Licking Bush's Asshole - Why He Is The Greatest Warrior Elite President of All!


Buford Cranston

Why Licking Bush's Asshole Is The Key To Our Salvation!

On your knees and pray to The Messiah!

As an expert historian Napoleon Bonaparte, emerged as emperor of France a few
years after the dust settled from the socialist French Revolution of 1789. We
have been taught by history texts and teachers that Bonaparte was one of
history's greatest militarists.

But if you look at his record, you discover that after a few
brilliant military victories early in his leadership, Bonaparte suffered
several colossal and humiliating defeats. His French were defeated by the
British under the Duke of Wellington in the Spanish campaign. Napoleon also
suffered decisive defeats from the British navy at Trafalgar and in the
battle of the Nile in Egypt. And most disastrous of all was his appalling
defeat in Russia in 1812 when his Grande Armee of 550,000 soldiers was
virtually annihilated in Russia after reaching Moscow. Finally, Napoleon and
his French were badly beaten by the English and Prussians in the famous
battle of Waterloo. Thus, the so-called great Napoleon Bonaparte was, in
reality, one of history's greatest military losers.

In contrast look at President George Bush's war record. He had U.S. forces
invade and conquer Afghanistan in months which the mighty Soviet Union could
not do in ten long years in the 1980s. Bush effected a regime change in
Afghanistan forcing a remnant of the Taliban and al Qaeda bandits
ignominiously to take refuge in the rugged mountains of north West
Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bush also invaded and conquered Iraq after a few
months of fighting in 2003 and again effected a regime change and the trial
and execution of the Muslim tyrant and socialist Saddam Hussein. These two
campaigns of Bush resulted in the subjugation (but with continuous scattered
resistance) of a total population of over 50 million Muslims, whereas the
Russia that Napoleon tried to conquer in 1812 would have had a population of
less than 15 million. Bush has done all this with a low casualty rate (2400
KIA) in wars lasting longer than WW II.

Added to Bush's achievements: there has not been one major successful
Islamofascist terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 after the Bush
government's Patriot Act, Homeland Security provisions and many other
anti-terrorist measures.

Bush has to go down in history as a great "war president". His present
popularity ratings are meaningless. Harry Truman left office with a rating
substantially lower than that of Bush yet today he is rated as a pretty
effective leader.
