Legend of Zelda fans?


New member
So I'm bored yet again and decided to start a somewhat pointless thread. As you maybe can tell from my av, I'm addicted to Legend of Zelda games. Anyone else? What're your favorite installations to the LoZ saga? :D


New member
Big fan here! Me! Haha

Hmmm my favorite games by far are Majora's Mask and the WindWaker..yes I know everyone seemed to hate it but i loved it! I also liked Twlight Princess, loved the graphical style they used.

Ive been a fan since the SNES days when I was a little little kid. Im kinda scared about the next game since Nintendo is kinda dropping the bomb and goind to casual gamer stuff. I was a hardcore Zelda, I dont know it just seems like a series that could be majorly epic.



New member
Heh heh, I loved Windwaker, but I haven't been able to get my hands on Majora's Mask! The only time I saw it, it was packaged with Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, and I couldn't afford all three. I'm a bit worried about the next one too, but surely they won't dilute LoZ with the likes of WiiPlay and such...that would be heresy!


New member
I played through the ones on the Nintendo 64 ones... they are cool, but the rest are fairly lame to me. Well the one on the Wii is pretty fun I guess.


New member
Aha, I love the Legend of Zelda games! During the summer I finally got a chance to play Twilight Princess, which is my favourite of the Zelda games so far. Definitely fun stuff!:thumbsup:


New member
never got into them, loved the N64 ones like ocarina of time and stuff, but never got into zelda like most people did


New member
Well love playing Zelda. It took me like 3 years to beat Ocarina Of Time :) but i beat Twilight Princess in i think a week. Best games I've played.
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