Liberal Democrat McBeaner Criticizes Mitt's Conservatism


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McCain Criticizes Romney's Conservatism

Monday, February 4, 2008

NEW YORK -- Republican John McCain assailed Mitt Romney's conservative
credentials on the eve of the Super Tuesday presidential primaries, going on
national television with a new campaign ad that claims Romney "was against
Ronald Reagan before he was for him."

McCain had eased up on his criticism of the former Massachusetts governor
since winning the primary in Florida last week and had begun acting like a
general election candidate, focusing his harsh rhetoric on Democratic rivals
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.

But with hours to go before voting began in more than 20 states from coast
to coast, McCain unloaded on Romney.

The 30-second ad airing on national cable television shows Romney distancing
himself from Ronald Reagan, patron saint of modern conservatism, in a 1994
debate when he was challenging Democratic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of

"Look, I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I'm not trying
to return to Reagan-Bush," Romney says in the ad footage. An announcer then
intones, "If we can't trust Mitt Romney on Ronald Reagan, how can we trust
him to lead America?"

McCain also ratcheted up the rhetoric during an interview with the CBS
Evening News. Asked about his opponents' weaknesses, the Arizona senator
reverted to the caricature of Romney as a flip-flopper. "He's had literally
at least two positions on every major issue," McCain said.

Kevin Madden, Romney's campaign spokesman, noted the tension, saying McCain
"has a long history of being an agitator" within the Republican Party.

"Governor Romney has a proven record of supporting core Republican
principles like tax cuts and a strong border security policy," Madden said.
"John McCain would be unable to stand strong against the Democrats on taxes
and illegal immigration since he has voted with the Democrats so many times
on those issues."

Romney also countered with automated telephone calls, including one recorded
by former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and placed to thousands of
Republican homes in Arizona, presumably including McCain's.

"As a conservative I don't agree with McCain on many issues and I don't
think he has the temperament and leadership ability to move the country in
the right direction," Santorum said in the recording.

The dispute between McCain and Romney is important because both are
vulnerable on the question of how conservative they really are. Any doubts
are especially acute for McCain, who emerged from Florida positioned to
become the GOP front-runner if he can win enough convention delegates on
Super Tuesday.

Many conservatives in the GOP base don't trust McCain, and some like-minded
talk show pundits insist he would destroy the party if he becomes the
nominee. McCain's longtime friend Bob Dole, the 1996 Republican presidential
nominee, defended McCain in a letter Monday to Rush Limbaugh.

As McCain assailed Romney publicly, the senator and his conservative
surrogates were quietly reaching out to conservative leaders not yet on
board with his candidacy, according to two GOP strategists with ties to the
party's right flank. Those who aren't backing McCain have indicated they are
most concerned about his opposition in 2001 and 2003 to President Bush's tax
cuts and his work with Democrats to avoid a Senate showdown over Bush's
judicial nominees.

The list of grievances against McCain is lengthy, including his sponsorship
of legislation to limit money in politics. Critics say that violates free
speech. Conservatives also are unhappy with McCain's support of a path to
citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants.

Yet Romney is not the consensus candidate of frustrated conservatives,
either. Two other contenders, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Rep.
Ron Paul, have attracted only limited support, and some conservatives are
looking for something else entirely.

One such activist, Virginia direct-mail consultant Richard Viguerie, on
Monday called on conservatives to bring in a new candidate who can unite the
party's various factions.