Look at todays birthdays


New member
Look at it, almost the entire list is of a person who turns 25

And that has to be the same person, if you look at the usernames

Isn´t it time that accounts like those get deleted? Or is it not possible to delete accounts?



New member
Lol, There is no point in really deleting them to be honest. We dont stand to gain or loose anything.

But yea lol it is a ridiculous amount



New member
Haha, I forgot it was Spam Day already! :p

And we did have a thread about ths last year... I might have even made it... time to go see if I can find it.


Well I made a post in Rules and Announcements, but that was a closed topic. I still feel like this was discussed somewhere though.

A Note About The Birthdays Section.
Not news, but just something worth mentioning...


There is a gigantic number of users in the birthdays list today because they are mostly spam-bots which registered with the DOB of March 28, 1983. Since our upgrade of vBulletin (the forum software) to version 3.6, we are currently safe from this bot program that annoyed us so much in the past. I just figured Id point this out to anyone who noticed the large number of birthdays and wondered what was up with that.

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