Lieberman Rules Out Running With McAmnesty


Patriot Games


Lieberman Rules Out Running With McCain

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sen. Joe Lieberman, an independent who nearly won the vice presidency as a
Democrat in 2000, says there's no way he'll be Republican Sen. John McCain's
running mate should McCain become the party's presidential nominee.

"No, I'd tell him, 'Thanks, John, I've been there, I've done that. You can
find much better,'" Lieberman told The Associated Press during an interview
Tuesday in his Senate office. "I'm not seeking anything else."

The Connecticut senator said he was unequivocally ruling out sharing the GOP
ticket with McCain.

Lieberman's endorsement of McCain in December and the campaigning he since
has done in states such as New Hampshire, Michigan, South Carolina and
Florida have stoked speculation that the Arizona senator might choose
Lieberman as his running mate.

Lieberman planned to be back on the road for McCain as the Feb. 5 Super
Tuesday contests near.

Lieberman's flirtations with Republicans worry Democrats. His defection to
the GOP could tip the balance of power in the narrowly divided Senate away
from Democrats, who need Lieberman's vote to maintain their fragile 51-49
Senate majority.

Lieberman, in his fourth term, said his decision to endorse a Republican
should not be seen as a step toward him jumping to the GOP.

"I don't have any intention of leaving the Democratic Party," he said. "I
want to be a senator."

But Lieberman did say that if McCain wins the nomination, he'd likely attend
the Republican convention.

"I'd probably be more welcome there," he said.

Lieberman said he endorsed his longtime Senate colleague because of his
leadership on national security issues and his bipartisan approach. Both men
are strong supporters of the Iraq war.

Lieberman was Democrat Al Gore's running mate in 2000. In 2004, he mounted
an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

After losing the 2006 Democratic Senate primary in Connecticut to Ned
Lamont, Lieberman defied party leaders and ran as an independent in the
general election to keep his seat.

Top Democrats abandoned him after the primary defeat and backed Lamont.
Lieberman enjoyed support from the GOP, including praise from the White
House and fundraising help from prominent Republicans such as New York Mayor
Michael Bloomberg.
Have you noticed not many republican senators jumping on the McCain bandwagon...AAC

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 07:10:42 -0500, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:

>Lieberman Rules Out Running With McCain
>Tuesday, January 29, 2008
>Sen. Joe Lieberman, an independent who nearly won the vice presidency as a
>Democrat in 2000, says there's no way he'll be Republican Sen. John McCain's
>running mate should McCain become the party's presidential nominee.
>"No, I'd tell him, 'Thanks, John, I've been there, I've done that. You can
>find much better,'" Lieberman told The Associated Press during an interview
>Tuesday in his Senate office. "I'm not seeking anything else."
>The Connecticut senator said he was unequivocally ruling out sharing the GOP
>ticket with McCain.
>Lieberman's endorsement of McCain in December and the campaigning he since
>has done in states such as New Hampshire, Michigan, South Carolina and
>Florida have stoked speculation that the Arizona senator might choose
>Lieberman as his running mate.
>Lieberman planned to be back on the road for McCain as the Feb. 5 Super
>Tuesday contests near.
>Lieberman's flirtations with Republicans worry Democrats. His defection to
>the GOP could tip the balance of power in the narrowly divided Senate away
>from Democrats, who need Lieberman's vote to maintain their fragile 51-49
>Senate majority.
>Lieberman, in his fourth term, said his decision to endorse a Republican
>should not be seen as a step toward him jumping to the GOP.
>"I don't have any intention of leaving the Democratic Party," he said. "I
>want to be a senator."
>But Lieberman did say that if McCain wins the nomination, he'd likely attend
>the Republican convention.
>"I'd probably be more welcome there," he said.
>Lieberman said he endorsed his longtime Senate colleague because of his
>leadership on national security issues and his bipartisan approach. Both men
>are strong supporters of the Iraq war.
>Lieberman was Democrat Al Gore's running mate in 2000. In 2004, he mounted
>an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.
>After losing the 2006 Democratic Senate primary in Connecticut to Ned
>Lamont, Lieberman defied party leaders and ran as an independent in the
>general election to keep his seat.
>Top Democrats abandoned him after the primary defeat and backed Lamont.
>Lieberman enjoyed support from the GOP, including praise from the White
>House and fundraising help from prominent Republicans such as New York Mayor
>Michael Bloomberg.
AnAmericanCitizen wrote:
> Have you noticed not many republican senators jumping on the McCain bandwagon...AAC

Crist, Martinez, Lott all endorsed McCain.

More will probably follow shortly.

Steven L.
Remove the NOSPAM before replying to me.
"AnAmericanCitizen" <> wrote in message
> Have you noticed not many republican senators jumping on the McCain
> bandwagon...AAC

These are strange, strange times indeed!

HIs latest support? From a RINO lame duck Gov.

Prior? From a RINO defeated candidate.

Republicans, conservatives, right-leaning Centrists are surrounded by clues
yet nobody is paying attention!
"Steven L." <> wrote in message
> AnAmericanCitizen wrote:
>> Have you noticed not many republican senators jumping on the McCain
>> bandwagon...AAC

> Crist, Martinez, Lott all endorsed McCain.

Martinez was booted from the RNC. His popularity in Florida is low.

Lott is irrelevant.

Crist decided he didn't want a second term as Governor.

> More will probably follow shortly.

Don't count on ANYBODY respectable sticking their neck out until AFTER its
locked up.
When all is said and done. Regardless of who is nominated for either the
democratic party or the republican party, democratic and republican
representative in Congress will "jump" on the party bandwagon and support
their candidate for the office.

"AnAmericanCitizen" <> wrote in message
> Have you noticed not many republican senators jumping on the McCain
> bandwagon...AAC
> On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 07:10:42 -0500, "Patriot Games" <>
> wrote:
>>Lieberman Rules Out Running With McCain
>>Tuesday, January 29, 2008
>>Sen. Joe Lieberman, an independent who nearly won the vice presidency as a
>>Democrat in 2000, says there's no way he'll be Republican Sen. John
>>running mate should McCain become the party's presidential nominee.
>>"No, I'd tell him, 'Thanks, John, I've been there, I've done that. You can
>>find much better,'" Lieberman told The Associated Press during an
>>Tuesday in his Senate office. "I'm not seeking anything else."
>>The Connecticut senator said he was unequivocally ruling out sharing the
>>ticket with McCain.
>>Lieberman's endorsement of McCain in December and the campaigning he since
>>has done in states such as New Hampshire, Michigan, South Carolina and
>>Florida have stoked speculation that the Arizona senator might choose
>>Lieberman as his running mate.
>>Lieberman planned to be back on the road for McCain as the Feb. 5 Super
>>Tuesday contests near.
>>Lieberman's flirtations with Republicans worry Democrats. His defection to
>>the GOP could tip the balance of power in the narrowly divided Senate away
>>from Democrats, who need Lieberman's vote to maintain their fragile 51-49
>>Senate majority.
>>Lieberman, in his fourth term, said his decision to endorse a Republican
>>should not be seen as a step toward him jumping to the GOP.
>>"I don't have any intention of leaving the Democratic Party," he said. "I
>>want to be a senator."
>>But Lieberman did say that if McCain wins the nomination, he'd likely
>>the Republican convention.
>>"I'd probably be more welcome there," he said.
>>Lieberman said he endorsed his longtime Senate colleague because of his
>>leadership on national security issues and his bipartisan approach. Both
>>are strong supporters of the Iraq war.
>>Lieberman was Democrat Al Gore's running mate in 2000. In 2004, he mounted
>>an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.
>>After losing the 2006 Democratic Senate primary in Connecticut to Ned
>>Lamont, Lieberman defied party leaders and ran as an independent in the
>>general election to keep his seat.
>>Top Democrats abandoned him after the primary defeat and backed Lamont.
>>Lieberman enjoyed support from the GOP, including praise from the White
>>House and fundraising help from prominent Republicans such as New York
>>Michael Bloomberg.
"Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> When all is said and done. Regardless of who is nominated for either the
> democratic party or the republican party, democratic and republican
> representative in Congress will "jump" on the party bandwagon and support
> their candidate for the office.

Democrats? Yes, mostly.

Republicans? its not looking so good.

If McAmnesty whoops Mitt huge then I agree most Republicans will show

HOWEVER, if Mitt gets say 20% to maybe 35% THAT is a strong signal that
we'll see a HUGE portion of GOP voters staying home.....

And you know what that means....