> devaluing every black institution he can get his hands on....You
>>>> know, he's about like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, when it comes to making
>>>> ridiculous assertions and waiting for people to respond." After his
>>>> villain/Ahmadinejad comparison, Watkins blasted NPR host and Fox
>>>> News contributor Juan Williams for coming to O'Reilly's defense.
>>>> O'Reilly's race comments had come from an hour of his radio program
>>>> that involved a segment with Williams. "Juan Williams sitting there,
>>>> is sort of the 'Happy Negro' agreeing with Bill O'Reilly, doesn't
>>>> impress me at all. A man cannot walk into your home and congratulate
>>>> your mother for not being a prostitute and not expect you to be
>>>> offended."
>>>> 4. NPR Snubs Interview With the President, So It Airs on Fox News
>>>> Does National Public Radio have a nose for news? Or a nose
>>>> that's offended by the scent of President Bush? NPR news boss Ellen
>>>> Weiss snubbed an exclusive interview opportunity with President
>>>> Bush. Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz reported Wednesday
>>>> that the White House offered NPR's Juan Williams an interview on
>>>> race relations, but NPR didn't want it on its airwaves. So on Monday
>>>> it aired instead on the Fox News Channel. Williams told Kurtz he was
>>>> "stunned" by NPR's decision: "It makes no sense to me. President
>>>> Bush has never given an interview in which he focused on race....I
>>>> was stunned by the decision to turn their backs on him and to turn
>>>> their backs on me." Fox was even sharper. "NPR's lack of news
>>>> judgment is astonishing, and their treatment of a respected
>>>> journalist like Juan Williams is appalling," said Fox spokeswoman
>>>> Irena Briganti.
>>>> 5. Matthews 'Warming Up To' Hillary, Chris Wallace an 'Ignoramus'
>>>> On Wednesday's Countdown, just minutes before the beginning of
>>>> the night's Democratic debate coverage on MSNBC, Chris Matthews
>>>> remarked that he was "warming up to Hillary these days," while host
>>>> Keith Olbermann responded that "I don't have anything to warm up
>>>> from." Matthews also attacked Fox's "partisanship" and suggested
>>>> that its anchor of Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace, is an
>>>> "ignoramus." He charged: "When [Wallace is] the one that took down
>>>> her husband a few months ago and he's talking about excessive
>>>> partisanship....He's there representing Fox Television putting down
>>>> partisanship. What? Of course she had to laugh. What else could she
>>>> say, 'You're an ignoramus'?"
