honestly, its all in the setup when it comes to drag racing. you can have a stout stock bore motor and be very competetive. chassis/tire/gearing is the biggest factor in drag racing. you need to figure out the terrain (dirt or sand) and the consistency of each. certain sand takes a **** ton of paddles to come out of the hole, some don't. in most cases, the taller the gearing (as long as your bike can pull it), the better. I ran 15/38 on my 58hp stock bore with my not-so-slender behind on it and got it to run a 4.9. smoked a 544 dasa and a few others with alot more power. stiff suspension is key, suspension movement absorbs energy that would otherwise be going to your tires. you want to run the SHORTEST swingarm and chassis you can while keeping the front end down. shorter wheelbase comes out of the hole harder. lightweight **** is key but I cant emphasize enough how important gearing, tire and chassis ridgidity is when it comes to flat drags. sorry if that isn't very organized, Im really tired tonight - Matt