

John Winston

Subject: Evacuation Of LA Area. June 5, 2008.

Here is a person who asked me what I think about


Subject: John, what do you think?
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 18:56:12 -0400

(JW I believe that the following things could

Important Alert for Los Angeles and the Pacific Rim
By Candace, June 3, 2008
Dear Readers of Abundanthope. It is looking highly
possible that Mother is not going to wait on the LA
area, and it may well go into the sea sometime this
month. I need all of you to circulate this about on
other forums and to those you know who could be
affected. The following is for readers NOT famliar with

Hello dear readers not familiar with AbundantHope. I
am the creator of this Organization and it is an
interntional team in service of the Second Coming

The Las Angeles basin is NOT over land. It is over
This area is sitting on a `shelf.' The danger in this
is that the area, as you well know, is a massive area
of faults and also there is huge cavern system under
this basin. The United States government knows about
it, and the Navy back in the 1970's explored these by
submarine and actually covered this in a small magazine
that is not available on the Internet. This area is
going to go into the sea, and it will be catastrophic
for the entire pacific rim, from the resultant
Tsunami's and other earthquakes that will manifest from
this. It is possible some other quakes will manifest
first, setting up this event. The LA area is simply
going to crumble. It will fall approximately 100 feet.

The area involved is bounded directly on the north
side of LA, along the Raymond Fault line on over to the
San Andreas fault, which forms the western boundary.
The southern boundary is across the Baja, approximately
at the Colorado River outlet.

Now there is a solution to this, do not shut up this
piece and refuse to read it at this point. The reason
is that you in the affected areas are going to be
evacuated by Star Fleet, all of you who choose to do
so. It is your personal choice and there will be no

Some of you have heard of Ashtar Command. This is a
large command with the specialty of evacuating people
from a planet in big trouble. This is always done in
the case of impending pole reversal or impending
nuclear catastrophe.
Neither is going to occur in this situation. The
poles are not going to reverse and star fleet for a few
years now disables every single nuclear bomb that black
ops tries to use, everywhere of the planet.

What you are looking at is a regional rather than a
planetary evacuation. The government of the USA was
approached strongly years ago, that this would be
impending and they must begin preparations. All they
did was dig nice little holes for themselves to survive
the changes, caring not at all about the rest of us.
Did you know both China and Russia can house their
entire populations underground in case of catastrophic
problems? They are the only countries that have done
so, for the people. Many others have built facilities
for the elite.

Ashtar Command came in the 1950's after the planet
was stabilized to prevent a pole reversal by other
ships which came for that purpose after WW2. Those of
you familiar with Revelations have read about the Holy
City, the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven. Dear
ones, that is the Ashtar Command, command ship!!!!! It
was known way back then of this possibility, and the
Roman church knows that.
And we aren't going to build a `new heaven and a new
earth', because a new heaven is NOT needed, the `old
one' is just fine. We will build a heavenly condition
upon this new earth.

The New Jerusalem is huge, so it doesn't land. It has
aboard it, in a massive computer system, the soul
records of every single souled being on this planet,
and it can find you from these records. It's
`commander' is Ashtar, a very old and experienced
being. His large team is highly skilled in totally
serving the needs of people that are evacuated, and
although only the necessary of people along the pacific
rim will be evacuated, this command is capable of
evacuating every ensouled person on this planet in 15
minutes time, in the case of a nuclear holocaust.
Nuclear detonation harms soul matrix.

Now, lets get to the details. Once the geophysicists
of the command have determined this event is imminent,
it will begin the evacuation of the LA area first.
Imminent will mean about 2-3 days before it will occur.
You will be evacuated via small shuttle craft up to
around 200-300 feet in diameter. Only a few of these
might actually land. They will hover over the areas to
be evacuated about 20 to 100 feet in the air. We will
hope to have media assistance in this, but it is highly
unlikely. There will be great numbers of craft and
obviously this will occur in the daytime.

Each craft will put down a beam of visible light, and
you board the craft by stepping into the light. You
will rise into the craft much more comfortably than an
elevator ride.
I know. I have done it. There will be ones in great
fear of this because of the horrible alien stories on
this planet.
Assist them as you can, but dear ones, if they
refuse, you must go ahead yourself. Evacuations are
never complete for this reason. Some people will not
board craft, even under better circumstances and
preparation. It does no good to pick them against their
will and God doesn't do that in these situations. These
ones will die of their fear, and this just causes more
You do not pack anything. You maybe allowed to take
pets, and you will know on this. There is planned quite
adequate time, unless something is unforeseen. After
you are evacuated perhaps the media will agree to cover
it for the others. We do not know if there will be
cooperation. Star fleet has everything you need. After
the shuttlecraft picks you up, you will be taken to a
large mother ship or evacuation craft. The largest of
these crafts for evacuation purposes are 8000 MILES
long and carry millions of people. One of these larger
craft can handle all the people in the LA basin if
necessary, as an example.

Once aboard your evacuation craft or mother ship,
there are a great deal of highly trained `social
workers' and medical personnel. Some of you will be ill
from the experience of the light beam. Which brings me
a memory of another issue. I have talked about
ascension syndrome. Your bodies, in preparation for
this, have been subjected to special energy beams, both
through the sun, from mother ships and in concert with
your guardian angels to prepare your bodies for this

The illness, should you have it is quite temporary
and much like a nasty case of the flu. And star fleet
has so much better treatment for this than earth
doctors. The ships have a higher energy vibration than
the earth, but the earth's energy has been raised to
help prepare people for the additional coming changes.
This preparation is the source of many of your symptoms
and that includes ear tones, the occasional nausea and
aches, pains and fatigue.
Those people suffering extreme fear will be put in a
special sleep state, until everything is under control,
so they don't generate chaos. Those of you with intact
emotions will be asked to assist.

Again, do not pack, you need bring nothing. There is
Not time for this. You will be completely provided for
and dear ones, the food is going to be a lot better for
your health.
In a way, you will be spending time in a health
And the bathrooms are very fine, no flushing toilets
and waste. Your waste is instantly `evaporated' after
it leaves your body. After everything is calm and
stable you will be united with any family members
should you have became separated. Do not worry if you
are working in a tall building, there are plans for
evacuation of those.

This MAY not manifest this month, but it is going to
manifest and it is highly likely it well in the next
few weeks. Since many of you may not be aware of my
website, there is another plan in place. Jupiter is
going to become our new second small sun, all part of
the ascension process. This will be dramatic, and
before it does, the earth is going to be put into a
state called stasis, which is sort of like pausing the
button on the DVD player.

There will be some movement of earths axis during
this time and there will be significant destruction and
too much for man to handle. We tried a preparation plan
for that but again, the governments of the world only
thought about themselves. It was hoped that LA would
wait until this time of stasis and Jupiter, but Mother
Earth seems to not be waiting. There is still some
large scale details being worked out, and if Mother
Earth is not going to wait, this will actually be a
huge learning for the planet, and assist people to
understand what happened when we come out of the
stasis. The stasis period will last for months and it
is not the purpose of this piece to detail that at this
This piece is for you, on the Pacific Rim.

Now, after LA is evacuated, the process moves to the
rest of the western coasts of North and South America
that will be affected by tsunami. Dear ones, board the
craft, because tsunami's will be up to 1000 feet high,
possibly even more. You are not going to survive this,
except through this evacuation. Then the evacuation
will continue on to the islands at risk in the Pacific
Ocean and then on to the Asian rim, the areas covered
based on the expected results of the wave action. You
in LA must be evacuated before the ground begins to
give way. It was already planned to evacuate you during
stasis, and then sink LA so this would not rear it's
ugly head after the awakening of the planet, should the
Jupiter event have not sunk it. This is a GIFT dear
ones, please take of it.
Now there are many options once you are aboard. Many
of you will be offered the opportunity to migrate to
other planets with open willing arms to receive you.
Some of you may return to the surface, after the
stasis, not before, and could live with relatives, or
occupy the underground areas.
You will never return back home, as the destruction
will be beyond repair, and LA will not rise back up
from the sea.
It may very well be possible to return back somewhat
inland after the damage. But you will spend months on
ship if you are to return to the planet. This must come
after stasis is over, and the surface is ready for your

In the case of total planetary destruction, every one
goes to other planets. Space travel is quite rapid.
There are ships with capability to reach the closest
star in Pleiades in 10 short minutes. Go back and
review what you learned from the Star Trek films. Dear
ones, in Nebadon our universe alone, there are 3.8
million planets with life evolving in various stages on
them, and many are much older than planet earth and
marvelous places to dwell.

Before I began my incarnations here in service 400
years ago, I spent time readjusting to planetary life,
having lived on the architectural spheres of `heaven.'
Urantia Book readers, you know what I mean by
that!!!! I spent some time on a wonderful planet
called Myrua, an 8th dimensional world and very
advanced in light and life. This planet encircles the
sun called Merope of the Seven Sisters, and during the
stasis I will go back for a brief homecoming.

You have nothing to fear, and a great adventure
In fact, once aboard, some of you are going to have
some old soul memories come back, and will remember of
this. All physical people travel the universe in star
ships and so do most angels, dear ones. And you will
meet angels aboard ship, these are master caretakers.
They do not however have `wings'. The craft picking
you up are Pleiadian craft and all will have human body
type staff upon them. But note, this is Not the only
body type in the universe!!!!

Only a few very advanced spirits can travel without
a ship of some sort. There are some that can
manufacture their own ship by mind alone if needed.
There are folks in our skies who will manifest a ship,
if you need to see a ship. But the vast majority travel
by ship.

I ask that all of you circulate this, even at the
risk of laughter or put downs. Please place this alert
on other boards you may belong too. In doing so, you
will hopefully increase the number of people who will
choose to board the craft. Even if rejected now, when
the time comes, they are going to remember seeing it.

Please go out on a clear night and find those `stars'
with the pretty flashing strobe lights! They have been
in our skies for more than 50 years but few have
noticed them.

I am placing two links here. The first is of pictures
taken of evacuation ships stationed out by Saturn's
rings. It comes from the Italian Nexus magazine, but I
did place a very poor Babel Fish English translation
into the post.

This link is our latest piece done with Commander
Soltec, the head geophysicist of Ashtar Command. The
piece is with another on my team named Jess. It is a
little updating summary and not thorough, but you
should read it.

If Mother does not cause this outcome in the next
few weeks, once the preparations are fully ready for
the stasis and the Jupiter event, you will find
yourself aboard ship anyway, as you would be evacuated
during your `sleep state' of stasis. The final
determination of all of this regards the timing, rests
with the decision of Christ Michael, Creator Son and
thus God of Nebadon, who visited this planet 2000 years
ago. I am writing this on his commission tonight.

Take care, I AM Candace, CEO and President of
AbundantHope, in partnership with Sananda Immanuel Esu
and Christ Michael.
This is an international team, and it will serve for
those projected 1000 future years of the Golden age we
will build upon this planet.

As often said in Star Trek, something to the affect
of `Go Forth and Prosper Well.'
Seeking Visionaries,who can and will create the many
messianic missions needed to heal Earth and her
peoples, and bring balance. Seeking those who Know
their truth, and will strive earnestly to stand in that
truth 100% of the time, making every moment of
everyday, a Holy Event. TWO OR MORE IN MY NAME. ~

Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com


Subject: Aliens 57 Varieties. June 7, 2008.

Here is a person who thinks there are a lot of
different aliens walking around with us, here on this


Subject: Clifford Stone, 57 ET Civilizations & ETs
Walking Among Us

Aloha, below are a few selected posts by Clifford
Stone who has begun answering questions about his
experiences in c-assified crash retrieval operations
during his 22 year m-litary service in the U.S. A-my. I
had the pleasure of interviewing Clifford for the
inaugural edition of the Exopolitics Journal where his
interview was transcribed.

In the posts below, He elaborates on the different
types of ET civilizations described in a cl-ssified
manual describing 57 ET civilizations. He also mentions
that he was one of a small group of 'interfacers'
(approximately eight) whose job it was to
t-lepathically communicate with ET r-ces found at crash
sites. Interestingly Clifford Stone says the te-epathic
abilities could not be taught and were a natural
ability that were identified by those interested in
utilizing such abilities for b-ack projects. A similar
situation existed with Dan S-erman whose background and
training along with Clifford I examined in the
following paper presented at the 2007 UFO Crash
Retrieval Conference.

What got my attention was Clifford Stone's reference
to extraterrestrials walking and living among us. This
is further confirmation for sources and examples
described in another paper describing ETs Among Us.

Clifford Stone is very sincere and credible, and his
experiences and knowledge of crash retrieval operations
of extraterrestrial vehicles makes him one of a select
group of whistlelblowers with hands on experience of
extraterrestrial life.

In peace

Michael S-lla, Ph.D.

Selected Posts by Clifford Stone on Above Top S-cret


My dear friend, I shall to answer your questions as
fully as I can in order they were asked.

1. Initially, I was not going to attend the
Disclosure Conference. I was informed to, go and have
fun. There was a reason they wanted me to go. To this
day, I do not know that have fun as once again there
existed that element of fear as to why they wanted me
there. Yes there are those in the know who feel it is
time to bring the truth out.
But the question remains how to do it in a
responsible manor.

2. Actually my friend, I have not received any
special treatment. There for a while I lived a living
h-ll. While still in the mi-itary, I defied the powers
that that be by openly talking about UFO reality. This
lead to me getting orders to clear all that I had to
say on UFO's through my chain of command, which I
refused to do. I was relief of my duty, forced to
undergo a mental evaluation (which I passed),
threatened with a court-martial, and attempt were made
to force my retirement. All of which failed. In the
end, I was restored and the officers that attempted to
do all of these things were relieved of duty. As for
gaining rank, in my case, it was hard as no photo of me
could be placed in my official file. One of the most
important items for promotion selection.

3. I truly believe it is for the most a sincere
desire to serve and protect the best interest of the
U-ited States in our case. However, I can not answer
for other countries. Other nation, also, wish to keep
UFO info in the dark. The Former Soviet States have
lost at least 20 fighter aircraft in their ill fated
attempts to shoot down UFO's. Furthermore, the
intelligence behind the UFO's themselves wishes for
whatever reason for the world as a whole not to know of
their exist. I believe this to be for humanitarian

4. I do believe disclosure is coming. However, I am
not in a position to put a time frame on it.

5. It is my belief that their exist co-operation
among our different visiting ra-es. I do not feel there
is e-il intent on their part. I state this from my
personal experience. That being said I have been in
several briefing in which we were informed that not all
contacts with our visitors would be friendly. The only
reason that any contact has occurred between several
g-vernments of the world and our visitor is due to the
limited existing knowledge that these go-ernments have
and an effort to stop us from reacting in a hostile
manor out of fear of the unknown elements involved.

I hope these responses are helpful.

G-d Bless,


Reply to post by Mondax


You are not born with the ability to communicate.
Over the course of time, usually at a early age the
choose whom they wish to contact.
Please let me state once again make it very clear, I
wish I had never been chosen, But maybe they choose,
knowing that the day would come that I and others like
me would come forwarding and start talking, not having
a full understanding as to why they are doing and not
realizing they are destroying their lives in the
process. Upon my departure from mil-tary service, I was
aware of only 7 interfacers, including myself. I have
no idea as to how many people around the world have had
contact. There exist no legal rights for any Space
Aliens that come into the custody of any nation on this
world. I wish there were. Many walk this world and fit
right in. No they do not hold any public or elected
office, as this goes against their purpose for being
Go- Bless,


Reply to post by Anonymous ATS

1. There exist both ET and interdimensional entities.
The book I saw several times between the years 1969 to
1989 made reference to both. It talked of 57 species
and the physically differences in order to provide
me-ical, if needed and other means to provide for their
comforter. Those who put the book together know more.
However, I do not believe they did the book to fool or
cover up anything for the users of this book. The book
was not printed for our amusement. It was printed out
to assist us in our mission. You could be correct in
your observation. But given the intent of the
publication of the document, it is highly unlikely.
2.Once again the were not concerned with the
crucifix, but the faith within the individual.
3. No. That being said, keep in mind that at several
briefing we were advised that not all contact would be
of a friendly nature. Make out that what you will.
4. That is a phrase I use from the heart. It's intent
is that G-d dish out his loving on all, to include the
bad/e-il. I leave it to the recipient to fill in
his/her definition as to what or who -od is to them. I
know what and who Go- is to me.
5. Yes, I do. It is a hard concept for many, only
because they have a hard time comprehending the
greatness of -od. I can not tell what r-ligion is true
and correct. But with all that has happened in my life,
I can never deny the existence of G-d. But that is
another story for another time.

God Bless,



(JW Now we go into the explanation of the different
types of aliens from A to E.


AGHARIANS (or Aghartians)
A group of Asiatic or Nordic humans who, sources
claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the
region of the Gobi desert and surrounding areas
thousands of years ago, and have since established a
thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting
with other-planetary systems up until current times.
Reptilian beings who are said to have established
colonies in Alpha Draconis. Like all reptilians, these
claim to have originated on Terra thousands of years
ago, a fact that they use to 'justify' their attempt to
re-take the earth for their own. They are apparently a
major part of a planned 'invasion' which is eventually
turning from covert infiltration mode to overt invasion
mode as the "window of opportunity" (the time span
before International human society becomes an
interplanetary and interstellar power) slowly begins to
They are attempting to keep the "window" open by
suppressing advanced technology from the masses, which
would lead to eventual Terran colonization of other
planets by Earth and an eventual solution to the
population, pollution, food and other environmental
problems. Being that "Terrans" have an inbred "warrior"
instinct the "Draconians" DO NOT want them/us to attain
interstellar capabilities and therefore become a threat
to their imperialistic agendas. Refer to
Alleged Reptilian inhabitants of the Altair stellar
system in the constellation Aquila, in collaboration
with a smaller Nordic human element and a collaborative
"Grey" and "Terran" m-litary presence. Headquarters of
a collective known as the "Corporate", which maintains
ties with the "Ashtar" and Draconian collectives"
Ashtar Command"
Similar to the "Saurians" or Reptiloids", yet being
hominoid creatures with reptilian AS WELL AS
amphibian-like features and are semi-aquatic in nature.
May have once lived on land, yet became more aquatic
over the centuries. 'They' have been encountered near
swampy regions, rivers, etc., and have been known to
attack people without being provoked. It is interesting
that some types of Greys AND "Reptiloids" are believed
to be semi-aquatic, having webbed fingers and toes

Part 1.

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com


Subject: Alien 57 Varieties. Part 2. June 8, 2008.

This talks about the Telosians who are the people
living inside of Mt. Shasta. They have cigar shaped
ships that are about 330 feet long and a lot of scout
craft that are about 30 to 70 feet long. Many times
celestial craft are seen on the mountain. They
normally cover themselves with lenticular shaped
clouds that stay stationary even though the wind is


AMOEBA-LIKE CREATURES over polar regions of the
No name that I can find. These have shown up
periodically over the last ten years.
N-SA is working on this. Every time they've been
detected, all kinds of strange illnesses break out.
They don't know how they can stay alive and be in outer
Reffered to also referred to the '"Els"', short for
'"Elder Race"' or simply as the "Giants"'). Referred
to in ancient Hebrew tradition, this race is allegedly
tied-in with a branch of ancient humans who broke-off
from mainstream humanity because of their vast size
which had developed over the centuries, possibly as a
result of a genetic anomaly. They are said to range
anywhere from 9-11 ft. and in some cases even 12 ft. in
height, although in configuration they are remarkably
similar to 'International' humans. Are said to possess
a means of molecular condensing and expansion which
allows some of their kind to mingle among humans on the
surface. They have allegedly been encountered in deep
and extensive cavern systems below the western part of
North America, as far north as Alaska, as far south as
Mexico, and as far east as Texas. They are believed to
have interstellar traveling capabilities.
The Andromedan Council" has ordered all
extraterrestrial presences on the planet, in the
planet, and on the moon to be completely out of our
space. They want everything that's ET, benevolent or
not, off the planet. This will be very interesting
since there are over 1,833 reptilians living in our
planet and over 18,000 grays living underground and on
the moon. The council would like to see how we will
live with each other when we are not being manipulated
by ETs, as we have been for the last 5,723 years.
Nimrod and Iraq
Nimrod was a worshipper of "Anu". "Nimrod" unlike
"Abraham did not believe in an unseen deity. Nimrod
wanted Abraham to worship Anu, The Most High known as
"ELYOWN ELYOWN EL". "Nimrod" was the founder of the
city of Babylon, and his most renowned architectural
influence was the construction of the Tower of Babel.
Nimrod also had a city named in honor of Anu. It was to
be called Calneh or Kalneh (G-nesis 10:10), meaning
`fortress of Anu.'
It used to be an ancient city in Babylon,
Mesopotamia. "Caneh" is often associated with "Nippur",
which is one of the seven cities that was inhabited by
the agreeable
"Nippur" was also known as "Kodesh". It was
originally called `"Nibruqi"' meaning `"Earth place of
Nibiru".' It was the city of "Enlil", the "Anunnaqi
Eloheem", son of Anu and Antum. Not only was Calneh one
of Nimrod