

Thomas Keske


Listeria, Diptheria- Slave girls, come quickly!
Come to the triclinium in the Clostridium-
We wish to break cheese, break bread,
and the weakened bones of ancient Cartilage

Today marks the auspicious aphelion of our
Empire and the paraphimosis of our Pater Familias!
We've arrived just in time to say prayers
to the household gods.

Let us retire to the chambers of our corpora cavernosa,
that we might go to a toga party Go-Go and be
surrounded in sensuous tunica albuginea!

The Senate Elders have decreed that the
interregnum shall consist of a comitium of senior
nomensanctum scrota, attended only by the lictors,
wearing the insignificant insignia of authority,
employing oysters on strings to empty
the esophagus of appestat excess, providing for
superintendence of baths and enforcement
of sumptuary laws; plus the appointment of patrician
aediles to guard the sacred cereal supply.

These decisions are reflected in wise and tempered
circumcision, as ordered in the sacred scroll and
testes of the Pontificate of Papilloma:

QVAERIS, quot mihi basiationes
tuae, Lesbia, sint satis superque
Lucretia Borgia Laserpithium with
L actococcus lactis

Our gods- Panacea, Escherichia, Salmonella,
Haemorrhoids, Hermes, Herpes, Dionysus, Dialysis,
Bacchus and Staphylococcus - shall not be mocked.

Let the palate of every prelate imbibe
the sweet saccharides of carcinoma,
so that they may ferment uproariously in the
duodenum of the tribunes of the people,
in the manner of erupting Vesuvius,
and who shall know that this is indeed
the best of all possible Candida albicans!

Our Holiday feast of our gods shall not
be deemed to be Deist-defeatist,
merely because of this mysterious listeriosis-
Our army takes auspices, carrying with them
cages of sacred chickens, on the backs of
mules laden with hipposelinum.

Felix convivium! Pour the wine... Let the food flow!


The man was barely over five and a half feet tall, with golden
blonde hair that spiked up in various directions,
defying gravity. His navy top and matching pants both
carried an insignia of two red swords, crossing and piercing
a violet Blitzball.

With a quick, final kiss, the woman walked away.
Ziodan watched her as she headed to the stairs,
which led to the spectator's stands.

"Listeria!" he shouted, to get her attention.

Listeria turned to face him just as she set foot on the first step.

"Cheer for me, okay?"

She smiled. "Always." And she continued her climb up the stairs.

The stadium suddenly echoed with screams as the top of the stadium
exploded, the structure crumbling. Pieces of the roof fell,
destroying everything it hit on the way to the stadium floor,
including the sphere computer. Ziodan watched with wide eyes,
as the computerised pool disappeared. The water fell a great distance,
bringing the Blitzball players with it. Ziodan landed heavily
on the ground, and he was knocked unconscious before he could
even feel the tons of water landing on him.

Listeria sprinted to the centre of the stadium, a panicking expression
on her face.

And that's when she awoke, screaming from her nightmare.
2. Living Nightmares: Biological Threats
Enabled by Molecular Biology
clude many of the major bacterial pathogens
(and potential biowar-fare agents) such as Yersinia,
Salmonella, Streptococcus, Listeria, ... New Terr...
Isolation of Listeria from Raw Milk
agar resulted in. the best. rate. of. recovery of. listeria.
We thank. Lucretia G. Thacker. for serotyping. the. strains,.
Sandra. Parker-Barnett ...
40. June 2003 Newsletter
.... whom I took to be the Banqueting Manager,
who was feverishly rearranging the ... bacteria involved,
particularly Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella ...

The Transylvanian Society of Dracula held the third
World Dracula Congress in the medieval town of
Sighisoara, Romania, last month. The theme was fear
and participants looked at aspects of the emotion in life.

By the time we were a couple of miles down M40, I was wondering
whether I should not have invested in a Korean
"aromatherapy business suit". These supposedly reduce
stress by emitting the aromas of peppermint and lavender.
Too late now: I tugged nervously at my "Tales of India" tie,
especially selected for the day in the Hall of India & Pakistan.

Entering the Hall of India & Pakistan I espied whom I took
to be the Banqueting Manager, who was feverishly rearranging
the layout of the place. About to enquire whether it would be
possible to have a cup of coffee, a sixth sense stopped me
mid-sentence. Good Lord! It's Jacqui! Her sheer purposefulness
left me with no qualms whatsoever about her ability to romp
through a couple of hours about the more unusual oils.
My sixth sense, however, did not save me a little later when,
spotting a stylishly fashionable short haircut, I erroneously
assumed that the attractive young lady was a gentleman!

Her deep love of perfume shone strongly through, and her
treasure trove of fine fragrances was an aromatic revelation.
When did I last have the opportunity to savour the
extremely delicate, almost raspberry-like, sweet-floral
scent of Orris?

Interestingly, the client has not experienced any symptoms
on her torso or limbs except after one treatment when
her wrists itched.

Can you offer any insight into what on earth could be
causing her reactions?

Could it be Arnica, or........?

Arnica has been reported to increase the resistance of animals
to bacterial infections by stimulating phagocytosis of the
bacteria involved, particularly Listeria monocytogenes and
Salmonella typhimurium [H. Buschmann, Fortschr. Veterinarmed.,
20, 98 (1974)]. The sesquiterpene lactones helenalin acetate
and 11,13-dihydrohelenalin have antibacterial and antifungal
activities in vitro [G. Willuhn et al. Pharm. Ztg., 127, 2183
(1982)]. Numerous esters of helenalin have been shown to have
antiinflammatory activity in mice and rats [I.H. Hallet et al.,
Planta Med., 53, 153 (1987)].
11. VanCon Mad Libs #4
.... howl at midnight, someone in your family will end up
in Chicago. 7. If you want to keep vampires away, always wear
an oyster on a string ...
2. Listeria monocytogenes and Queen Anne
Listeria monocytogenes and Queen Anne. WB Saxbe PEDIATRICS
49:11, 97-101, 1/1972. Ever since King John died of a
" surfeit of lampreys" in 1216, ...

7. State Recalls Queens Smoked Sausage Brand : Listeria Blog
New York State is warning people not to eat
"Neparovana Smoked Sausage'' sold at Muncan Foods in Ridgewood,
Queens because of possible Listeria c
42. Popular bowel drug banned after links to women's deaths
French supermarket issues ...
.... deaths French supermarket issues cheese listeria alert
Gates Foundation donates ... Most of the injuries were
roken bones but the researchers said 16 percent of ...
3. Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing on Listeria spp ...
inactivate the pathogenic microorganism, Listeria monocytogenes.
in fish and fishery products. ... This fact sheet was published
by: Virginia Tech, the ...
.. Journal of Microbiological Methods : A rapid differentiation of ...
A rapid differentiation of Listeria monocytogenes by use of
PCR-SSCP in the .... enzyme manufacturer's instructions
(New England Biolabs, Boston, MA, USA). ...

Inured as we Romans are to the spectacle of death as entertainment,
it's still always a bit of shock when one is faced with prospect
of watching a citizen slain outside the arena. We therefore hope
that young Otis Schwartz was only kidding recently when he
suggested he might like to kill just about everyone he knows.
On the other hand, we certainly understand his growing irritation,
especially as regards the behaviour of his parents. All seemed
to be progressing well for a ceremony of marriage renewal
between Phibbius Laius Schwartz and the loudly lovely Listeria,
when the lady began to vacillate, even in the face of strictures
imposed by voluptuous Senator Tiziana Bodacia.

These Christians really are a freaky amoral bunch, and it is
good to know that there is renewed leadership at the Temple
of Apollo, where the golden god and his priest Octavius Sextus
Secundus seem to have reconciled. One who continues to fight,
though for professional reasons, is the slaveling Servillia,
whose battery of combative skills has widened to include a
degree of aerial prowess. In recognition of Servillia's prowess,
the Praetorian Pajamicus has generously offered her a loan of
his armour, though it has been noted that our one-browed friend
has also been venturing forth without undergarments of late
and one therefore worries a little about his being so completely
.. Erik's Rants and Recipes: December 2006 Archives

The lovely Listeria will be your server tonight.
ur soup special is a tasty Pumpkin Ptomaine, and the pasta
is a boccilli with tomato sauce. ...
Boston University's Weekly Newspaper
B.U. Bridge

The smallest enemies are the deadliest

By Brian Fitzgerald

A few more positive measures, she says, would be increasing
medical research funding, improving hygiene at hospitals,
and doing a better job of enforcing food safety guidelines
to reduce food-borne diseases such as E. coli 0157,
salmonella, and listeria. "Our food supply is nowhere near
as safe as it should be," she says.

"The threat of bioterrorism," she writes, "and the recent
experience with West Nile virus make it crystal-clear
that we need to have a strong public-health infrastructure
in place if we want to be able to respond effectively
when natural or unnatural outbreaks occur."
7. Full text - Biological warfare, bioterrorism, biodefence
and the ...

.... Campylobacter and Listeria have been encountered in outbreaks
of foodborne ..... engineered biological warfare
( ...
7. Significance of Inoculum Size in the Lag Time of Listeria ...
Listeria monocytogenes. However, Gay et al. (12) observed that.
inoculum size could have an effect on the duration of the lag ...
1. State seeks cause of listeria-tainted milk - The Boston Globe
Also, listeria was found in a milk sample taken last week
at one of Whittier's stores. ... Gay delivers directly to the
doorsteps of hundreds of customers. ...
3. Journal of Microbiological Methods : Rapid detection of viable ...

Rapid detection of viable yeasts and bacteria in wine
by flow cytometry ..... Flow cytometry for automated analysis
of milk containing Listeria ...
39. Gay,CC
Genetic diversity of Listeria monocytogenes strains from a
high-prevalence dairy farm. ... Listeria monocytogenes
is a significant ...,CC
31. Livestock Plagues Could Be Bioterrorist Attack
in The Pale Horse - ...

Livestock Plagues Could Be Bioterrorist Attack
by poet The Pale Horse - Poetry Translation Project...

Listeria Link Puzzles Investigators

Killer Flu on the Way

West Nile Victim Blames Sex For Illness

Disease Control Center Wont Test Woman With Rash

Feds Pushing Toxic Anthrax Drug

By DAVID B. CARUSO, Associated Press Writer

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Investigators who had traced a nationwide
outbreak of food poisoning to a Pennsylvania factory have
discovered the same strain of potentially deadly bacteria
at a poultry plant 30 miles away in New Jersey.

The national Centers for Disease Control said last month that
a Wampler Foods plant in Franconia was responsible for a listeria
outbreak that killed seven people and sickened 50.

But Friday, a batch of listeria genetically indistinguishable
from that found at the Wampler plant turned up in a sample of
deli meat at J.L. Foods in Camden, N.J., the CDC said.

Also Monday, a 98-year-old doctor sued Wampler Foods after
being hospitalized for two months with listeriosis.
Lawyers for Frank Niemtzow said genetic tests proved
he was made sick by bacteria found at the Wampler plant,
which is owned by Pilgrim's Pride.
18. Unequal Consequences,

Restoring Democracy as the Founders Imagined ...
.... that was causing a national outbreak of Listeria
back to the plant, ..... The fall of the Roman Empire is a
classic example, and we may be another. ...
26. Youngsters on Wearside can enjoy a pantomime with
a difference when

.... to 12-year-olds and tells the story of Queen Listeria's search
for eternal youth, and how her stepdaughter Beauty thwarts
her evil plan to ...
Test kits for salmonella, botulism, listeria are fairly
easy to obtain, and a ... the audio tape was verified by the
CIA and you can certainly trust them. ...
13. Carthage
.... investigation of the site of Carthage, the ancient city-state
founded by the ... bronze, and iron were found with the bones
in certain urns at the lowest level. ...
22. Bone Carpenters
.... Gay explains, "osteoblasts don't completely refill the pit,
weakening the bone. ... is all cartilage, and as the baby grows,
cartilage is replaced by bone. ...
40. Rheumatoid Arthritis - Dr. Weil
As a result, the cartilage, bone and ligaments around the
joint begin to ... destroy the surrounding cartilage and bone,
weakening the muscles, tendons and ...
| Ask | Find Articles at
HOW TO HOST A ROMAN BANQUET from Ask in Home & Garden
provided free by ... Instead, most men wore a colorful,
less formal robe or tunic called a synthesis. ...
1. Tunica albuginea definition -
Medical Dictionary definitions of ...

Tunica albuginea: The whitish membrane within the penis that
surrounds the spongy chambers (corpora cavernosa) in the penis
and which helps to trap the ...
13. - Online Metal Journal
Listeria has been confirmed as special guests at the ANVIL concert
at the Garage ... Exchange, Independent Records & Video,
Rasputin Music, The Record Exchange, ...

From an old thread on
Pardon the indifferent formatting

The Pangs Of Aphasia

Victorian novel where all the female characters are named after
medical conditions and procedures.

Some suggested lines:
"Awake, Anasthaesia dearest, Awake!"

"I am afraid Listeria is feeling a little unwell after lunch,
and has retired, Mr Bulstrode."

`Captain Danvers fell to his knees: "But Myopia! Can you not
see what you mean to me!"'

Septicaemia's blood ran hot when Sturgess appeared at the gate.

During the Soviet era,
the Anti-Plague Institute employed about 450
people. The institute had four laboratories,
including one devoted to genetic research, and
a vaccine preparation plant with a capacity of
21 million vaccine doses per year. The institute
developed diagnostic tests and vaccines for
several infectious diseases, including anthrax,
plague, tularemia, brucellosis, cholera, and
listeria. In addition to serving civilian needs, the
institute was involved in military-related
research and development on defensive
measures against BW agents. To this end, the
institute received Soviet intelligence on
biological agents developed by Western
militaries, including pathogenic strains modified
for military purposes

3. Listeria -Associated Arthritis in a Patient Undergoing
Etanercept ...
etanercept treatment are rare, and Listeria arthritis has
so far ... In summary, the reported case of Listeria arthritis
in a pa- ...
25. - Listerine declares war on bad breath beast
Campaign Spotlight Listerine declares war on bad breath beast ...
Portraying Listerine as a germ-fighting superhero has helped
make the ...
33. The Denver Post - Designer at home with fashion
.... twill bow tie, a packet of Listerine breath strips
and a pair of steel handcuffs. ...
Deadly attacks at mission, church may be linked
"No joy" in wake of ...
2. The Belmont Club: They shot, but missed

.... formidable nuke, chem, and virulent biowar capacity
simply by saying Geneva ... produced 100's of tons of
anthrax and listeria spores in a facility the size of ...

Now another great evil is about to be released upon
the American people. Early in February, the news of
deadly listeria, a pathogenic bacteria, began to demand
the recall of large amounts of meat from various places
around the nation. (27) On February 5th, it was hot dogs
manufactured by various companies, that were recalled.
On February 6th, it was 78,000 chicken burritos,
that were also recalled because of listeria. (28)
On February 7th, it was milk being recalled by a
Minnesota company because of listeria. (29)

What was going on?

Why so many widespread recalls because of listeria?

Disasters were seen by Romans as manifestations of divine
disapproval, and unusual phenomena as portents of catastrophe.
To hear of such phenomena could create panic in a society
riddled with superstitions, particularly in times of crisis.

Even the army resorted to taking auspices. They carried with
them cages with sacred chicken. When cake was crumbled onto
the floor before them, would they eat or not ?

Depending on that, the omens were either good or bad.
At the sea battle of Drepanum in 249 BC, the consul
Claudius Pulcher is said to have thrown the sacred chicken
overboard, once they refused to eat their cake.
He commented, that if they did not eat, they could at
least drink. It was clear that his subsequent catastrophic
defeat in battle by the Carthaginians was blamed on his
having ignored the auspices


Why Americans should ingest more excrement.
By Kent Sepkowitz
Posted Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2007, at 2:53 PM ET

Why did the Romans successfully rule the world?
The Cloaca Maxima, ancient Rome's elaborate sewer system,
a structure so effective that Pliny the Elder considered
it the "most noteworthy" accomplishment of the empire.
And why does the West still run economic circles around the
developing world? Because we don't ingest each other's excrement.
At least not that often.

The triumph of Western civilization is, first and foremost,
a triumph of pipes and valves and the fact that water runs
downhill. Aqueducts bring fresh water in, cobblestoned
underground tunnels move used water out, and, presto,
our world is clean.

Where Is the Schmaltz of Yesteryear?
Christmas Eve in a Jewish deli.
posted Dec 27, 2007 By Ron Rosenbaum
The New York Times > Washington > Washington Memo: Shared ...
.... with the deadly listeria bacteria showed up at several
delicatessens, ... And that is why the hamburger horror is
one of the most common nightmare ...

In the three years since the Sept. 11 attacks, millions of pounds
of ground beef suspected of contamination by the E. coli pathogen
were shipped around the country

In another case, millions of pounds of turkey potentially infected
with the deadly listeria bacteria showed up at several delicatessens,
nicely packaged as lunchmeat

"That's the scary part," said Caroline Smith DeWaal, director of
food safety at the Center for Science in the Public Interest,
a consumer group. "Our systems are so bad that unless terrorists
admit it, we could be poisoned and not know it was intentional."


Making Medieval-Style Mustards
a class in the Society for Creative Anachronism by Jadwiga Zajaczkowa
Mustard was cultivated and eaten in Ancient Rome, and was
known in France at the time of Charlemagne, and in England
and Germany by the 12th century (1100's).

The Christian Bible speaks of one who has 'as much faith
as a mustard seed' being able to 'remove mountains';
when you consider that the tiny black mustard seeds grow
into 6-foot-high plants sturdy enough for birds to nest in them
in a single summer, you can understand why! The yellow mustard
plants you see in fields in the spring are a relative of mustard,
Brassica Sinapstrum, also called charlock.

Medieval doctors and health-hobbyists like Platina suggested
it to counteract 'cold' foods and 'cold' conditions.
It was drunk and gargled with in wine for sore throats;
Dioscorides (a first-century Greek) suggested 'mustard plasters'
to help with 'pain of long continuance'.

Instead, you could buy mustard meal in some places:
Plat's Delights for Ladies says: "It is usuall in Venice
to sell the meal of Mustard in their markets as we doe flower
and meale in England: this meale, by the addition of vinegar,
in two or three daies becommeth exceeding good mustard."
(Apparently he liked his mustard mild too.)

But mostly you ground it at home, either with a mortar & pestle
or with a mill in later times.

Dangerous Tastes: The Story of Spices, by Andrew Dalby.
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000).

Das Kuchbuch der Sabrina Welserin (1553):

Delightes for Ladies. Hugh Plat. edited by Violet and Hall Trovillion
from the 1627 edition

Antimicrobial Effects of Mustard Flour and Acetic Acid against
Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes,
and Salmonella enterica Serovar


Immunogenic compositions comprising DAL/DAT double-mutant,
auxotrophic, attenuated strains of Listeria and their methods of use
US Patent Issued on August 8, 2000

No. 972902 filed on 1997-11-18

1. A method of eliciting a T cell immune response to an antigen
in a mammal comprising administering to said mammal an auxotrophic
attenuated strain of Listeria which expresses said antigen,
wherein said auxotrophic attenuated strain comprises a mutation
in both the dal and dat genes in the genome of said Listeria.

2. The method of claim 1, wherein said Listeria is L. monocytogenes.

3. The method of claim 1, wherein said auxotrophic attenuated strain
further comprises DNA encoding a heterologous antigen.

4. The method of claim 1, wherein said auxotrophic attenuated strain
further comprises a vector comprising a DNA encoding a heterologous

5. The method of claim 3, wherein said heterologous antigen is an
HIV-1 antigen.

6. The method of claim 4, wherein said heterologous antigen is an
HIV-1 antigen.

7. An immunogenic composition that is capable of inducing a strong
CTL response comprising an auxotrophic attenuated strain of Listeria
which expresses an antigen, wherein said auxotrophic attenuated strain
comprises a mutation in both the dal and dat genes in the genome of
said Listeria.

11. Method of inhibiting listeria - Patent 5455038
A method of inhibiting Listeria which comprises contacting
said Listeria with an effective amount of a compound selected
from the group consisting of ...

Bush approved of a new method of testing ready-to-eat meat for
the potentially lethal Listeria bacteria found in factories.
According to the legislation, ready-to-eat meat will have
to pass standardized tests as part of Bush's
"leave no hot dog behind" campaign.

A couple are touring a graveyard when they spot a tombstone
that reads "Here lies an honest man and a politician."
The man says to the woman,
"Look honey, there's two people in that grave."

The Truth About Cheese - Who Is Reading This Page

The following are some examples of search strings used
to access the The Truth About Cheese. buried &sa=Google Search

And then of course, we do get some others... am the cheese&hc=0&hs=1"I am the real Anastasia"&hl=en&safe=off in raw milk

lithuania near the balkan seas. (btw, it's listeria)

That's hilarious. Who the hell gets on a search engine and just types
"and besides"? That person deserves a medal.
3. slowly she turned