Lost in a Flood of Debt



November 24, 2007
Op-Ed Columnist
Lost in a Flood of Debt

I've been visiting some of the people who have been most affected by the
subprime mortgage debacle. It's a largely bewildered, frightened group that
includes people like Dorothy Levey, a 79-year-old widow who sits alone
inside the small house she has lived in for 41 years, afraid to answer the
telephone or the door.

She has every reason to be worried. The monthly note on her house in the
city of Markham, just outside Chicago, is approximately 100 percent of her
meager monthly income. Broke and behind in her payments, Ms. Levey expects a
foreclosure notice to show up any day, followed by a visit from "the
sheriff, or whoever they send to tell you to get out of your own home."

While the media coverage has focused on the high rollers who created the
subprime frenzy ("If you can breathe, we'll give you a loan"), the hapless
victims have remained in the shadows, condemned to economic ruin.

After faithfully making mortgage payments for decades, Ms. Levey and her
husband, Dan, were persuaded to take out a new loan, ostensibly for debt
consolidation, in 2002. It was like plunging into quicksand. Dan was
seriously ill at the time and he died two years later.

To this day Ms. Levey does not understand what she and her husband of more
than half a century had agreed to. The terms might as well have been written
in Sanskrit.

But she kept trying to meet her obligation. She exhausted her savings. She
lost her car. She stopped buying clothes and cut back on food. But there was
no way to keep up with the payments.

"I had to go to the state and tell them I was hungry," she said.

I heard the same story again and again - decent people enticed, sometimes
fraudulently, into loans they never understood and couldn't afford.

For years redlining and other discriminatory practices served as roadblocks
to homeownership in neighborhoods with significant numbers of poor and
working-class residents, many of them black and brown. Making affordable
loans available to such residents was important.

But we have since moved to the opposite extreme. Over the past several years
mortgage lenders recognized that there were big bucks to be made in those
neighborhoods, and they pounced.

They weren't satisfied to offer reasonable loans at reasonable rates to
customers who could handle them. They went far beyond that. They took
advantage of a poorly regulated landscape to exploit unsophisticated home
buyers and homeowners with mortgages and refinancing schemes that were all
but guaranteed to result in a tragic explosion of foreclosures.

Thousands of poor people like Dorothy Levey, who worked for years to build
modest amounts of equity in their homes, have been hammered - wiped out. The
most unscrupulous of the mortgage lenders, and there were many of them,
swooped in and sweet-talked their targets into signing contracts designed to
squeeze them for everything they had in the world.

The fact that this is often legal doesn't make it right. As insane as it
sounds, Ms. Levey is still getting offers to refinance her mortgage.

There is some truth to the assertion that a lot of buyers signed up for
deals they should have known they couldn't afford. But it won't do for the
fat cats to fall back on empty phrases like "buyer beware."

The subprime mortgage frenzy was a shameful, highly-charged phenomenon,
motivated by greed and played out on a field of rampant exploitation. The
victims deserved more protection than they got. As Paul Leonard, director of
the California office of the Center for Responsible Lending, told me this
week: "You shouldn't have a marketplace that's a 'buyer beware' marketplace
for the most important financial transaction of most people's lives."

It's not too much to ask that when Americans of modest means put their
economic futures on the line, we have regulations in place to see that they
are not ripped off.

If you think this is a small matter, consider that the center reported a
year ago that subprime loans represented roughly a quarter of all home loans
in the U.S., and that an estimated 2.2 million households in the subprime
market would ultimately face foreclosure.

We ignored the subprime frenzy and its predictable consequences until it was
too late. Now we are ignoring the plight of families caught in the tidal
wave of foreclosures, and the long-term consequences that will flow from

There is a desperate need for government and corporate leaders to step in
with a broad plan to modify existing loans and stave off foreclosure
wherever possible. It is both the humane and the economically responsible
thing to do.

Don't hold your breath.
Sid9 wrote:
> November 24, 2007
> Op-Ed Columnist
> Lost in a Flood of Debt
> I've been visiting some of the people who have been most affected by the
> subprime mortgage debacle. It's a largely bewildered, frightened group that
> includes people like Dorothy Levey, a 79-year-old widow who sits alone
> inside the small house she has lived in for 41 years, afraid to answer the
> telephone or the door.
> She has every reason to be worried. The monthly note on her house in the
> city of Markham, just outside Chicago, is approximately 100 percent of her
> meager monthly income. Broke and behind in her payments, Ms. Levey expects a
> foreclosure notice to show up any day, followed by a visit from "the
> sheriff, or whoever they send to tell you to get out of your own home."
> While the media coverage has focused on the high rollers who created the
> subprime frenzy ("If you can breathe, we'll give you a loan"), the hapless
> victims have remained in the shadows, condemned to economic ruin.
> After faithfully making mortgage payments for decades, Ms. Levey and her
> husband, Dan, were persuaded to take out a new loan, ostensibly for debt
> consolidation, in 2002. It was like plunging into quicksand. Dan was
> seriously ill at the time and he died two years later.
> To this day Ms. Levey does not understand what she and her husband of more
> than half a century had agreed to. The terms might as well have been written
> in Sanskrit.
> But she kept trying to meet her obligation. She exhausted her savings. She
> lost her car. She stopped buying clothes and cut back on food. But there was
> no way to keep up with the payments.
> "I had to go to the state and tell them I was hungry," she said.
> I heard the same story again and again - decent people enticed, sometimes
> fraudulently, into loans they never understood and couldn't afford.
> For years redlining and other discriminatory practices served as roadblocks
> to homeownership in neighborhoods with significant numbers of poor and
> working-class residents, many of them black and brown. Making affordable
> loans available to such residents was important.
> But we have since moved to the opposite extreme. Over the past several years
> mortgage lenders recognized that there were big bucks to be made in those
> neighborhoods, and they pounced.
> They weren't satisfied to offer reasonable loans at reasonable rates to
> customers who could handle them. They went far beyond that. They took
> advantage of a poorly regulated landscape to exploit unsophisticated home
> buyers and homeowners with mortgages and refinancing schemes that were all
> but guaranteed to result in a tragic explosion of foreclosures.
> Thousands of poor people like Dorothy Levey, who worked for years to build
> modest amounts of equity in their homes, have been hammered - wiped out. The
> most unscrupulous of the mortgage lenders, and there were many of them,
> swooped in and sweet-talked their targets into signing contracts designed to
> squeeze them for everything they had in the world.
> The fact that this is often legal doesn't make it right. As insane as it
> sounds, Ms. Levey is still getting offers to refinance her mortgage.
> There is some truth to the assertion that a lot of buyers signed up for
> deals they should have known they couldn't afford. But it won't do for the
> fat cats to fall back on empty phrases like "buyer beware."
> The subprime mortgage frenzy was a shameful, highly-charged phenomenon,
> motivated by greed and played out on a field of rampant exploitation. The
> victims deserved more protection than they got. As Paul Leonard, director of
> the California office of the Center for Responsible Lending, told me this
> week: "You shouldn't have a marketplace that's a 'buyer beware' marketplace
> for the most important financial transaction of most people's lives."
> It's not too much to ask that when Americans of modest means put their
> economic futures on the line, we have regulations in place to see that they
> are not ripped off.
> If you think this is a small matter, consider that the center reported a
> year ago that subprime loans represented roughly a quarter of all home loans
> in the U.S., and that an estimated 2.2 million households in the subprime
> market would ultimately face foreclosure.
> We ignored the subprime frenzy and its predictable consequences until it was
> too late. Now we are ignoring the plight of families caught in the tidal
> wave of foreclosures, and the long-term consequences that will flow from
> that.
> There is a desperate need for government and corporate leaders to step in
> with a broad plan to modify existing loans and stave off foreclosure
> wherever possible. It is both the humane and the economically responsible
> thing to do.
> Don't hold your breath.

For stories like that, yes people should get advice before taking a
loan. Still for the companies it is better to settle with the owners
because they will get less for the house that what they are owed. She
might have benefited from a different kind of financial arrangement for
her condition. Many institutions have to re-negotiate these deals
because they stand to loose.

Not so much this case which would be a problem in any market but too
many people paid too much for homes. It is not big corporate America
that is to blame but the average citizen taking as much as they could
for their homes. People bought homes they couldn't afford. If it costs
too much to live there move some place else. Lenders gave loanes to
people they couldn't pay. Yes market forces are tough when it comes
where you live. The best way to bring house prices down is refuse to
pay the exorbitant rates home owners were charging for their homes.

These old people who lived through the depression should know better
than to trust lenders especially with their house. I hope we don't see
a similar situation as the 30s because we will go from the USA to USSA
and there will be few personal or property rights left.
Get rid of the IRS or we are ALL ****ed

> These old people who lived through the depression should know better
> than to trust lenders especially with their house. I hope we don't see
> a similar situation as the 30s because we will go from the USA to USSA
> and there will be few personal or property rights left.
"Sid9" <sid9@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> But we have since moved to the opposite extreme. Over the past several
> years mortgage lenders recognized that there were big bucks to be made in
> those neighborhoods, and they pounced.
> They weren't satisfied to offer reasonable loans at reasonable rates to
> customers who could handle them. They went far beyond that. They took
> advantage of a poorly regulated landscape to exploit unsophisticated home
> buyers and homeowners with mortgages and refinancing schemes that were all
> but guaranteed to result in a tragic explosion of foreclosures.
> Thousands of poor people like Dorothy Levey, who worked for years to build
> modest amounts of equity in their homes, have been hammered - wiped out.
> The most unscrupulous of the mortgage lenders, and there were many of
> them, swooped in and sweet-talked their targets into signing contracts
> designed to squeeze them for everything they had in the world.
> The fact that this is often legal doesn't make it right. As insane as it
> sounds, Ms. Levey is still getting offers to refinance her mortgage.

this is and has always been the conservative way, take everything you can
get, there are no rules,
there is no honor, every man for himself, only the strong should survive,
but don't risk anything in the process, let others take the risk,

the ****up in iraq is no different, take advantage of those idiot goobers,
if they die
**** them as long as we made money
"JoeC" <ncoic@us.army.mil> wrote in message
> Lt Gen Al E. Gator wrote:
> I didn't know that Al Qaeda had rank.

The Gator is very rank. Plonk file advised.
wow, that is so earth shattering witty, did you come up with that all
by your little self with that tiny little retarded brain ?

give your self a pat on the back goober

some day you'll be smart enough to go to school if you keep working this

"JoeC" <ncoic@us.army.mil> wrote in message
> Lt Gen Al E. Gator wrote:
> I didn't know that Al Qaeda had rank.
"Billzz" <billzzstring@starband.net> wrote in message
> "JoeC" <ncoic@us.army.mil> wrote in message
> news:474cc698$0$2335$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
>> Lt Gen Al E. Gator wrote:
>> I didn't know that Al Qaeda had rank.

> The Gator is very rank. Plonk file advised.

translation :

the Gator is much smarter, sharper, quick thinking, intelligent and much
better looking than us 400 lb
retarded, cross eyed, bow legged faggot coward hillbillies, so
let's cut and run before our wives and girlfriends see this and ask for his
phone number
On Nov 28, 1:10�am, "Lt Gen Al E. Gator"
<A...@CrocsBiteaBillyToday.com> wrote:
> "Billzz" <billzzstr...@starband.net> wrote in message
> news:7b16b$474cec08$9440b19b$9632@STARBAND.NET...
> > "JoeC" <nc...@us.army.mil> wrote in message
> >news:474cc698$0$2335$4c368faf@roadrunner.com...
> >> Lt Gen Al E. Gator wrote:

> >> I didn't know that Al Qaeda had rank.

> > The Gator is very rank. �Plonk file advised.

> translation :
> the Gator is much smarter, sharper, quick thinking, intelligent and much
> better looking than us 400 lb
> retarded, cross eyed, bow legged faggot coward hillbillies, so
> let's cut and run before our wives and girlfriends see this and ask for his
> phone number

Stoopid is as stoopid does. That describes the gaytor. Gaytor
doesn't put on his pants one leg at a time because gaytors don't wear
pants, they just make great pocketbooks and shoes. Santa is looking
for you as we speak. He has a customer that wants gaytor goods.