

And of course lessons of history also taught us that as soon as a Republican
president takes office, all previous actions (aka f ckups) by previous
democrat presidents become the incoming Republican's f ckups. This happened
to Nixon since he inherited JFK and Johnson's war in Viet Nam and
automatically became responsible for the entire war.

The same is now also true for W. since he inherited both 9-11 but 8-months
after entering office from Clinton, about 3- months after the democrats
finally settled down and authorized Bush to have a cabinet from the 2000
election, so Bush is automatically responsible for years of bad intelligence
gathered under the Clinton regime.

So now when Bush has good reason to suspect intelligence reports regarding
Iran stopping its nuclear weapons program,liberals don't say he learned from
history. They claim that his previous intelligence (gathered mostly during
Clinton's years) is Bush's fault.

So what is the lesson here.... No matter what happens it's a Republicans

One should to ask themselves if back in 2003 when this latest NIE report
claims Iran halted it's weaponizing program, if the Mullahs weren't a wee
bit concerned that American troops had just toppled Saddam!

The pressing question now is, will anyone be surprised in a year if a new
report proclaims that Iran reconstituted its nuclear weapons program in 2005
and actually has the capability?

Instead, the world should just listen to Biden and impeach Bush no matter,
just to be on the safe side!

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's president declared victory over the United States
on Wednesday after a U.S. intelligence report contradicting the Bush
administration's charges that Tehran was actively seeking a nuclear weapon.

The report appeared likely to increase resistance from Russia and China to
U.S. demands for further United Nations sanctions against Iran. Russian
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said its findings would be a factor in
deciding on sanctions.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran would press ahead with its
disputed nuclear program, which the Islamic Republic says has only peaceful
civilian aims.
"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
>No matter what happens it's a Republicans fault!

It's about time you admitted this.
"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> And of course lessons of history also taught us that as soon as a

> president takes office, all previous actions (aka f ckups) by previous
> democrat presidents become the incoming Republican's f ckups. This

> to Nixon since he inherited JFK and Johnson's war in Viet Nam and
> automatically became responsible for the entire war.
> The same is now also true for W. since he inherited both 9-11 but 8-months
> after entering office from Clinton, about 3- months after the democrats
> finally settled down and authorized Bush to have a cabinet from the 2000
> election, so Bush is automatically responsible for years of bad

> gathered under the Clinton regime.
> So now when Bush has good reason to suspect intelligence reports regarding
> Iran stopping its nuclear weapons program,liberals don't say he learned

> history. They claim that his previous intelligence (gathered mostly during
> Clinton's years) is Bush's fault.
> So what is the lesson here.... No matter what happens it's a Republicans
> fault!
> One should to ask themselves if back in 2003 when this latest NIE report
> claims Iran halted it's weaponizing program, if the Mullahs weren't a wee
> bit concerned that American troops had just toppled Saddam!
> The pressing question now is, will anyone be surprised in a year if a new
> report proclaims that Iran reconstituted its nuclear weapons program in

> and actually has the capability?
> Instead, the world should just listen to Biden and impeach Bush no matter,
> just to be on the safe side!

This kind of rightarded nonsense is why you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons
can't win elections.
MioMyo wrote:
> And of course lessons of history also taught us that as soon as a Republican
> president takes office, all previous actions (aka f ckups) by previous
> democrat presidents become the incoming Republican's f ckups. This happened
> to Nixon since he inherited JFK and Johnson's war in Viet Nam and
> automatically became responsible for the entire war.
> The same is now also true for W. since he inherited both 9-11 but 8-months
> after entering office from Clinton, about 3- months after the democrats
> finally settled down and authorized Bush to have a cabinet from the 2000
> election, so Bush is automatically responsible for years of bad intelligence
> gathered under the Clinton regime.
> So now when Bush has good reason to suspect intelligence reports regarding
> Iran stopping its nuclear weapons program,liberals don't say he learned from
> history. They claim that his previous intelligence (gathered mostly during
> Clinton's years) is Bush's fault.
> So what is the lesson here.... No matter what happens it's a Republicans
> fault!
> One should to ask themselves if back in 2003 when this latest NIE report
> claims Iran halted it's weaponizing program, if the Mullahs weren't a wee
> bit concerned that American troops had just toppled Saddam!
> The pressing question now is, will anyone be surprised in a year if a new
> report proclaims that Iran reconstituted its nuclear weapons program in 2005
> and actually has the capability?
> Instead, the world should just listen to Biden and impeach Bush no matter,
> just to be on the safe side!
Official's Key Report On Iraq Is Faulted
'Dubious' Intelligence Fueled Push for War
Friday, February 9, 2007; A01

Intelligence provided by former undersecretary of defense Douglas J. Feith to
buttress the White House case for invading Iraq included "reporting of dubious
quality or reliability" that supported the political views of senior administration
officials rather than the conclusions of the intelligence community, according to a
report by the Pentagon's inspector general.

Feith's office "was predisposed to finding a significant relationship between Iraq
and al Qaeda," according to portions of the report, released yesterday by Sen. Carl
M. Levin (D-Mich.). The inspector general described Feith's activities as "an
alternative intelligence assessment process."