Live 8 Petition


New member
If you havent already, sign the petition to stop the debt that Africa is in, and double the aid sent to the poorest countries in the world.

You can even send in your picture, and that will be posted up on the G8 Gallery.

Make Poverty History! :thumbsup:



New member
i did it and hope we can make a difference

This world is full of SHIIIT...we smell it but don't do anything to make it disappear



New member
i signed it too. I agree with BAM tho. we do alot of talk but when it comes down to it most ppl dont do anything about it.


New member
Its about how much live 8 sucks.

They could donate way more then they do. its just a huge publicity stunt. If all of these performers donated 1% of theire income it would make a HUGE difference.

Average people donate far more then 1% of theyre income and they dont get half the recongition of these stars.

Just because theyre famous and theyre performing songs its supposed to be a big deal.

Read the article, i suck at explaining stuff.

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