LightSquared wants to be America’s dumbest pipe


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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LightSquared, a wholesaler of satellite and terrestrial broadband services, took to the stage at the Open Mobile Summit on Wednesday to clarify the company’s goal: to be America’s dumbest pipe. ”LightSquared is building the ultimate dumb pipe,” LightSquared CEO Sanjiv Ahuja said in his keynote address according to <em>Light Reading</em>. “We want to be the dumbest wireless broadband pipe. No intelligence in our network. None. Zero.” While traditional wireless carriers focus on a variety of services and monetization strategies, LightSquared wants to operate as a utility company might, piping its service to as many customers as possible through as many resale partners as possible. The future of LightSquared’s 4G LTE plans are still up in the air, however, as its service has been found to interfere with spectrum used by various GPS solutions. The firm is working on resolving those issues, though solutions that involve retrofitting GPS antennas with filters or <a href="">adopting new antenna technology</a> haven’t been well received.<span id="more-110829"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report