Linkin Park : Christmas Recollections Part 1 + Part 2


New member
Bassist Phoenix and singer Chester Bennington talk about their disasterous christmas yet :D Make sure you click on the links, they have the videos of them actually saying it on the website.


Linkin Park: Christmas Recollections. Part 1

The members of Linkin Park spent Christmas at their respective homes, and wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday.

Bassist Phoenix, with a nod of approval from singer Chester Bennington, talked about one memorable Christmas that wasn't so pleasant.

(Phoenix) "I have a scar in my eyebrow. I don't even know exactly where it is. I think I was 5 and I was so excited because I got this monster, like, reddish, brownish teddy bear that was as tall as I was. It was probably like four feet high, and I was running down the hall with it and I stepped on its leg and tripped and hit my head on the wine rack. So Christmas morning I had to spend like six hours in the emergency room getting ten stitches in my eyebrow." (Bennington) "That's a good one. (Phoenix) "Thank You." (Bennington) "That's a good one."

SOURCE: Ultimate Guitar


Linkin Park: Christmas Recollections. Part 2

In the second of our two part series of Christmas stories, Chester Bennington, Linkin Park's singer, may has just one-upped his bassist Phoenix for the most disastrous Christmas morning.

Bennington recalls a holiday a few years ago where he and his mother thought it would be a good idea for the singer to bring over his dog. The only thing is that the two dogs didn't exactly get along, which precipitated a Christmas day attack.

"Christmas morning my dog is sitting in the hallway sleeping and this other dog just jumps on her and attacks her. We pull 'em apart and I stick my dog in the room for a minute and like an hour later I come in and she's still really scared and I'm like, 'OK it's been an hour, you'd think she'd forget. And I go in and I pet her and my hand is just covered in blood. Well, I couldn't see that there was any cut or anything, and I was like, 'OK, great. It's Christmas morning and there's blood on my dog. Where did she get bit? And I went and I'm looking and this gash about the length of my finger and about the depth of the canine tooth right across the back of her neck."

Bennington, with a comment on the goriness of the Christmas story, said the whole scene was right out of a horror film.

"I almost vomited right there. It was so disgusting. It literally looked like her head was going to fall off. You know like when, in the movies, somebody slices somebody's head and they kind of look around and all of the sudden their head just slides off? That's what I thought her head was going to do. and so that morning..." (Phoenix) "I think I started this off on the wrong foot." (Bennington) "...I rushed my dog to the emergency vet and she got like twenty stitches across her neck and my mother was guilt ridden the rest of the day. That was a great Christmas (laughs)."

SOURCE: Ultimate Guitar (Thanks!)


It was posted just yesterday, but I swear I've read / seen this before. Hmmm, anyway whoa, crazy stories. Poor Chester's Dog lol.



New member
Thanks for posting that. Amusing... in a real... um, sadistic kinda way. But XD

And yeah, I believe I've read something similar over at PFMH or TLPT, just incase you're curious. Still, funny anyway.

Thanks! :thumbsup:

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