Live Acoustics in MP3?


New member
does anyone have the following songs in Mp3 format, NOT mp4

Pushing Me Away (accoustic)

Crawling (accoustic feat aaron lewis)

In the End (accoustic)



New member
LP:Fuse has them in MP4 format.. so anyone who got them from there got them in MP4 format. I have them in MP3 format though :D I'll upload them in a minute.


New member
What will play Mp3 do I need a codec or what?

someone got some cool LP **** then post it in MP3 plz so i can actually listen to it. i want some live tracks or accustics. thanks!



New member
Only acoustic songs they've ever done were those 3 for KROQ Christmas Show in 2001, then The Morning After live by Chaz in 2001.
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