Lil' Georgie sez: Saddam Killed Nelson Mandela and his whole freakin' family ......Good God, LMAO


C -- S

""I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead
because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a
reputation for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in
Washington on Thursday."

Nelson Mandela still alive after embarrassing Bush remark

Fri Sep 21, 8:15 AM ET

Nelson Mandela is still very much alive despite an embarrassing gaffe
by U.S. President George W. Bush, who alluded to the former South
African leader's death in an attempt to explain sectarian violence in

"It's out there. All we can do is reassure people, especially South
Africans, that President Mandela is alive," Achmat Dangor, chief
executive officer of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, said as Bush's
comments received worldwide coverage.

In a speech defending his administration's Iraq policy, Bush said
former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's brutality had made it
impossible for a unifying leader to emerge and stop the sectarian
violence that has engulfed the Middle Eastern nation.

"I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead because
Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a reputation
for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in Washington on

Jailed for 27 years for fighting white minority rule, Mandela became
South Africa's first black president in 1994. He won a Nobel Peace
Prize for preaching racial harmony and guiding the nation peacefully
into the post-apartheid era.

References to his death -- Mandela is now 89 and increasingly frail --
are seen as insensitive in South Africa.


Apparently the little chimp has been sneaking a few Jim Beam enemas
between the video games and nappy time again.....


" As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents
more and more closely the inner soul of the people.

On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land
will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House
will be adorned by a downright moron."

- H. L. Mencken
July 26,1920
Proper Link to the article :

C -- S wrote:
> ""I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead
> because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a
> reputation for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in
> Washington on Thursday."
> Nelson Mandela still alive after embarrassing Bush remark
> Fri Sep 21, 8:15 AM ET
> Nelson Mandela is still very much alive despite an embarrassing gaffe
> by U.S. President George W. Bush, who alluded to the former South
> African leader's death in an attempt to explain sectarian violence in
> Iraq.
> "It's out there. All we can do is reassure people, especially South
> Africans, that President Mandela is alive," Achmat Dangor, chief
> executive officer of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, said as Bush's
> comments received worldwide coverage.
> In a speech defending his administration's Iraq policy, Bush said
> former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's brutality had made it
> impossible for a unifying leader to emerge and stop the sectarian
> violence that has engulfed the Middle Eastern nation.
> "I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead because
> Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a reputation
> for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in Washington on
> Thursday.
> Jailed for 27 years for fighting white minority rule, Mandela became
> South Africa's first black president in 1994. He won a Nobel Peace
> Prize for preaching racial harmony and guiding the nation peacefully
> into the post-apartheid era.
> References to his death -- Mandela is now 89 and increasingly frail --
> are seen as insensitive in South Africa.
> ___________________________________________________________
> Apparently the little chimp has been sneaking a few Jim Beam enemas
> between the video games and nappy time again.....
> C_S
> =============================================================
> " As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents
> more and more closely the inner soul of the people.
> On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land
> will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House
> will be adorned by a downright moron."
> - H. L. Mencken
> July 26,1920
> =============================================================
C -- S wrote:
> ""I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead
> because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a
> reputation for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in
> Washington on Thursday."

A predictable response from a Bush-hater. Your ilk is always looking for
something to ridicule, even when there IS nothing to ridicule.

It's another example of a reflexive response based on your hatred of Bush.

In the meantime, the Democratic controlled House and Senate continue to
support Bush in the war in Iraq....

> Nelson Mandela still alive after embarrassing Bush remark
> Fri Sep 21, 8:15 AM ET
> Nelson Mandela is still very much alive despite an embarrassing gaffe
> by U.S. President George W. Bush, who alluded to the former South
> African leader's death in an attempt to explain sectarian violence in
> Iraq.
> "It's out there. All we can do is reassure people, especially South
> Africans, that President Mandela is alive," Achmat Dangor, chief
> executive officer of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, said as Bush's
> comments received worldwide coverage.
> In a speech defending his administration's Iraq policy, Bush said
> former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's brutality had made it
> impossible for a unifying leader to emerge and stop the sectarian
> violence that has engulfed the Middle Eastern nation.
> "I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead because
> Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a reputation
> for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in Washington on
> Thursday.
> Jailed for 27 years for fighting white minority rule, Mandela became
> South Africa's first black president in 1994. He won a Nobel Peace
> Prize for preaching racial harmony and guiding the nation peacefully
> into the post-apartheid era.
> References to his death -- Mandela is now 89 and increasingly frail --
> are seen as insensitive in South Africa.
> ___________________________________________________________
> Apparently the little chimp has been sneaking a few Jim Beam enemas
> between the video games and nappy time again.....
> C_S
> =============================================================
> " As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents
> more and more closely the inner soul of the people.
> On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land
> will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House
> will be adorned by a downright moron."
> - H. L. Mencken
> July 26,1920
> =============================================================
On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 12:27:56 GMT, Christian Williamson
<> wrote:

>C -- S wrote:
>> ""I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead
>> because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a
>> reputation for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in
>> Washington on Thursday."

>A predictable response from a Bush-hater. Your ilk is always looking for
>something to ridicule, even when there IS nothing to ridicule.
>It's another example of a reflexive response based on your hatred of Bush.

Another Bushbot out to defend his beloved terrorist friend George W.

>In the meantime, the Democratic controlled House and Senate continue to
>support Bush in the war in Iraq....

So are the Republicans. They do not represent America. They're evil.
Deaf Power wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 12:27:56 GMT, Christian Williamson
> <> wrote:
>> C -- S wrote:
>>> ""I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead
>>> because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a
>>> reputation for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in
>>> Washington on Thursday."

>> A predictable response from a Bush-hater. Your ilk is always looking for
>> something to ridicule, even when there IS nothing to ridicule.
>> It's another example of a reflexive response based on your hatred of Bush.

> Another Bushbot out to defend his beloved terrorist friend George W.
> Bush.

A couple of things:

1) I've criticised Bush in this newsgroup. Look it up. The fact that I
have criticized him invalidates your claim of a "bot."

2) Bush is not a terrorist. Indeed, you would be hard-pressed to have
any international leader agree with you, other than, say, Ahmedinejad or
Kim of North Korea.

>> In the meantime, the Democratic controlled House and Senate continue to
>> support Bush in the war in Iraq....

> So are the Republicans. They do not represent America. They're evil.

Of course, they're evil. If they weren't you wouldn't be able to keep
your hatred motivated enough to say the stupid things you do.
Christian Williamson wrote:
> C -- S wrote:
>> ""I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead
>> because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a
>> reputation for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in
>> Washington on Thursday."

> A predictable response from a Bush-hater. Your ilk is always looking for
> something to ridicule, even when there IS nothing to ridicule.

With George W Bush, there is never a time when there is "nothing to
ridicule". George W Bush is the very definition of ridiculous.

And hating Bush is a virtue and your duty as an American citizen.

> It's another example of a reflexive response based on your hatred of Bush.
> In the meantime, the Democratic controlled House and Senate continue to
> support Bush in the war in Iraq....
>> Nelson Mandela still alive after embarrassing Bush remark
>> Fri Sep 21, 8:15 AM ET
>> Nelson Mandela is still very much alive despite an embarrassing gaffe
>> by U.S. President George W. Bush, who alluded to the former South
>> African leader's death in an attempt to explain sectarian violence in
>> Iraq.
>> "It's out there. All we can do is reassure people, especially South
>> Africans, that President Mandela is alive," Achmat Dangor, chief
>> executive officer of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, said as Bush's
>> comments received worldwide coverage.
>> In a speech defending his administration's Iraq policy, Bush said
>> former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's brutality had made it
>> impossible for a unifying leader to emerge and stop the sectarian
>> violence that has engulfed the Middle Eastern nation.
>> "I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead because
>> Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a reputation
>> for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in Washington on
>> Thursday.
>> Jailed for 27 years for fighting white minority rule, Mandela became
>> South Africa's first black president in 1994. He won a Nobel Peace
>> Prize for preaching racial harmony and guiding the nation peacefully
>> into the post-apartheid era.
>> References to his death -- Mandela is now 89 and increasingly frail --
>> are seen as insensitive in South Africa.
>> ___________________________________________________________
>> Apparently the little chimp has been sneaking a few Jim Beam enemas
>> between the video games and nappy time again.....
>> C_S
>> =============================================================
>> " As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents
>> more and more closely the inner soul of the people.
>> On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land
>> will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House
>> will be adorned by a downright moron."
>> - H. L. Mencken
>> July 26,1920
>> =============================================================
"Christian Williamson" <> wrote in message
>C -- S wrote:
>> ""I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead
>> because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a
>> reputation for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in
>> Washington on Thursday."

> A predictable response from a Bush-hater. Your ilk is always looking for
> something to ridicule, even when there IS nothing to ridicule.
> It's another example of a reflexive response based on your hatred of Bush.

No, it's a response to an imbecile who has failed America, destroyed our
World status, killed millions for nothing, wrecked our lives and economy and
should be arrested for T-R-E-A-S-O-N.
"Christian Williamson" <> wrote in message
>C -- S wrote:
>> ""I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead
>> because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a
>> reputation for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in
>> Washington on Thursday."

> A predictable response from a Bush-hater. Your ilk is always looking for
> something to ridicule, even when there IS nothing to ridicule.

Oh yeah! The fact that our ****-up moron of a president is out there making
stupid comments like this is no reflection at all on out country! Go ****
yourself, Chrissy, you stupid Bush-licker. Your standards are as low as your
On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 13:24:20 GMT, Christian Williamson
<> wrote:

>Deaf Power wrote:
>> On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 12:27:56 GMT, Christian Williamson
>> <> wrote:
>>> C -- S wrote:
>>>> ""I heard somebody say, Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead
>>>> because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas," Bush, who has a
>>>> reputation for verbal faux pas, said in a press conference in
>>>> Washington on Thursday."
>>> A predictable response from a Bush-hater. Your ilk is always looking for
>>> something to ridicule, even when there IS nothing to ridicule.
>>> It's another example of a reflexive response based on your hatred of Bush.

>> Another Bushbot out to defend his beloved terrorist friend George W.
>> Bush.

>A couple of things:
>1) I've criticised Bush in this newsgroup. Look it up. The fact that I
>have criticized him invalidates your claim of a "bot."

Trying to defend yourself by making yourself look good, eh? You're
dead wrong. Defending Bush doesn't mean to criticize Bush. You're
defending terrorist Bush by attacking those who oppose him.

>2) Bush is not a terrorist.

Yes he is. He is the most divisive president ever. He passed the
"Patriot" Act which is actually a terrorist act that allows him to
freely spy on those who oppose him without check and to detain
Americans indefinitely. He has caused more terrorism than ever. See
the National Intelligence Report.

>Indeed, you would be hard-pressed to have
>any international leader agree with you, other than, say, Ahmedinejad or
>Kim of North Korea.

Bush, Kim and Ahmed are all the same kind.

>>> In the meantime, the Democratic controlled House and Senate continue to
>>> support Bush in the war in Iraq....

>> So are the Republicans. They do not represent America. They're evil.

>Of course, they're evil. If they weren't you wouldn't be able to keep
>your hatred motivated enough to say the stupid things you do.

Only if they represent America's interests instead of the
corporations' interests. So far, Bush and his cronies have been
representing the interests of the military corporation complex. See
President Eisenhower's warning message. He's a Republican.

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