Yes, back on track here. Logic is defined by what a majority of people can agree on and what can be proven time and time again, while emotion is a matter of personal opinion.
I think the real question here, is what is stronger... Emotion, or LOGIC.
Emotion drives religions, drives wars, drives people to commit crime.
Logic on the other hand, is a collective emotion agreed on by the masses.
Grass is green : This logic comes from the fact that the masses will interpret the color of grass to a specific classification... ALMOST ALL HUMANS SEE THE SAME THING, THEREFORE IT IS A LOGIC.
Grass smells good: This is an emotion and a matter of opinion, some people may disagree and think the smell of grass is horrid. Therefore this feeling is EMOTION.
2 key senses involved sight and smell, yet one is Logic because it is agreed on by all.
To create a world with 100% logic is to have a world without wonders. We need EMOTION to feel inspired and creative.