Linkin Park in the Studio


All The Streetlights
Feb 21, 2006


Mike: Every Monday, the six of us get together at the studio to review the songs' progress. Since some of the work is being done at home, we use this weekly check-up time to catch up and stay organized. Every few weeks, we vote on the songs, giving them an A-F grade. The votes are tallied, and we keep a running list of which songs we like best. "C" votes and below generally fall off the list pretty quickly. Right now, we're got about 15 songs that are getting A's...but sometimes an "A" isn't good enough...

via Mike's Blog

If they have 15 tracks that are A's...maybe the new album is not that far away
Quite possible a 2009 release. Mind you, what MS said about As not being good enough, sounds like LP are really trying to hammer out a quality 4th record here. They're not gonna rush it and especially after some of the responses from MTM and the LPU8 CD, they're gonna make sure they have everything A+++++. So we'll see, but i'm expecting it more around this time next year.
Like everyone on here it will be this year. I just hope it's not gonna be like MTM. I mean they have to change back. They aren't the same as they were. I need some damn screaming and yelling and all of that.......but yeah. I mean knowing how MTM was rated, I think (and prey it won't happen) that it is gonna be like MTM. But it's my opinion.
i think LP are well past that meteora/HT stage of their careers, itd be a step back if they went back to something they said they wouldnt

a nice mix has always been the consensus, and certainly one that keeps everyone happy, cause if you go back, there will be the isolation of the newer fans, and the fact that LP have a declining base, going back to the old sound is no guarantee to bring fans in