Lords of the Ranch Dressing


New member
Christ this beoctch needs a trip to the idiot box. Granted she will probably never know what that means because she has a one trac-mind

and what is that you ask?

"im the most important person on this entire planet.......bow to me"

and i wish nothing more than to see the words "i am an idiot" under her name...because she truely is.............

here is my evidence...

[inserted by CES]

http://Off Topic Forum.com/showthread.php?t=63186&page=1&pp=10

[i think this one is broken Vortex?, CES]

http://Off Topic Forum.com/search.php?searchid=25318

enjoy reading....because i sure havent!

ON that note here is my poll.....and it needs some major pictures............mods feel free to move this in the public area....

to be fair...i added myself.....

vote now.... :) i have a bake sale comming soon :D



New member
The only problem I have with the poll, is I said premiums could box other members for UP TO a week. A month is too harsh for anybody (cept sixes).



Vortex, I don't want you boxed, but I don't want Lords boxed either. He/She is a *****, not an idiot. There is a difference! From all of her rantings, it seems that all she wants is for the world to submit to her... Sounds kinda kinky n'est pas?


New member
The only problem I have with the poll, is I said premiums could box other members for UP TO a week. A month is too harsh for anybody (cept sixes)..


oh yea i forgot about that....feel free to drop that option and move the votes to the next appropriate place




New member
Hey ya'll!

Before I cast my vote, I'd like you to define stupid topic.

Not that I don't already know, because I've read most of sixes bullshit, but I'd like to know what you think. This is just for future reference.



New member
Hey ya'll!
Before I cast my vote, I'd like you to define stupid topic.

Not that I don't already know, because I've read most of sixes bullshit, but I'd like to know what you think. This is just for future reference.

there are no stupid topics...only stupid people :)

In this case anything that isnt high and mighty or worthy of a queen on a throne and the rest of the world are their subjects :p



New member
and now there are 2 because she couldnt get rid of a baby picture out of her posts.........

does the lessons of sixes not linger?



New member
well since crispy gone its been nice to have a rival....so she isnt all bad

she may infuriate me enough that i gave her bad rep (one of the few) but at least it gets my blood moving again...


but the crybaby picture was funny...who did that?



New member
and now there are 2 because she couldnt get rid of a baby picture out of her posts.........
does the lessons of sixes not linger?

NO, when I previewed my posts, I got a baby picture with a message that I NEVER put on my posts. So, I am NOT going to let someone put a picture on MY POSTS. I am still Lords, I am for now posting as Lords1, because of this person that did this.

In other words, I COULDN'T get the baby picture off the posts, so I registered under Lords1.
(******* Near KILLED me. What a WONDERFUL response! Too fricken Funny!)

Big Fat *** Brass Band Playing to the one who posted the Baby Pic and created this effect!



Come And Get It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New member
Ahhhhhhhhh shoulda woulda coulda known t'was you!

(actually, it was an assumed)

Good job! Wasn't that simply wonderful? "Oh Heavens! Well LOOK what someone went and did to me! Well I won't stand for it! Will I stand for it? Well NO SIRREE BOB! Well I 'll just tell YOU What I'll do and What I did! Why, I'll Just Show THEM now Won't I?????????".......


That was pretty.

That was sooooo pretty.



New member

could i get a mod to change my poll then...

to 3 options....

48 hours.....none...and me in the box....

i was a tad overzealous wheni started this...but i want to make it fair.

so someone change it!



New member
What Picture?
View attachment 610

I don't see any picture!

Do any of you Premium Members see a picture?

That's truly terrible and for the life of me, I cannot figure it out. I hope that imaginary "picture" of Lords doesn't come back!!!

She'll get mad again and make Lords465 before the day is through! I'll bebanning accounts all night for crying out louds sake!

lol I saw lords2 appear yesterday...



New member

Who ****** with my vote????????????????????????????

I voted for one week in the box for LORDS (Lords 1, Lords 2 etc).

I don't mind mods ******** about, but don't mess with my vote.

Pretty Please.

I still would vote for one week, but since the options have changed, my vote is for 48 hours.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member

The poll got seriously screwed up, and the changes were too radical to adjust. You'll have to make a new one in the Polling Booth. Sorry!


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