Live8 Videos Please :'(


New member
Hey peeps...

Look!! i want you to do me a HUGE favor...PLEASE!!

all u have to do is:

1-download LIVE8 vids from

2-post the vids here as in here


i lovvvvvvvvve you :) lol

ok please anyone?...



New member
NO,if i could i'd be done by now...

This ****** rapidshare thing doesnt work in my stupid pc

so will u do it? plllllllllz



New member
wow im glad someone found that. my video cut off right in the middle of it. grr it makes me so mad, now i get to watch it on the comp hee hee


New member
Sum1 if you have Lime Wire,you can download in there.while I was searching for some LP vids,it appeared BTH in Live 8 concert,I´m gonna see if I can download all of them and once I´m done you can IM me on msn so I can give to ya.

Btw,if any1 has Lime Wire you can downalod the LP Live 8 vids over there:thumbsup:



New member
Thanks for that Vero! *hugs* I actually have Lime Wire but haven't used it for a while. Completely skipped my mind! Oops! *slaps forehead* Okay, I'm heading over that way shortly...

Thanks again!

(Edit: Lime Wire Hits as of Tues. 12/07/05, 10:11pm)

BTH @ Live 8 - 29 hosts - 78,455kb

ITE @ Live 8 - 0 hosts - 77,798kb

'sponsored result' linkin park Live 8 (Free streaming) - 0 hosts - 4,883kb

Linkin Park @ live 8 - 6 hosts - 106.8kb

linkin park live 8 - 5 hosts - 106.8kb


Downloaded last 2 and NEITHER of them are LP, they're adds for ipods! *grr!* Opening the second file actually froze my computer, so beware!


So, Vero, hope you have better luck than I did! *sob* Please let us know what you find in the meantime, okay? Appreciated. *hugs*
(End Edit)

Take care, TTYL,


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