Gregory Morrow

Yes, it's true, Maryanne "Loafhead" Kehoe has her VERY own blog...!!!

It's a hoot to read, what with all her blathering about "freedom of
expression" and such. Of course she fancies herself a Big Olympic
Official...such are the minds of the delusional.

Oh, and ya gotta love her "Random Thoughts", my what an exciting
life she leads...

Here's the URL; I've included a few excerpts below. This is further
PROOF that she really is CRACKED - or maybe simply that she had to
take the "short bus" to her Special Ed school, lol:


Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Games Vision---coming soon! Look for us to launch on September 6th.
We're going to have a lot of fun here, discussing all aspects of the
Olympic Games. I created Games Vision because what I wanted to read
about just _wasn't being written._ Some of the blogs out there are too
deferential, some blogs only focus on one aspect of the Olympic
experience, and some aren't blogs but excellent sites that report
straight news. Please be patient while I get the kinks worked out.
Some of the subjects that will be discussed in upcoming months are:

Boorish behavior---both on the part of the bid cities and the media
that cover them, and how one big city's mayor put an end to their
Olympic dream with his public meltdown.

Munich's possible Winter Olympic bid---and why it's a bad idea.

Why you don't want the former president of Salt Lake Olympic Committee
to be your next President.

Beijing's dirty tricks---and broken promises.

And much more...!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Marion Jones: Throw the book at her

Marion Jones is going to be sentenced soon. She's a liar, cheat and a
disgrace to every athlete whoever competed honestly. I have NO
sympathy for her. She gets what she deserves.

I have said before lying to the Feds is serious business. Lying to the
people who put their trust and faith in you is even worse. And for
that, you must be held accountable.

I am not a laywer so I don't know the ins and outs of federal
sentencing. We here in Atlanta got a taste of it with the Michael Vick
situation. That was a bad one there. But there is talk he might get
out early, possibly in one year, if he successfully completes a drug
rehab program while in the joint.

Marion Jones deserves nothing---except scorn and our back turned,
because that is exactly what she did to us, when she denied using
performance-enchancing drugs.

Now, she will know what it is like on the other foot.

And hopefully she will have a long time to think about it.

Posted by Maryanne Kehoe at 11:06 PM

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Clemens: defending his reputation

He's one athlete who said enough's enough.

Roger Clemens is suing his former trainer who sang to Senator Mitchell
about Clemens allegedly using steroids. Defamation. And he's not
taking this lightly.

I think it's really sleazy that anyone can appear in front of a
federal committee, Congress, grand jury, or whatever and sling some
very serious accusations at someone without showing up with some
proof. I am not talking about stuff like "so-and-so cheats on his
wife" or "I saw (name of athlete) snorting white powder in the XXX
Club"..., or grainy pictures off a cell phone (think Kate Moss), but
life-and-death allegations that could invoke a whole list of issues.
"But no one is getting hurt!" I hear you say.

Bull. With a capital B.

Peoples' reputations are getting hurt. Careers can potentially come to
an end...

Posted by Maryanne Kehoe at 11:01 PM

Monday, January 7, 2008

What next?

If there is one thing I have learned, anything can happen during an
Olympic year. I certainly wouldn't put anything past anyone. The
closer it gets, the higher the stakes. Money, reputations and sport
glory are all on the line. Just when you think you've seen it all,
something else comes up to make you scratch your head and say "whaaa?"

Right now, it's pretty quiet. Besides the arrest of an internet
blogger in China last week, things are pretty quiet on the Olympic
front. It's the lull right after Christmas. I remember this happened
in 1996, what with me getting calls every several days from department
managers begging me to work in their areas. I had already made a
commitment to the IBC, but it was a pleasure to help someone else out,
as everyone was scrambling for good people (and some areas had
volunteer shortages, our office being one of them.)

I wonder after it's all over, what will be the legacy? What will we
remember most? Or will there be some last-minute surprise that takes
us all by storm?

Let's all wait it out-and see what the future holds. We just might be
surprising ourselves.

Friday Random Thoughts:

Being a widow stinks. But I said to a friend of mine that if I had to
do it all over again, I wouldn't have done anything differently. The 3
1/2 years I was married was the best years of my life. Being a
caregiver is the toughest job you will ever love.

It didn't take barely a month and the first verbal brick was hurled
through the window in regards to this blog. Just what is it with
people? 99% of the feedback I have received has been positive. I don't
mind constructive criticism, but the comment about my character was
just plain mean. Bite me. (And be grateful that I have not mentioned
who you are.)

I had the leafs and debris blown off my roof this week. The company
has worked for me before and is very careful. But I am still nervous
about workers getting up there---no matter how much insurance they (or
I) have. You too?

One thing I am grateful for is that I don't have a major Starbucks
habit. Their coffee is way too strong for me. I was at a Starbucks
last week and I was jacked for hours on just one cup of latte.

Another passenger on a Southwest Airlines flight was told to change
his clothing or get off the plane. The guy was wearing a t-shirt that
said "Master Baiter." What is the problem with Southwest? Especially
after it's president emailed employees a SECOND time reminding them
they don't have a passenger dress code. Go fish.

Just what was it with people this week (both in-person and on line.)
Did the Cranky Gene Store suddenly have a major expansion? As the
Queen would say, I am not amused.(Nor am I impressed.)

One of the time-savers in my kitchen are those large cans of Lysol
wipes in the green container. Great for wiping off spills on the floor

I bought a bag of Dunkin' Donuts coffee---the key to making the coffee
taste like you get in the shop is using half and half. I quickly
found out that using skim milk doesn't cut it---ewwww!

Friday, January 4, 2008

A Singapore sling---and an apology

There are moments in life we would rather forget. Those embarassing
slip-ups that remind us we are all human. Then we have those times
that once the cat is out of the bag, it's difficult, if not impossible
to reign it in.

I remember a news conference in Singapore with the London 2012 people.
They all seemed to be amiable folks, joking and laughing amongst
themselves. Tessa Jowell was on the far left.

As things progressed I sensed that she was "disconnected" from the
rest of the group. As if she really didn't want to be there, like
there was something else going on that no one knew about. She had the
look on her face of "this is the last place I want to be right now."

She only answered a few questions. Maybe two or three. I had a
question in regards to what London 2012 would do to ensure equal
employment opportunity for all applicansts, especially those outside
of the EU. My demeanor and facial expression meant business.

There was a bit of short discussion as to who should take the question
and in the end Tessa took it, with a short two or three sentence
answer. I got a look at her eyes---and right at that moment I knew I
had made a mistake. Progressivly thruout the conference, she became
more and more disconnected, until the point she answered my question,
and the answer had nothing to do with what I asked, but it didn't

I have a pretty strong second sense. My imprssion is that the rest of
London 2012 was subtly "goading" her to take the question. Sort of a
verbal being-beaten-up-on-the-playground thing. Right then I had a
huge lump in my throat and I wanted to say "but I really didn't mean
it that way!" but the damage was already done.

Later on, after I got home, it emerged that Tessa was going thru some
major personal and professional issues. If I could have gone up to her
and given her a hug, I would have (but that would have been highly

It's been my one big regret-ever since. You can't take certain moments
back (both good or bad.)

But the one thing you can do is make things right.

And Tessa, I apologise.

Contributing to someone's broken spirit is never right, no matter what
the situation.

I hope you forgive me, because right now I can't forgive myself.

Posted by Maryanne Kehoe at 10:00 PM

Thursday, January 3, 2008

It's not all negative-honest!

Regular readers (who don't personally know me) might think I am 100%
down on a lot of things. It just appears that way. I am just as quick
to give out praise as to handing out the bricks.

Some people are working hard to make things better. These are
individuals in and out of the IOC. It's not all bad coming out of
Lausanne (or elsewhere.) We might not all agree at times but were are
one in the brotherhood. OK I will be the first to admit that there are
a few (emphasis on the few) that I don't want to be caught stuck in a
foxhole with, but the overall experience has been good. The negatives
I have learned from.

One of the things that I love to do is observe people---and the stupid
mistakes they make. Case in point: Singapore 2005. Online reporter for
major European radio station refers to me as "some woman from
Atlanta." If that person had done their homework, they would have
found I have a name. Fast forward six months later---there is a new
reporter on the beat and Mr. Clueless is stuck in 5-day-a-week-local-
radio-purgatory, having probably seen his last IOC Session for quite
sometime, perhaps forever.

As I am writing this, I am listening to the positive speech of Barack
Obama. He's a fine example of someone who can bring the negative to
the forefront, but with a positive message of solution for those

I would like to see more of us on the Olympic beat do the same. I am
as guilty as anyone of dishing out the negative, with no solution to
back it up. We all are at times. I've even have a major regret about
some rough questioning that happened in Singapore.

We all make mistakes-and in my next column I will discuss one of those-
and proffer an apology in the process.

Posted by Maryanne Kehoe at 9:32 PM

Thursday, December 20, 2007

"Like pigs and dogs"

Another Chinese dissident has been arrested this week, all for
referring to people who he said "would live like pigs and dogs" during
the 2008 Games.

Who's fooling whom here? What is it about truth that scares the
authorities over there, to the point that people are forcibly taken
out of their homes and arrested?

It's got to stop. No excuses. Enough is enough.

We've had seven years of broken promises in relation to media rights.
In the meantime, mainland journalists have been arrested and foreign
reporters have been denied visas and harassed while there. Bloggers
are fairing the worst of all---at least those on the Mainland.

I think I know who the real "pigs and dogs" are---and it's not the
people trying to shed light on an ever-growing problem less than one
year out.

Those of us on the outside of China are going to keep the pressure up.
At least we don't have to wake up every morning wondering if we are
going to get a knock at our door from the local police.

It's something I wish for my brothers and sisters on the mainland:
freedom to express their thoughts and wishes.

Friday, December 28, 2007
Closing it down for 2007-now on to 2008!
What a year it's been! I'm really humbled at all that's happened, and
the support I've recived in the process. Of course, there will always
be the ubiquitious person or two who thinks they can "spoil the
party" (you know who you are), but overall, it's been a good year

I started to think about this journey that I am on, which started back
in 1996. Being humble will get you everywhere. Being a jerk, well...

Caring for my husband supercedes anything I have ever done (or will
do, for that matter.) He encouraged me to "keep at it." In a previous
column, I mentioned that Ken was my cheerleader, shoulder to cry on
and number one fan. He still is.

As we go into 2008, my message to you is to make your own memories,
and most important, to make a difference. It's especially important in

Because, if we don't, we only have ourselves to blame.

We have a responsibility to set an example. Not to babysit the bad
guys. If we all can make that commitment, just think of how much more
tranparent it will be.

I don't understand the reluctance to do so. What's the worst that
could happen? A little more knowledge, maybe?

So, for 2008, can we make the commitment not to babysit the bad guys,
but on the other hand give praise where due, and in the process, we
will continue to grow, both personally and professionally.

I've already made that commitment. How about you?

Posted by Maryanne Kehoe at 9:36 PM

Friday, December 14, 2007
Friday's Random Thoughts
It's the end of another week---Christmas is almost here. And of
course, I am no where near ready. Looks like it will be another last-
minute dash to the grocery store, and various insundry other places! I
vowed to be done early this year. The best laid plans...

We've got lots of Christmas lights on in our subdivision. It's a nice
way to spend an evening, driving around to see what everyone else has

I've got concerns about that Mitchell steriods report that was issued
this week. We'll be discussing this on Monday.

Some guy who was drunk as a skunk almost drove off a condo parking
deck last night. What will it take to get the message out about drunk

If you can, try to do something for a less-fortunate friend at
Christmas. I have, and it feels good to help!

How about if all of us set an example? Old fashioned, I know. But it
works. And be the conciense that tells the truth, instead of "going
along to get along."

I was at the bookstore the other night, when a woman who had her two
wild kids running out the door. One problem, they almost knocked me
down into the street, in the path of an oncoming car. When I spoke up,
she claimed I was being "rude." No Lady, what would have been rude is
if I got hit and your lesson would have had you paying my medical

What is it with Lexus drivers? They are some of the rudest people out
on the road. I don't know who's worse: gramps driving his Buick 35 MPH
on the interstate or a soccer mom driving an overpriced Lexus SUV.

Last year, Budweiser was selling special Chocolate bottles of beer. I
can't find them this year. They used to sell it with the collectible
beer stein. Have they discontinued it for this year? Anyone know?

My neighbor already has their Christmas tree up. Looks like it's about
time to decorate here too.

I don't get the adults who are obsessed with Hello Kitty. What's up
with that?

Why can't some people park their cars head first? Some clown almost
hit my car in the parking lot of Kroger tonight trying to park back
end in.

I have seen some of those "fire in the hole" videos on YouTube. I
don't think it's very funny. Where are the parents in these cases?

The December Ladies' Home Journal has the septuplets on the cover
again. Enough already with these people. I am tired of hearing about

I was at a meeting tonight at the Wellness Community. My late
husband's oncologist was the featured speaker. I went partly to thank
him for the care he gave Ken and also to support my husband's memory
and my pageant platform of Brain Tumor Awareness. One of the things he
discussed tonight was attitude and initiative. He said that those who
actively participated in their treatment had a much better chance of
recovery than those who were passive, didn't ask questions, and

I drove home thinking that could apply to so many other things.
Attitude and Initiative. The right mindset with the right partipation
equals success. Wheather that two-way street takes you to the doctor's
office, or face to face with a sport or business icon (guarenteed to
happen if you hang in the Olympic world), it's a formula that almost
always will bring success and further opportunities as a result.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Being Thankful
It is less than two weeks to Thanksgiving here in the United States.
I've been thinking a lot about what I have had to be thankful for.
Here are some of mine:

That I live in a country where I can write freely, without fear of

Friends who support what I do.

A loving husband watching over me in Heaven.

A roof over my head.

Having been able to travel the world and get a bit out of my comfort

My good attitude---but it doesn't mean I will just walk away if you
say or do something to hurt me.

My life outside the Olympic world...my subdivision board, and starting
to see the light at the end of the tunnel after a horrific year of
losing the most important person in the world to me.

Hey, I am even grateful for the jerks, because they remind me of how
never to act at an Olympic activity or Session. I have a saying: Life
takes care of the villians.

A good cleansing laugh, the kind where you have tears running down
your face and your tummy aching.

Friday, November 2, 2007
Friday's (sniffle) Random (sneeze!) Thoughts
I've been battling a nasty case of the flu most of this week. Thank
goodness for the 24 hour pharmacy that is down the street. I hope
everyone else is staying well---and out of the doctor's office!

I had two groups of kids ring the doorbell on Halloween, even though
the lights in the house were off downstairs. No lights, no candy!
Maybe next year.

My two absolutely favorite songs-of-the-moment are the Teddybears
"Different Sound" and Kid Rock's "So Hott"...everytime I hear them on
the car radio, I swear I am going to blow out the speakers because I
turned the volume up so high.

Can't construction companies be more careful? We've had several
incidents of streets being blocked off when a JCB or Catepillar-type
machine hit a gas line. It's the law here you have to "call before you
dig." I don't know anyone who's worked construction so maybe this
isn't really the danger TV news makes it out to be because the
companies are always careful (??)

Did anyone watch the Heather Mills McCartney interview on Today? Shut
up, settle or better yet, GET A JOB!

Is it my imagination or are the pre-Christmas and Thanksgiving sales
getting started earlier this year?

Speaking of Thanksgiving, the one day I am so grateful that I don't
work in retail management anymore is the day after the holiday. Anyone
who doesn't go to a mall during the year can be guarenteed to show up
the day after Thanksgiving.

What was it tonight with Bravo running the film "Notting Hill" for
four hours straight? Programming error, maybe? It's one of my favorite
movies, but there is something called overkill.

I have to admit: the National Enquirer and Globe are my guilty

Who is that snotty-sounding woman with the English accent who does the
ads on TV for those gold coins commercials? Like nails on a
chalkboard. Men, can you imagine waking up next to her in the morning?
I think not!

I once had a chance to take a private tour of the Kremlin-and turned
it down. I've regretted it ever since. Who knows whom I would have run

Is it my imagination or is there not that kind of excitement this year
about college football?

On Jan 10, 6:15 am, Gregory Morrow <gregorymor...@earthlink.net>
> Yes, it's true, Maryanne "Loafhead" Kehoe has her VERY own blog...!!!
> It's a hoot to read, what with all her blathering about "freedom of
> expression" and such. Of course she fancies herself a Big Olympic
> Official...such are the minds of the delusional.

Here's a Golden Oldie:

The "We Care" Nightmare (or The Eight-Hour Fix)
Maryanne Kehoe had a problem with her WebTV. Eight hours later, she
was convinced that WebTV has a problem with its customer service.
[Published 07/02/00, Written by Maryanne Kehoe]
On Jan 10, 12:38 pm, LidsvilleNine <LidsvilleN...@embarqmail.com>
> On Jan 10, 6:15 am, Gregory Morrow <gregorymor...@earthlink.net>
> wrote:
> > Yes, it's true, Maryanne "Loafhead" Kehoe has her VERY own blog...!!!

> > It's a hoot to read, what with all her blathering about "freedom of
> > expression" and such. Of course she fancies herself a Big Olympic
> > Official...such are the minds of the delusional.

> Here's a Golden Oldie:
> The "We Care" Nightmare (or The Eight-Hour Fix)
> Maryanne Kehoe had a problem with her WebTV. Eight hours later, she
> was convinced that WebTV has a problem with its customer service.
> [Published 07/02/00, Written by Maryanne Kehoe]

LOAFHEAD!! I haven't heard that name in so fargin long.

....and i hace no idea why that excites me.

....and now i art depressed.

Slipped Moebius
LidsvilleNine wrote:

> On Jan 10, 6:15 am, Gregory Morrow <gregorymor...@earthlink.net>
> wrote:
> > Yes, it's true, Maryanne "Loafhead" Kehoe has her VERY own blog...!!!

> > It's a hoot to read, what with all her blathering about "freedom of
> > expression" and such. ?Of course she fancies herself a Big Olympic
> > Official...such are the minds of the delusional.

> Here's a Golden Oldie:
> The "We Care" Nightmare (or The Eight-Hour Fix)
> Maryanne Kehoe had a problem with her WebTV. Eight hours later, she
> was convinced that WebTV has a problem with its customer service.
> [Published 07/02/00, Written by Maryanne Kehoe]

Lol...yeah, she's Queen of WebTeeVee, that's one "crown" she's earned
fair and square...

One of the more hilarious stories in her inane blog (click on the URL
in my post above) is some ****amamie story about how she's been
targeted as an "enemy agent" by the Chinese Olympic committee, which
lead to some car chase incident in Moscow in 2001...

She's just a regular Sekret Squirrel...yawn.

Interestingly, if you check various databases (Nexis/Lexis, etc.) you
can see she has NO official connections to anything "olympic" at all.
She's not published any articles that are archived, so there goes her
claim to being a "sports journalist"...

It would be like me buying a Sinatra album and then going around
claiming that I was in the "inner circle" of the Sinatra family...

In that "incident" with the female UK Olympic Committee member above
that she describes she's too STUPID to realize that those people were
obviously laughing at her...

Loafie will never shake her well - earned rep as a chronic liar and
Royal Douche Bag...and a morbidly obese laffing stock.

<shaking head/>

Slipped Moebius wrote:

> On Jan 10, 12:38 pm, LidsvilleNine <LidsvilleN...@embarqmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Jan 10, 6:15 am, Gregory Morrow <gregorymor...@earthlink.net>
> > wrote:

> > > Yes, it's true, Maryanne "Loafhead" Kehoe has her VERY own blog...!!!

> > > It's a hoot to read, what with all her blathering about "freedom of
> > > expression" and such. ?Of course she fancies herself a Big Olympic
> > > Official...such are the minds of the delusional.

> > Here's a Golden Oldie:

> > The "We Care" Nightmare (or The Eight-Hour Fix)
> > Maryanne Kehoe had a problem with her WebTV. Eight hours later, she
> > was convinced that WebTV has a problem with its customer service.
> > [Published 07/02/00, Written by Maryanne Kehoe]

> LOAFHEAD!! I haven't heard that name in so fargin long.
> ...and i hace no idea why that excites me.
> ...and now i art depressed.


In the olde daze Loafie would have been locked away in the county nut
haus, now with all this new WebTeeVee technologoy she can babble away
to herself to her heart's content in a blog...

Notice of course her "me - Me - ME" entitlement persona and also that
she always paints herself as an innocent victim. She's also thirsting
for "revenge" against those who have "wronged" her. She's got the
JUMBO SIZE Sociopath - Narcissitic Personality Disorder Combo Plate
thang a - goin' on...

On Jan 10, 4:56 pm, Slipped Moebius <erroneouscorrect...@yahoo.com>
> On Jan 10, 12:38 pm, LidsvilleNine <LidsvilleN...@embarqmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Jan 10, 6:15 am, Gregory Morrow <gregorymor...@earthlink.net>
> > wrote:

> > > Yes, it's true, Maryanne "Loafhead" Kehoe has her VERY own blog...!!!

> > > It's a hoot to read, what with all her blathering about "freedom of
> > > expression" and such. Of course she fancies herself a Big Olympic
> > > Official...such are the minds of the delusional.

> > Here's a Golden Oldie:

> > The "We Care" Nightmare (or The Eight-Hour Fix)
> > Maryanne Kehoe had a problem with her WebTV. Eight hours later, she
> > was convinced that WebTV has a problem with its customer service.
> > [Published 07/02/00, Written by Maryanne Kehoe]

> LOAFHEAD!! I haven't heard that name in so fargin long.
> ...and i hace no idea why that excites me.
> ...and now i art depressed.

Yeah, but you art'nt my father.