Linkin Park song???

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Do any of you know the song called "I Just Want Your Company"? Well... I have a question about it. Every time it plays on XM Radio, it says it's by Linkin Park. So every time I here it, I think it's by LP in the times of Xero. BUT... from other sources I've heard that the songs REALLY called "Bartender" by the band (Hed) PE. My question is, who is the song really by?

P.S. Forgive me if this has been brought up before.



New member
It deffently wouldn't be from LP in the Xero days because those don't get radio play. I would say it probably is by (Hed) PE

Your best chance is to download/stream the (Hed) PE song and see if it is one you are talking about..



Active Members
Please read the other topic names.. This belongs in "Read First Song by LP or not by LP? Ask here" Post your question there.
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