Lord's Resistance Army commander handed to global court


World News

BANGUI/KAMPALA (Reuters) - A senior commander of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has been handed over to International Criminal Court representatives in Central African Republic and will be transferred to the Hague-based tribunal in days, officials said on Saturday. Dominic Ongwen -- a one-time child soldier who rose through the ranks of the Ugandan rebel group -- was among five senior LRA commanders indicted by the global court for war crimes and crimes against humanity in 2005. The LRA has a reputation for massacres and mutilation of civilians, and has been accused of abducting children to serve as fighters and sex slaves during nearly three decades of violence. Ongwen defected from the LRA in late December and handed himself over to the Seleka rebels that control swathes of north and eastern Central African Republic.

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