Look out for fanatic Political supporters and the Neo Nazi Police and Doctors prior to June ninth.

Look out for fanatic Political supporters and the Neo Nazi Police and
Doctors prior to June ninth. Wherever these Politicians are planning on
going, they call ahead and have the Police look for anyone that they claim
might be dangerous to the Politicians.

However some of the Politicians fanatic supporter will falsely accuse their
Political Rivals of doing things that will lead the Police to taking them
for a Mental Evaluation, and if you resist, they will take you by force.
Either way, once you get to the Doctors getting perks from Drug
Manufacturers, and buying off the FDA's judgment about the safety of
Dangerous and Harmful Mind Control Drugs, they will either coax you into
taking them, or force you into taking them.

This is a quote from one of the Politicians letters;

"On June 9th, hundreds of thousands of people will have that experience as
we take our campaign to the streets in all 50 states for a nationwide
neighborhood walk."

There is more about this in the following important issues letters.

Sensitive US technology is now a part of Communist China.

When I was examining parts of road side bombs and weapons in Iraq and Iran,
I found some stuff in Iran that look like it was made in the USA, but it was
made in Communist China, I now know how they got our Sensitive US

Do you people have any suggestions for the President or our Politicians or
our Media?

If those who favor mitigation of Advancing Global Warming, (AGW,) don't wake
up to the truth that the Communists are using a lie fitted to use their
greed and paranoia to lead them by their noses to economic destruction, we
had better all get prepared to live in caves. The Communists are planning on
using so called mitigation of AGW to destroy US Industrial Production so
that they can out produce us with the State owned Sweat Shops, (SSS,) as
they pollute the Planet unregulated!

Hong Kong now part of Communist China since 1997, has allowed China's SSS
to gain a great influence over the FDA.

Even pressing for legalizing the sales of Medical Drugs and Medical
Instruments made in the sweat shops by the Communist State Medical Systems,
which are also buying out many US Medical and Educational Systems.

The sensitive technology that the US and Great Britain and Australia sold to
Corporations in Hong Kong prior to 1997, Great Britain has allowed it to
become part of the State owned Communist Sweat Shops that are using a lie
that AGW is manmade, so that they can destroy our economy.

Representative xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My name is Joseph R Loegering

I am not a Tax and spend Democrat or a Borrow until Economic Collapse
Republican, but I am a progressive liberal on some issues, and a steadfast
conservative on others, so here are just some of my issues that I would like
to talk with you about.

Can you help me with these issues that I wrote President George W Bush about
before, but though they are important issues to us all, they are not solved
yet? This is a draft of a letter to him, do you have anything to add?

Mr. President George W Bush

My name is Joseph R Loegering

During your last Presidential Campaign, I wrote you as to why there is too
much kindling brush on our Forest Floors, that causes Wildfires to destroy
the entire Forest, instead of helping propagate natural plant life, and
natural insect life, and natural microscopic life, like Wildfires once did.

And I told you how we could restore Nature's way of preventing Wildfires
from destroying the entire Forests, but you deliberately avoided the issue
so that you could sell Forests to Loggers, and many of them falsely claimed
that Logging would prevent Wildfires from destroying entire Forests.

Mr. President, once again, the reason that all that kindling brush is on our
Forrest Floors, is that we use to have Millions of Buffalo, Elk, Deer,
Goats, Rabbits, and other grazing animals, that ate the under bush so that
when a Wildfire occurred, the Wildfires only burned the under brush, not he
entire Forrest, and as it burned the under brush, the fire was responsible
for propagating naturally many types of plant life, and propagating
naturally many types of insect life, and propagating naturally many types of
microscopic life, that are necessary for our Forrest's Health!

The only way we can restore this Natural Cycle to our Forests, is to fence
them off, and populate the Forests with Millions of Buffalo, Elk, Deer,
Goats, Rabbits, and other grazing animals that will eat the under bush, so
that when a Wildfire occurs, the Wildfires only burn the under brush, not
the entire Forrest!

Now because you failed to drop regulations so that the Public could fence
off the Forests, and put in Cattle and Wildlife Bars on the Road
Intersections to keep the Cattle and Wildlife off the Roads, so that we
could use the Forests as Natural grazing land like the way Nature intended,
you have given a way for the Communists to point to the Wildfires, and
falsely claim that they are caused by manmade Global Warming, so that they
can affect our commerce with their lies, and destroy our Economy!

I wrote you that we were drawn into the Iraq War so that the Communists
could destroy us from another angle, and look at how Communist China
increased it's exports and our imports from them 75% since you announced War
on Iraq! Now look at where all the Psychological Warfare Tactic Scares to
motivate people with Fear and Paranoia are coming from! Why did the Avian
Flue Scare originate in Asia? Why is the scare of poisoned pet food
originating from Communist China? Why is the scare of poisoned medication
originating from Communist China? Why is the scare of poisoned food
originating from Communist China? Why is the lie that Global Warming is
Manmade originating from Communist China or their Allies? They want to
overregulate our economy by way of our Politicians and our Media that they
own! They are using many projects to do exactly that!

Like this foolish one, all the Cities are experiencing Water Shortages, but
they are forcing people in our Courts, to do away with their Private Sewers
and Private Wells, so that the Cities Water Shortage will be greater, and
many people will become Homeless because they cannot afford to get hooked up
to City Sewers and Water! Why is everything the Governments are doing,
destroying our Economy exactly like the Communists want to? Why will our
Govenment not stand up and say to the Courts, "stop this right now, it is a
threat to our National Survival?"

Don't expect any of the Politicians and or the Media to present the unbiased
truth, of how Communists hate our Liberty, and our US Constitution and Bill
of Rights so much, that they bought out many of our Politicians and most of
our Media long ago, and are leading them by their greedy noses, so that they
could use our Political Parties and our Media to brainwash our US Society
into outlawing our Liberty, and our US Constitution and Bill of Rights, on
one level of US Government or another.

Watch how they resist telling the truth, and invent controversies to stir up
their confused and ignorant supporters against us to try to distract the
just people among us from doing what is obviously right, and will obviously
bring freedom and justice for all, as they resist actually restoring our
Liberty and our Rights guarded by our US Constitution and Bill of Rights, on
all levels of US Governments. What further poof do we need that they sold
out to the Communists who hate our Liberty and our US Constitution and Bill
of Rights?

The Communists even invented the lie, falsely saying that Global Warming is
manmade, just so that they can rip off our Taxes, and destroy our Liberty,
and our Economy.

Can any of them show me any scientific research and any accurate scientific
data that shows Global Warming is manmade?

None can so far! Why? Someone is telling a lie about Global Warming, and
used the greed of our Politicians and Media to deceive them, so that they
can scam people out of their money and destroy our Economy and our Liberty!
Who is pushing the scam? Look towards the Communist Nations in Asia, and
the Communists from the Fallen USSR, and look at who they are controlling.
to include Australia, Britain, Canada, Germany, France, and our Politicians
and our Media.

The Global Government they are trying to set up, will either be tyrannical
Communist Government trying to force the rest to be Communist, because the
majority of the population of the world is Communist, or it will be an
absolute tyrannical so Called Democratic Government, trying to force their
tyrannical so Called Democratic Government, upon the majority.

Do you see any errors before I email this to a lot of people, and try to
take the traitors of the People of these United States, and the traitors of
the NATO Nations, to Court for Treason, or do you have anything to add?

Someone said because of endorsements, this is the most powerful one to add,
"...and or Celebrates,..." and, "...and or Biased Celebrates,..."

Someone else just said add, "...and or Biased Judges, and or Biased Lawyers,
and or Biased Witnesses, and or Biased Intelligence Agents, ..." so I added
them, anything else?

Someone just said add, "...and or energy costs, and or education costs,
....," and, "...and or Biased Educators,..." so I added them, anything else?

From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;

to the Volunteers among the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;

and to whomsoever it may concern;

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

Blog http://josephloegering.blogspot.com/

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

National Security update!

The false testimony of Global Warming being manmade, is being promoted
byCommunists to try to destroy the United States of America!

If you have anything that you think is sound Scientific Facts, as Evidence
that proves beyond a reasonable doubt, contrary to this testimony that they
are presenting the false testimony of Global Warming as being manmade, to
try to destroy the Economy of the United States of America with Mandatory
Regulations, candidly present your Evidence to me, and in Public before a
prudent and candid world!

Beside violating Political Ethics which is obviously what our Politicians
are way too often doing, in order for us to stop mandatory regulations from
driving upland prices, and or production costs, and or housing costs, and or
fuel costs, and or energy costs, and or education costs, and or
transportation costs, and or health care costs, and the cost of living, are
all these Politicians, and or Intelligence Agents, and or Judges, and or
Lawyers, and or Witnesses, and or Educators, and or Scientists, and or
Doctors, and or Pharmacies, and or Drug Manufacturers, and or Hospitals,
and or Environmental Groups, and or Celebrates, and or Biased News Media,
who are for profit or for non profit, swaying Politicians, and the
Politicians swayed, to pass regulatory Laws affecting commerce, so that
money and or trade and or services is regulated into the pockets and or
accounts of certain others, and or so that money and or trade and or
services is regulated into the pockets and or accounts of themselves, in
violation of the FTC Act?

Section 5 (a)(2) of the FTC Act states:
"The Commission is hereby empowered and directed to prevent persons,
partnerships, or corporations from using unfair or deceptive acts or
practices in or affecting commerce."

Section 4 defines "corporation" to include: ".any company, trust, so-called
Massachusetts trust, or association, incorporated or un-incorporated, which
is organized to carry on business for its own profit or that of its

Their false presentation of so called evidence, and or false testimony, that
which falsely presents a Terrorist Threat as being real, is a deceptive act,
affecting commerce!

Their false Science, and or false testimony, that which falsely presents
Global Warming as being manmade, is a deceptive act affecting commerce!

Their false Science, and or false testimony, that which falsely presents
Dangerous Mind Control Drugs, and or mandatory or forced Medical Treatment
with any Drugs or Vaccines, as the benefits outweighing the risks, is a
deceptive act
in most cases, affecting commerce, which destroys Life, Liberty. and the
pursuit of happiness of some!

I am after the Biased Politicians, and or Biased Judges, and or Biased
Lawyers, and or Biased Intelligence Agents, and Biased News Media, and or
Biased Celebrates, and or Biased Witnesses, and Biased Scientists, and
Biased Doctors, and Biased Pharmacies, and Biased Drug Manufacturers, and
Biased Hospitals, and or Biased Educators, presenting false science, and or
false testimony, in a Psychological Warfare Tactic, to affect commerce, so
some may make profit by motivating the Public and or individuals with fear
and paranoia.

This ballot gives you the right to choose between two evils, which do you
consider to be the lesser of the two evils?

Caught between the Turf Wars of Legal Corporate Iatrogenic enslaving
Medications, and Illegal Street enslaving Iatrogenic Medications, so that
either side that we choose we will become Iatrogenic Slaves owned by our
Drug Dealers, so which of the two groups of Iatrogenic Medical Slave
Masters, are the lesser of the two evils?

Lets see, if you choose the Legal Corporate Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and
stop taking their Legal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they scream
that, "you are crazy," and can lock you up, and force the Legal Iatrogenic
Medicines upon you to keep you enslaved!

But if you choose the Illegal Street Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and stop
taking their Illegal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they scream, "No
don't go," and to try to keep you enslaved, they say, "I will give you a
free hit if you stay," but if you don't accept it, they can not lock you up,
and you are no longer enslaved, your are free!

Are you ready to Vote?

But wait a minute, didn't we have the right to choose the 13th Amendment,
just so that we could be free from Slavery? Did you guys forget to tell
these people that run our Society this way, about the accomplishments of the
Civil War? Oh wait, because of the Drugs that they forced upon me, I forgot
all about that guy that took the Presidency! Lets see, what was his name?

Was it George? Or was it Mud?

Us Iatrogenic Medical Slaves, say to our Slave Masters, give us Liberty, or
give us death!

For you deliberately conspired to do this thing, and you are now in
violation of the 13th Amendment of our US Constitution!

To the dishonest and greedy Racketeering US Doctors and US Medical Staff and
US Drug Manufactures and US Officials.

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

We have found that most Politicians and Judges and Lawyers and Police
Officers and the Media and the Public, do not even know what an Iatrogenic
Illness is! And we have found that some of you have deliberately taken
advantage of their ignorance, and you have conspired to use your Freedom to
say whatever you want to say, to influence and help them design and set up
our Hospitals and our Clinics and our Courts, just so that some of you can
try to get away with producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses. Just so that
you can make a Wealthy Lifestyle for yourselves, as you continue getting
paid for causing the Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses as Slave Masters of
Iatrogenic Medical Slavery! And we have found that many of you are
influencing or buying out the judgment of the FDA, or Politicians, or other
Officials, or of the Media, just to get them to approve and support the use
of Drugs, that often cause more harm than good, because they were developed
to make you the Slave Masters, and the Slave Owners, of those that you
deliberately targeted and bound in your Iatrogenic Medical Slavery!

Some of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses, are
not used for the category of Mental Illnesses, but are not cures of
sicknesses, they are classified as Treatments for Chronic Sicknesses. But a
majority of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses,
are used for the category of what they call Chronic Mental Illnesses. And we
have found that you have even been using the Mass Media, to play upon
people's ignorance of Mental Illnesses, to build fear in them, as you build
prejudice in them, so that you can motivate them to do your dirty works at
your will. And we found some of you have been deliberately brainwashing our
society for a long time, to get them to blindly support, and to blindly
follow along with your scam of Medical Racketeering. And out of their
ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
tricked them into giving you the authority to use force, even upon those
whom you falsely claim have a Dangerous Mental Illness. And out of their
ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
built prejudice in them, and often motivate them by your influence over the
collective social group, to use intimidation, as a fear factor, upon those
who you falsely claim need your Medications, that cause Iatrogenic
Illnesses. And some of you are deliberately abusing the authority to use
force, as you force upon people ignorant of Mental Illnesses, Medications
that cause Iatrogenic Illnesses, just so that you can enslave them in your
Iatrogenic Medical Slavery.

I have the Detailed Documentation of what they are planning and doing,
enough to get thousands of convictions, does anyone want it?


VA Tech, and the News Media Brainwashing Society with Prejudice against
Autistic, Mentally Ill, and the Traumatically Bran Injured, in our Schools.

It appeared for a while that the News Media was going to finally honestly
deal with Bullies and Piers Prejudice against the way Children with Autism,
Mental Illnesses, and Traumatic Brain Injuries, behave, and honestly report
that Psychiatric Treatment on these Children causes more harm than good.
This is so because the Medical Community sees the behavior of the Autistic
and Mentally Ill, and those with Traumatic Brain Injuries, as being
unacceptable by Society, and then tries to use Mind Control Drugs,
experimentally handing each one different Drugs, trying to find what Drug or
Combination of Drugs would suit each individual, to correct their behavior,
instead of trying to find a cure for their disorder, or instead of helping
them live with their disability. So now after the VA Tech Killings, because
of the Public's Paranoid responses that will result brought about by the
Medical Community using the Media for Brainwashing the Public, and
motivating them with Fear, to try their Neo Nazi Mind Control Drugs, if your
Child has Autism, a Mental Disorder, or a Traumatic Brain Injury, to avoid
the Abuse from Authorities and Piers, parents should keep their Children
home from School, and get them in Private Schools built just for helping
them overcome their handicaps.

Because of the way Autism, Mental Disorders, and Traumatic Brain Injuries
come about, it would be impossible Scientifically, to give these Children or
Adults with these Disorders, a Drug, or a Combination of Drugs, to Cure
their Disorders. And the Drugs Scientifically cannot give them new
abilities, and make it easer for them to overcome their handicaps, and live
a more productive life. And because of the Side Effects of the Drugs, in
most cases the Drugs will cause them to become more dysfunctional, which is
often written off as, changing their behavior to the better, because being
more dysfunctional, their new behavior is said to be less Dangerous.

But because of the VA Tech killings in a School, the News Media is now
brainwashing Society to accept the Prejudice of Piers and Bullies, and send
them to Neo Nazi Doctors for treatment, or they say something like VA Tech
might happen. But the VA Tech Killings most likely were caused by such
Prejudice from Rich Kids and Religious Fanatics, who made so many complaints
that they sent the man to Psychiatrists, for useless forced treatment with
Dangerous Mind Control Drugs, Abusive Treatment and Drugs that without a
doubt, made his condition worse, and contributed to causing the killing

The News Media has become paid off by their sponsors to become totally
Biased by Neo Nazi Drug Manufactures, and Neo Nazi Doctors!

The VA Tech Killer was on antidepressants, that he was forced to take by the
Courts, even taking them is bad, but if the dose in their blood fluctuates,
and or they stop taking them, the withdrawals form those things, will drive
people crazy too. It is not the Disorder that drives them Crazy, it is the
fluctuation of the level of the worthless Drugs in their blood that often
causes Traumatic and Dramatic Drug Withdrawals that drives them crazy. But
did the ABC News Media say anything about that? No, why? Because against the
FDA findings, and against the major Medical Journal findings, right after
talking about the VA Tech Killer seeing a Psychiatrist by Court order, they
made an announcement saying, "in the most comprehensive study yet on
antidepressants," they say that the black box warnings don't mean much,
because the 27 studies, which were done by the Drug Manufactures, and the
Doctors that make money off the Drugs, they say that the good that they do,
outweigh the risks. But even the New England Medical Journal, and the US
Government, have found that those Medicines have no apparent benefit
whatsoever, and have bad Side Effects! The News was paid by the Drug
Manufactures to go against the FDA, and the major Medical Journals on
Antidepressants and Antipsychotics. And they are also paid by Political
Sponsors, to brainwash you, so that these Communist can do away with our
Rights on all levels of Government, and take over the Government from
within. They now can totally strip you of your rights by falsely accusing
you of being delusional, and Hospitalizing you, and being Hospitalize strips
you of your Rights. A Doctor Politicized my medical Care, and for Personal
and Political Reasons, tried doing that, and did it to me!

The News Media is sponsored by these Drug Manufactures broadcasting the you
should talk to your Doctors about their advertised Drugs that have no
benefit whatsoever, and experimentally take them without running any
Scientific Tests, to see what bad Side Effects you will experience from
them, and most of the bad Side Effects that you will experience from them
are not listed on the Labels, and the bad Effects that they will have on
your long term health are not listed there either. If you are giving them to
your Child among the millions of children being told to take them by their
ignorant Parents, you are running the risk of making your Child the next VA
Tech Killer.

Medical Abuse

The way that the body and mind forms new neurons, is that they produce
chemicals that are electrolytes, that help conduct electrical impulses
produced by the mind, that jump from one point of the brain to another, and
where the electrical charges traveled, a new neuron forms, for each new
activity or each new thought that you do. Some call these chemicals
neurotransmitters, for which the last time that I look them up, only about
10 have been scientifically analyzed to give their chemical composition. But
of even these about 10 known neurotransmitters, they have no test that they
can run to accurately give a quantitative or qualitative analysis, where
that they could scientifically say that a specific chemical or
neurotransmitter qualifies in a specific patient, as a specific chemical
imbalance, that is the cause of any specific illness.

With no scientific tests to be able to accurately prove either, both the
alleged chemical imbalance and the alleged illness, are left up to the
opinion of the Doctor, for each different patient.

When the mind is injured by a stroke , or by a traumatic brain injury, or by
a prolonged lack of nutrition, a portion of the brain dies, and can no
longer perform the functions that it once performed. So to make up for the
lack of functions that it normally did, the Brain uses a different part of
the Brain that is healthier, and uses the chemicals that are electrolytes,
that help conduct electrical impulses produced by the mind, that jump from
one point of the brain to another, to form new Neurons that take over and
replace the functions and Neurons that were destroyed. The functions and
actions of the injured, the malnourished, and those born with birth defects,
changes so that they do not behave exactly the way that they did, or for
those with birth defects, they cannot behave the way others do.

But this is always falsely blamed on a chemical imbalance, which they often
falsely say is causing a mental illness that produces behavior that is not
acceptable to Society, and with no scientific tests to be able to accurately
prove either, both the alleged chemical imbalance and the alleged illness,
are left up to the opinion of the Doctor.

It is such an old problem that Adolph Hitler himself politicized it, and
claimed that to protect the Public from their antisocial behavior. Which
many people objected to it, but he then used the Psychological Warfare
Tactic of saying, it was to protect thehealth of the population, based upon
fabricated falsely so called scientific data, fabricated falsely so called
Medical Research done by the Professionals in those field, that portrayed
their targeted segments of the population as scientifically proven to be
dangerous, because when you instill fear and paranoia in people, any
dictator can control them to get any law passed that he wants.

The Hospitals and Sanitariums of Nazi Germany, were mostly owned by
Christian Organizations, and were filled with people accused of having a
Mental Illness, birth defects, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and of
being Jews, because that they said that they do not behave the same way
others do in Society. So those with Mental Illness, birth defects, Autism,
and Traumatic Brain Injuries, and Jews, were required by the Authorities, to
be force treated upon the Authorities receiving a request or complaint of
their behavior from any individual.

So why is our Media and Governments using the same Psychological Warfare
Tactic as Adolph Hitler, to brainwash and motivate the people with fear and

The reason is, all the Laws and Regulation that they can get passed this
way, will put money into the pockets of certain Corporations that donated to
their campaign funds or paid to the sponsorship of their air time.

Which are mostly Drug Manufacturers, Pharmacies, Hospitals, Doctors, Medical
and Legal Educators, Scientists who work for them, or who got Government
Grants, Religious Organizations, and Officials of the Legal Systems and Law
Enforcement, which was the same thing that happened in Nazi Germany.

From the President's National Drug Control Strategy you can see who was
involved in the drug research on illegal drugs.


"The President's
National Drug Control Strategy
February 2007


I am pleased to transmit the 2007 National Drug Control Strategy prepared by
my Administration, consistent with the timing set forth in Section 201 of
the Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 2006.

When I took office, my Administration laid out an ambitious plan to reduce
drug use in the Nation. With the support of Congress, the hard work of State
and local officials, and the tireless efforts of thousands of faith-based
and community organizations around the country, we have achieved significant
declines in drug use. This year's strategy aims to continue this progress.

I appreciate the continued support of Congress as we work together on this
critical endeavor."

It is interesting to see on that site that the same people who can make an
accurate scientific argument as to how Street Drugs cause the brain to
misfire and build bad habits from the abnormal neurons that Street drugs
cause the brain to form, cannot produce any accurate scientific arguments
that would justify the same damage to the brain that they deliberately cause
by prescribing legal prescription drugs, falsely saying that they are for
your own good, or that they will help you.

Most of our State Governments are encouraging people to buy their drugs from
Foreign Manufacturers because without all the US Regulations, they can make
Drugs Cheaper. We need to get our Drug Manufacturers innovative ideas for
upping production and cutting costs so we can out produce the Foreign
Manufacturers to keep Americans employed.

While at the same time, all drugs that have no accurate scientific proof as
to how they work, and were only tested this way, should be made illegal.
They develop a theory, saying this drug will help people, and with no
scientific data to support that claim, they take a group of people and
divide them up, and hand half placebos, and the other half that drug. Then
if the people that took the new drug, who have no scientific background,
say, "I think it helped me," then they say that is scientific proof that the
drug is good, even if it destroys the long term health of the patient, with
long term use. How scientific is that? Most drugs that they use now that
were tested by that method, cannot even be tolerated by a lot of people, and
they destroy their long term health! And if you check, to get off the toxic
chemicals in those drugs, people have to go through drug withdrawals, and

Scientific and Political and Medical Legal System Abuse

The Media will never put true honest Scientists or true and honest Religious
people on to really debate the controversial issue of evolution, because
while both sides present false and misleading information on the subject to
try to support their position, the Media and Media Sponsors are making

But this has allowed both the Atheistic Scientists that are deliberately
manufacturing false scientific data to try to disprove God, and the
Atheistic Communist Scientists to join forces, and use the Media to
Brainwash the Public into helping them do away with all of our Rights on one
level of Government or another, and destroy our Economy, and take us over
from within.

The Media will not put people on who know why we were fraudulently drawn
into the expensive Iraq War, because their sponsors will literally make
trillions of dollars for the medical treatment of wounded Veterans in the
years to come. 250 billion dollars a year is spent on drugs alone in the US,
not counting the other medical expenses.

"May 5, former child star Kirk Cameron and "best-selling author Ray Comfort"
are going to "prove God's existence, absolutely, scientifically, without
mentioning the Bible or faith." Cameron has, like others on the Right,
blamed school shootings on the teaching of evolution:"

"ABC . hosted a debate in New York City on May 5, 2007. Moderated by Martin
Bashir, the debate will be streamed LIVE on their website and will
also be filmed for 'Nightline.'" Not one of them mentioned any of the
accurate Scientific Evidence that shows that Earth and all life on it was
destroyed about seven thousand years ago, and that there are no evolutional
links between any of the life forms that existed then, and the ones that
were created at Adam's beginning, when this heavens and earth was reformed
on the debris of the one that was destroyed. The ages of dead animials or
their ways of so called determining when a past event occured, not one of
the so called accurate Scientific Age determination procedures that they say
they that use to determine these is accurate. Try them, take rocks to them
made from the same bolder at different times, and watch the answers that you
get, often one piece of the same bolder they will say scientifically is 100
million years older than another piece of the same bolder. Why are all these
people getting Government Grats to do their so called Scientific Research?

1 Timothy 6:20

"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to your trust, avoiding profane and
vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:"

2 Peter 3:3-13

"Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers,
walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his
coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were
from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of,
that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out
of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being
overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are
now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day
of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, be not ignorant of
this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as
some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that
any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of
the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall
pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat,
the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing
then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought
ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting
unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall
be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless
we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein
dwelleth righteousness."

To so called protect the Politicians, all accross this Country atrosities
and crimes against humanity are being comitted all across this Nation by
their fanatical Political supporters from all sides of their issues.

We were deliberately drawn into this War by Communists from the fallen USSR
whom united with Asian Communists some of whom are posing as Israelis, and
some of whom also got Britain's Prime Minister into office.

To so called protect the President, a Psychologists named Dr. Smith at the
Kansas City VA, who was ordered to look out for Veterans who opposed the
President because the President in his Presidential Campaign was going to
be in Lee's Summit, when I objected to the Doctor's false diagnosis of my
PSTD and Multiple Complex Seizure Disorder, from a Traumatic Brain Injury
that I got during my second tour of Duty, which false diagnosis required
forced treatment with the same drugs that other Doctors had to detox me from
the toxins, because that they were killing me. When I informed that Doctor
that I had information from foreign intelligence agencies that we were
deliberately drawn into the Iraq War with false intelligence reports, which
was manufactured by the same people who ordered the attack on the school in
Chechnya. He consider me to be a threat to the President, saying that I
apposed the Iraq War!

His reply was, well at least you are giving him the benefit of the doubt, in
my opinion, he lied! Then he force treated me with the same drugs other
Doctors had already said were killing me!

But who was peaking out against the President, is not calling him a
deliberate liar, speaking out against the President? Why would a VA Doctor
not want the false information that drew us into the war investigated,
instead of calling the President a deliberate liar, and trying to destroy
the mind of a US Veteran, who at the time had direct inside contacts in 18
countries, including contacts inside some of their Intelligence Agencies?

You can bet that the Media will not have any true scientists or and true
Christians in the debate, so that the public will have to make a choice
between the two Evils, but both the false scientists and the false
Christians that they will host are on the same side, they both want to make
money off a Nationwide Medical and Legal Fraud System! And what they produce
will bring persecution of both honest Scientists and true honest Religious

These fake religious people and fake scientific people are doing this
deliberately to get true believers in God persecuted. The link to school
shootings is Rich Bullies and Religious Bullies repeatedly complain about
someone until they are either coaxed or forced into taking dangerous mind
control drugs, which those things have chemicals that are similar to the
mind's chemicals, but they are not identical to the ones the body and mind
produces. And they cause the functions of the mind to become confused as to
which chemical, the natural or the unnatural, to use for producing new
neurons. This causes the mind to misfire and start producing abnormal
neurons just like street drugs do. These Mind control drugs cannot bring
back to life any portion of the mind that has been damaged by birth defect
or by injury or by bad diet, and these mind control drugs cannot give you
any new abilities to help you overcome any of life's problems, or to help
you overcome any handicap. But these mind control drugs make it so that
those new neurons cannot function without the unnatural toxins in the drugs,
so that the withdrawals from the mind control drugs are more dramatic and
traumatic to the psychological makeup of the person. And after just so much
abuse with no true help or escape from their true life problems, they either
commit suicide or kill someone. These Mind Control Drugs were designed to
get you hooked on them, so that you would be a slave paying the doctors and
drug manufacturers and drug dealers and courts.

These people doing this in the name of religion probably have stocks or
family with stocks in the drug manufacturers or pharmacies or legal system
or hospitals that make money off the forced treatment with worthless
dangerous mind control drugs.

Like most Jewish and or Christian Organizations own what they call Charity
Hospitals that would not survive without the benefit off the forced
treatment with dangerous mind control drugs, causing billions of insurance
and tax dollars to paid to them for force treating patients with worthless
dangerous drugs and abusive treatment, and this is what most often keeps
these Charity Hospitals and many Governmental Hospitals afloat.

The Media presenting these are fake Jews and fake Christians and fake
Scientists presenting a deliberately fabricated controversy, are trying to
deliberately make it look like all Christians link school shootings to the
false teaching of evolution of the fake Scientists in our schools, because
they are all trying to hide their Neo Nazism that they do for profit from
the Drug and Medical Industries, which is the same thing that the
Government. and Media., and Scientists, and Drug Manufacturers, and Doctors,
and Educators, and Christians, did in the Hospitals and Sanitariums of Nazi

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

"It's Just Me" <lord-howard-hurts@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> What are doing here? This news group isn't for those with common
> sense......
> <Joseph> wrote in message
> news:lPOdnW_hvIa9KqPbnZ2dnUVZ_vumnZ2d@comcast.com...
>> "Evil" <enki034@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:1178503416.707562.302450@p77g2000hsh.googlegroups.com...
>>> This is a republican group and all I see are conspiracies and hate for
>>> republicans. I don't see a single topic I care to read. The party is
>>> lacking in leaders who will articulate Republican ideas of active
>>> defense and controlling government spending and growth. The
>>> Democrats won a slim majority because the leaders in the party failed
>>> on a major issue spending. Why should we get excited when our party
>>> out spends democrats.
>>>>From what I can read the left has an irrational hate for the
>>> Republican party and they need to be ignored and not given the
>>> attention they crave. Still their crazy conspiracies are making their
>>> way into mainstream opinion. It is almost impossible to deny a
>>> negative. Yet there is repetition and many people are persuaded if
>>> they have the same information over and over again. Still Democrats
>>> don't offer anything I am interested in. The tax cuts helped me and I
>>> make less than 50,000 a year. I am doing well and have lowered by
>>> debt and accumulated a good savings in the last six years. The war is
>>> tough issue and it turns out we are fighting a very ruthless and
>>> determined enemy but we are making progress against Al Qaeda in Iraq.
>>> Lets see if a more active strategy of spreading US units close to the
>>> population to protect and understand them works better than hiding in
>>> large bases and focusing on training the Iraqis.
>>> It is pretty tough being a Republican right now. I don't see any
>>> candidates that I really care about. I watch about 30 seconds of the
>>> debate off and on but all the questions I head were stupid and I
>>> didn't care how they answered. Still when I take time to listen to
>>> those guys running I see nothing to get excited about. I am wondering
>>> what other republicans think. It would be interesting to have a
>>> conversation. I know this is a tough place and there is a great deal
>>> of intimidation though demeaning and insults. Ignore all of that
>>> unless you hear a sane argument not conspiracy mongering.

>> I am not a Tax and spend Democrat or a Borrow until Economic Collapse
>> Republican, but I am a progressive liberal on some issues, and a
>> steadfast
>> conservative on others, pick what issues you want to talk about.
>> "What Me Worry?" <__@____.___> wrote in message
>> news:a7mdnY1TBICjiqPbnZ2dnUVZ_qmpnZ2d@insightbb.com...
>>> <Joseph> wrote in message
>>> news:z6mdnZevq5OISKDbnZ2dnUVZ_jOdnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>>> "What Me Worry?" <__@____.___> wrote in message
>>>> news:1eOdnaV_tpwTLqDbnZ2dnUVZ_oernZ2d@insightbb.com...
>>>>> Like his father, Bush Jr. tries to keep a daily diary of his thoughts
>>>>> and observations. [On the night of 9/11/01 Bush Jr.] dictated:
>>>>> "The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today."
>>>>> [Washington Post]
>>>>> http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/9-11BasicQuestions
>>>>> -------------
>>>>> New Pearl Harbor, Same as the Old Pearl Harbor
>>>>> Both were used as pretext for entering foreign wars.
>>>>> Both came with numerous, specific forewarnings.
>>>>> Both were allowed to happen by US leaders.
>>>>> Both involved subterfuge and false information.
>>>>> Both were made possible via military stand-down.
>>>>> Both were deadly, killing thousands of Americans.
>>>>> Both required the truth to be hidden via coverups.
>>>>> "...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the
>>>>> United States..." ARMY BOARD, 1944
>>>>> http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/pearl/www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6315/pearl.html
>>>>> or: http://tinyurl.com/47p27
>>>>> President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in
>>>>> advance
>>>>> and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed
>>>>> the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and
>>>>> Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It
>>>>> was
>>>>> his backdoor to war.
>>>>> FDR blinded the commanders at Pearl Harbor and set them up by -
>>>>> - denying intelligence to Hawaii (HI)
>>>>> - on Nov 27, misleading the commanders into thinking negotiations with
>>>>> Japan were continuing to prevent them from realizing the war was on
>>>>> - having false information sent to HI about the location of the
>>>>> Japanese
>>>>> carrier fleet.
>>>> President Roosevelt (FDR) was being used by the Soviets who needed a
>>>> way
>>>> to overthrow the US Constitution, so the Russian operatives in the US
>>>> convinced Roosevelt that the Soviets would be on his side against Nazi
>>>> Germany, but pointed out that because by the US Constitution only
>>>> Congress could levy Taxes in a time of War for an Armed force, they
>>>> hounded Roosevelt about the Civilian Militias saying that this makes
>>>> you
>>>> vulnerable, and unprepared if you are attacked.
>>> I don't understand this logic. Why would civilian militias make the US
>>> vulnerable? What am I not understanding here?

>> They don't, that is why the Communists wanted to trick the US Political
>> Parties into violating the US Constitution by getting rid of them.
>>>> The warnings and signs of an impending attack were there, but being in
>>>> no
>>>> War, Congress was not yet authorized to levy Taxes, Roosevelt wanted
>>>> and
>>>> needed to have an excuse for doing away with the US Constitution to do
>>>> away with the Civilian Militias which he felt jeopardized and often
>>>> usurped his authority
>>> During the war, did Roosevelt attempt to curtail or dissolve the
>>> civilian
>>> militias? Did he attempt to overthrow the Constitution? I don't know
>>> of
>>> any such actions (do you?)

>> Yes, they were accepted with their fire Arms into the Armed Forces, and
>> were
>> disarmed when the War was over.
>>>> so instead of making the warnings and signs of an impending attack
>>>> Public
>>>> to the Civilian Militias responsible for our defense, just so that he
>>>> would have an excuse to do away with the Civilian Militias, that
>>>> information was deliberately hidden from them.
>>> Ok, honestly, this argument is placing an awful lot of importance on
>>> civilian militias, which even at that time were dwarfed in capability by
>>> the US military, which was the primary force defending the nation. Note
>>> that Pearl Harbor had no effect on the civilian militias, but was
>>> devastating to the Navy.

>> The US Navy was practically the only Governmental Armed Force that we
>> had,
>> it was left over from WW1, the majority of Armed Forces we had was Armed
>> Civilian Militias.
>>>> If the Civilian Militias would have known the information on the
>>>> warnings
>>>> and signs of an impending attack, they would not only have made
>>>> preparations that might have stopped Pearl Harbor

>> The Civilian Militias were in favor of the US Keeping a Standing Navy,
>> because Ships were too expensive for the Civilian Militas to afford, this
>> did not shift the responsibilty od National Defence to the Navy, it still
>> belonged to the Militias by th 2nd Amendment.
>>> How could they have done that? Did the Navy take orders from civilian
>>> militias? I don't think so.
>>>> they would have urged Congress to declare War, just so that they could
>>>> get paid for their defense efforts

>> Congress raised the phone Tax and other taxes to pay for the WW1 Armies,
>> we
>> just reimbursed people for the phone tax that was supposed to be dropped
>> when the bill was paid for. By the Constitution the Federal and State
>> Governments cannot raise or collect taxes to pay for a standing Armed
>> Force
>> in any time of peace, if the Civilian Forces wanted to get paid for
>> defense
>> actions, they would have to urge Congress, their Representatives, to
>> declare
>> War.
>>> Huh?
>>>> and Roosevelt did not want this, he wanted to be the Commander and
>>>> Chief
>>>> of the first full scale permanent US Armed Force.
>>> What about WWI?

>> After the War, just like George Washington did with his Army, they were
>> dismissed, and they took their weapons and went home!
>>>> Then to reinforce the overthrow of the US Constitution, as WW2 ended,
>>>> the
>>>> plot of the Red Scare came into being as the Cold War began.
>>> Under Truman, then Eisenhower.
>>>> Those who wanted to overthrow the US Constitution and keep making money
>>>> by raising Taxes for a Standing Army even in a time of peace
>>> Ah, but it was a "cold war," wasn't it? (Yeah I agree it's double-talk)
>>>> began accusing loyal US Citizens who wanted to uphold the Constitution
>>>> and disarm and leave the defense in the hands of the Public like George
>>>> Washington did
>>> So you don't believe that the H-bomb changed everything?

>> No, I have room for one next to my C-4
>>>> when he resigned as Commanding General of our first War Time Army, they
>>>> accused them of being Red Communists, and said we are not going to be
>>>> taken by surprise again by being unprepared, which they said provoked
>>>> Japan to attack, just so they could do away with the US Constitution.
>>> What portions of the Constitution were done away with at that time? And
>>> by whom?

>> Congress cannot levy any Taxes for Armed Forces, except in a time of War,
>> and it must be renewed every two years, if the War lasts longer than two
>> years, this was Violated by the Democratic and Republican Parties,
>> deliberately so that their War Machine Businesses could keep wrongfully
>> and
>> illegally making money off the Tax Payers.
>>>> Both the Clinton and the Bush Camps, conspired together to never allow
>>>> the US Constitution to be reinstated or upheld, because both Political
>>>> Parties have united with the old hardliner Communists who robbed
>>>> Russia,
>>>> and fled to the US and Israel and Britain and Canada and Australia
>>>> after
>>>> the fall of the Communists wall.
>>> So you think globalism is a Communist conspiracy?

>> Most defiantly.
>>>> They need the Public disarmed so that they can use regulations to
>>>> deceive
>>>> and rip off both the Middle Class and the Poor like they did the Soviet
>>>> Union, and the poor of Russia after the wall fell.
>>> You place no blame on multi-national corporations moving production out
>>> of
>>> the US?
>>>> I have detailed documentation, enough to get thousands of conviction
>>>> for
>>>> treason against the People of these United States, does anybody want
>>>> it?
>>> I'd love to see it. Post some URL's if you have 'em.
>>> Thanks for your response, Joseph.

>> This is nothing, I have tons of hard documentation.
>> Why would CNN of Time Warner be involved with an Immigrant Doctor, who
>> forced me to sign a written contract saying that I would stop looking for
>> Osama Bin Laden, and would not make the News Headlines within the next
>> two
>> years?
>> Look at these People who are called the Architects that fixed the USA's
>> disastrous inability to be prepared for War, by doing away with following
>> the US Constitution.
>> The Warner Brothers, now Time Warner, helped the Communists destroy the
>> US
>> Constitution, along with Walt Disney and King Vidor who helped found The
>> Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals in
>> 1944.("Preservation of American Ideals" was used to hide the deliberate
>> destruction of the US Constitution as they were presenting a radical far
>> left view, as conservative Republican for the first time.)
>> John Wayne (born Marion Morrison) was the son of pharmacist Clyde
>> Morrison,
>> and helped found The Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of
>> American Ideals as a Republican group in 1944, which was the first to
>> take
>> a
>> dramatic shift straight to the left against and to overthrow the US
>> Constitution. He stared in the 1944 Communist Propaganda Movie, The
>> Fighting Seabees, where they portray construction workers in World War II
>> in
>> the Pacific, because Engineers are always needed to build military sites,
>> but they portray the truth that the work is dangerous, but portray a lie
>> also portraying them as unarmed fools doubting the ability of the Navy to
>> protect them. After a series of attacks by the Japanese, they portray the
>> Engineers as illegally and foolishly taking up arms to fight the
>> Japanese,
>> and then they deliberately say something new is tried to make their
>> arming
>> and fighting seem to be now legalized, they form the Construction
>> Battalions
>> (CBs=Seabees). The new CBs they said have to both build and be ready to
>> fight, but by the US Constitution the Federal and State Governments were
>> not allowed to Levy Taxes for a Standing Army in a Time of Peace, so the
>> Civilian Engineers were legally armed Civilian Militias, prepared to
>> fight
>> if War broke out, prior to that time. This new Republican Group portrayed
>> this totally new view to do away with the Armed American Volunteer Army
>> Tradition, that did away with the US Constitution, and they promoted this
>> new way as being the Republic which we are suppose to Patriotically Stand
>> for, but it does away with our Republic, our US Constitution, which we
>> are
>> suppose to Patriotically Stand for.
>> Joseph Davies a Democrat wrote Mission to Moscow, a 123 minute black and
>> white, film released in 1943 by Warner Brothers after it was shown to FDR
>> in
>> the White House April 21 and to a favorable public audience at a sneak
>> preview in Hollywood April 22, 1943. This is the side that The Motion
>> Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals was founded to
>> falsely portray as being conservative Republican.
>> "Joseph Davies was a corporate lawyer, loyal to the Democratic Party,
>> friend
>> of Woodrow Wilson (who appointed Davies commissioner of corporations) and
>> friend of young FDR when he was assistant Secretary of Navy, married
>> breakfast food heiress Marjorie Post Hutton, served as ambassador to
>> Russia
>> 1936-38. The success of Davies' book that was published after BARBAROSSA
>> caused Davies to ask Warner Brothers to make the film to create public
>> support for Russia in the U.S.; the rights were sold to the studio July
>> 3,
>> 1942 for $25,000. "
>> http://history.sandiego.edu/gen/filmnotes/missiontomoscow.html
>> The Communists have been working in both Political Parties since then.
>> Someone said because of endorsements, this is the most powerful one to
>> add,
>> "...and or Celebrates,..." and, "...and or Biased Celebrates,..."
>> Someone else just said add, "...and or Biased Judges, and or Biased
>> Lawyers,
>> and or Biased Witnesses, and or Biased Intelligence Agents, ..." so I
>> added
>> them, anything else?
>> Someone just said add, "...and or energy costs, and or education costs,
>> ...," and, "...and or Biased Educators,..." so I added them, anything
>> else?
>> Do you see any errors be fore I email this to a lot of people, or do you
>> have anything to add?
>> From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;
>> to the Volunteers among the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;
>> and to whomsoever it may concern;
>> My name is Joseph R Loegering
>> Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!
>> Blog http://josephloegering.blogspot.com/
>> The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
>> Intelligence and NBC Defense.
>> The Central Command and Control Office.
>> 6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19
>> Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579
>> Phone 763-205-1296
>> Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!
>> Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!
>> National Security update!
>> The false testimony of Global Warming being manmade, is being promoted by
>> Communists to try to destroy the United States of America!
>> If you have anything that you think is sound Scientific Facts, as
>> Evidence
>> that proves beyond a reasonable doubt, contrary to this testimony that
>> they
>> are presenting the false testimony of Global Warming as being manmade, to
>> try to destroy the Economy of the United States of America with Mandatory
>> Regulations, candidly present your Evidence to me, and in Public before a
>> prudent and candid world!
>> Beside violating Political Ethics which is obviously what our Politicians
>> are way too often doing, in order for us to stop mandatory regulations
>> from
>> driving upland prices, and or production costs, and or housing costs, and
>> or
>> fuel costs, and or energy costs, and or education costs, and or
>> transportation costs, and or health care costs, and the cost of living,
>> are
>> all these Politicians, and or Intelligence Agents, and or Judges, and
>> or
>> Lawyers, and or Witnesses, and or Educators, and or Scientists, and or
>> Doctors, and or Pharmacies, and or Drug Manufacturers, and or Hospitals,
>> and or Environmental Groups, and or Celebrates, and or Biased News Media,
>> who are for profit or for non profit, swaying Politicians, and the
>> Politicians swayed, to pass regulatory Laws affecting commerce, so that
>> money and or trade and or services is regulated into the pockets and or
>> accounts of certain others, and or so that money and or trade and or
>> services is regulated into the pockets and or accounts of themselves, in
>> violation of the FTC Act?
>> Section 5 (a)(2) of the FTC Act states:
>> "The Commission is hereby empowered and directed to prevent persons,
>> partnerships, or corporations from using unfair or deceptive acts or
>> practices in or affecting commerce."
>> Section 4 defines "corporation" to include: ".any company, trust,
>> so-called
>> Massachusetts trust, or association, incorporated or un-incorporated,
>> which
>> is organized to carry on business for its own profit or that of its
>> members."
>> Their false presentation of so called evidence, and or false testimony,
>> that
>> which falsely presents a Terrorist Threat as being real, is a deceptive
>> act,
>> affecting commerce!
>> Their false Science, and or false testimony, that which falsely presents
>> Global Warming as being manmade, is a deceptive act affecting commerce!
>> Their false Science, and or false testimony, that which falsely presents
>> Mind Control Drugs, and or mandatory or forced Medical Treatment with any
>> Drugs or Vaccines, as the benefits outweighing the risks, is a deceptive
>> act
>> in most cases, affecting commerce, which destroys Life, Liberty. and the
>> pursuit of happiness of some!
>> I am after the Biased Politicians, and or Biased Judges, and or Biased
>> Lawyers, and or Biased Intelligence Agents, and Biased News Media, and
>> or
>> Biased Celebrates, and or
>> Biased Witnesses, and Biased Scientists, and Biased Doctors, and Biased
>> Pharmacies, and Biased Drug Manufacturers, and Biased Hospitals, and or
>> Biased Educators, presenting false science, and or false testimony, in a
>> Psychological Warfare Tactic, to affect commerce, so some may make profit
>> by
>> motivating the Public and or individuals with fear and paranoia.
>> This ballot gives you the right to choose between two evils, which do you
>> consider to be the lesser of the two evils?
>> Caught between the Turf Wars of Legal Corporate Iatrogenic enslaving
>> Medications, and Illegal Street enslaving Iatrogenic Medications, so that
>> either side that we choose we will become Iatrogenic Slaves owned by our
>> Drug Dealers, so which of the two groups of Iatrogenic Medical Slave
>> Masters, are the lesser of the two evils?
>> Lets see, if you choose the Legal Corporate Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and
>> stop taking their Legal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they
>> scream
>> that, "you are crazy," and can lock you up, and force the Legal
>> Iatrogenic
>> Medicines upon you to keep you enslaved!
>> But if you choose the Illegal Street Iatrogenic Slave Masters, and stop
>> taking their Illegal Iatrogenic Medicines that enslave you, they scream,
>> "No
>> don't go," and to try to keep you enslaved, they say, "I will give you a
>> free hit if you stay," but if you don't accept it, they can not lock you
>> up,
>> and you are no longer enslaved, your are free!
>> Are you ready to Vote?
>> But wait a minute, didn't we have the right to choose the 13th Amendment,
>> just so that we could be free from Slavery? Did you guys forget to tell
>> these people that run our Society this way, about the accomplishments of
>> the
>> Civil War? Oh wait, because of the Drugs that they forced upon me, I
>> forgot
>> all about that guy that took the Presidency! Lets see, what was his name?
>> Was it George? Or was it Mud?
>> Us Iatrogenic Medical Slaves, say to our Slave Masters, give us Liberty,
>> or
>> give us death!
>> For you deliberately conspired to do this thing, and you are now in
>> violation of the 13th Amendment of our US Constitution!
>> To the dishonest and greedy Racketeering US Doctors and US Medical Staff
>> and
>> US Drug Manufactures and US Officials.
>> As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
>> Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and
>> to
>> my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to
>> face
>> with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
>> interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
>> busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
>> gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
>> and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the
>> evidence
>> to the loyal among the US Government.
>> We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
>> Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
>> Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
>> secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
>> membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our
>> Duty
>> that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
>> defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
>> serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
>> Foreign and Domestic.
>> We have found that most Politicians and Judges and Lawyers and Police
>> Officers and the Media and the Public, do not even know what an
>> Iatrogenic
>> Illness is! And we have found that some of you have deliberately taken
>> advantage of their ignorance, and you have conspired to use your Freedom
>> to
>> say whatever you want to say, to influence and help them design and set
>> up
>> our Hospitals and our Clinics and our Courts, just so that some of you
>> can
>> try to get away with producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses. Just so that
>> you can make a Wealthy Lifestyle for yourselves, as you continue getting
>> paid for causing the Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses as Slave Masters of
>> Iatrogenic Medical Slavery! And we have found that many of you are
>> influencing or buying out the judgment of the FDA, or Politicians, or
>> other
>> Officials, or of the Media, just to get them to approve and support the
>> use
>> of Drugs, that often cause more harm than good, because they were
>> developed
>> to make you the Slave Masters, and the Slave Owners, of those that you
>> deliberately targeted and bound in your Iatrogenic Medical Slavery!
>> Some of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic Illnesses,
>> are
>> not used for the category of Mental Illnesses, but are not cures of
>> sicknesses, they are classified as Treatments for Chronic Sicknesses. But
>> a
>> majority of the Medications used for producing Chronic Iatrogenic
>> Illnesses,
>> are used for the category of what they call Chronic Mental Illnesses. And
>> we
>> have found that you have even been using the Mass Media, to play upon
>> people's ignorance of Mental Illnesses, to build fear in them, as you
>> build
>> prejudice in them, so that you can motivate them to do your dirty works
>> at
>> your will. And we found some of you have been deliberately brainwashing
>> our
>> society for a long time, to get them to blindly support, and to blindly
>> follow along with your scam of Medical Racketeering. And out of their
>> ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
>> tricked them into giving you the authority to use force, even upon those
>> whom you falsely claim have a Dangerous Mental Illness. And out of their
>> ignorance of Mental Illnesses, and the fears that you gave them, you have
>> built prejudice in them, and often motivate them by your influence over
>> the
>> collective social group, to use intimidation, as a fear factor, upon
>> those
>> who you falsely claim need your Medications, that cause Iatrogenic
>> Illnesses. And some of you are deliberately abusing the authority to use
>> force, as you force upon people ignorant of Mental Illnesses, Medications
>> that cause Iatrogenic Illnesses, just so that you can enslave them in
>> your
>> Iatrogenic Medical Slavery.
>> I have the Detailed Documentation of what they are planning and doing,
>> enough to get thousands of convictions, does anyone want it?
>> ......
>> VA Tech, and the News Media Brainwashing Society with Prejudice against
>> Autistic, Mentally Ill, and the Traumatically Bran Injured, in our
>> Schools.
>> It appeared for a while that the News Media was going to finally honestly
>> deal with Bullies and Piers Prejudice against the way Children with
>> Autism,
>> Mental Illnesses, and Traumatic Brain Injuries, behave, and honestly
>> report
>> that Psychiatric Treatment on these Children causes more harm than good.
>> This is so because the Medical Community sees the behavior of the
>> Autistic
>> and Mentally Ill, and those with Traumatic Brain Injuries, as being
>> unacceptable by Society, and then tries to use Mind Control Drugs,
>> experimentally handing each one different Drugs, trying to find what Drug
>> or
>> Combination of Drugs would suit each individual, to correct their
>> behavior,
>> instead of trying to find a cure for their disorder, or instead of
>> helping
>> them live with their disability. So now after the VA Tech Killings,
>> because
>> of the Public's Paranoid responses that will result brought about by the
>> Medical Community using the Media for Brainwashing the Public, and
>> motivating them with Fear, to try their Neo Nazi Mind Control Drugs, if
>> your
>> Child has Autism, a Mental Disorder, or a Traumatic Brain Injury, to
>> avoid
>> the Abuse from Authorities and Piers, parents should keep their Children
>> home from School, and get them in Private Schools built just for helping
>> them overcome their handicaps.
>> Because of the way Autism, Mental Disorders, and Traumatic Brain Injuries
>> come about, it would be impossible Scientifically, to give these Children
>> or
>> Adults with these Disorders, a Drug, or a Combination of Drugs, to Cure
>> their Disorders. And the Drugs Scientifically cannot give them new
>> abilities, and make it easer for them to overcome their handicaps, and
>> live
>> a more productive life. And because of the Side Effects of the Drugs, in
>> most cases the Drugs will cause them to become more dysfunctional, which
>> is
>> often written off as, changing their behavior to the better, because
>> being
>> more dysfunctional, their new behavior is said to be less Dangerous.
>> But because of the VA Tech killings in a School, the News Media is now
>> brainwashing Society to accept the Prejudice of Piers and Bullies, and
>> send
>> them to Neo Nazi Doctors for treatment, or they say something like VA
>> Tech
>> might happen. But the VA Tech Killings most likely were caused by such
>> Prejudice from Rich Kids and Religious Fanatics, who made so many
>> complaints
>> that they sent the man to Psychiatrists, for useless forced treatment
>> with
>> Dangerous Mind Control Drugs, Abusive Treatment and Drugs that without a
>> doubt, made his condition worse, and contributed to causing the killing
>> spree.
>> The News Media has become paid off by their sponsors to become totally
>> Biased by Neo Nazi Drug Manufactures, and Neo Nazi Doctors!
>> The VA Tech Killer was on antidepressants, that he was forced to take by
>> the
>> Courts, even taking them is bad, but if the dose in their blood
>> fluctuates,
>> and or they stop taking them, the withdrawals form those things, will
>> drive
>> people crazy too. It is not the Disorder that drives them Crazy, it is
>> the
>> fluctuation of the level of the worthless Drugs in their blood that often
>> causes Traumatic and Dramatic Drug Withdrawals that drives them crazy.
>> But
>> did the ABC News Media say anything about that? No, why? Because against
>> the
>> FDA findings, and against the major Medical Journal findings, right after
>> talking about the VA Tech Killer seeing a Psychiatrist by Court order,
>> they
>> made an announcement saying, "in the most comprehensive study yet on
>> antidepressants," they say that the black box warnings don't mean much,
>> because the 27 studies, which were done by the Drug Manufactures, and the
>> Doctors that make money off the Drugs, they say that the good that they
>> do,
>> outweigh the risks. But even the New England Medical Journal, and the US
>> Government, have found that those Medicines have no apparent benefit
>> whatsoever, and have bad Side Effects! The News was paid by the Drug
>> Manufactures to go against the FDA, and the major Medical Journals on
>> Antidepressants and Antipsychotics. And they are also paid by Political
>> Sponsors, to brainwash you, so that these Communist can do away with our
>> Rights on all levels of Government, and take over the Government from
>> within. They now can totally strip you of your rights by falsely accusing
>> you of being delusional, and Hospitalizing you, and being Hospitalize
>> strips
>> you of your Rights. A Doctor Politicized my medical Care, and for
>> Personal
>> and Political Reasons, tried doing that, and did it to me!
>> The News Media is sponsored by these Drug Manufactures broadcasting the
>> you
>> should talk to your Doctors about their advertised Drugs that have no
>> benefit whatsoever, and experimentally take them without running any
>> Scientific Tests, to see what bad Side Effects you will experience from
>> them, and most of the bad Side Effects that you will experience from them
>> are not listed on the Labels, and the bad Effects that they will have on
>> your long term health are not listed there either. If you are giving them
>> to
>> your Child among the millions of children being told to take them by
>> their
>> ignorant Parents, you are running the risk of making your Child the next
>> VA
>> Tech Killer.
>> As I get it written out, I will post accurate Scientific Information on
>> how
>> the Brain develops naturally, and how these Medications cause abnormal
>> Neurons to develop that can only function while taking the Medications,
>> and
>> stopping the Medications causes serious withdrawals from the useless
>> Drugs.
>> Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!
>> Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!
>> As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
>> Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and
>> to
>> my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to
>> face
>> with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
>> interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
>> busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
>> gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
>> and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the
>> evidence
>> to the loyal among the US Government.
>> We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
>> Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
>> Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
>> secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
>> membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our
>> Duty
>> that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
>> defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
>> serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
>> Foreign and Domestic.
>> In Service of God and Country
>> Joseph R Loegering
>> Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!
>> The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
