Loose Change


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Part 2: Student Documentary on 9-11

Loose Change is a documentary made by three SUNY Oneonta Students. Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe and Jason Bermas focusing on what they call a mystery surrounding the September Eleventh Attacks.

Thursday Night, we showed you Loose Change's claim that the World Trade Center collapse was due to a controlled demolition, and supported that theory with visual evidence and witness testimony from the film.

But now, we focus on the Pentagon attack. The documentary questions how a 155 feet long Boeing 757 aircraft with a 124 ft wingspan can crash into a building leaving only a 16 foot hole and at the same time, vaporize on impact? The film states the official explanation is the intense heat from the jet fuel vaporized the entire plane. However, Dylan Avery, the writer and director of Loose Change says,



New member
Wow, sell offs for AA, politician flying chartered, people no going to the WTC... Some people need to open there minds... Ignorance is different than being patriotic.

Thats an interesting article, thanks builder...



New member
Hamza, tell me you don't honestly believe that someone, America whoever made the whole thing up and there never were any planes and that Osama wasn't involved?

Tell me your not that lost.



New member
Hamza, tell me you don't honestly believe that someone, America whoever made the whole thing up and there never were any planes and that Osama wasn't involved?Tell me your not that lost.
Thousands of people have died, and for what? One administrations idea of squation terrorism? In my mind, those people who murder thousdands are the real terrorists...

Hmm, July 2006, Osama Bin Laden checked in a Dubai hospital surrounded by FBI agents... Tell me why they didn't shoot his ***?

Ill tell you something, who ever Osama is or whatever he is, he's a **** head...

Leslie, watch the video please. And tell me what you think.

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