Finally Done!


New member
I like it even though its plain and simple... but yeah, its pretty slow when loading...

(Ive got fiber and an uber-fast compy, so for dial-up that must be horrible.)



New member
im disappointed.

my favorite band has gone from have so much artistic talent everywhere, cover art, awesome web pages and stuff to a plain white everything!!! grrrrr im sad.


crazy robster

New member
I didn't face any problems opening the site it was pretty fast. It is awesome!! The only thing I object to is the lack of a photo gallery. Shouldn't there be a gallery? Or if there is one I can't find


New member
i love the enter page, looks cool

hey jeezy could u put up a bigger pic than ur sig? i really want that pic,looks awesome



Active Members
The only thing I see is a white page, maybe it has something to do with me using Fire Fox?
Maybe your connection is too slow...I also use Firefox and it works perfect

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