Live from HTC’s Rezound unveiling!


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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We’re live from HTC’s New York City media event where HTC is expected to announce the HTC Rezound for Verizon Wireless. It’s the first smartphone that should come with Beats audio built-in, and in addition, the display is rumored to pack in a full 720p resolution screen, and run the latest version of HTC Sense for Android. There might be a surprise or two in store as well, so hit the break for all the live coverage.<span id="more-110833"></span>
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<div id="liveblog-110833"><div id="liveblog-entry-110991" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:52PM:</span>Jimmy Iovine is on stage now talking about the partnership with HTC and Verizon about how Beats audio will change the industry. <div id="liveblog-entry-110994" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:53PM:</span>Dr. Dre is in the audience. <div id="liveblog-entry-110995" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:53PM:</span>You got to a concert, and everywhere you go you see Verizon trying to support popular culture. It's in their DNA. We have to go in and help them how to get to their customers and deliver a great experience. <div id="liveblog-entry-110998" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:54PM:</span>A promotional video is playing now on screen... <div id="liveblog-entry-110999" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3013" title="BGR-IMG_3013" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111000" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3015" title="BGR-IMG_3015" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111004" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3014" title="BGR-IMG_3014" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111002" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:56PM:</span>Every rapper now has a headphone deal, and I tell them to money. <div id="liveblog-entry-111011" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:56PM:</span>We're going to work on not the sound but quality, through HTC and with Verizon. <div id="liveblog-entry-111006" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3017" title="BGR-IMG_3017" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111015" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3018" title="BGR-IMG_3018" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111012" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:57PM:</span>The HTC Rezound... the design. As products become the most important piece of equipment, design is so important. At HTC we have invested significantly in design to deliver highly designed products. <div id="liveblog-entry-111009" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3021" title="BGR-IMG_3021" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111013" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:57PM:</span>You'll find it takes some design cues from the DROID Incredible line. When you look inside the product, and you take the back cover off, the design flows throughout the entire product. <div id="liveblog-entry-111017" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3022" title="BGR-IMG_3022" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111018" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:58PM:</span>Translucent plastic to see inside the phone and see the tech. It's packed with the top tech you can pack into a phone at this point. 4G LTE, 1GB RAM, 1.5Ghz dual-core processor, latest HTC Sense. <div id="liveblog-entry-111020" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3023" title="BGR-IMG_3023" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111021" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:59PM:</span>It's incredibly responsive, and very quick. <div id="liveblog-entry-111023" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3025" title="BGR-IMG_3025" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111025" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">3:59PM:</span>What about Ice Cream Sandwich, I'm excited to let you know that Ice Cream Sandwich ready, so we will provide that update to our customers as quickly as possible, it's an aggressive plan. <div id="liveblog-entry-111031" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:00PM:</span>We've gone from a market focused on hardware to a market focused on software, you have to have content. We set out to design a product that could deliver your content in the most brilliant way possible. <div id="liveblog-entry-111027" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3026" title="BGR-IMG_3026" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111028" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:00PM:</span>What are we doing? First the HTC Rezound will sport HTC's first 720p HD display <div id="liveblog-entry-111030" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3027" title="BGR-IMG_3027" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111034" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:01PM:</span>How is the camera? The camera is an area HTC is very proud of.. it's no secret that just a few years ago HTC's camera quality wasn't very good. We'd hear our customers and we took action, we invested significantly to be a leader here. <div id="liveblog-entry-111037" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3028" title="BGR-IMG_3028" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111038" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:02PM:</span>Action burst, instant capture, panorama, ability to add effects to your videos. All in realtime. <div id="liveblog-entry-111040" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3030" title="BGR-IMG_3030" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111035" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:03PM:</span>Another problem we have aimed to solve with the Rezound is one we all experience, you're out in the evening, and something brilliant happens and you pull your phone out to take a picture and you don't have enough light. We set out to insure the Rezound wasn't just a worthy camera, but the best camera. We have a f/2.2 and low-light sensors to ensure the best picture quality. <div id="liveblog-entry-111044" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3031" title="BGR-IMG_3031" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111041" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:03PM:</span>It also will allow you to record video in 1080p. Very high quality camera. Another trend we see, people want to play and have fun. They want to edit their pictures, add effects, they are having fun. We integrated effects. <div id="liveblog-entry-111033" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3032" title="BGR-IMG_3032" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111048" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3033" title="BGR-IMG_3033" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111049" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:04PM:</span>Another feature that's amazing is slow motion, this is a feature that was only relegated to the highest end video cameras, now they are in our customer's pockets <div id="liveblog-entry-111054" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3034" title="BGR-IMG_3034" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111046" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:05PM:</span>That's what we mean about delivering the best in sight. What about sound? You've heard from Jimmy and Peter about the partnership. HTC believes you should have the best audio experience in your mobile experience. <div id="liveblog-entry-111051" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3035" title="BGR-IMG_3035" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111055" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:06PM:</span>The HTC Rezound will be our first showcase of this experience in the United States. What are we doing on the Rezound? Our engineers have worked very closely with Beats, so its tuned properly. The second thing I'm excited to announce, is we are packaging a custom pair of Beats headphones in the box. <div id="liveblog-entry-111058" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:06PM:</span>The HTC Rezound is about delivering the best in sight and sound, 720p display, latest HTC Sense, and more. <div id="liveblog-entry-111060" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3037" title="BGR-IMG_3037" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111064" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3039" title="BGR-IMG_3039" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111057" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3040" title="BGR-IMG_3040" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111061" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:07PM:</span>We're fortunate to have a great partner in Verizon Wireless, VP of Marketing Jeff Dietel is on stage now talking about their partnership. From the millions of DROID Incredibles that have been sold to the HTC Thunderbolt, there is no better network this device can run on than Verizon's 4G LTE network. <div id="liveblog-entry-111062" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:08PM:</span>This is a product we're very excited about. There's things you can only do with 4G LTE that you can't do with any other network out there. <div id="liveblog-entry-111069" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3041" title="BGR-IMG_3041" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111072" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3042" title="BGR-IMG_3042" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111070" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:09PM:</span>On November 14th, for 9.99 the HTC Rezound will be available in Verizon Wireless and partner stores like Best Buy nationally. <div id="liveblog-entry-111067" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:10PM:</span>We're fortunate to have strong Holiday partners, we're happy to partner with Best Buy Mobile, and Best Buy Mobile head of merchandising is on stage now. <div id="liveblog-entry-111066" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3046" title="BGR-IMG_3046" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111074" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3047" title="BGR-IMG_3047" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111075" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:11PM:</span>A few reasons why Best Buy is here today, Verizon has been a key and strategic partner for nearly 10 years. Also our relationship with Beats, about 4 years ago we strategized how we would launch this new product line and brand, we've continued to innovate with them. HTC, who has seemingly done nothing in the last 4 years in the United States but launch really innovative and successful products that we're excited to sell on a daily basis. That really lends itself to how successful this will be at Best Buy. <div id="liveblog-entry-111078" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3048" title="BGR-IMG_3048" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111076" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:12PM:</span>Our employees and customers expect us to be at the forefront of technology, so we're excited to launch this later this month. <div id="liveblog-entry-111080" class="liveblog-entry"><div class="liveblog-image"><img width="645" height="430" src="" class="attachment-large" alt="BGR-IMG_3049" title="BGR-IMG_3049" /> <div id="liveblog-entry-111083" class="liveblog-entry"><span class="liveblog-date">4:13PM:</span>We're wrapping up here, again, it's 9 with Beats headphones, and it's available on November 14th. It's hands on time...
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report