let's drag out another internet freedom rant.


New member
And this time it has a bigger budget and a bunch of whining soccer moms worrying about keeping their childs "innocence."

Let's start with what's ******* me off the most:


This link clearly states the intention of internet ratings. What a crock of ****. Explain to me the need for this? usually the name of a site alone will tell you whats on it and you want ratings?

Here's another great one:


"Bring *** to the Internet"

I'm not against people beleiving in *** or the internet what I am against is ******* idiotic parents relying on the government and everyone else to raise their children for them.

The internet is the last bastion of freedom of expression and, in some cases, speech. Try this on for size Mr. and Mrs. Mortgage, try monitering what your child does on the internet instead of trying to make it look like the seventh circle of ****. I own my own site and granted, there are some things on it that would ofend some people but I am prepared to go down with my ship if I have to.

In conclusion:

I think this about sums it up:


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New member
These people suffer from bigotry and its up to us to change that.

And it's not just the soccer moms, its the parents who think they're victims because they cant watch what their kid sees on the internet so they blame the thing the kid sees instead of themselves because they think they are never wrong.



New member
I don't think that we should be restricted at all but I do wish there was a clearer way to restrict people from sites they don't belong on, similar to how my TV works, I can set the rating level so my daughter can only watch things that are the right age for her. That doesn't restrict what the adults can do but it might help keep children off sites like this where they are a pain in the *** and personally I think we should be paid to babysit them.


New member
Leslie there are VARIOUS methods that can help you restrict what your daughter can do. For example, using special locks on Internet Explorer, using a key logger on your computer to check what she has been typing, special history utilities you can use to check exactly where she has been around the computer and the internet. Easy stuff. You just need to know where to get these. I suggest look at http://www.download.com but if you want the exact download URLs just PM. I can also help you out in configuring them. I wouldn't put too many restrictions on, just over *********** and a place like GF where dirty things are done. :D

As for MSN Convos and Key Loggers, I would only set my key logger to become activated when the user opens IE.



New member
The idea that pretty much anything your child could happen upon on either the internet or television is going to ruin their lives is short-sighted to say the least. While they may have a few 'Curious' thoughts about whatever they find its not going to leave them as some social devient. Absolute censorship accomplishes little to nothing and even if you could somehow run your kid through some system of perception with grades or level or whatnot, its not going to leave them as stable as one might think.

If a kid turns on the TV to some french soft-core **** then you say 'Opps, well hope that dosn't happen again' And you deal with it, but the kid isen't going to "Monkey See, Monkey Do" so easily. And as Hamza pointed out, its no difficult task to see where they've been. If you something is sketchy then you block it and speak to the **** kid, akward but better then a "We don't talk about things in this house-hold".The only thing I'd worry about on the internet is chatrooms with Pedos, but that is not a problem that requires regulation. But if my child were to accidently run accross a site with 3 naked midgets and a horse are getting it on, then I wouldn't sweat it too much.



New member
I'm sure if companies like Avast, Norton, and Webroot built some child proection software programs people wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit.


New member
I know I can take certain steps and will, one of them is she will not have a computer in her room, it will be sitting out where I can see her on it and what she is doing at all times, however not all parents are as committed as I am. I wish there was more that could be done to keep their kids off of sites where they are not welcome. Think of the liability of having someone too young on here.

Not too pick on RO but it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for a kid to say he tried to kill himself because of the video that is part of RO's signature and try to cause trouble for Wpyo, I have heard of far more frivolous things being said when someone (usually a parent) is trying to throw blame off themselves and onto someone, anyone...its the website, its the TV, its the music, its the video games...

When I am in a room of people, I make sure my language and topic is geared toward the people I am speaking too, I wouldn't speak about things that are considered adult if I knew there was a minor present. I think thats just common sense but the internet makes it imposible for us to know who is reading what we are writing...that makes me uncomfortable.

I know its been said but I do wish people would take more care to make sure their kids aren't playing in the street that is the internet. People must be blind, deaf and dumb to think its a good idea to let a child wander around at will on the net...How many more news pieces will it take to convince them the internet is not a playground for children...



New member
I know I can take certain steps and will, one of them is she will not have a computer in her room, it will be sitting out where I can see her on it and what she is doing at all times, however not all parents are as committed as I am. I wish there was more that could be done to keep their kids off of sites where they are not welcome. Think of the liability of having someone too young on here. Not too pick on RO but it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for a kid to say he tried to kill himself because of the video that is part of RO's signature and try to cause trouble for Wpyo, I have heard of far more frivolous things being said when someone (usually a parent) is trying to throw blame off themselves and onto someone, anyone...its the website, its the TV, its the music, its the video games...

When I am in a room of people, I make sure my language and topic is geared toward the people I am speaking too, I wouldn't speak about things that are considered adult if I knew there was a minor present. I think thats just common sense but the internet makes it imposible for us to know who is reading what we are writing...that makes me uncomfortable.

I know its been said but I do wish people would take more care to make sure their kids aren't playing in the street that is the internet. People must be blind, deaf and dumb to think its a good idea to let a child wander around at will on the net...How many more news pieces will it take to convince them the internet is not a playground for children...
Very true.. Many scapegoates used by careless parents... Leslie, don't give a **** what others tell you, pay special attention to your child so you know she's raised right.



New member
Oh BTW, I would take out the internet on your daughters computers when she has homework, and just buy her updated encyclopedias!! They're like 5 bucks, and I am sure I could pirate one for you free. HOMEWORK + INTERNET DO NO MIX! TOO MANY DISTRACTIONS!


New member
I heard they were thinking of creating a second web. One for ****, the other for everything else. Good luck enforcing that.


New member
Oh BTW, I would take out the internet on your daughters computers when she has homework, and just buy her updated encyclopedias!! They're like 5 bucks, and I am sure I could pirate one for you free. HOMEWORK + INTERNET DO NO MIX! TOO MANY DISTRACTIONS!
I do homework all the time on the Internet without being distracted. You just have to know how to use it properly (Use directories instead of search engines).

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