Letter To the Communist Traitor Bill Clinton and all of his Treasonus Followers!

To the Communist Traitor Bill Clinton and all of his Treasonus Followers!

I cannot send you all the Scientific proof that reveals the Communists are
using a lie about Global Warming to use fools like you to destroy America.
I sent some of the proof of it to other Scientists, and they not only found
it more than creditable, they sent more evidence, as much as three gigabits
worth on discs, and it is still coming, and all of it has links to more

How is the World Bank going to help relieve all the poor in the rest of the
world, when both their current policies and their proposed policies will
cause more Americans to live below the poverty line?

How is America going to lead the world and stop Global Warming to save the
world, when Global Warming is not manmade?

How many more People will America drive into living below the poverty line
by wasting the money and resources and destroying what little the people
have that we need to survive?

How can the next generation survive when they cannot afford to get an
education, a job, and transportation, food, clothing, housing, and

How can the next generation afford to use the expensive and massive decaying
infrastructure designed for automotive transportation only, when they cannot
afford to keep repairing it and get a car and insurance and or gas?

These wan a be saviors from Global Warming people, have no complete and
accurate idea as to which Elements or Gasses or Compounds are separated out
or are produced both naturally and manmade, and they give no complete and
accurate data of how much of each, man and or nature, produces daily,
weekly, monthly, or yearly, and they do not show accurately how nature
produces them, nor why nature produces them, nor how nature recycles them,
nor how they were intended to affect life or the environment.

These people give no complete and accurate data as to which Gasses or
Compounds are only produced naturally, and they do not show accurately how
nature produces them, and why nature produces them, and how life uses them,
or how nature recycles them, or how they affect life or the environment.

These people give no data as to which Gasses or Compounds are only produced
by man, and how man produces them, and why man produces them,
or how man can recycle them, or how they affect life or the environment.

Instead of promoting energy conservation, and instead of encouraging
innovation and inspiring ingenuity to produce affordable and practical
energy efficient devices, they have Bill Clinton chasing fantasies of being
the world savior, while driving up the costs of living and making millions
more poor have to improvise for the daily things that they need just to

The lie of Global Warming being manmade was spun by the Communists who want
to destroy America and make a Global Communist Government and a Global
Communist Economy.

All the Carbon in natural Tar Pits. Coal Pits, and Oil Fields, at one time
was in the Atmosphere as CO2, until the plants and animals took it out of
the Air. And when I pointed out that even the scientists' chart on a web
site showed that CO2 in the Air was at it's lowest quantity in the past 520
million years because plants and animals and acid rain has been removing it
from the Air steadily, and I also pointed out that when it was the Highest
amount in the atmosphere, it was a period that they called an ice age
because nearly 1/3 of the earth had glaciers, and when they saw that on
their own charts, they removed the charts and wrote some that said exactly
the opposite. Why are they lying?

While you read this, ask yourself these questions, how many US Politicians
and US Citizens have betrayed the People of the United States, and are
trying to pass laws or bills or policies that somehow override our rights,
so that they can help foreign Governments in the UN set up a one world
Communist Government with a Global Communist Economy?

How many Scientists and Doctors without boarders, are from other countries
trying to overthrow the US from within, so that they can help foreign
Governments in the UN set up a one world Communist Government?

That Carbon got into the ground as Tar, Coal, and Oil some how, how did it
get there, and where did the Carbon originally come from? The math math of
their Scientists about Carbon only shows a natural gradual replacement of
CO2 into the air. The math of their Scientists about Carbon does not show
anything that would scientifically prove Global Warming is manmade. However
what I am posting shows scientifically
that even if you took all the Carbon from Natural Tar Pits, Natural Coal
Fields, and Natural Oil fields, and converted it all back to CO2 in the Air,
from where it all came from before the plants and animals during what some
scientists call ice ages, began making it become Natural Tar, Coal, and Oil,
it would not cause the Global Warming like we are experiencing. So why would
some scientists be lying about it? How about so some Oil companies can say
that there is a shortage, or to prevent gas guzzling they can raise the
price of Gas to $6 a gallon like they did in France? But the fraud about
Global Warming is not just so Oil Companies can make more money off the gas,
that is only part of it.

I reorganized all of this, and rewrote everything, and added links to verify
some more of this that I am posting in this letter, and I added a bunch of
stuff just for you. If and when you are through reading it, either tell me
why you want to keep helping them destroy our lives and our liberty, or tell
me if you want to help to try to stop them. You can give me a line by line
response to anything that you cannot understand, and I will add information
to make it plainer or add more links to verify it. If you decide you want to
help us, instead of trying to get us killed, e-mail this to everybody you
know, including your State and Federal Representatives.

Since they like killing people that know what is going on, so that they can
use blind and ignorant fools like you, to do their dirty work, I am going to
risk my life, just to give you some of the information that some of them
want to kill me for, so that I will not be able to spoil their takeover

All the killing in Sudan right now, is just so Communist China can keep
control of the group of Muslims that have the oil in Sudan.

ExxonMobil is the only big US owned Oil that we have left. BP, British
Petroleum, is now owned by the Socialist Communists who moved to and are
controlling Britain and France and Germany since the fall of the Soviet
Wall. France and Germany objected to the Iraq War because they had Oil deals
and or deals to develop the Oil fields in Iraq. Britain wants Iran to be
attacked so they can get their Oil deals back that they lost in 1979 because
of the US hostage crisis, and Britain offered to help the US get the Iraqi
Oil, if the US would agree to help Britain get their Oil deals back from
Iran, but now Russia and China has the Oil deals in Iran. And the Britain's
after giving Hong Kong to Communist China in 1997, BP in 1998 bought nearly
half our US Refineries on US Soil with money they got from the Communists,
and over 15,000 gas stations, Citgo owned by the Socialist Communists in
Venezuela has bought over 14,000 gas stations on US Soil. They are using
these to help them drain our economy of money, while they are buying our
Corporations and sending our material and jobs to Communist China, so that
they can destroy our economy, and they are using so called non political
Scientists and Doctors without boarders, to pass unnecessary laws for a
false manmade Global Warming crisis so that they can destroy the rest of our
industries, so that they can take the US over from within to make it a
Communist Nation.

Look, I never worked for any oil company, but I lost a lot of family members
who died in US Wars against Communists fighting for Oil. And I worked for
the US Army as a Soldier and Scientist and Engineer. And I can tell you
without a doubt Global Warming is not manmade. Those falsifying the science
data are directly connected with the US Russian Space Program, and they are
Communists trying to take over our Governments by destroying our economy
with false science. I studied all the Sciences of the NATO Nations just to
see what we had to use against the Communist Nations. I studied all of
Soviet Sciences and Communist Chinese Sciences, and later Russian Sciences
after the fall of the USSR, just to see what they had to use against us, and
there is no doubt the old USSR Soviet Scientists from Europe, and Red
Communist Chinese Scientists, united their efforts, and are pulling the hoax
on us using Britain, Australia, Germany, France, Korea, and Japan through
the United Nations.

They are using many politicians in both our US Political Parties, trying to
deceive ignorant fools into paying them to set up a Global Communist

Read some truth for once in your life fools, and wake up, before we become
totally Communist America! In order to save America, we have to drop a lot
of Federal and State and Local Government Programs and cut Federal and
State and Local Taxes by 1/2 to 3/4 each. But the Tax and Spend Democrats
and the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans will not do that so save
America, why?

Why will the US and UN International Scientists and Politicians and
International Religions and the International Medias not present this side
of the story to the Public to become unbiased?

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

Blog http://josephloegering.blogspot.com/

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

National Security update!

The false testimony of Global Warming being manmade, is being promoted by
Communists to try to destroy the United States of America!

US and UN International Scientists and Politicians and International
Religions and the International Medias are committing mass mandatory
abortion of natural Life, and the intentional mandatory destruction of
natural Life supporting cycles, creating manmade shortages of Life
sustaining resources, to create the opportunity for them to demand and
require mandatory reliance upon them, as they even use often unnecessary and
mass mandatory and expensive and dangerous Medical Treatments or worthless
and unnecessary and expensive Environmental controls for mass Profits, often
under the guise of doing it for the Planet's Environmental Health, and or
Mankind's Health as Religious Medical Charities or Medical States or
Environmentalist States using Medias and Journalists and Scientists and
Doctors and Businesses and Religious Organizations without boarders, to
invade and take over the Governments of other Countries from within.

Beginning in the mid 1800s to the 1950s, the founders of the Socialist
Movements wanted people to have to continue to rely upon them for food, and
work for them for the lowest wages possible, or die of starvation. They saw
new Refrigerators as a threat to the way that they controlled the population
to work for them for such low wages. So to try to prevent people from
growing food and preserving it for later consumption by Refrigerating it,
the founders of the Socialist Movements often invented lies that the
Refrigerants or Preservatives that the people were using to preserve their
food, was killing them or causing the sun's rays to destroy their crops, so
they needed to get rid of their new Refrigerators and or Preservatives, so
that the Industrialist Agriculturalist Leaders of the Socialism Movements,
could control the amount of food that the poor had on hand, so that they
could continue to force them to work at low wages for them, anytime that
they wanted, by withholding the daily ration of food from them. And now the
new Industrialist Agriculturalist Leaders of those Socialism Movements, have
expanded their tyrannical rule on a Global Scale by using deception that
affects commerce.

Refrigerator History


Now even the new Refrigerants that are not CFCs are written off as
Greenhouse Gases to help the Socialist Movement Leaders prevent the spread
of Refrigerators to their salves in third world and or Communist Countries
controlled by them.

Here is some of the false Science of Socialist Salesmen from Asia, and their
false quotes here. (Note from Asia again, here it says Japan, but this stuff
actually comes from Communist China and some from Japan,
http://www.nedo.go.jp/ ! I read some of both Chinese and Japanese, I made
copies of it because many times when I have pointed out their frauds, they
remove them from the internet, so get this quick, the whole website, andlook
at all the expensive and worthless crap that the Socialists want to force
the US Industries to buy by Mandatory Regulations)

They falsely say,

"Global warming is a phenomenon in which the Earth's average temperature
rises due to increased greenhouse gases, such as CO2, in the atmosphere.
Three gases (HFC, PFC and SF6) developed and used as substitutes for CFCs
also cause global warming in the same way as CO2, and their emissions need
to be reduced."


Argon is heavier than Air and cannot reach the upper Stratosphere because of
Gravity. CFCs are heavier than Aragon, and cannot rise to the upper
Stratosphere to destroy O3 that they falsely say is a Greenhouse Gas also,
and that they falsely say has been reduced 4% since 1980 by CFCs. I will
show later on, the Normal Natural Life Supporting Event of Ozone Production
and Depletion, that has been increasing out of proportion and depleting O3
faster than normal, since at least the 1960s to the present, and may
continue to increase until 2012 due to Natural events in the Sun.

Solar peak expected in 2011 2012


The same Scientists and Educators that revealed to us that plants and
animals and water creatures were so abundant and thriving, because that they
were taking the massive amounts of CO2 out of the air, and using it to live,
as they used Water and converted CO2 from the Air to Hydrocarbons, and then
dying to form multiple open Tar pits of stored Hydrocarbons, as the plants
and animals and water creatures perished. And an abundant number of the
plants and animals and water creatures taking the abundant CO2 out of the
Air and converting it to Hydrocarbons, perished as the Geothermic Volcanic
Activity of Earth, repeatedly caused the Earth to blow up and bury many of
the plants and animals and water creatures that were removing the abundant
CO2 from the air and converting it to Hydrocarbons, so that their remains
formed Fossils and Tar and Coal and Oil Fields of stored Hydrocarbons. But
they now say that we cannot allow the stored Carbon in the Tar and Coal and
Oil to become released back into the Atmosphere from where it came, when it
was abundantly available to and necessary for all the more abundant life
forms then as they lived off the CO2, because now releasing it back into the
Air, it would make plants and animals and water creatures more abundant and
feed the Earth's growing Population, and one news agency even was heard
saying, and besides the increase of plants causes more Pollen to be released
into the Air, and causes more hay fevers, in an attempt to sell
decongestants for the Medical Industry. When I pointed out that the plants
and animals and water creatures that were removing the abundant CO2 from the
Air, and were converting it to Hydrocarbons, and by Acid Rain forming
Organic Carbonic Acid for plants, was the reason that their own Phanerozoic
CO2 Chart at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming showed that CO2 in
our Atmosphere is at it's least amount in the past 520 million years, they
deliberately removed the Phanerozoic CO2 Chart, and rewrote their science to
say just the opposite.

This was done so that they may try to prevent the release of CO2 back into
the Air where land plants would use it as food, and increase in number to
feed more animals and feed more people, and to prevent the CO2 from forming
Organic Carbonic Acid, from where the Water Plants would use the CO2 as
food, and increase in number to feed more water creatures and feed more
people. They have vowed to starve as many plants and animals and people as
possible, trying to destroy the next generation of plants and animals and
people from becoming.

Here are the Politicians and founders of the Sciences falsely so called,
that the US and UN International Scientist and Politicians and the
International Medias, have built their false Scientific Data upon, to help
them commit mass mandatory abortion of natural Life, and the intentional
mandatory destruction of natural Life supporting cycles, creating manmade
shortages of Life sustaining resources, to create the opportunity for them
to demand and require mandatory reliance upon them by us all.

"The German philosopher, radical economist, and revolutionary leader Karl
Marx (1818-1883) founded modern "scientific" socialism. His basic ideas -
known as Marxism - form the foundation of socialist and communist movements
throughout the world."

Carl Marx
http://www.answers.com/Carl marx

V. I. Lenin "in 1903 led the Bolsheviks in the split of the
RussianSocial-Democratic Workers."

V. I. Lenin

http://www.answers.com/ V. I. Lenin

Joseph Stalin "was the de facto dictator of the Soviet Union. In the 1930s
Stalin summarily executed his political enemies and started aggressive
industrial and agricultural programs that left untold thousands of peasants
dead. During World War II Stalin was the commander of the Soviet military,
and attended the postwar conferences at Yalta, Teheran and Potsdam."

Joseph Stalin

http://www.answers.com/joseph stalin

"Charles Darwin's book The Origin of Species was a scientific bombshell in
its day and remains a much-discussed work 150 years later. Darwin was the
official naturalist aboard the British ship H.M.S. Beagle during its world
voyage of 1831-36. His observations during the journey led him to develop a
theory of evolution: the notion that species evolve as the fittest members
survive and pass their traits on to future generations. Darwin announced his
initial ideas of natural selection in 1858, and in 1859 he formally
published The Origin of Species. The book was both popular and
controversial: although Darwin was a religious man himself and once
considered a career in the church, his theory of evolution was attacked by
those who felt it was contrary to the teachings of the Bible. Today Darwin's
theories are embraced by nearly all scientists and his theories are
thestarting point for the modern study of evolutionary biology, even as the
religious arguments continue. Darwin published many other books and
pamphlets on the topic in later years, most notably The Descent of Man

The full title and subtitle of Darwin's famous book was, On the Origin of
Species by Means of Natural Selection, or, The Preservation of Favoured
Races in the Struggle for Life... Darwin was born on the same day as U.S.
president Abraham Lincoln... "

Charles Darwin


In order for the new Socialist Movements to take Global Control, they needed
to destroy the principles of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights
which gave US Citizens Liberty, which gave them the strength and ability to
become fluid and rise, and adapt to overcome any obstacle thrown their way.
So using the Dust Bowl of the Great Depression which was caused by
deforestation and over cultivation of grasslands in normally dry climates,
and a natural occurring drought, to begin spreading their false scientific
data about the new refrigerants causing climate change, and since the Great
Depression, they tricked some US Citizens to begin helping them overthrow
the US Government from within, and they were able to deceive President
Franklin D. Roosevelt to help them relay the foundation destroying the US
Constitution, and letting in the Socialist Industrialist Agriculturalist and
Financial advisors to take over and help overcome the Dust Bowl, and the
Great Depression, and WW2, at the expense of our Liberty.

Dust Bowl

http://www.answers.com/dust bowl

"Franklin D. Roosevelt managed to pull Americans out of the Great Depression
and lead them to victory in World War II, two pretty tall orders. His
support of an active federal government shaped American politics through the
remainder of the 20th century. His package of federally-supported public
works and social programs was known collectively as the New Deal."

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Part of the New Deal that the Global Socialist Movement Leaders don't
wantAmericans to know.

Why would CNN of Time Warner be involved with an Immigrant Doctor, who
forced me to sign a written contract saying that I would stop looking for
Osama Bin Laden, and would not make the News Headlines within the next two

Look at these People who are called the Architects that fixed the USA's
disastrous inability to be prepared for War, by doing away with followingthe
US Constitution. The Warner Brothers, now Time Warner, helped the Communists
destroy the US Constitution, along with Walt Disney and King Vidor who
helped found The Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American
Ideals in 1944.("Preservation of American Ideals" was used to hide the
deliberate destruction of the US Constitution as they were presenting a
radical far left view, as conservative Republican for the first time. ABC
now is part of Walt Disney)

John Wayne (born Marion Morrison) was the son of pharmacist Clyde Morrison,
and helped found The Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of
American Ideals as a Republican group in 1944, which was the first to take a
dramatic shift straight to the left against and to overthrow the US
Constitution. He stared in the 1944 Communist Propaganda Movie, The Fighting
Seabees, where they portray construction workers in World War II in the
Pacific, because Engineers are always needed to build military sites, but
they portray the truth that the work is dangerous, but portray a lie also
portraying them as unarmed fools doubting the ability of the Navy to protect
them. After a series of attacks by the Japanese, they portray the Engineers
as illegally and foolishly taking up arms to fight the Japanese, and then
they deliberately say something new is tried to make their arming and
fighting seem to be now legalized, they form the Construction Battalions
(CBs=Seabees). The new CBs they said have to both build and be ready to
fight, but by the US Constitution the Federal and State Governments were not
allowed to Levy Taxes for a Standing Army in a Time of Peace, so the
Civilian Engineers were legally armed Civilian Militias, prepared to fight
if War broke out, prior to that time. This new Republican Group portrayed
this totally new view to do away with the Armed American Volunteer Army
Tradition, that did away with the US Constitution, and they promoted this
new way as being the Republic which we are suppose to Patriotically Stand
for, but it does away with our Republic, our US Constitution, which we are
suppose to Patriotically Stand for.

Joseph Davies a Democrat wrote Mission to Moscow, a 123 minute black and
white, film released in 1943 by Warner Brothers after it was shown to FDR in
the White House April 21 and to a favorable public audience at a sneak
preview in Hollywood April 22, 1943. This is the side that The Motion
Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals was founded to
falsely portray as being conservative Republican.

"Joseph Davies was a corporate lawyer, loyal to the Democratic Party, friend
of Woodrow Wilson (who appointed Davies commissioner of corporations) and
friend of young FDR when he was assistant Secretary of Navy, married
breakfast food heiress Marjorie Post Hutton, served as ambassador to Russia
1936-38. The success of Davies' book that was published after BARBAROSSA
caused Davies to ask Warner Brothers to make the film to create public
support for Russia in the U.S.; the rights were sold to the studio July 3,
1942 for $25,000. "


The Communists have been working in both US Political Parties since then.And
now the Global Socialist Movement Leaders are getting Leaders elected that
they say are on the Right, to promote the Leftist Socialist Movement from
the Rightwing, so that no matter which side that you choose, you are
choosing the Communist Leftwing Agenda of a Global Socialist Government.
These Leftwing Communist Socialists still pose as Rightwing Republicans to
keep attacking and destroying the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, like
the Republican Mitt Romney who presents the Far Leftwing Communist Agenda of
big Government as Republic to keep violating the US Constitution in times of
peace by ripping off the Tax Payers to support wasteful standing Armed
Forces in a time Peace. As he and his conspirators against the US
Constitution betray the People of these United States, as they keep
attacking and destroying the People's Right and Responsibility of National
Defense, by signing Bills to outlaw their Constitutional Right and
Responsibility to keep assault weapons in a time of Peace, so that they can
no longer be well regulated and well trained and well equipped Militias that
are prepared for the event of a War and can no longer be prepared for Peace
Time National Defense.

The Tax and Spend Democrats and the Borrow until Economic Collapse
Republicans in charge now, will not do away with any of the Government
Programs designed with the help of Foreign Governments to do away with our
unalienable rights and bring upon us the Far Leftwing Communist Agenda of
big Government, as the Tax Drain destroys the Middle Class and makes
Millions of more poor to suffer.

The Tax and Spend Democrats and the Borrow until Economic Collapse
Republicans in charge now, taking advantage of the housing bubble bust, as
Millions of people begin to default or are near default of Home loans, to
cause more to default, and to cause more to become unable to afford any
home, mandatory Ethanol Regulations are being passed to drive up the cast of
Farmland from $900 an acre to $6500 an acre in some areas. This also drive
up the cost of residential land. And this program deceptive promoted as
helping the rural poor get jobs, just puts the cost of owning housing
entirely out of their reach.

This program is promoted by the International Scientists and Doctors and
traitors of the People of these United States who promote organizations like
Cleanair.org http://www.cleanair.org/ They put out no true and accurate Data
that would show Global Warming is not manmade, and they put out no true and
accurate Data that shows how their Policies will hurt both the Middle Class
and the Poor so that certain groups can make Political and Financial gains.

When the next Politician comes to your town campaigning, your political
rivals might take advantage of the Government calling the Police and Doctors
ahead of time, telling them to look out for any one who has issues against
that Politician, and they might pick you as the next one to do this to.None
of the Politicians or Medias will put out the truth that they have taken
away from the People of these United States, their Right to choose
what Doctors that they will see for diagnosis and to treated by.

None of the Politicians or Medias will put out the truth that they have
taken away from the People of these United States, their Right to choose to
stop taking medications that are causing them harm.

None of the Politicians or Medias will put out the truth that they have
taken away from the People of these United States, their Right to choose by
telling the Police and Doctors to say that they are not allowed to
Politicize the issues of healthcare as they force you to get a medical
evaluation from Doctors that you did not choose.

They will not reveal that these Doctors normally misdiagnose you against the
diagnosis of your own Doctors, and will force treat you with drugs that your
own Doctors said not to take because they were killing you. And they do not
tell you that the Drugs that they force upon you cause many to commit
suicide, or to commit murder suicide, or to become disabled, or to die,
while being of no benefit to the majority, so putting them on Social
Security Disability is mandatory for all who are Hospitalized to take the
Dangerous Mind Control Drugs. They do not tell you that while they say that
they are not allowed to politicize your medical treatment, they just say
your believing a major US News Media would help you flush out Osama Bin
Laden if they saw what evidence that you had, is consider to be a mental
Illness, saying that you are delusional, and that requires them to protect
the News Media by forced treatment upon you with mind Control Drugs that
have already caused you Iatrogenic Illnesses, but they say it is necessary
to cure your delusional state. And they will not let you out until you sign
a written contract saying that you will stop looking for Osama Bin Laden.
And they say the first treatment that caused the Iatrogenic Illnesses with
those exact same drugs was not politicized, because it was not ok for me to
say that there was no WMD in Iraq since 1993 before the President came to my
hometown on his Presidential Campaign, so they say it was ok for the Doctor
to force Drugs on me that gave me Iatrogenic Illnesses to protect the
President. But it is ok for them to say that they are looking for Osama Bin
Laden while becoming delusional about WMD in Iraq, as they murder people
because of their delusions while saying they looking for Osama Bin Laden,
and not get force treated with the dangerous mind control drugs that they
want forced on their Political Opposition to protect the Politicians when
they come to your hometown on Political campaigns. They do not tell you that
what the Police and Government appointed Doctors mean by saying, by the law
they are not allowed to politicize the issue of your medical treatment,
means that the law requires them to force you to suffer the Iatrogenic
Illnesses or Deaths caused by the forced medical treatment against your own
Doctors sound advice, there is no way around it.

They falsely present Natural Global Warming as manmade for Political and
financial gain at the expense of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
of others.

As Meteorites from microscopic in size to enormous sizes are pulled into the
Sun and the Planets and Asteroids, increasing their Masses and their
Gravitational Pulls, to preserve Life by preventing the increasing Masses
and Gravitational Pulls from causing the Planets to fall out of orbit into
the Sun, Nature uses the Principle of Energy equals Mass times the Constant
squared. As the Sun's gravity causes pressure on it's molten core, and
setsoff a chain of reactions converting Matter to Energy, both Energy and
Matter are launched from the Sun that parts of them eventually impact all
the objects orbiting the Sun, and the total force of impacts of Energy and
Matter on each orbiting object orbiting the Sun, are greater than the
combined Gravitational Pulls towards the Sun, causing the Solar System to
expand instead of collapsing into the Sun. When the Sun decreases it's
output of Energy and Matter, so that the total force of impacts of Energy
and Matter on each object orbiting the Sun, is less than the combined
Gravitational Pulls towards the Sun, the Solar System begins to Collapse,
until the Sun's resources are replenished by incoming Meteorites, so that it
may restore it's normal Energy and Matter output and keep the orbiting
objects at bay.

When the Sun changes it's normal Energy and Matter output, the increase or
the decrease of the total force of impacts of Energy and Matter on each
object orbiting the Sun, causes their normal wobble of the axis upon which
they spin, to increase or to decrease. This increase or to decrease in the
wobble of the axis upon which they spin, causes the molten materials in the
planets' cores to shift, increasing or decreasing Geothermic Activity upon
the Planets. The molten cores of the Planets exist because of each Planet's
Gravitational Pull putting pressure on it's own core. The cores of the Stars
and the Planets are hot enough to melt all the materials so hot, that they
can become liquid and fluid enough, for gravity and their spin upon the axis
to begin separating out layers of different densities of molten materials.
And sometimes different densities of molten Isotopes begins separating
fissionable Isotopes into a layer which creates a critical mass to begin to
form, getting the cores even hotter, and sometimes these fissionable
Isotopes form into a layer fast enough to cause a nuclear explosion large
enough to cause a super nova, or just cause a planet to explode. This often
happens in nature when the natural wobble of the spin of the terrestrial or
celestial body upon it's axis, causes the molten materials in their core to
shift to a place where it can cause the reaction to occur.

As Earth orbits the Sun in about 365 days, the normal tilt and wobble upon
it's axis as it spins to produce days and nights, causes the four seasons of
spring, summer, fall, and winter, to simultaneously occur at opposite
seasons in the Northern Hemisphere to those same seasons simultaneously
occurring at opposite seasons in the Southern Hemisphere.

When either Pole normally shifts in their due time and season away from the
Sun, with less cosmic rays both the normal production and normal depletion
of O3 Ozone Gas slows down greatly. But the normal depletion of O3 caused by
Earth's Magnetic Field conducting ionized Hydrogen Nucleus and ionized
Protons captured from the Sun's output, conducted to spiral around Earth's
Magnetic Field lines towards and into the attracting Pole, these ionized
Hydrogen Nucleolus and ionized Protons use O3 produced from excited 2O
Atoms, and excited 2 Nitrogen Atoms, and Sulfur Atoms, to form New H2O
Molecules in the Dry Stratosphere, which is Dry because evaporated Water
Molecules are to Heavy to rise that High against Gravity. And this new Water
in the Stratosphere freezes as it forms in the Cold of Winter over the Pole,
and as some of it forms and freezes it captures either excited 2N or S Atoms
and ionized Hydrogen Nucleus and or ionized Protons to form different Acids
that are too heavy to ascend into the Dry Stratosphere against gravity, and
though during the winter months these all freeze forming Stratospheric
Clouds near the Poles, this process of using O3 and 2O and 2N and S to
produce new Water and Acids goes on unseen all over the sunny half of the
Globe, and this new Water and new Acids cool off on the dark side of the
Globe, and every Night sink because of Gravity, but this natural process
forms the Winter Stratospheric Clouds over the Poles, but depletes the
Clouds and the reaming O3 as soon as the spring Sunlight retunes to each
Pole. The natural daily production of these Acids are necessary to control
deadly Ammonia that forms daily from decaying waste, plants, and animals.
The new Acids keep the Ph of the water level so the fish and plants can
Live, as they convert the deadly Ammonia to useful Ammonium Salts and
natural Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizers for the plants, and they keep the
acidity of the soil just right for plants to grow, as they combine with
deadly bases to form new non-lethal salts for the seas and sea creatures to
live in.

Communism is taking over the US Government from the People, by the People,
for the People, by the laws that they have the US Government and US Medias
that they own, pass against us, so that the Communists can get around our
majority will, pure and simple.

It was FDR who threw out the US Constitution, which resulted in the rich
building the first peace time standing Armed force at Tax Payer Expense,
with the help of the Russians. For to scare the Public into doing away with
the US Constitution and targeting the Middle Class and making the poor
suffer, every time we invented anything, they intentionally leaked our
technology to the Russians so that they could scream, "We need to raise your
Taxes and target the Middle Class and make the poor suffer more, as we
violate the US Constitution, and keep a standing Armed Force in a time of
Peace, because the sneaky Russians keep stealing our Technology!"

It only took Russia two years to build the A Bomb, only because our US
Government was working with them, and four years earlier gave them all that
they needed to know how to build it, so that they could deceive Americans
and throw out all America had stood for since her beginning. And the
Military Machinery Factories and Oil Barons and Medias have controlled our
Government ever since, and now that they succeeded in robbing all the Soviet
Union, and then wiping out Russia's wealth, and making millions of poor
suffer, they set their greedy sights on new victims.

After the Communists helped them make millions of poor who stood with the US
against Iran in Iraq suffer at the hand of the US Government, as George
Bush Sr. stood half way to Baghdad and watched him gun down all those that
he had encouraged to rise up against Saddam saying I will stand with you. As
the rest of those that were not gunned down by Saddam for standing with
America, suffered under Bill Clinton at the hand of Saddam, as Saddam said
to them loyal to the US against Iran, "The Great Satan took my money, so I
cannot pay your Militias or feed you!" And a Million more American
supporters died of starvation because of US and UN Sanctions. And they paid
Communist Groups to stand and say, "The Millions that suffered and died
under Saddam were not US Supporters!"

Our US Politicians being Homesick for their beloved homeland alliance, their
old Communist Soviet Union from where they stole their wealth, all who ever
stand for America will suffer at the hand of the US Government, because the
Democrats and Republicans now want a totally State controlled Medical Care
System like the Soviets had and Communist China has, where Doctors are
trained according to what the Government says is needed, not according to
their choice of interest. And where Patients get net no choice of which
Doctor they will see, or of a second opinion, they just have to suffer the
Iatrogenic Illnesses and Deaths from the first Doctor appointed by the
Government. And the Government will not take the Dangerous and Deadly Mind
Control Drugs off the Market, that the Drug Manufactures lied about their
safety and their effectiveness, because too many US Politicians or their
Family owns or runs the Medical Care system, or got donations from the Drug
Manufactures. Besides many of our Medical Facilities are now owned by
Communist States too.

With no more Cold War to deceive the US people so that they may keep ripping
them off, and new scam they have invented.

Hurricane and Cyclone intensity increases with warmer waters, but News Media
like CNN and other major Medias were paid by their sponsors to deliberately
ignore why the waters were becoming warmer and causing Hurricanes and
Cyclones to intensify, and causing sharks and whales and other sea life to
head for the shallow waters along our shores. The people being ignorant of
the true causes of Storms intensifying, were not warned in time of the known
probability that Storm Intensity would Increase, and this ignorance of the
Public caused unnecessary losses of life and property, like during Hurricane
Katrina and others.

When Meteorologists who know that the inconsistent Ocean Water Temperatures
cause inconsistent Atmospheric Temperatures, that cause Storms, know that
underwater Volcanoes are raising the Water and Atmospheric Temperatures in
areas where the Ocean's and Atmosphere's currents will distribute these
Abnormally Warmer Waters and Air into the Warmer Water Regions that cause
Hurricanes and Cyclones, and that these Abnormally Warmer Waters will
undoubtedly cause the normal Hurricanes and Cyclones to intensify, but they
repeatedly fail to announce this sound Scientific reasoning to warn the
People to take extra precautions, there is something wrong.

The reason is that, in violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act, the
Medias have been paid not to report the true cause of Storm Intensity
Increases, is so that their sponsors could invent a monumental fraud for
profit scheme, that would affect commerce and make some of them billions of
dollars, at the expense of much of the Middle Class, and make millions the
Poor suffer, driving the US to have to lean more towards Welfare and
Communism just to try to help them.

I keep telling the Government and the Medias that since the Global Warming
period began around 1980, that Earth's Poles have been slightly shifting in
their course of normal wobble, but they will not mention the cause of this
publicly, or assign anyone to do a full investigation to it's affects, and
if they do a so called investigation, they deliberately throw out all the
obvious facts, and invent their own. For Global Warming is in no way shape
or form, manmade, but instead of warning the people about the real affects
it has on intensifying Hurricanes and Cyclones and Volcanic Activity and
Earthquakes, so that they would move from areas frequently hit by the Storms
or Earthquakes, or build better Storm or Earthquake shelters, they falsely
blame man as the problem, just so that some of them can make money off
others by worthless Mandatory Regulations that do not address the true

Because of the complexity of Nature and it's Natural cycles, here is just
one indicator that Global Warming is Natural that I will point out now, and
I will reveal more links to verify things as I go along. Independently they
came to the same conclusion as I.


When I was a child in the late 1950s to the early 1970s, the French
Oceanographer Jacques Yves Cousteau, who invented the J and T valves for
underwater diving, and converted a British Mine Sweeper in 1950, into a
Scientific Sea Explorer, The Calypso, which sank in 1968, he not only was
and is my favorite adventurer, but since being a child I plotted all of his
adventures, and his son's adventures, on a Global Map, and added information
from multitudes of Scientists through the years, as I endeavored to outdo
his ingenuity as I became an Engineer and Scientist. And I was most
intrigued by underwater Volcanic Activity, and underwater Earthquakes, and
how it affected Sea Life, and Land Life, and sunken underwater Cities, and
sunken Ships. At the same time with the beginning of the Space Race and the
Nuclear Weapons Race against the Soviets, Nuclear Physics and Space
exploration was a hot subject for most children, and Oceanography,
Astronomy, Nuclear Physics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, and
Electronics, all became among my major studies. Like when I began, even
though my four sisters objected to the unfamiliar and often unpleasant
smells, at 9 years old I had built my first Science Laboratory in our
basement, and my Father being a College Professor, could only barely hold
them back, while offering me advice as to how to build vents to appease
their objections, while encouraging my curiosity of seeking out and finding
how things of nature are made, and how they work. And later seeing my
curiosity and ability to make the Science Apparatus and Chemicals of Nature
do whatever I wanted them to do, my School Teachers could only encourage me
by saying, "You may do anything that you want to do in our School Labs, but
if it is dangerous, let us know about it first before you do it." And prior
to that the local Pharmacist being curious of a child who repeatedly would
seek and ask him to order certain Chemicals and Scientific Apparatus from
his store suppliers, he soon joined with my Father and later my Teachers as
another personal advisor. But with these People in our Governments and
Medias deliberately casting off truth from true Sciences, and presenting the
Public a twisted Science Fiction as reality, just so that they may make
Political or Financial Gains by exploiting the fear and paranoia of others,
their examples will not help educate any of our children in the true

What a lot of these People are deliberately leaving out, so that they may
twist other Data into a lie, so that they may affect commerce by regulating
it into their pockets, or the pockets of others, with mandatory regulations
that they say are necessary, because of their Science Fiction deception,
isthat the recent recorded changes in Solar Activity, also affect the recent
recorded increases of Volcanic Activity, and these changes together affect
Earth's Magnetic Field, and all these changes together affect other Natural
events, and the results of just the first two changes is a Natural Global
Warming period. And because the base cause originated from the Solar changes
affecting Volcanic Activity, other planets are also experiencing Global
Warming at nearly the same rate. However, because Earth has a Magnetic
Field, Earth is being affected differently than some planets that have no
Magnetic Field and different compositions of Chemicals in their Atmospheres
and different degrees of Gravitational Pull.

Earth's unique Atmosphere and Magnetic Field and Gravitational Pull allows
the Earth to use Solar Energy and Natural Gases and Meteorites to produce a
cycle of producing Natural accruing Acids and Bases and Water to sustain
life upon Earth. These Natural cycles have not stopped, but their rate of
production fluctuates with the fluctuations of the Natural Events of Solar
Activity and Volcanic Activity and Earth's Magnetic Field and Gravitational

Since the Architects of WW2 did away with the US Constitution they have
controlled the Media to keep the people brainwashed against conservatism, so
that they could build a Communist America!

As the Solar activity changed since the 1960s causing the earth to change
it's wobble, changing earth's Volcanic activity, changing earth's normal
climates, and changing earth's normal magnetic field, I will fear no evil
ifand when the earth explodes again killing all the life that remains like
when it exploded seven thousand years ago killing all life.

At that time there was an abundance of Plants and Animals because they were
consuming CO2 which had been at a much greater concentration than now. All
the Plants and Animals were buried when the earth exploded, the Plants and
Animals are Hydrocarbons that produced Coal and Fossil Fuels. And though by
many different scientific methods defined and found independently coming to
the same conclusion that the Poles we have now were not always where they
are, because at the same time the earth exploded and buried the Plants and
Animals, the location of the Poles changed and new Ice Caps formed at the
new location of the Poles.

But ABC News put a guy on who says they drilled in the Ice at the South
Pole, and from the layers of the 600 million year old Ice, he falsely
claimed CO2 is now at its highest concentration in History, but these liars
fail to look at the size of the Oil and Coal fields that at one time were
completely CO2 in the Atmosphere, as the Plants and Animals used up the CO2
to live until they were buried by an exploding earth about seven thousand
years ago.

Upon the debris of the former earth, new plants and animals were formed with
no evolutional linked to those that perished, and a new man with no
evolutional linked to the old was made and named Adam whom was told to
replenish the new earth.

"Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers,
walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his
coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were
from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of,
that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out
of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being
overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are
now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day
of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, be not ignorant of
this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as
some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that
any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of
the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall
pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat,
the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing
then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought
ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting
unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall
be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Neverthelesswe,
according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein
dwelleth righteousness."

2 Peter 3:3-13

I will not kneel and worship and serve the things set in motion in Nature,
but I will kneel and worship and serve Nature's God that set all the
thingsin Nature in motion as it pleased him to do.

I will not kneel and worship and serve those who worship and serve other
Gods, and are alike all the others who are not acquainted with the Most
High, and speak but lies for their own gains.

Their Formula for success is to use Environmental Issues and deceptively
shift the blame of Global Warming from it's true Natural Cause, to falsely
accused Manmade Causes, so that they may create Manmade Shortages, by this
deception affecting commerce, to Create their Manmade Crisis so that they
can command Mandatory Reliance Upon Them, so that they can justify
themselves for taking Control of the Oil to make more Chemicals, and use the
Chemicals to make more Drugs, and use the Media and Legal and Medical
Systems, to make more often unnecessary and more mass mandatory expensive
and dangerous Medical Treatments, to make themselves more mass profits at
the expense of the Life, and Liberty, and pursuit of happiness of others
whom they right their just complaints off as just more rant.

Yet the truth cannot be done away with, nor will it be silenced by their
false accusations and degrading and persecution and jailing and murdering of
those who speak the truth, to set at liberty those enslaved by their lies,
wherein they promise liberty, but they themselves cannot escape the
corruption that brings bondage to all living and breathing the lies
againstthe truth.

If you have anything that you think is sound Scientific Facts, as Evidence
that proves beyond a reasonable doubt, contrary to this testimony that they
are presenting the false testimony of Global Warming as being manmade, to
try to destroy the Economy of the United States of America with Mandatory
Regulations, candidly present your Evidence to me, and in Public before
aprudent and candid world!

Beside violating Political Ethics which is obviously what our Politicians
are way too often doing, in order for us to stop mandatory regulations from
driving upland prices, and or production costs, and or housing costs, and or
fuel costs, and or energy costs, and or education costs, and or
transportation costs, and or health care costs, and the cost of living, are
all these Politicians, and or Environmental Groups, and or Biased News
Media, and or Scientists, and or Doctors, and or Pharmacies, and or Drug
Manufacturers, and or Hospitals, who are for profit or for non profit,
swaying Politicians, and the Politicians swayed, to pass regulatory Laws
affecting commerce, so that money and or trade and or services is regulated
into the pockets and or accounts of certain others, and or so that money
and or trade and or services is regulated into the pockets and or accounts
of themselves, in violation of the FTC Act?

Section 5 (a)(2) of the FTC Act states:
"The Commission is hereby empowered and directed to prevent persons,
partnerships, or corporations from using unfair or deceptive acts
orpractices in or affecting commerce."

Section 4 defines "corporation" to include: ".any company, trust, so-called
Massachusetts trust, or association, incorporated or un-incorporated, which
is organized to carry on business for its own profit or that of its

Their false presentation of so called evidence, and or false testimony, that
which falsely presents a false Terrorist Threat as being real, is a
deceptive act affecting commerce!

Their false Science, and or false testimony, that which falsely presents
Global Warming as being manmade, is a deceptive act affecting commerce!

Their false Science, and or false testimony, that which falsely presents
Mind Control Drugs, and or mandatory or forced Medical Treatment with any
Drugs or Vaccines, as the benefits outweighing the risks, is a deceptive act
in most cases, affecting commerce, which destroys Life, Liberty. and the
pursuit of happiness of some!

I am after the Biased Politicians, and or Biased Judges, and or Biased
Lawyers, and or Biased Intelligence Agents, and Biased News Media, and or
Biased Witnesses, and Biased Scientists, and Biased Doctors, and Biased
Pharmacies, and Biased Drug Manufacturers, and Biased Hospitals, and or
Biased Educators, presenting false science, and or false testimony, in a
Psychological Warfare Tactic, to affect commerce, so some may make profit by
motivating the Public and or individuals with fear and paranoia.

Ask them when they are going to stop their Neo Nazi MindControl Program to
save America?

Quacks! Pharmaceutical Candy Stores!

While their Chemical Plants use up energy and pollute the environment
withwaste products, some Chemical Scientists figured out how to put their
Chemicals that they made, into capsules and or pills and or powders and or
syrups and or syringes. Then they set up websites for fools who like
Pharmaceutical Candy Stores, where fools can go to get these so called
miraculous drugs so that they can live in oblivion while the drugs kill
them. And then the Chemical Scientists sent out a duck coast to coast, to
teach all the Doctors to all walk and quack the same way about their so
called miraculous drugs!

So though disabled and needing a real Doctor, looking for one I have heard
every sales pitch that there is about these so called miraculous drugs! And
though none of these Doctors from coast to coast can do anything that would
help me heal enough so that I could maintain a steady job, and make a
living, instead they all quack the same about their miraculous drugs, that
when you take any of them, they make you more disabled. And because they
cannot make any money treating you and making you sicker if you don't take
their worthless expensive drugs, just so that you cannot stop taking their
so called miraculous drugs that only make you sicker while killing you, they
had the Politicians and the Courts make it so that you cannot choose which
Doctor that you want, and so the appointed Doctors can force their disabling
drugs upon you, so that they can keep making money off their Chemical
Scientists that are wasting energy making worthless dangerous drugs, and are
polluting the planet with the waste products of their Chemical Plants.

Big Pharma is paying the News Media to Brainwash Society in a Neo Nazi Mind
Control Program!

This ballot gives you the right to choose between two evils, which do you
consider to be the lesser of the two evils?

Caught between the Turf Wars of Legal Corporate Iatrogenic enslaving
Medications, and Illegal Street enslaving Iatrogenic Medications, so that
either side that we choose we will become Iatrogenic Slaves owned by our
Drug Dealers, so which of the two groups of Iatrogenic Medical SlaveMasters,
are the lesser of the two evils?

Lets see, if you choose the Legal Corporate Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and
stop taking their Legal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they
screamthat, "you are crazy," and can lock you up, and force the Legal
Iatrogenic Medicines upon you to keep you enslaved!

But if you choose the Illegal Street Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and stop
taking their Illegal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they scream, "No
don't go," and to try to keep you enslaved, they say, "I will give you a
free hit if you stay," but if you don't accept it, they can not lock you up,
and you are no longer enslaved, your are free!

Are you ready to Vote?

But wait a minute, didn't we have the right to choose the 13th Amendment,
just so that we could be free from Slavery? Did you guys forget to tell
these people that run our Society this way, about the accomplishments of the
Civil War? Oh wait, because of the Drugs that they forced upon me, I forgot
all about that guy that took the Presidency! Lets see, what was his name?

Was it George? Or was it Mud?

Us Iatrogenic Medical Slaves, say to our Slave Masters, give us Liberty, or
give us death!

For you deliberately conspired to do this thing, and you are now in
violation of the 13th Amendment of our US Constitution!

To the dishonest and greedy Racketeering US Doctors and US Medical Staff and
US Drug Manufactures and US Officials.

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

We have found that most Politicians and Judges and Lawyers and Police
Officers and the Media and the Public, do not even know what an Iatrogenic
Illness is! And we have found that some of you have deliberately taken
advantage of their ignorance, and you have conspired to use your Freedom to
say whatever you want to say, to influence and help them design and set up
our Hospitals and our Clinics and our Courts, just so that some of you can
try to get away with producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses. Just so that
you can make a Wealthy Lifestyle for yourselves, as you continue getting
paid for causing the Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses as Slave Masters of
Iatrogenic Medical Slavery! And we have found that many of you are
influencing or buying out the judgment of the FDA, or Politicians, or other
Officials, or of the Media, just to get them to approve and support the
useof Drugs, that often cause more harm than good, because they were
developed to make you the Slave Masters, and the Slave Owners, of those that
you deliberately targeted and bound in your Iatrogenic Medical Slavery!

Some of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses, are
not used for the category of Mental Illnesses, but are not cures of
sicknesses, they are classified as Treatments for Chronic Sicknesses. But a
majority of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses,
are used for the category of what they call Chronic Mental Illnesses. And
wehave found that you have even been using the Mass Media, to play upon
people's ignorance of Mental Illnesses, to build fear in them, as you build
prejudice in them, so that you can motivate them to do your dirty works at
your will. And we found some of you have been deliberately brainwashing our
society for a long time, to get them to blindly support, and to blindly
follow along with your scam of Medical Racketeering. And out of their
ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
tricked them into giving you the authority to use force, even upon those
whom you falsely claim have a Dangerous Mental Illness. And out of their
ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
built prejudice in them, and often motivate them by your influence over the
collective social group, to use intimidation, as a fear factor, upon
thosewho you falsely claim need your Medications, that cause Iatrogenic
Illnesses. And some of you are deliberately abusing the authority to use
force, as you force upon people ignorant of Mental Illnesses, Medications
that cause Iatrogenic Illnesses, just so that you can enslave them in your
Iatrogenic Medical Slavery.

I have the Detailed Documentation of what they are planning and doing,
enough to get thousands of convictions, does anyone want it?


VA Tech, and the News Media Brainwashing Society with Prejudice against
Autistic, Mentally Ill, and the Traumatically Bran Injured, in our Schools.

It appeared for a while that the News Media was going to finally honestly
deal with Bullies and Piers Prejudice against the way Children with Autism,
Mental Illnesses, and Traumatic Brain Injuries, behave, and honestly report
that Psychiatric Treatment on these Children causes more harm than good.
This is so because the Medical Community sees the behavior of the Autistic
and Mentally Ill, and those with Traumatic Brain Injuries, as being
unacceptable by Society, and then tries to use Mind Control Drugs,
experimentally handing each one different Drugs, trying to find what Drug or
Combination of Drugs would suit each individual, to correct their behavior,
instead of trying to find a cure for their disorder, or instead of helping
them live with their disability. So now after the VA Tech Killings, because
of the Public's Paranoid responses that will result brought about by the
Medical Community using the Media for Brainwashing the Public, and
motivating them with Fear, to try their Neo Nazi Mind Control Drugs, if your
Child has Autism, a Mental Disorder, or a Traumatic Brain Injury, to avoid
the Abuse from Authorities and Piers, parents should keep their Children
home from School, and get them in Private Schools built just for helping
them overcome their handicaps.

Because of the way Autism, Mental Disorders, and Traumatic Brain Injuries
come about, it would be impossible Scientifically, to give these Children or
Adults with these Disorders, a Drug, or a Combination of Drugs, to Cure
their Disorders. And the Drugs Scientifically cannot give them new
abilities, and make it easer for them to overcome their handicaps, and live
a more productive life. And because of the Side Effects of the Drugs, in
most cases the Drugs will cause them to become more dysfunctional, which is
often written off as, changing their behavior to the better, because being
more dysfunctional, their new behavior is said to be less Dangerous.

But because of the VA Tech killings in a School, the News Media is now
brainwashing Society to accept the Prejudice of Piers and Bullies, and send
them to Neo Nazi Doctors for treatment, or they say something like VA Tech
might happen. But the VA Tech Killings most likely were caused by such
Prejudice from Rich Kids and Religious Fanatics, who made so many complaints
that they sent the man to Psychiatrists, for useless forced treatment with
Dangerous Mind Control Drugs, Abusive Treatment and Drugs that without a
doubt, made his condition worse, and contributed to causing the killing

As I get it written out, I will post accurate Scientific Information on how
the Brain develops naturally, and how these Medications cause abnormal
Neurons to develop that can only function while taking the Medications, and
stopping the Medications causes serious withdrawals from the useless Drugs.

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
<Joseph> wrote in news:BJydnYTs3-czddHbnZ2dnUVZ_gGdnZ2d@comcast.com:

> To the Communist Traitor Bill Clinton and all of his Treasonus Followers!

Hey, there's a turnip truck pulling out of town. Better hurry and get back
on before it leaves without you.
"ThePhisherKIng" <Locker@BusStation> wrote in message
> <Joseph> wrote in news:BJydnYTs3-czddHbnZ2dnUVZ_gGdnZ2d@comcast.com:
>> To the Communist Traitor Bill Clinton and all of his Treasonus Followers!

> Hey, there's a turnip truck pulling out of town. Better hurry and get back
> on before it leaves without you.

The Tax and spend Democrats and the borrow until economic collapse
Republicans, by example follow their most exalted example of a leader who
said, "God gave us trees, and hemp to make ropes for the criminals necks,"
and he passed laws and regulations and raised taxes to support his armies
and offices to harass the people. And a man stood and said, "We had better
all hang together, or we will all surly hang!" And they People threw the
Tea into the harbor and said to King George the 3rd, we will not pay the

Then they wrote the US Constitution which forbids the Federal and State
Governments to raise taxes for Armed forces in a time of peace, and bestowed
the right and responsibility of national defense upon the people with the
second amendment.

Since the Tax and spend Democrats and the borrow until economic collapse
Republicans, helped the Communists do away with the 2nd amendment, and
disarm the public, so that they could violate the US Constitution by keeping
standing armed forces in a time of peace, since FDR and his new deal, so
their Communists comrades could help them scare the public into raising
living costs, by their collecting taxes to build a massive defense highway
systems coast to coast, and massive armed forces, and massive space
programs, and massive amounts of tax money for maintaining these things, out
of fear and paranoia of the Communists, what are you going to use to load
the truck? Your pitch forked tail? Or your forked tongue?

In service of God and Country

<Joseph> wrote in news:eek:r6dne8HicyvZtHbnZ2dnUVZ_u6rnZ2d@comcast.com:

> "ThePhisherKIng" <Locker@BusStation> wrote in message
> news:Xns9933D253EC8F2Gilliam@
>> <Joseph> wrote in news:BJydnYTs3-czddHbnZ2dnUVZ_gGdnZ2d@comcast.com:
>>> To the Communist Traitor Bill Clinton and all of his Treasonus
>>> Followers!

>> Hey, there's a turnip truck pulling out of town. Better hurry and get
>> back on before it leaves without you.

> The Tax and spend Democrats and the borrow until economic collapse
> Republicans, by example follow their most exalted example of a leader
> who said, "God gave us trees, and hemp to make ropes for the criminals
> necks," and he passed laws and regulations and raised taxes to support
> his armies and offices to harass the people. And a man stood and said,
> "We had better all hang together, or we will all surly hang!" And
> they People threw the Tea into the harbor and said to King George the
> 3rd, we will not pay the taxes!
> Then they wrote the US Constitution which forbids the Federal and
> State Governments to raise taxes for Armed forces in a time of peace,
> and bestowed the right and responsibility of national defense upon the
> people with the second amendment.
> Since the Tax and spend Democrats and the borrow until economic
> collapse Republicans, helped the Communists do away with the 2nd
> amendment, and disarm the public, so that they could violate the US
> Constitution by keeping standing armed forces in a time of peace,
> since FDR and his new deal, so their Communists comrades could help
> them scare the public into raising living costs, by their collecting
> taxes to build a massive defense highway systems coast to coast, and
> massive armed forces, and massive space programs, and massive amounts
> of tax money for maintaining these things, out of fear and paranoia of
> the Communists, what are you going to use to load the truck? Your
> pitch forked tail? Or your forked tongue?
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph

Cuckoo, cuckoo!