Lost Jobs, Lost Fanatacism...


New member
Obama Can?t Even Create or Save an OBAMA STORE

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That?s right; Obama can?t even ?create or save? the creepy shrine-like store specializing in merchandise with his likeness. It?s a sure sign that the honeymoon is totally over when even the sheep-like and the ?hipsters? (redundant?) are far too ashamed to continue wearing Obama head t-shirts ? although, I thought they always should have been embarrassed by that. And by being hipsters.

I really don?t have much to say about this, except for:


Weasel Zippers:
http://www.weaselzippers.net/blog/2...tore-in-washingtons-union-station-closes.htmlObama Store in Washington?s Union Station Closes
This time last year, the Obama Store was teeming with customers. Ideally situated in the basement of Washington?s Union Station, the store was filled with consumers eager to buy anything with Obama?s likeness while others took pictures of the life-size cut-outs of the president and first lady. Now, the Obama Store is boarded up.
How quickly things change in a year.

Let me be clear, make no mistake:


iOwnTheWorld.com Blog Archive Obama Can?t Even Create or Save an OBAMA STORE




New member
I have to say I am very disappointed this hasn't been addressed sooner. After all, how long can the country be on unemployment? What is it costing the country for those payouts? We should follow Irelands example - they are thriving, and many businesses have moved there for the benefits.


Active Members
The Government is the cause of most lost jobs in America. Either directly from opressive regulation or indirectly through very supportive laws for Unions, most of the really great jobs we have lost was because the Government got involved and forced companies to run away to other, more friendly Countries.

Even small business has a very difficult time jumping through all the thousands of hoops that are required to stay in business. It is not just good enough to have a great product/service you can get other people to pay for, you have to also be smart enough to jump through the hoops and if your not, you have to hire other people to jump through the hoops for you..........but that takes away from profit and in many cases, it is a slow death for the business.

So here we have a President who does not care about jobs and wants to tax the job givers even more...........

Poor people do not employ anyone, only people with money (or the potential of money) make jobs. Obama says he wants to give tax credits for companies who hire people but all that will do is have companies hire people long enough to get the credit then fire the employee again. The solution is for Government to get out of the way.

For Obama to get out of the way.

Abd I agree with Joe, it is funny as **** to see those stores close.



New member
This just in...

It has been revealed that the closing of the Obama Store was inherited by the Bush Store closing.

Back to the news...



Active Members
That is one thing even many Democrats have been starting to complain about.

Obama has to stop trying to shift the blame for everything to Bush, sure some things were going bad at the end of his term in office but Obama knew things were going bad and ran for the possition anyway.

If he did not have good advisors on the real shape of things that is Obama's fault.

But once he was elected and had full access to all information he no longer had any excuses and he still made promises to fix things like his promise that if we passed his stimulus bill fast (without reading it) then he would keep unemployment below 8%.

Bush did not make that promise or vote for that useless piece of legislation that was 100% pet projects for liberals.......oh, and was a complete waste of money and failed miserably to stop the decline of unemployment.

A year has been wasted on trying to take over healthcare including months and months with special interests behind closed doors cutting sweetheart deals to buy democrat votes when they could have been working hard to fix our jobs issues. That wasted time is also not the fault of Bush. Obama decided jobs was not important and only healthcare takeover was important.

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