Lost to me...a poem.. tell me what you think


New member
Please tell me what you think. this a poem i wrote about my mom on the 3 year aniversary of her death.


Lost to me


At first she looked as if nothing was wrong.

But she went downhill before too long.

Her face had sunkin in until all you saw were bones.

She grew so very pale and thin.

I was still denial and thought she could fight and win.


Then a part of our heart died that cold February night.

I still remember her being so scared holding my hand so tight.

Then the angels came down to this earth to come claim her soul.

She laid there so lifeless and cold.

Her face toook on a diffrent appearance that made her look 100 years old.


As the funeral service went on all I could was stare.

All I thought about was how it wasent fare.

I still didn't believe you were gone.

you said that yoou would never leave me.

Now I cant seem to find you and let you be.


Then the one person on this earth that I could trust yet again broke my heart.

I knew it would all end like this from the start.

He lied and treated me so horrible.

So I had to kick him out of my life too.

Then I felt so alone and I really needed you.


Then my own father betrayed your memory.

He didn't care about your son or me.

he brought that lady into our home.

They made a mockery of what once had been your place of rest.

They had put my own patience to the test.


Every where i went I still looked for you.

Then I thought I disappointed you and I couldnt get you back no matter what I would do.

Now I think you forgot about me.

How could you let all these horrible things happen to people you use to love?

Why didn't you send some help from above?


It got better for a little while.

I didn't feel as if my life was on trial.

As always life took a horrible turn for the worse.

then again it happened, I dont know If I love this boy anymore.

and again I look for you for guidance and you seem to shut the door.


I'm on my knees in a pool of my own tears trying to plead.

Please help me in my days of need.

I will give up everything if only I can see you one more time.

If I can only hear your voice.

If only you could give me advice so I can make a choice.


Now I need your forgivness and trust.

I need to know this life won't be a complete bust.

I want you to rest in peace but I can't help feeling the way I do.

I try not to think of you and let you be.

But I can't help looking for you even though you seem lost to me.


Terry O



New member
well i see people glanced at this. but never wrote any opnion. i would take good and bad criticizim. if i spelled that right.


New member
WHOA...this is...simply said: AMAZING! i absoloutely love it.. you're talented! i don't have any bad criticism about it...i'm actually kinda speechless. don't you guys agree? seriously


New member
im blind, i never saw this thread...!

that is sodding amazing!!!

can i print it out...?

wow, u are amazing!!!!

and as brokenangel said...any more????





New member
Wow full of anger ,feelings emotions you just poured you heart into this one

good job

*~* Clapps *~*

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