Look its SD's birthday

Happy B-day. You are now officially an adult. This means you are no longer invincible, and you know nothing about
Happy Birthday, Silver Dragon.

I hope your day was as you wished.

Someday when you're trolling the site...I wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts on birthdays. What kind of birthday do you like? Do you ignore the day and wish everyone else would too? Do you get feted and made much of, and revel in such doins? Or...do you Make Your Own...and carry a red balloon?

Not knowing your druthers, I'll just wish you a happy birthday, and hope it was.....

as you like it.
Happy B-Day! The big 1-8! Hope you enjoy it. Yea, i suck at happy wishes of birthdays, hollidays and such. So I'll just leave it at that. I refuse to make more of an ass of myself. ;)
Happy Birthday SD. Look on the bright side.Now they cannot accuse you of being childish when you kick their ass in debate. :rolleyes: :D
Yep the little A.W. is an official ADULT....You can now whine without saying its because your a kid...Oh yeah not much changes anyway until your at least 21...so have fun at your age...maybe find a hobby..lol