Logic and emotion, felt like ranting.


New member
Self esteem keeps getting in the way of the truth. Computers have none and are able to function properly in part to this. We have come to the point where we must ask ourselves which is better; logic and efficiency or emotion. A healthy balance would be nice but I


New member
What when I get bored I go nuts on a couple of forums. I am on the summer work schedual and I don't work till thursday. And ya I read quickly and recently had a very lengthy discussion on this very subject with someone


New member
why thank you, for my birthday i would like intelligent conversation about the above subject or atleast critique on my conclusions.


New member
Yes, back on track here. Logic is defined by what a majority of people can agree on and what can be proven time and time again, while emotion is a matter of personal opinion.

I think the real question here, is what is stronger... Emotion, or LOGIC.

Emotion drives religions, drives wars, drives people to commit crime.

Logic on the other hand, is a collective emotion agreed on by the masses.

Grass is green : This logic comes from the fact that the masses will interpret the color of grass to a specific classification... ALMOST ALL HUMANS SEE THE SAME THING, THEREFORE IT IS A LOGIC.

Grass smells good: This is an emotion and a matter of opinion, some people may disagree and think the smell of grass is horrid. Therefore this feeling is EMOTION.

2 key senses involved sight and smell, yet one is Logic because it is agreed on by all.

To create a world with 100% logic is to have a world without wonders. We need EMOTION to feel inspired and creative.





New member
Logic is more than the majority beliefe. Without bringing quantum physics into it, logic represents what is black and white. If you have one apple and i give you one more, then you have in your current pssession two apple. That is logical. Emotion is as yet undefinable, though I am in a discussion that is getting ever closer to finding a doable definition (though it will be a neverending debate over whether or not emotions count as a sense and wether it is in fact out rational thought and ability to use logic or our emotion and the effects emotion has on us that make us human.)

This is quite a concept to wrap my head around yet again (boy I have had quite a few headaches over this one) but I will give it my damndest after my daughter goes to bed later



New member
Well there is a tricky debate aside form the above, What is logic? I'd agree with Tizz that its the black and white of the universe however wht peopel precieve as black and white CAN differ, so is logic the gerenrally precieved reality or the unique personal reality of each individuel. Its not really fair to tell people who don't seee things that same as you that THEY are wrong, that would be a tad presumptiuos would it not? Now we eneter the relm or 'The Matrix' and wht is real. If somebody gets different electrical signals runnning through their head then does that make them wrong? And yet another; Is right and wrong (true or false) a group preception with its validity held only becaise it is shared? Tricky tricky business. :D


New member
Logic is stronger than emotion. Logic does not break down. Logic is not subject to change. Logic does not lead to mistakes.

Emotion is dangerous. It leads to mistakes. It changes fluidly.

If you are in a dangerous or stressful situation then one would be wise to set emotion aside and follow logic.



New member
Logic is stronger than emotion. Logic does not break down. Logic is not subject to change. Logic does not lead to mistakes.
Emotion is dangerous. It leads to mistakes. It changes fluidly.

If you are in a dangerous or stressful situation then one would be wise to set emotion aside and follow logic.

Ok but which force drives us as humans, logic or emotion?



New member
Well there is a tricky debate aside form the above, What is logic? I'd agree with Tizz that its the black and white of the universe however wht peopel precieve as black and white CAN differ, so is logic the gerenrally precieved reality or the unique personal reality of each individuel. Its not really fair to tell people who don't seee things that same as you that THEY are wrong, that would be a tad presumptiuos would it not? Now we eneter the relm or 'The Matrix' and wht is real. If somebody gets different electrical signals runnning through their head then does that make them wrong? And yet another; Is right and wrong (true or false) a group preception with its validity held only becaise it is shared? Tricky tricky business. :D

See now I knew this would land in the warped crazy, mind bending world of quantum physics.

For the sake of the discussio I think we have to create a few definitions to go by or else we will be saying nothing as if it is all perception then there is no reality but your own blah blah blah and down the rabbit hole we go LOL



New member
Ok but which force drives us as humans, logic or emotion?

Both. Emotion has strong influenece in human nature because emotion can be very sef-serving and people are often selfish. When my wife left me for another man my emotion drove me near insanity. My emotion told me to fight. My emotion told me to do things of a violent nature. My emotion almost drove me to kill.

Logic told me not to. Logic explained the aftermath of emotional reaction. Logic and emotion are a strange mix. Both have the ability to overpower eachother. In the end it is your intellegence that decides which will drive you.



New member
OK so was it really logic or fear/compassion in regards to the consequence...

HEHE I see the rabbit hole straight ahead




New member
The whole evolutionary purpose of emotion is motovation outside of logic. In most cases people can be totally rule by their emotions, defending their mate or children etc. Now being the ever malable ***** of Playdough that our brains are, we can be 'experienced' into controling this ****. A baby is a good example; our basic mind set goes 'gimmie gimmie' and 'owy owy' A babay learns wht is expected of it in order to get its needs fulfilled. however these must be learned, that is our experience. SO if we live through our decent share of ***** then we learn how to deal with it; to 'gimmie gimmie happiness again' instead of giving into the usually harsher consequences of giving into emotion's ideas (reaction). However those who have live an easy life and not learned form the mistakes of others become more emotionally distrot by smaller amounts of stress, you could call them sissies but they just not as emotionally 'calased' as some of us.

So when you say that its better to CHOOSE logic, this can be true. Logic is after all logical. But emotion can rule it out more then logic can rule emotion (how extreme of an emotion is necessary to rule depends on the situation and the indivduel.) I certainly think that emotion will always come out on top when your control is tried the most. (Unless you a monk or something) The thing is we WANT to give into our emotions, they are what we desire and it is the logical mind that keeps us in check (See Frued for more infomation on this kinda principal.)



New member
OK so was it really logic or fear/compassion in regards to the consequence...

HEHE I see the rabbit hole straight ahead


Your a tricky one,Tizz.

Lets see, was it logic that told me the consequence was self-detrimental? It would have been illogical for me to think violence would solve my issue. In regards to that particular issue, fear had become a non-issue as my hope for a positive outcome had vanished. My emotive responces (anger/violence) leaned towards retribution/revenge. My logical responces leaned towards self-preservation. If I had acted violently my life and/or freedom would be comprimised. So now i'm contradicting my earlier assertion that emotion was self driven because now my logic has become self driven.

Now I see why you made the "rabbit hole" comment.

**** it.



New member
Percisely, the "Baby" has been conditioned to realize the best way to fulfill his needs, such as life and freedom, and your response was overidden to insure your 'greater' satisfaction, or rather survival. Basic human drives


New member
So johny, you feared teh loss of your freedoms....

Can we truly seperate logic and emotion in teh human condition?

Why to we seek to survive? Logical need to exist? or fear of not surviving.....

OOO that waskily wabbit

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