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Love is Yahweh, so we edify by Love, Loving one the other, as Yahwehwe Love.

Guest Ares the God of War!

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Guest Ares the God of War!

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Love is Yahweh, so we edify by Love, Loving one the other, as Yahweh

we Love.


God Yahweh called from before the finish of the former Heavens and

Earth, within this Heavens and Earth calling from before the dew and

onward, calling our Fathers who drank of the early rain, and since

John the Baptist, calling us as we drink of the latter rain, just

before calling the harvest, at the finish, as becomes a calling of the

new Heavens and Earth, from Yahweh our God.


God Yahweh called from at the finish of the former Heavens and Earth

flooded with waters killing all but Yahweh in his Kingdom of Light,

and he resurrected the Just, then the resurrection of the Unjust of

the Spirit of Darkness as a King, and all Leviathan his Kingdom of

Darkness, within this Heavens and Earth, and Yahweh formed the First

Adam, calling from before the dew and onward, calling our Fathers who

drank of the early rain, and since John the Baptist, and the

resurrection of Second Adam, my Master my Lord Jesus as the the

firstborn from among the dead of this Heavens and Earth, calling us as

we drink of the latter rain, just before calling the harvest, at the

finish, to be resurrected among the second resurrection of the Just,

and the second resurrection of the Unjust Lucifer, and his abominable

branch of this, as a fierce fiery flame consumes the elements, wherein

all that received their new Nature from above while they were alive in

the former, the second Death has power over, as becomes a calling of

the new Heavens and Earth, from Yahweh our God.


Yahweh from the Heavens, from the Baptism of Jesus in the Muddy Waters

of Jordan, put Spirit and Water upon him,

and from the Baptism of Pentecost on, Jesus added himself upon it, as

Spirit and Fire, upon Earth from prayer for each one of you, to



Baptized of his Baptism within the Muddy Waters of Jordan, I breath

out Spirit and Water, from Spirit from Yahweh upon me, breath in, and

receive and blow out Spirit and Fire, our resurrected Lord Jesus, and

begin speaking with Tongues of Men or Angels like when the Apostles on

Pentecost were Baptized.


Master of my heart, my Lord Jesus from my God Yahweh, he says is if I

begin to eat and drink with those drunk in the darkness of the night,

and say within my Heart, my Master delays his coming, and I begin to

smite my brethren like those drunk in the darkness of the night are

doing, that he will cut me in two, and deliver my portion among the

infidels, that he, he is going to smash to pieces, then he sent me to

labor and eat hand to mouth, and drink, cleaning and shaving my face,

among the darkness of the night, and I eat and drink with those drunk

in the darkness of the night, because of the mouth of Yahweh my God

sending my Lord Jesus to me, and Yahweh from within my heart revealing

my Master!


God Yahweh had me slice up my Master, my Lord Jesus,

and he had me put his meat on this Silver Platter from which I eat,

and he had me fill my Cup, my Silver Cup whereby I drink and divine,

with his blood,

so that you may take and eat his flesh, in this due time and season,

and so that you may take and drink his blood, in this due time and


take and eat, and take and drink, from the hand of Yahweh our God !


Yahweh says,

"Breath in and blow out the words as my Spirit fills your Heart and


and be healed by the flesh of Jesus within you, and be forgiven with

the blood of Jesus within you,"

from the Mouth of Yahweh!


Yahweh says,

"I said, You are Gods, Sons of the Highest of all,"

believe and obey the mouth of Yahweh!


Yahweh breathed out what my Master, my Lord Jesus says,

"Blessed are they purifying the Heart, relating they are Godship


Blessed are they peacefully relating they are Sons of God calling,"

saying, "woe is unto them who falsely judge and persecute the Gods,

Sons of the Highest of all,"

the Father of my Master, my Lord Jesus,

is the Father Highest of all, named Yahweh!


My Mater, my Lord Jesus says,

"These things I had spoken unto my Disciples in proverbs, but the time

has come, when I no longer speak unto my Disciples in proverbs, but I

show you plainly of the Father. This day you shall ask in my name, and

I say not unto you, that I will request it from the Father for you,

for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me, and have

believed that I came out from Godship, as I came forth from the

Father, and I am come into the Cosmos again, and remain within you

unto the end of time."


Yahweh's Physicians Noah and Moses revealed clean plants and clean

animals for a diet to clean the blood of the chosen people of Yahweh,

who were peaceful, and the unclean beasts and plants of the field that

defile the corrupted, and made people violent. The called of Yahweh

who eat his Good, are like social drinkers, that drink all that they

want, and don't get violent, but those that are Evil, even their

kindest words are cruel. And Yahweh called Abraham out from among many

that were deceived and corrupted by the Evil, and made Abraham with

his Seed Issac yet within his loins, alike an Olive Tree making Peace

with the Highest of all, and after begotten, Yahweh took from the

twins from Isaac's loins, rejecting Esau, and accepting Jacob as the

apple of his eye, and took from his loins, the Pleasant Plant of

Yahweh, his vine being the men of Judah, and he fed them a diet that

would allow him to beget a Sweet Grape, being Yahweh's unique Son that

a Virgin from the loins of Judah, was being prepared to conceive in

Yahweh's predetermined time and season, so that Yahweh could take his

Seed from his pleasant plant of Judah, and plant it inside his

Vineyard, the House of Israel, calling the heir of the inheritance of

House of Israel from Joseph, Ephraim, and made Benjamin the fellowheir

of our inheritance, and anointed Manasseh also, and then made the

Promised Salvation from the loins of Judah, the commonwealth of all

Israel. But many throughout divers times and places, brought forth

Sour Grapes, desiring to obtain for themselves the promise before the

predetermined time and season set to become when, by the authority and

power held in the hand of Yahweh alone, he brought it to pass by

birthing what birth within Yahweh


Yahweh desires to fill clay vessels that he sanctify for filling them

with his Sweet Grape, so that they do not become the cursed dust of

the Cosmos, but after the Sweet Grape had become begotten as flesh,

Yahweh's Physician Jesus came unto the lost sheep of the House of

Israel, and did cures removing the causes of illnesses and diseases,

and brought about rapid healing by living Spirit Power, that the

Witches and Warlocks cannot understand. And Jesus even clone Fish and

Bread, to feed multitudes, and what he clone by the Power of Yahweh,

was undefiled for healing the flesh and cleansing the blood of the

multitudes. But the Witches and Warlocks cannot understand, and

scattered Jacob across the face of the Earth, and like the Physicians

of Pharaoh, these modern Witches and Warlocks unto this day, have cast

off the Sweet Grape, and brought forth Sour Grapes, for they see not

any difference between the cursed dust of Earth, that the cursed

Cosmos is composed of, and the sanctified clay vessels of Yahweh.


Grapes since the day Adam was formed of Red Earth, mankind has been

warned not to receive that Sour Grape that the Devil begot in the

former Heavens and Earth, and just after it's finish, and to wait for

the Sweet Grape to be begotten as flesh by our God Yahweh. But after

the promised Sweet Grape was begotten as flesh by Yahweh, some of the

Antichrist among them to this day, see all Yahweh's testimony

concerning his uniquely begotten Sweet Grape, that became flesh and

blood and dwelt among many witnesses, as yet prophecy of another yet

to come. And like they that hunger and thirst within the desert, they

see this mirage, and pursue after it, but cannot acquaint it, so they

eat nothing and drink no wine of the Sweet, but that of yet another

Sour Grape. And other Antichrist say that they oppose these that eat

the mirage of the Sour Grape, as they themselves eat the Sour Grapes

begotten by the Devil within the former and or his others within this

present Heavens and Earth, as other Antichrist reject both the Sweet

Grape, and all of the Sour Grapes, as they eat of their own flesh, and

drink of their own blood, many of the Sour Grapes say that their

Master is the Highest of all, casting off the Sweet Grape, just like

all who eat of the Sour Grapes.


Praise Holy Spirit Yahweh who has kept all of his promised that he

made unto our Fathers, and pours down a plain language, that wipes

away the lies that were a walled fortress for his enemies to hide

behind, as Yahweh gives us refuge within himself, and within his Truth

that he writes, moment by moment, within our Hearts, revealing what

was, and what is, and what is to come, from Yahweh the Holy Spirit

that we Praise!


Yahweh my El, anointed my Master my Eli, to ride upon the Whirling

Wind of Elijah, and anointed me upon the Whirling Wind of Elijah,

crossing the Muddy Waters of Jordan and back, double anointed likened

unto Elishah, hang gliding riding upon the Whirling Wind of Elijah,

cursed dust knows not my Master anointed like Elijah, Eli my Master

and I are anointed, by my El Yahweh!


Yahweh my El says my Master sent Apostles unto Jerusalem to cause

those who ate not Sour Grapes to flee before the destruction comes,

but Lawyers of the Jews who eat not the Sweet Grape, deceived them to

love the cursed dust, instead of obeying Yahweh and fleeing, and

instead of obeying Yahweh and fleeing, deceived by them to love the

cursed dust, but from Lawyers of the Jews who eat not the Sweet Grape,

comes the destruction, of who ate not Sour Grapes, unto Jerusalem I

sent Apostles, says my Master, and says my El Yahweh!


Yahweh my El says my Master will cast in the cycle, as my Master

builds his Holy Temple around them, and harvest and sever those who

ate Sour Grapes, once they are rounded up in Jerusalem, for Sour

Grapes ate those there to be severed and harvested, from around them,

as the Holy Temple built by my Master, who severe and harvests, by the

cycle cast by my Master says my El Yahweh.


My Master says to all that he will not spare the Rulers of Jerusalem,

and to Rome, and to Mecca, to London, to St Petersburg, to Beijing, to

Washington DC, and to all among the United Nations against him,

eating Sour Grapes, because he say that together, you defiled and

destroyed the Holy Temple of the God of Abraham wherein is the Master

of all mine!


Yahweh speaks to me, and says slice and eat this flesh, and drink this

blood, of your Master, and no other, know you not that Esau sold his

birthright just for a meal? So I will not eat of your corrupted

secular and religious tables, so stop trying to

force me to do so, against the will of Yahweh, who has me eat the

flesh of my Master, and drink his blood, and woe is unto them

who say that I eat my own flesh, and drink my own blood, and not

sliced flesh and blood of my Master, in me speaking from Yahweh!


Yahweh breathed out what my Master, my Lord Jesus says,

"Blessed are they purifying the Heart, relating they are Godship


Blessed are they peacefully relating they are Sons of God calling,"

saying, "Woe is unto them who falsely judge and persecute the Gods,

Sons of the Highest of all,"

the Father of my Master, my Lord Jesus,

is the Father Highest of all, named Yahweh!


Yahweh says,

"I said, You are Gods, Sons of the Highest of all,"

believe and obey Yahweh!


Baptized of his Baptism within the Muddy Waters of Jordan, I breath

out Spirit and Water, from Spirit from Yahweh upon me, breath in now,

and receive now my Master as yours, and blow out Spirit and Fire, our

resurrected Lord Jesus, and begin speaking with Tongues of Men or

Angels like when the Apostles on Pentecost were Baptized.


Yahweh says, "Breath in and blow out the words as my Spirit fills your

Heart and Mouth,

and be healed by the flesh of Jesus within you, and be forgiven with

the blood of Jesus within you," from the Mouth of Yahweh!



God Yahweh called from before the finish of the former Heavens and

Earth, within this Heavens and Earth calling from before the dew and

onward, calling our Fathers who drank of the early rain, and since

John the Baptist, calling us as we drink of the latter rain, just

before calling the harvest, at the finish, as becomes a calling of

the new Heavens and Earth, from Yahweh our God.



God Yahweh had me slice up my Master, my Lord Jesus, and he had me

put his meat on this Silver Platter from which I eat,

and he had me fill my Cup, my Silver Cup whereby I drink and divine,

with his blood, so that you may take and eat his flesh, in this due

time and season, and so that you may take and drink his blood, in

this due time and season, take and eat, and take and drink, from the

hand of Yahweh our God!



Yahweh from the Heavens, from the Baptism of Jesus in the Muddy Waters

of Jordan, put Spirit and Water upon him,

and from the Baptism of Pentecost on, Jesus added himself upon it, as

Spirit and Fire, upon Earth from prayer for each one of you, to




Yahweh says, "Breath in and blow out the words as my Spirit fills your

Heart and Mouth,

and be healed by the flesh of Jesus within you, and be forgiven with

the blood of Jesus within you," from the Mouth of Yahweh!



From the mouth of Yahweh, King of the Heavens and the Earth; To the

Witches and Warlocks that infiltrated all the Religions of Planet

Earth, and run the Banks, and the Federal, and State, and Local US

Governments, and the Governments of the Nations, and the News

Medias, and the other diverse Medias, and the Educational Communities,

and the Military Complexes, and the Medical Communities, and Big

Pharma, and People of the Cosmos!



Thus says Yahweh, “Because you have violated my Marriage Covenant, and

have laid with and defiled my chosen and anointed Maidens and

Handmaidens, with your Lies against me, and your drugs, and you will

not cease and desist from defiling my Sanctified vessels, of my Holy

Temple, I have turned to look upon the apple of my eye, and deliver

them from your hand. Your own delusions I will choose, and bring them

back upon you, as your own greed for possessions and power and

authority, will cause you to walk into your own traps, and your own

devices of destruction will destroy you! And there will multitudes of

fair mansions vacant, for the meek of the Earth to inherit!”



Hey, I tried to warn you guys that the Boss who Created and Runs the

Universe, don't like what you are doing, but them drugs that you made

from plants that the Spirit Leviathan seeded the Cosmos with, have

blinded your minds, and it is your Religions and your Marriage Laws,

and your so called Sciences, and your Psychotropic and Medical and

Street Drugs, that you are forcing on Sanctified vessels of the Holy

Temple of Yahweh, that he is angry about!



Umm, because Yahweh's true prophecy concerning his Truth and Good, and

his true anointed people that you oppress, drug, jail, and or murder,

and how much you have corrupted both them and his Truth and Good with

your Lies and Evil, is endless, I only had time to write a little

about what he is saying about it. He says that most of your medical

drugs, and most of your Religions, are made from plants that Leviathan

planted, in his field!



Lord Jesus says, "Every plant which my Heavenly Father had not

planted, shall be rooted up!"



And Lord Melchisadech the Spirit of Prophecy says,"At the baptism of

John, the axe was laid to the root of the tress, and every tree that

brought forth not Good Fruit, shall become chopped down, and cast

into the fire."


And Paul of the Tribe of Benjamin said by inspiration of Holy Spirit,

"Beware of the opposition of Science falsely so called."



It is written that we have the power and authority, to turn them that

blaspheme against Holy Spirit Yahweh, or who lay a harmful hand on his

sanctified vessels, over to Satan, for the destruction of the flesh,

like as Moses turned them over, who committed fornication with a God

other than Yahweh, to fall and die in the desert, and like as the

Apostle Paul turned some Saints who blasphemed, and or laid a harmful

hand on his sanctified vessels, over to Satan for the destruction of

the flesh, so that the sanctified Spirit of Salvation in them, would

be saved within last day, on that day when their Soul is resurrected

during the resurrection of the Just, and they are given that token

back, for Salvation is a free Gift from Yahweh, but those that had

not accepted the Free Gift of Salvation and blasphemed, and or laid a

harmful hand on his sanctified vessels, died, and wait in the grave

for the second resurrection of the Unjust, to die a second death!


He like unto David says,


"King Yahweh says unto my Lord and Master, 'Sit at my right hand,

until I set those enemies of yours, stools hereof feet yours.'"



Thus says Yahweh, “Because you have violated my Marriage Covenant,

and have laid with and defiled my chosen and anointed Maidens and

Handmaidens, with your Lies against me, and your drugs, and you will

not cease and desist from defiling my Sanctified vessels, of my Holy

Temple, I have turned to look upon the apple of my eye, and deliver

them from your hand. Your own delusions I will choose, and bring them

back upon you, as your own greed for possessions and power and

authority, will cause you to walk into your own traps, and your own

devices of destruction will destroy you! You are just wood for the

fire! And there will multitudes of fair mansions vacant, for the meek

of the Earth to inherit!”



Woe unto the Witches and Warlocks of big Pharma, that mock the

Marriage unto Yahweh, and or to his anointed, because that they for

money, want people to take their drugs that causes them to be

controlled by Evil Spirits, because their drugs were made from unclean

plants, and or unclean animals, and or a synthetic substance that

works like those unclean plants and animals from Leviathan. For they

are like those that fought Yahweh, as they stood against Elohim Moses,

and Elohim Jesus, and for blasphemy against Holy Spirit Yahweh, in

the name of my Master Jesus, I deliver them over to Satan, for the

destruction of flesh, they are just more wood for the fire.



Woe is unto the Politicians, and Officers, and Judges, and Lawyers,

and Doctors, and Medical Staff, and Professors, and Bankers, and

Medias, and Corporations, and the People, who says that we will let

the Professions decide if the sanctified vessels of Yahweh are sane or

not, saying, "We will let the Professionals decide!" And or saying,

"We need to help you, that is why we are helping you with medication!"

For these your Professionals speak and judge by the Evil Spirit

Leviathan that blinded them and you, and causes them to persecute the

sanctified vessels of Yahweh, as they influence even their families to

make false judgments against them, and they influence others to

falsely accuse, and or to assault sanctified vessels of Yahweh, and or

to take away the Liberty sanctified vessels of Yahweh, and or to

force drugs made from pants and plants, that Leviathan seeded the

Cosmos with, on these people sanctified by Yahweh, and we will watch

those who coaxed or forced even one of us to take them Evil Drugs, in

any manner, on people sanctified by Yahweh, and we will watch those

fall, because they are our false accusers, damagers, and murders,




Woe is unto the Politicians, and Officers, and Judges, and Lawyers,

and Doctors, and Medical Staff, and Professors, and Bankers, and

Medias, and Corporations, and the People making videos and paintings

and Idols, or Rules or Laws, that draw and deceive men's Heart from

seeing the truth revealed by Spirit Yahweh, who in the vision thew all

them and their videos and paintings and Idols into a bucket, as a

foot from my Master Jesus, stomped it! Look out, get away from them,

they are just more wood for the fire!



Woe is unto the Politicians, and Officers, and Judges, and Lawyers,

and Doctors, and Medical Staff, and Professors, and Bankers, and

Medias, and Corporations, and the People, who are the four wild

plants of the field that say that it is the pleasant plant of Yahweh,

and or Yahweh's wild plants, that say that they are Gods, Sons of the

Highest of all, is what they are angry about, as the make בליעל

"Belial," appears in their forehead, those four wild plants shall be

rooted up, because they are just more wood for the fire!



Hear O Haughty Daughters of Zion! Because you threw me and others out

that came to you in the name of Yahweh, and said that called of Yahweh

need no man to teach them, because his word is written within their

inward parts, and within their Heart, while you cast off Jesus that is

the New Covenant, and you violated Yahweh's Law, harming his

anointed, and his Law that faith comes by hearing the word of Yahweh,

so how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach

unless they be sent by Yahweh? And because you threw many out for

speaking in the name of Yahweh, saying "give Yahweh the glory," and

others said, "give Elohim the glory," I will turn my back on you, and

speak unto the blind leaders of the blind, that have not his New

Covenant, so that it is impossible for them to hear Yahweh within

their Hearts until they hear his Word!



Hear O Haughty Daughters of Zion! Yahweh draws all his enemies in, and

takes them by their own craftiness. Yahweh leads all of his enemies to

the Battle, as he calls the righteous out from among them before the

destruction comes, as his enemies destroy one the other across the

face of the Earth, beginning with you. Good bye! With the Heart of

David, I will morn for the anointed of Yahweh that fall, and like

David, I will despise whoever it is that harmed Yahweh's anointed, for

it is not your right to judge and or harm, and or kill, any of his

anointed, man or woman, even if they did what you call, sinned against




You have abused your authority, and overstepped the authority of the

Temple built by the uniquely begotten Son of the Highest of all, and

have overstepped his authority given to the Apostles, and the

Prophets, and the Evangelists, and his Bosses the Pastors or

Shepherds, and the Teachers, that are created and anointed and

educated by the Highest of all, as his Physicians, in his choice of

time and season. Like as Moses knew because he was Educated by both

the Highest of all, and learned all the knowledge of the Egyptians,

because he was Egyptian being born in that land, and being educated by

the Highest of all, and learning all the knowledge of your Societies,

just like Moses, I know that your Laws which force Education

Standards, Medical Standards, Science Standards, Agricultural

Standards, Food and Water Standards, Marriage Standards, Financial

and Banking Standards, Weapons Standards, Entertainment Standards,

Social Standards, Alcohol and Beverage Standards, and your Grammar

and Definition Standards, upon Sanctified Vessels of the Highest of

all, is a violation of the the Law of separation of Church and State,

for the words from the mouth of the Highest of all, are all defined by

him alone, because words are his creation that give us all Life, and

the ways that you are redefining them, by your Secular Standards, and

or by your Religious Standards, gives us and all who are innocent in

the eyes of the Highest of all, Death, because you follow the

doctrines and commandments of your God the Devil, who is responsible

for all the Lies and Myths and twisted Religious Scriptures, that you

speak, and his Evil that you do, as you follow Devil Spirits

pretending to be the Dead from this current Heavens and Earth.



Let the righteous turn their backs upon both all the Jews and

Christians, and all Islam, that has become Haughty in Heart against

the God of our Father Abraham, and come out from among them, as they

do violence and fight for Jerusalem, a big foot is about to crush

Jerusalem, and don't worry, we can rebuild Jerusalem, it is the City

of the Great King Yahweh, the God of Abraham!



If you think you are righteous and are doing violence saying that you

are fighting or supporting the fight for Jerusalem, go ahead, go to

Jerusalem and fight Yahweh for it, and if you don't go, Yahweh will

bring the fight to you, wherever you go!



And woe in unto them that think and say, something to the sum of, that

I just quote ink and or fonts, falsely saying that the words I speak

and write by the mouth of Yahweh, will not come pass, for they are

like those that fought Yahweh, as they stood against Elohim Moses, and

Elohim Jesus, and for the same blasphemy against Holy Spirit Yahweh,

in the name of my Master Jesus, I deliver them over to Satan, for the

destruction of flesh, they are just wood for the fire.



It is spoken and written by the mouth of Yahweh, which Jesus now says

to me, "All manner of unreliable witness, and all manner of blasphemy

against the Son of Manlike, which pertains to convicted Common

Criminals also, even those who kill, can be forgiven, but the

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, cannot become forgiven within this

Life, nor within the Life to come, for they have murdered their own

Soul." I am the El or God of War, Godship or Elohim Joseph, those who

speak against me, all manner of unreliable witness, and all manner of

blasphemy, can be forgiven, but they who speak the blasphemy against

the Holy Spirit, God or El or Elah Yahweh, can have no forgiveness in

this Life, nor in the Life to come, for it is the unforgivable

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Of course to the Evil, we are Gods

blaspheming against their Holy Spirit, they can't understand, I

pretended to be one of them, and with the blood of my Master, I

redeemed and took the Devil's Crown, and I redeemed and took his Wife

and Daughters that repented, because they found that they were

standing against the Holy Spirit, so now they are Holy Spirits! They

don't understand, those that get resurrected from among the dead at

the harvest, at the second resurrection of the unjust, are the Lucifer

and his followers that the scriptures speak of, and it is that Devil

and Leviathan that have been imitating them as already having been

resurrected, because they were resurrected at the finish of the former

Heavens and Earth, like we all will be resurrected at the end of this

one. And I have been given the Devil's and Lucifer's followers to




Hear O Shepherds, here is the likeness of the Kingdom of Yahweh.

Yahweh pitch a tent within himself, and divided it down the middle

with a curtain, and said, This half is mine, and the other half is for

my Maidens and Handmaids, and my Daughters, and for my Sons until

they are of the age of responsibility, when my Sons leave and pitch

their own tent, with one side for my Son, and the other for his

Maidens and Handmaids, and his Daughters, and for his Sons until they

are of the age of responsibility.



Yahweh says. "I am the male, you are a bunch of Women, my Tent my



Yahweh says. "I am the male, out from myself, I birth what I birth, I

am within my Creation, and my Creation, exists within me!"


Paul speaking by the Spirit called this, "the Cosmos without end." If

I take three blue lines and intersect them at a point present before

my eyes, and I extend them to infinity, that is the three dimensional

size of our invisible male Creator Yahweh. Then if I take three pink

lines and intersect them over that same point, present before my

eyes, and I extend them to infinity, that is the three dimensional

size of the visible female Creation as the Cosmos out of our male

Creator Yahweh.


If you cannot understand that Eve was birth from within Adam,, just

like out of our Creator, he Created his Creation from within himself,

where we all dwell, then you are of the Cosmos, and eat your own

flesh, and drink your own blood, or the flesh and blood of others, for

like Eve, before Adam, Yahweh's Wife ate of the Corrupted Fruit of

the Tree acquainted with Good and Evil, too. Cast off what the mouth

Yahweh says is Evil, and cleave to that which is Good, he says the

Idols within your heart are Evil, cast them off and obey Yahweh who

says, eat of my Sweet Grape, and everything else is Good.


Yahweh says that, I Joseph, am the Vineyard, with the Vine Living

within me, by the hand of Yahweh, receive your own Garments, and eat

your own Bread, from the hand of Yahweh!



Yahweh says,

"I endow all my enemies who repent and cast off their Idols that are

in their heart, not harming their living Idols that eat the Sweet, and

eat of my Sweet Grape, to be my Wife, and or my Daughters."


All child bearing is to be done by the mouth of Yahweh!

The Evil will not believe, just like the Evil stood against Elohim

Moses, and Elohim Jesus,

falsely saying that the Gods blaspheme against the Holy Spirit,

and they rise persecute and rob and jail and kill the Gods, that are

sanctified Sons of the Highest of all,

because they cannot believe this, the truth Yahweh had spoken and

written in the scriptures;


The mouth of Yahweh says, "I said, you are Gods, sons of the Highest

of all!"


Yours truly,

In service of Yahweh and Country,

The dreamer of dreams,

Elohim Joseph,

Heir by birthright of the House of Israel!




The New Covenant


Yahweh speaks, "I have redeemed the land, and called Mount Zion Holy,"

he speaks of the people, not the ground! Those that are deceived to

believe that he speaks of ground, and not the people originally from

the land, are the evil Daughters of Zion, and the Daughters of Zion

have always become Haughty of heart, and arm Warriors, and murder the

innocent to take their land and or property from them, and have always

caused the Holy name Yahweh, to become blasphemed among the Nations,

because of the evils that they do within his Holy name.


Yahweh spoke, "Joseph, Joseph!" And I answered and said, "Here am I."

And Yahweh said, "Stand, and speak my word!" And I asked, "Where

should I stand?" And Yahweh said, "Upon my Holy Mount Ephraim, as my

watchman!" And he showed me a thousand of a thousand, and ten thousand

of ten thousand, and said, "You understand what these mean!" And I

said, "Yes Yahweh, these a thousand of a thousand, are of Manasseh,

and these ten thousand of ten thousand, are your Holy Mount Ephraim!"

And Yahweh showed me another thousand of a thousand, and another ten

thousand of ten thousand, and said, "You understand what these mean!

And I said, "Yes Yahweh, these a thousand of a thousand, are of

Benjamin our fellowheir, and these ten thousand of ten thousand, are

of Judah, for these two tribes are the South Kingdom of Judah, and the

first thousand of a thousand, and ten thousand of ten thousand, are

two tribes of the North Kingdom Israel."


And Yahweh said,"Heir by birthright of the house of Israel, no man has

taught you these things, I have written them within your inward parts,

and within your heart, for this is my New Covenant unto the house of

Israel, and I will be your God, and lead you wheresoever you go, as I

write my word within your heart, go stand and speak my word!"


Lord and King Yahweh our redeemer redeemed us with the blood of his

uniquely begotten son, our Lord Jesus, made a King begotten within the

virgin from the loins of Judah, and of the house of David, and made

Jesus the steadfast and tried stone that Spirit Yahweh laid in Mount

Zion. And Jesus was sacrificed to make Mount Zion Holy, and Spirit

Yahweh made Jesus a quickening Spirit and High Priest of the order of

Melchisadech, after King Yahweh resurrected King Jesus from among the

dead, and lowered him to lowest point of the earth, and raised him up

to the Highest point of the Heavens, and sat the King of the house of

Jacob, our redeemer King Jesus, at the right hand of the King of the

Heavens and Earth, our redeemer King Yahweh, and Spirit Yahweh poured

out unto within us of Israel, and of the Gentiles that believe too,

his promised Spirit of Salvation, our Lord and King Jesus, to

reconcile us all back unto our Lord and King Yahweh.


Hear O Haughty Daughters of Zion! Because you threw me and others out

that came to you in the name of Yahweh, and said that called of Yahweh

need no man to teach them, because his word is written within their

inward parts, and within their Heart, while you cast off Jesus that is

the New Covenant, and you violated Yahweh's Law, harming his

anointed, and his Law that faith comes by hearing the word of Yahweh,

so how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach

unless they be sent by Yahweh? And because you threw many out for

speaking in the name of Yahweh, saying "give Yahweh the glory," and

others said, "give Elohim the glory," I will turn my back on you, and

speak unto the blind leaders of the blind, that have not his New

Covenant, so that it is impossible for them to hear Yahweh within

their Hearts until they hear his Word!



Hear O Haughty Daughters of Zion! Yahweh draws all his enemies in, and

takes them by their own craftiness. Yahweh leads all of his enemies to

the Battle, as he calls the righteous out from among them before the

destruction comes, as his enemies destroy one the other across the

face of the Earth, beginning with you. Good bye! With the Heart of

David, I will morn for the anointed of Yahweh that fall, and like

David, I will despise whoever it is that harmed Yahweh's anointed, for

it is not your right to judge and or harm, and or kill, any of his

anointed, man or woman, even if they did what you call, sinned against




Let the righteous turn their backs upon both all the Jews and

Christians, and all Islam, that has become Haughty in Heart against

the God of our Father Abraham, and come out from among them, as they

do violence and fight for Jerusalem, a big foot is about to crush

Jerusalem, and don't worry, we can rebuild Jerusalem, it is the City

of the Great King Yahweh, the God of Abraham!



If you think you are righteous and are doing violence saying that you

are fighting or supporting the fight for Jerusalem, go ahead, go to

Jerusalem and fight Yahweh for it, and if you don't go, Yahweh will

bring the fight to you, wherever you go!



And woe in unto them that think and say, something to the sum of, that

I just quote ink and or fonts, falsely saying that the words I speak

and write by the mouth of Yahweh, will not come pass, for they are

like those that fought Yahweh, as they stood against Elohim Moses, and

Elohim Jesus, and for blasphemy against Holy Spirit Yahweh, in the

name of my Master Jesus, I deliver them over to Satan, for the

destruction of flesh, they are just wood for the fire.




It is spoken and written by the mouth of Yahweh, which Jesus now says

to me, "All manner of unreliable witness, and all manner of blasphemy

against the Son of Manlike, which pertains to convicted Common

Criminals also, even those who kill, can be forgiven, but the

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, cannot become forgiven within this

Life, nor within the Life to come, for they have murdered their own

Soul." I am the El or God of War, Godship or Elohim Joseph, those who

speak against me, all manner of unreliable witness, and all manner of

blasphemy, can be forgiven, but they who speak the blasphemy against

the Holy Spirit, God or El or Elah Yahweh, can have no forgiveness in

this Life, nor in the Life to come, for it is the unforgivable

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Of course to the Evil, we are Gods

blaspheming against their Holy Spirit, they can't understand, I

pretended to be one of them, and with the blood of my Master, I

redeemed and took the Devil's Crown, and I redeemed and took his Wife

and Daughters that repented, because they found that they were

standing against the Holy Spirit, so now they are Holy Spirits!



Yahweh says,

"I endow all my enemies who repent and cast off their Idols that are

in their heart, not harming their living Idols that eat the Sweet, and

eat of my Sweet Grape, to be my Wife, and or my Daughters."


All child bearing is to be done by the mouth of Yahweh!

The Evil will not believe, just like the Evil stood against Elohim

Moses, and Elohim Jesus,

falsely saying that the Gods blaspheme against the Holy Spirit,

and they rise persecute and rob and jail and kill the Gods, that are

sanctified Sons of the Highest of all,

because they cannot believe this, the truth Yahweh had spoken and

written in the scriptures;


The mouth of Yahweh says, "I said, you are Gods, sons of the Highest

of all!"


Yours truly,

In service of Yahweh and Country,

The dreamer of dreams,

Elohim Joseph,

Heir by birthright of the House of Israel!

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Guest Ares the God of War!

I missed a word and a comma here, so I correct it.


God Yahweh called from at the finish of the former Heavens and Earth

flooded with waters killing all but Yahweh in his Kingdom, who

commanded Light shine forth from among the Darkness, as he resurrected

the Just, then resurrecting of the Unjust of the Spirit of Darkness as

a King, and all Leviathan his Kingdom of Darkness, within this Heavens

and Earth, and Yahweh formed the First Adam, calling from before the

dew calling seven successive anointed counting Enoch the seventh from

the First Adam, and onward through the flood Noah, and through the

Tower of Babylon, to Abraham, calling our Fathers and Moses and the

Prophets, who drank of the early rain, and since John the Baptist, and

the resurrection of Second Adam, my Master my Lord Jesus as the the

firstborn from among the dead of this Heavens and Earth in his Kingdom

of Light, calling two successive anointed, and now five successive

anointed line up, and I the third from the second Adam, calling us all

upon Earth, in the order that we birth, as we drink of the latter

rain, just before calling of the harvest, at the finish, to be

resurrected among the second resurrection of the Just Lucifer, and

the second resurrection of the Unjust Lucifer, and his abominable

branch of this, as a fierce fiery flame consumes the elements, wherein

all that received their new Nature from above while they were alive in

the former Life, the second Death has no power over, as the early rain

as becomes a calling of the new Heavens and Earth, from Yahweh our



In service of Yahweh and Country




Heir by birthright of the house of Israel

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Guest Ares the God of War!

When Yahweh says I missed words, he has me add them, and when there

are too many words he says to take them out , until it means exactly

what he had said before this Heavens and Earth came into being. So

here is a more accurate script for you.




Love is Yahweh, so we edify by Love, Loving one the other, as Yahweh

we Love.



God Yahweh called from before the finish of the former Heavens and

Earth, within this Heavens and Earth calling from before the dew and

onward, calling our Fathers who drank of the early rain, and since

John the Baptist, calling us as we drink of the latter rain, just

before calling the harvest, at the finish, as becomes a calling of the

new Heavens and Earth, from Yahweh our God.


God Yahweh called from at the finish of the former Heavens and Earth

flooded with waters killing all but Yahweh in his Kingdom, and he

resurrected the Just, then the resurrection of the Unjust of the

Spirit of Darkness as a King, and all Leviathan his Kingdom of

Darkness, within this Heavens and Earth, and Yahweh formed the First

Adam, calling from before the dew and onward, calling our Fathers who

drank of the early rain, and since John the Baptist, and the

resurrection of Second Adam, my Master my Lord Jesus as the the

firstborn from among the dead of this Heavens and Earth, calling us as

we drink of the latter rain, just before calling the harvest, at the

finish, to be resurrected among the second resurrection of the Just,

and the second resurrection of the Unjust Lucifer, and his abominable

branch of this, as a fierce fiery flame consumes the elements, wherein

all that received their new Nature from above while they were alive in

the former Life, the second Death has no power over, as becomes a

calling of the new Heavens and Earth, from Yahweh our God.


God Yahweh called from at the finish of the former Heavens and Earth

flooded with waters killing all but Yahweh in his Kingdom, who

commanded Light shine forth from among the Darkness, as he resurrected

the Just, then resurrecting of the Unjust of the Spirit of Darkness as

a King, and all Leviathan his Kingdom of Darkness, within this Heavens

and Earth, and Yahweh formed the First Adam, calling from before the

dew calling seven successive anointed counting Enoch the seventh from

the First Adam, and onward through the flood Noah, and through the

Tower of Babylon, to Abraham, calling our Fathers and Moses and the

Prophets, who drank of the early rain, and since John the Baptist, and

the resurrection of Second Adam, my Master my Lord Jesus as the the

firstborn from among the dead of this Heavens and Earth in his Kingdom

of Light, calling two successive anointed, and now five successive

anointed line up, and I the third from the second Adam, calling us all

upon Earth, in the order that we birth, as we drink of the latter

rain, just before calling of the harvest, at the finish, to be

resurrected among the second resurrection of the Just Lucifer, and

the second resurrection of the Unjust Lucifer, and his abominable

branch of this, as a fierce fiery flame consumes the elements, wherein

all that received their new Nature from above while they were alive in

the former Life, the second Death has no power over, as the early rain

as becomes a calling of the new Heavens and Earth, from Yahweh our



Yahweh from the Heavens, from the Baptism of Jesus in the Muddy Waters

of Jordan, put Spirit and Water upon him,

and from the Baptism of Pentecost on, Jesus added himself upon it, as

Spirit and Fire, upon Earth from prayer for each one of you, to



Baptized of his Baptism within the Muddy Waters of Jordan, I breath

out Spirit and Water, from Spirit from Yahweh upon me, breath in, and

receive and blow out Spirit and Fire, our resurrected Lord Jesus, and

begin speaking with Tongues of Men or Angels like when the Apostles on

Pentecost were Baptized.


Master of my heart, my Lord Jesus from my God Yahweh, he says is if I

begin to eat and drink with those drunk in the darkness of the night,

and say within my Heart, my Master delays his coming, and I begin to

smite my brethren like those drunk in the darkness of the night are

doing, that he will cut me in two, and deliver my portion among the

infidels, that he, he is going to smash to pieces, then he sent me to

labor and eat hand to mouth, and drink, cleaning and shaving my face,

among the darkness of the night, and I eat and drink with those drunk

in the darkness of the night, because of the mouth of Yahweh my God

sending my Lord Jesus to me, and Yahweh from within my heart revealing

my Master!


God Yahweh had me slice up my Master, my Lord Jesus,

and he had me put his meat on this Silver Platter from which I eat,

and he had me fill my Cup, my Silver Cup whereby I drink and divine,

with his blood,

so that you may take and eat his flesh, in this due time and season,

and so that you may take and drink his blood, in this due time and


take and eat, and take and drink, from the hand of Yahweh our God !


Yahweh says,

"Breath in and blow out the words as my Spirit fills your Heart and


and be healed by the flesh of Jesus within you, and be forgiven with

the blood of Jesus within you,"

from the Mouth of Yahweh!


Yahweh says,

"I said, You are Gods, Sons of the Highest of all,"

believe and obey the mouth of Yahweh!


Yahweh breathed out what my Master, my Lord Jesus says,

"Blessed are they purifying the Heart, relating they are Godship


Blessed are they peacefully relating they are Sons of God calling,"

saying, "woe is unto them who falsely judge and persecute the Gods,

Sons of the Highest of all,"

the Father of my Master, my Lord Jesus,

is the Father Highest of all, named Yahweh!


My Mater, my Lord Jesus says,

"These things I had spoken unto my Disciples in proverbs, but the time

has come, when I no longer speak unto my Disciples in proverbs, but I

show you plainly of the Father. This day you shall ask in my name, and

I say not unto you, that I will request it from the Father for you,

for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me, and have

believed that I came out from Godship, as I came forth from the

Father, and I am come into the Cosmos again, and remain within you

unto the end of time."


Yahweh's Physicians Noah and Moses revealed clean plants and clean

animals for a diet to clean the blood of the chosen people of Yahweh,

who were peaceful, and the unclean beasts and plants of the field that

defile the corrupted, and made people violent. The called of Yahweh

who eat his Good, are like social drinkers, that drink all that they

want, and don't get violent, but those that are Evil, even their

kindest words are cruel. And Yahweh called Abraham out from among many

that were deceived and corrupted by the Evil, and made Abraham with

his Seed Issac yet within his loins, alike an Olive Tree making Peace

with the Highest of all, and after begotten, Yahweh took from the

twins from Isaac's loins, rejecting Esau, and accepting Jacob as the

apple of his eye, and took from his loins, the Pleasant Plant of

Yahweh, his vine being the men of Judah, and he fed them a diet that

would allow him to beget a Sweet Grape, being Yahweh's unique Son that

a Virgin from the loins of Judah, was being prepared to conceive in

Yahweh's predetermined time and season, so that Yahweh could take his

Seed from his pleasant plant of Judah, and plant it inside his

Vineyard, the House of Israel, calling the heir of the inheritance of

House of Israel from Joseph, Ephraim, and made Benjamin the fellowheir

of our inheritance, and anointed Manasseh also, and then made the

Promised Salvation from the loins of Judah, the commonwealth of all

Israel. But many throughout divers times and places, brought forth

Sour Grapes, desiring to obtain for themselves the promise before the

predetermined time and season set to become when, by the authority and

power held in the hand of Yahweh alone, he brought it to pass by

birthing what birth within Yahweh


Yahweh desires to fill clay vessels that he sanctify for filling them

with his Sweet Grape, so that they do not become the cursed dust of

the Cosmos, but after the Sweet Grape had become begotten as flesh,

Yahweh's Physician Jesus came unto the lost sheep of the House of

Israel, and did cures removing the causes of illnesses and diseases,

and brought about rapid healing by living Spirit Power, that the

Witches and Warlocks cannot understand. And Jesus even clone Fish and

Bread, to feed multitudes, and what he clone by the Power of Yahweh,

was undefiled for healing the flesh and cleansing the blood of the

multitudes. But the Witches and Warlocks cannot understand, and

scattered Jacob across the face of the Earth, and like the Physicians

of Pharaoh, these modern Witches and Warlocks unto this day, have cast

off the Sweet Grape, and brought forth Sour Grapes, for they see not

any difference between the cursed dust of Earth, that the cursed

Cosmos is composed of, and the sanctified clay vessels of Yahweh.


Grapes since the day Adam was formed of Red Earth, mankind has been

warned not to receive that Sour Grape that the Devil begot in the

former Heavens and Earth, and just after it's finish, and to wait for

the Sweet Grape to be begotten as flesh by our God Yahweh. But after

the promised Sweet Grape was begotten as flesh by Yahweh, some of the

Antichrist among them to this day, see all Yahweh's testimony

concerning his uniquely begotten Sweet Grape, that became flesh and

blood and dwelt among many witnesses, as yet prophecy of another yet

to come. And like they that hunger and thirst within the desert, they

see this mirage, and pursue after it, but cannot acquaint it, so they

eat nothing and drink no wine of the Sweet, but that of yet another

Sour Grape. And other Antichrist say that they oppose these that eat

the mirage of the Sour Grape, as they themselves eat the Sour Grapes

begotten by the Devil within the former and or his others within this

present Heavens and Earth, as other Antichrist reject both the Sweet

Grape, and all of the Sour Grapes, as they eat of their own flesh, and

drink of their own blood, many of the Sour Grapes say that their

Master is the Highest of all, casting off the Sweet Grape, just like

all who eat of the Sour Grapes.


Praise Holy Spirit Yahweh who has kept all of his promised that he

made unto our Fathers, and pours down a plain language, that wipes

away the lies that were a walled fortress for his enemies to hide

behind, as Yahweh gives us refuge within himself, and within his Truth

that he writes, moment by moment, within our Hearts, revealing what

was, and what is, and what is to come, from Yahweh the Holy Spirit

that we Praise!


Yahweh my El, anointed my Master my Eli, to ride upon the Whirling

Wind of Elijah, and anointed me upon the Whirling Wind of Elijah,

crossing the Muddy Waters of Jordan and back, double anointed likened

unto Elishah, hang gliding riding upon the Whirling Wind of Elijah,

cursed dust knows not my Master anointed like Elijah, Eli my Master

and I are anointed, by my El Yahweh!


Yahweh my El says my Master sent Apostles unto Jerusalem to cause

those who ate not Sour Grapes to flee before the destruction comes,

but Lawyers of the Jews who eat not the Sweet Grape, deceived them to

love the cursed dust, instead of obeying Yahweh and fleeing, and

instead of obeying Yahweh and fleeing, deceived by them to love the

cursed dust, but from Lawyers of the Jews who eat not the Sweet Grape,

comes the destruction, of who ate not Sour Grapes, unto Jerusalem I

sent Apostles, says my Master, and says my El Yahweh!


Yahweh my El says my Master will cast in the cycle, as my Master

builds his Holy Temple around them, and harvest and sever those who

ate Sour Grapes, once they are rounded up in Jerusalem, for Sour

Grapes ate those there to be severed and harvested, from around them,

as the Holy Temple built by my Master, who severe and harvests, by the

cycle cast by my Master says my El Yahweh.


My Master says to all that he will not spare the Rulers of Jerusalem,

and to Rome, and to Mecca, to London, to St Petersburg, to Beijing, to

Washington DC, and to all among the United Nations against him,

eating Sour Grapes, because he say that together, you defiled and

destroyed the Holy Temple of the God of Abraham wherein is the Master

of all mine!


Yahweh speaks to me, and says slice and eat this flesh, and drink this

blood, of your Master, and no other, know you not that Esau sold his

birthright just for a meal? So I will not eat of your corrupted

secular and religious tables, so stop trying to

force me to do so, against the will of Yahweh, who has me eat the

flesh of my Master, and drink his blood, and woe is unto them

who say that I eat my own flesh, and drink my own blood, and not

sliced flesh and blood of my Master, in me speaking from Yahweh!


Yahweh breathed out what my Master, my Lord Jesus says,

"Blessed are they purifying the Heart, relating they are Godship


Blessed are they peacefully relating they are Sons of God calling,"

saying, "Woe is unto them who falsely judge and persecute the Gods,

Sons of the Highest of all,"

the Father of my Master, my Lord Jesus,

is the Father Highest of all, named Yahweh!


Yahweh says,

"I said, You are Gods, Sons of the Highest of all,"

believe and obey Yahweh!


Baptized of his Baptism within the Muddy Waters of Jordan, I breath

out Spirit and Water, from Spirit from Yahweh upon me, breath in now,

and receive now my Master as yours, and blow out Spirit and Fire, our

resurrected Lord Jesus, and begin speaking with Tongues of Men or

Angels like when the Apostles on Pentecost were Baptized.


Yahweh says, "Breath in and blow out the words as my Spirit fills your

Heart and Mouth,

and be healed by the flesh of Jesus within you, and be forgiven with

the blood of Jesus within you," from the Mouth of Yahweh!



God Yahweh called from before the finish of the former Heavens and

Earth, within this Heavens and Earth calling from before the dew and

onward, calling our Fathers who drank of the early rain, and since

John the Baptist, calling us as we drink of the latter rain, just

before calling the harvest, at the finish, as becomes a calling of

the new Heavens and Earth, from Yahweh our God.



God Yahweh had me slice up my Master, my Lord Jesus, and he had me

put his meat on this Silver Platter from which I eat,

and he had me fill my Cup, my Silver Cup whereby I drink and divine,

with his blood, so that you may take and eat his flesh, in this due

time and season, and so that you may take and drink his blood, in

this due time and season, take and eat, and take and drink, from the

hand of Yahweh our God!



Yahweh from the Heavens, from the Baptism of Jesus in the Muddy Waters

of Jordan, put Spirit and Water upon him,

and from the Baptism of Pentecost on, Jesus added himself upon it, as

Spirit and Fire, upon Earth from prayer for each one of you, to




Yahweh says, "Breath in and blow out the words as my Spirit fills your

Heart and Mouth,

and be healed by the flesh of Jesus within you, and be forgiven with

the blood of Jesus within you," from the Mouth of Yahweh!



From the mouth of Yahweh, King of the Heavens and the Earth; To the

Witches and Warlocks that infiltrated all the Religions of Planet

Earth, and run the Banks, and the Federal, and State, and Local US

Governments, and the Governments of the Nations, and the News

Medias, and the other diverse Medias, and the Educational Communities,

and the Military Complexes, and the Medical Communities, and Big

Pharma, and People of the Cosmos!



Thus says Yahweh, “Because you have violated my Marriage Covenant, and

have laid with and defiled my chosen and anointed Maidens and

Handmaidens, with your Lies against me, and your drugs, and you will

not cease and desist from defiling my Sanctified vessels, of my Holy

Temple, I have turned to look upon the apple of my eye, and deliver

them from your hand. Your own delusions I will choose, and bring them

back upon you, as your own greed for possessions and power and

authority, will cause you to walk into your own traps, and your own

devices of destruction will destroy you! And there will multitudes of

fair mansions vacant, for the meek of the Earth to inherit!”



Hey, I tried to warn you guys that the Boss who Created and Runs the

Universe, don't like what you are doing, but them drugs that you made

from plants that the Spirit Leviathan seeded the Cosmos with, have

blinded your minds, and it is your Religions and your Marriage Laws,

and your so called Sciences, and your Psychotropic and Medical and

Street Drugs, that you are forcing on Sanctified vessels of the Holy

Temple of Yahweh, that he is angry about!



Umm, because Yahweh's true prophecy concerning his Truth and Good, and

his true anointed people that you oppress, drug, jail, and or murder,

and how much you have corrupted both them and his Truth and Good with

your Lies and Evil, is endless, I only had time to write a little

about what he is saying about it. He says that most of your medical

drugs, and most of your Religions, are made from plants that Leviathan

planted, in his field!



Lord Jesus says, "Every plant which my Heavenly Father had not

planted, shall be rooted up!"



And Lord Melchisadech the Spirit of Prophecy says,"At the baptism of

John, the axe was laid to the root of the tress, and every tree that

brought forth not Good Fruit, shall become chopped down, and cast

into the fire."


And Paul of the Tribe of Benjamin said by inspiration of Holy Spirit,

"Beware of the opposition of Science falsely so called."



It is written that we have the power and authority, to turn them that

blaspheme against Holy Spirit Yahweh, or who lay a harmful hand on his

sanctified vessels, over to Satan, for the destruction of the flesh,

like as Moses turned them over, who committed fornication with a God

other than Yahweh, to fall and die in the desert, and like as the

Apostle Paul turned some Saints who blasphemed, and or laid a harmful

hand on his sanctified vessels, over to Satan for the destruction of

the flesh, so that the sanctified Spirit of Salvation in them, would

be saved within last day, on that day when their Soul is resurrected

during the resurrection of the Just, and they are given that token

back, for Salvation is a free Gift from Yahweh, but those that had

not accepted the Free Gift of Salvation and blasphemed, and or laid a

harmful hand on his sanctified vessels, died, and wait in the grave

for the second resurrection of the Unjust, to die a second death!


He like unto David says,


"King Yahweh says unto my Lord and Master, 'Sit at my right hand,

until I set those enemies of yours, stools hereof feet yours.'"



Thus says Yahweh, “Because you have violated my Marriage Covenant,

and have laid with and defiled my chosen and anointed Maidens and

Handmaidens, with your Lies against me, and your drugs, and you will

not cease and desist from defiling my Sanctified vessels, of my Holy

Temple, I have turned to look upon the apple of my eye, and deliver

them from your hand. Your own delusions I will choose, and bring them

back upon you, as your own greed for possessions and power and

authority, will cause you to walk into your own traps, and your own

devices of destruction will destroy you! You are just wood for the

fire! And there will multitudes of fair mansions vacant, for the meek

of the Earth to inherit!”



Woe unto the Witches and Warlocks of big Pharma, that mock the

Marriage unto Yahweh, and or to his anointed, because that they for

money, want people to take their drugs that causes them to be

controlled by Evil Spirits, because their drugs were made from unclean

plants, and or unclean animals, and or a synthetic substance that

works like those unclean plants and animals from Leviathan. For they

are like those that fought Yahweh, as they stood against Elohim Moses,

and Elohim Jesus, and for blasphemy against Holy Spirit Yahweh, in

the name of my Master Jesus, I deliver them over to Satan, for the

destruction of flesh, they are just more wood for the fire.



Woe is unto the Politicians, and Officers, and Judges, and Lawyers,

and Doctors, and Medical Staff, and Professors, and Bankers, and

Medias, and Corporations, and the People, who says that we will let

the Professions decide if the sanctified vessels of Yahweh are sane or

not, saying, "We will let the Professionals decide!" And or saying,

"We need to help you, that is why we are helping you with medication!"

For these your Professionals speak and judge by the Evil Spirit

Leviathan that blinded them and you, and causes them to persecute the

sanctified vessels of Yahweh, as they influence even their families to

make false judgments against them, and they influence others to

falsely accuse, and or to assault sanctified vessels of Yahweh, and or

to take away the Liberty sanctified vessels of Yahweh, and or to

force drugs made from pants and plants, that Leviathan seeded the

Cosmos with, on these people sanctified by Yahweh, and we will watch

those who coaxed or forced even one of us to take them Evil Drugs, in

any manner, on people sanctified by Yahweh, and we will watch those

fall, because they are our false accusers, damagers, and murders,




Woe is unto the Politicians, and Officers, and Judges, and Lawyers,

and Doctors, and Medical Staff, and Professors, and Bankers, and

Medias, and Corporations, and the People making videos and paintings

and Idols, or Rules or Laws, that draw and deceive men's Heart from

seeing the truth revealed by Spirit Yahweh, who in the vision thew all

them and their videos and paintings and Idols into a bucket, as a

foot from my Master Jesus, stomped it! Look out, get away from them,

they are just more wood for the fire!



Woe is unto the Politicians, and Officers, and Judges, and Lawyers,

and Doctors, and Medical Staff, and Professors, and Bankers, and

Medias, and Corporations, and the People, who are the four wild

plants of the field that say that it is the pleasant plant of Yahweh,

and or Yahweh's wild plants, that say that they are Gods, Sons of the

Highest of all, is what they are angry about, as the make בליעל

"Belial," appears in their forehead, those four wild plants shall be

rooted up, because they are just more wood for the fire!



Hear O Haughty Daughters of Zion! Because you threw me and others out

that came to you in the name of Yahweh, and said that called of Yahweh

need no man to teach them, because his word is written within their

inward parts, and within their Heart, while you cast off Jesus that is

the New Covenant, and you violated Yahweh's Law, harming his

anointed, and his Law that faith comes by hearing the word of Yahweh,

so how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach

unless they be sent by Yahweh? And because you threw many out for

speaking in the name of Yahweh, saying "give Yahweh the glory," and

others said, "give Elohim the glory," I will turn my back on you, and

speak unto the blind leaders of the blind, that have not his New

Covenant, so that it is impossible for them to hear Yahweh within

their Hearts until they hear his Word!



Hear O Haughty Daughters of Zion! Yahweh draws all his enemies in, and

takes them by their own craftiness. Yahweh leads all of his enemies to

the Battle, as he calls the righteous out from among them before the

destruction comes, as his enemies destroy one the other across the

face of the Earth, beginning with you. Good bye! With the Heart of

David, I will morn for the anointed of Yahweh that fall, and like

David, I will despise whoever it is that harmed Yahweh's anointed, for

it is not your right to judge and or harm, and or kill, any of his

anointed, man or woman, even if they did what you call, sinned against




You have abused your authority, and overstepped the authority of the

Temple built by the uniquely begotten Son of the Highest of all, and

have overstepped his authority given to the Apostles, and the

Prophets, and the Evangelists, and his Bosses the Pastors or

Shepherds, and the Teachers, that are created and anointed and

educated by the Highest of all, as his Physicians, in his choice of

time and season. Like as Moses knew because he was Educated by both

the Highest of all, and learned all the knowledge of the Egyptians,

because he was Egyptian being born in that land, and being educated by

the Highest of all, and learning all the knowledge of your Societies,

just like Moses, I know that your Laws which force Education

Standards, Medical Standards, Science Standards, Agricultural

Standards, Food and Water Standards, Marriage Standards, Financial

and Banking Standards, Weapons Standards, Entertainment Standards,

Social Standards, Alcohol and Beverage Standards, and your Grammar

and Definition Standards, upon Sanctified Vessels of the Highest of

all, is a violation of the the Law of separation of Church and State,

for the words from the mouth of the Highest of all, are all defined by

him alone, because words are his creation that give us all Life, and

the ways that you are redefining them, by your Secular Standards, and

or by your Religious Standards, gives us and all who are innocent in

the eyes of the Highest of all, Death, because you follow the

doctrines and commandments of your God the Devil, who is responsible

for all the Lies and Myths and twisted Religious Scriptures, that you

speak, and his Evil that you do, as you follow Devil Spirits

pretending to be the Dead from this current Heavens and Earth.



Let the righteous turn their backs upon both all the Jews and

Christians, and all Islam, that has become Haughty in Heart against

the God of our Father Abraham, and come out from among them, as they

do violence and fight for Jerusalem, a big foot is about to crush

Jerusalem, and don't worry, we can rebuild Jerusalem, it is the City

of the Great King Yahweh, the God of Abraham!



If you think you are righteous and are doing violence saying that you

are fighting or supporting the fight for Jerusalem, go ahead, go to

Jerusalem and fight Yahweh for it, and if you don't go, Yahweh will

bring the fight to you, wherever you go!



And woe in unto them that think and say, something to the sum of, that

I just quote ink and or fonts, falsely saying that the words I speak

and write by the mouth of Yahweh, will not come pass, for they are

like those that fought Yahweh, as they stood against Elohim Moses, and

Elohim Jesus, and for the same blasphemy against Holy Spirit Yahweh,

in the name of my Master Jesus, I deliver them over to Satan, for the

destruction of flesh, they are just wood for the fire.



It is spoken and written by the mouth of Yahweh, which Jesus now says

to me, "All manner of unreliable witness, and all manner of blasphemy

against the Son of Manlike, which pertains to convicted Common

Criminals also, even those who kill, can be forgiven, but the

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, cannot become forgiven within this

Life, nor within the Life to come, for they have murdered their own

Soul." I am the El or God of War, Godship or Elohim Joseph, those who

speak against me, all manner of unreliable witness, and all manner of

blasphemy, can be forgiven, but they who speak the blasphemy against

the Holy Spirit, God or El or Elah Yahweh, can have no forgiveness in

this Life, nor in the Life to come, for it is the unforgivable

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Of course to the Evil, we are Gods

blaspheming against their Holy Spirit, they can't understand, I

pretended to be one of them, and with the blood of my Master, I

redeemed and took the Devil's Crown, and I redeemed and took his Wife

and Daughters that repented, because they found that they were

standing against the Holy Spirit, so now they are Holy Spirits! They

don't understand, those that get resurrected from among the dead at

the harvest, at the second resurrection of the unjust, are the Lucifer

and his followers that the scriptures speak of, and it is that Devil

and Leviathan that have been imitating them as already having been

resurrected, because they were resurrected at the finish of the former

Heavens and Earth, like we all will be resurrected at the end of this

one. And I have been given the Devil's and Lucifer's followers to




Hear O Shepherds, here is the likeness of the Kingdom of Yahweh.

Yahweh pitch a tent within himself, and divided it down the middle

with a curtain, and said, This half is mine, and the other half is for

my Maidens and Handmaids, and my Daughters, and for my Sons until

they are of the age of responsibility, when my Sons leave and pitch

their own tent, with one side for my Son, and the other for his

Maidens and Handmaids, and his Daughters, and for his Sons until they

are of the age of responsibility.



Yahweh says. "I am the male, you are a bunch of Women, my Tent my



Yahweh says. "I am the male, out from myself, I birth what I birth, I

am within my Creation, and my Creation, exists within me!"


Paul speaking by the Spirit called this, "the Cosmos without end." If

I take three blue lines and intersect them at a point present before

my eyes, and I extend them to infinity, that is the three dimensional

size of our invisible male Creator Yahweh. Then if I take three pink

lines and intersect them over that same point, present before my

eyes, and I extend them to infinity, that is the three dimensional

size of the visible female Creation as the Cosmos out of our male

Creator Yahweh.


If you cannot understand that Eve was birth from within Adam,, just

like out of our Creator, he Created his Creation from within himself,

where we all dwell, then you are of the Cosmos, and eat your own

flesh, and drink your own blood, or the flesh and blood of others, for

like Eve, before Adam, Yahweh's Wife ate of the Corrupted Fruit of

the Tree acquainted with Good and Evil, too. Cast off what the mouth

Yahweh says is Evil, and cleave to that which is Good, he says the

Idols within your heart are Evil, cast them off and obey Yahweh who

says, eat of my Sweet Grape, and everything else is Good.


Yahweh says that, I Joseph, am the Vineyard, with the Vine Living

within me, by the hand of Yahweh, receive your own Garments, and eat

your own Bread, from the hand of Yahweh!



Yahweh says,

"I endow all my enemies who repent and cast off their Idols that are

in their heart, not harming their living Idols that eat the Sweet, and

eat of my Sweet Grape, to be my Wife, and or my Daughters."


All child bearing is to be done by the mouth of Yahweh!

The Evil will not believe, just like the Evil stood against Elohim

Moses, and Elohim Jesus,

falsely saying that the Gods blaspheme against the Holy Spirit,

and they rise persecute and rob and jail and kill the Gods, that are

sanctified Sons of the Highest of all,

because they cannot believe this, the truth Yahweh had spoken and

written in the scriptures;


The mouth of Yahweh says, "I said, you are Gods, Sons of the Highest

of all!"


Yours truly,

In service of Yahweh and Country,

The dreamer of dreams,

Elohim Joseph,

Heir by birthright of the House of Israel!



The New Covenant


Yahweh speaks, "I have redeemed the land, and called Mount Zion Holy,"

he speaks of the people, not the ground! Those that are deceived to

believe that he speaks of ground, and not the people originally from

the land, are the evil Daughters of Zion, and the Daughters of Zion

have always become Haughty of heart, and arm Warriors, and murder the

innocent to take their land and or property from them, and have always

caused the Holy name Yahweh, to become blasphemed among the Nations,

because of the evils that they do within his Holy name.


Yahweh spoke, "Joseph, Joseph!" And I answered and said, "Here am I."

And Yahweh said, "Stand, and speak my word!" And I asked, "Where

should I stand?" And Yahweh said, "Upon my Holy Mount Ephraim, as my

watchman!" And he showed me a thousand of a thousand, and ten thousand

of ten thousand, and said, "You understand what these mean!" And I

said, "Yes Yahweh, these a thousand of a thousand, are of Manasseh,

and these ten thousand of ten thousand, are your Holy Mount Ephraim!"

And Yahweh showed me another thousand of a thousand, and another ten

thousand of ten thousand, and said, "You understand what these mean!

And I said, "Yes Yahweh, these a thousand of a thousand, are of

Benjamin our fellowheir, and these ten thousand of ten thousand, are

of Judah, for these two tribes are the South Kingdom of Judah, and the

first thousand of a thousand, and ten thousand of ten thousand, are

two tribes of the North Kingdom Israel."


And Yahweh said,"Heir by birthright of the house of Israel, no man has

taught you these things, I have written them within your inward parts,

and within your heart, for this is my New Covenant unto the house of

Israel, and I will be your God, and lead you wheresoever you go, as I

write my word within your heart, go stand and speak my word!"


Lord and King Yahweh our redeemer redeemed us with the blood of his

uniquely begotten son, our Lord Jesus, made a King begotten within the

virgin from the loins of Judah, and of the house of David, and made

Jesus the steadfast and tried stone that Spirit Yahweh laid in Mount

Zion. And Jesus was sacrificed to make Mount Zion Holy, and Spirit

Yahweh made Jesus a quickening Spirit and High Priest of the order of

Melchisadech, after King Yahweh resurrected King Jesus from among the

dead, and lowered him to lowest point of the earth, and raised him up

to the Highest point of the Heavens, and sat the King of the house of

Jacob, our redeemer King Jesus, at the right hand of the King of the

Heavens and Earth, our redeemer King Yahweh, and Spirit Yahweh poured

out unto within us of Israel, and of the Gentiles that believe too,

his promised Spirit of Salvation, our Lord and King Jesus, to

reconcile us all back unto our Lord and King Yahweh.


Hear O Haughty Daughters of Zion! Because you threw me and others out

that came to you in the name of Yahweh, and said that called of Yahweh

need no man to teach them, because his word is written within their

inward parts, and within their Heart, while you cast off Jesus that is

the New Covenant, and you violated Yahweh's Law, harming his

anointed, and his Law that faith comes by hearing the word of Yahweh,

so how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach

unless they be sent by Yahweh? And because you threw many out for

speaking in the name of Yahweh, saying "give Yahweh the glory," and

others said, "give Elohim the glory," I will turn my back on you, and

speak unto the blind leaders of the blind, that have not his New

Covenant, so that it is impossible for them to hear Yahweh within

their Hearts until they hear his Word!



Hear O Haughty Daughters of Zion! Yahweh draws all his enemies in, and

takes them by their own craftiness. Yahweh leads all of his enemies to

the Battle, as he calls the righteous out from among them before the

destruction comes, as his enemies destroy one the other across the

face of the Earth, beginning with you. Good bye! With the Heart of

David, I will morn for the anointed of Yahweh that fall, and like

David, I will despise whoever it is that harmed Yahweh's anointed, for

it is not your right to judge and or harm, and or kill, any of his

anointed, man or woman, even if they did what you call, sinned against




Let the righteous turn their backs upon both all the Jews and

Christians, and all Islam, that has become Haughty in Heart against

the God of our Father Abraham, and come out from among them, as they

do violence and fight for Jerusalem, a big foot is about to crush

Jerusalem, and don't worry, we can rebuild Jerusalem, it is the City

of the Great King Yahweh, the God of Abraham!



If you think you are righteous and are doing violence saying that you

are fighting or supporting the fight for Jerusalem, go ahead, go to

Jerusalem and fight Yahweh for it, and if you don't go, Yahweh will

bring the fight to you, wherever you go!



And woe in unto them that think and say, something to the sum of, that

I just quote ink and or fonts, falsely saying that the words I speak

and write by the mouth of Yahweh, will not come pass, for they are

like those that fought Yahweh, as they stood against Elohim Moses, and

Elohim Jesus, and for blasphemy against Holy Spirit Yahweh, in the

name of my Master Jesus, I deliver them over to Satan, for the

destruction of flesh, they are just wood for the fire.




It is spoken and written by the mouth of Yahweh, which Jesus now says

to me, "All manner of unreliable witness, and all manner of blasphemy

against the Son of Manlike, which pertains to convicted Common

Criminals also, even those who kill, can be forgiven, but the

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, cannot become forgiven within this

Life, nor within the Life to come, for they have murdered their own

Soul." I am the El or God of War, Godship or Elohim Joseph, those who

speak against me, all manner of unreliable witness, and all manner of

blasphemy, can be forgiven, but they who speak the blasphemy against

the Holy Spirit, God or El or Elah Yahweh, can have no forgiveness in

this Life, nor in the Life to come, for it is the unforgivable

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Of course to the Evil, we are Gods

blaspheming against their Holy Spirit, they can't understand, I

pretended to be one of them, and with the blood of my Master, I

redeemed and took the Devil's Crown, and I redeemed and took his Wife

and Daughters that repented, because they found that they were

standing against the Holy Spirit, so now they are Holy Spirits!



Yahweh says,

"I endow all my enemies who repent and cast off their Idols that are

in their heart, not harming their living Idols that eat the Sweet, and

eat of my Sweet Grape, to be my Wife, and or my Daughters."


All child bearing is to be done by the mouth of Yahweh!

The Evil will not believe, just like the Evil stood against Elohim

Moses, and Elohim Jesus,

falsely saying that the Gods blaspheme against the Holy Spirit,

and they rise persecute and rob and jail and kill the Gods, that are

sanctified Sons of the Highest of all,

because they cannot believe this, the truth Yahweh had spoken and

written in the scriptures;


The mouth of Yahweh says, "I said, you are Gods, Sons of the Highest

of all!"


Yours truly,

In service of Yahweh and Country,

The dreamer of dreams,

Elohim Joseph,

Heir by birthright of the House of Israel!

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