lol new york DJ creates video on 'how to sexually abuse minors'


aka Gloomy Mushroom
Aug 3, 2004
Lithgow Australia
DJ In New York Accused of Having Child Porn “How-To” Video

A New York DJ from Ozone Park, Queens has been charged with possession of child pornography video that gives advice and examples on how to sexually abuse minors.

Child porn is definitely one thing the internet nor the police tolerates and a New York disc jockey has learned just that. In a case which was referred to the Queens district attorney’s office by police in Illinois, a New York DJ was found in possession of child pornography.

Police found two child porn videos in an Internet file-sharing program the DJ was using where one of the videos actually gives advice and examples on how to sexually abuse minors and children.

The 29-year-old wedding and party DJ, who is from Ozone Park, Queens is now being charged with possessing and promoting child pornography.

The man was arraigned yesterday and is being held on $100,000 bail.

If convicted, the DJ faces up to seven years in prison

lollercaust. hahaha.
yeah i cant believe why someone would watch child pornos... i mean there are no boobs.. someone wake them the **** up...

but porn overall should be banned IMO, in SA when porn was legalized in 1994, rape increased with 400% in only 3 years, it really has no positive aspect.
yeah i cant believe why someone would watch child pornos... i mean there are no boobs.. someone wake them the **** up...

but porn overall should be banned IMO, in SA when porn was legalized in 1994, rape increased with 400% in only 3 years, it really has no positive aspect.

in no way porn should be banned...
I'm not defending these guys, but it's an addiction for them. sometimes I feel more sorry for them than bad about them, at least the ones that just watch it, and don't personally abuse children.
they need therapy and rehabilitation.
spending money on locking them in a cell and feeding them is pointless, when they get out they just do it again cause they're addicted.
it would save a lot of money to rehabilitate them (plus though some punishment, a message needs to be sent, but only to an extent), and get them off their habits
^ it is quite sad that these guys moral values seem to have diminshed to such a degree as for this to happen, but its still wrong, regardless of ur mental state

and a how to vid? thas just...yea...o_o"!